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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.07 MB, 876x656, 4193AB95-793D-4415-9E1D-E016EF4C8112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14567730 No.14567730[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are AntiFa /fa/?

>> No.14567736

Sometimes some of the black outfits are decent. This picture has no good examples of that though.

>> No.14567799

They are anti/fa

>> No.14567816

nah just a bunch of unemployed art majors
t. basedboy

>> No.14567818

>bashing fat wh*te fascists in the head with hammers

>> No.14567963

my political ideology is that all ugly and useless people should be killed

>> No.14567966

no one in that picture is

>> No.14568029

just saying if there was a civil war between nazis and antifa i take the nazi side without question.

>> No.14568042
File: 555 KB, 480x270, 050F0552-E3F9-49DC-9507-846C4B47E6D8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people really classifying these things are terrorists?

They look like a bunch of r9k virgins

>> No.14568194

r9k-tier virgins have been the people shooting up places recently

>> No.14568195

no but I want a girl in a wheelchair to suck me off

>> No.14568198

lmfao fuck no, theyre nothing but virgin cucks

>> No.14568210

Where can I find these guys in real life
I want to grill them on their autism

>> No.14568265

All people over the age of 50 have to go or be removed from society to much resources go to old fucks

>> No.14568278

There's quite a collection of garbage people in that pic

>> No.14568299

>using the crippled as human shields

>> No.14568305
File: 197 KB, 600x971, 8f50b09f63feb56deca5b3ec43928e3c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I use the mass shooter hysteria to anonymously report to the police a suspicious person that I believe to be armed is wearing all black, masked and acting suspicious, sprinkly in some "I'm nervous" or "I'm scared" into the call


>> No.14568337

high five. reporting is more /fa/ than participating in street fights like an animal

>> No.14568740
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There's nothing inherently wrong with the idea of the style. All black with small accents of red is very punk, very cool. The ideology of being anti-fascist has roots in punk too.

The problem with antifa is, bless their little souls- but they're just mostly filled with skinny dweebs that don't have much of a fashion sense. As you can see in that, there's a lot of underarmor or ill-fitting walmart basic hoodies and shit. If they had leather jackets or noticeable tats or something, they'd look a lot cooler. This is why the black dude up front looks a lot cooler than the rest. He looks hard, the rest play-hard. Simple as that.

Nothing but respect for the ideology though.

>> No.14568745

>very punk, very cool

>> No.14568774
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>Nothing but respect for the ideology though.

>> No.14568786
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>supresses speach they don't like with violence
>respect for the ideology

>> No.14568844

>supresses speach they don't like with violence
yes suppressing hate speech with violence is okay. I'm not going to condone everything people do under the guise of antifa, but as an American I'll lose no sleep if a fascist gets punched in the face.

>> No.14568850

this post made me fascist

>> No.14568855

Ah yes because fascists are known for their love of free speech and civil liberties.

>> No.14568858

>as an American I'll lose no sleep if a fascist gets punched in the face.
Sure, until you realize that they consider YOU a fascist as well, because you are to the right of Karl Marx.

>> No.14568862

>as an American (Israeli)

>> No.14568865

Just saying Karl Marx is more to the right of most antifa

>> No.14568874

Ah yes because Israel is known for its love of free speech and civil liberties.

>> No.14568879
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>Nothing but respect for the ideology though.

Lmao fine trolling buddy.

>Democratic People's Republic of Korea

I have nothing but respect for North Korea being democratic, it must be because the name says so.

>> No.14568886

Literally the only people suppressing speech with violence are the "anti-fascists". Calling someone a fascist doesn't make them one and calling yourself anti-fascist doesn't mean you aren't one.

>> No.14568893

>antifa are da real fascists

>> No.14568909

It's purely optics. Historically Fascists have suppressed speech but today, in the modern world, the ability to spread their ideas is the only way to political power - so, of course, they aren't going to suppress speech while building a movement, it's poor optics and they're not powerful enough. Authoritarian regimes always crackdown on civil liberties when they gain power - left or right.

I like antifa. The authoritarian right is more of a threat to liberal democracy than the authoritarian left. Let them punch some Nazi's. I'll keep voting for Biden or whatever neoliberal the Republicans put up in 2024 and I'll keep making money.

>> No.14568913

They literally are lol, they're crybullies, acting like the victim but really behaving in the way that they say they oppose. I'm not gonna reply anymore, I know this is like playing tennis with a wall, it's good practice but it won't actually go anywhere. Honestly, if you can't see the hypocrisy of antifa , you are completely beyond hope.

>> No.14568930

>I'll keep making money.
Lmao how? The allowance your mommy gives you?

>> No.14568936

>more of a threat to liberal democracy than the authoritarian left
>Who was Joseph Stalin?
>Who was Mao Zedong?
>Who was Pol Pot?

>> No.14568943

I work in finance. Protectionism doesn't help me keep my job.
Communism died in 1991. Get with the times.

>> No.14568952
File: 132 KB, 911x800, antifa-violence-communist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Communism died in 1991. Get with the times.
And fascism died in 1945

>> No.14568953

>Historically Fascists have suppressed speech

And the "anti-fascist" communists haven't? Lol. Most of the "fascists" like the German SA were created because communists kept attacking their speeches and shutting it down. They needed protection.

It's pointless to even debate it with someone who is likely a teenager, the only fact that should be known is that fascist societies have had more freedom than communist ones.

And antifa ARE communist. They support communism. That's not debatable either. We all know the horrors of communism. The red guard in China of Mao Zedong used young people like antifa to attack people, they went onto smash statues and try and remove the past of China. The exact same model antifa use. So do ISIS, but hey.

Meanwhile Spain was a fascist country for many years until the 1970s. Compare Spain to the USSR and tell me who had more freedom. Most people don't even know Spain was fascist because it wasn't a a land of hell and people visited it, unlike the iron curtain of the USSR that then went on to risk nuclear war and world destruction.

But yeah, "antifa are for freedom and hurr punch a nazi" even though I define a nazi as someone who doesn't subscribe to a far left ideology which includes things like not believing in 100 genders when by the original communist standards even the most hardened communist would be describes as a nazi by antifa.

If you make a claim you are against authoritarianism but think you can physically attack those for "hate" words which is a completely arbitrary standard to set based on personal opinion then you're a fool. By your own standards I could define the advocating of punching people no matter what the reason is hate and therefore arrest you. If what they're saying is really so wrong and you don't have the words to explain how and just need to remove people, then perhaps you're not so right after all.

T. someone who was born in the 80s in the glorious Eastern European communist paradise.

>> No.14568956

He has never heard of any of these people and no doubt wears a Che Guevara shirt while on his iphone. He also probably denies North Korea is communist. Not to mention Venezuela.

>> No.14568959

All fascists are authoritarians but not all authoritarians are fascists.

>> No.14568962

>this is what fox news told me

>> No.14568963
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>I work in finance.
Cool. I found a picture of you!
>Protectionism doesn't help me keep my job.
Yeah, fuck those blue collar goyim! It's all about ME!!

>> No.14568966

>He doesn't have an actual rebuttal, so he mentions a news channel that he dislikes

>> No.14568967

>I'll keep making money.

>I work in finance

Lmao it's like pottery the one advocating communism is some banker...

>> No.14568973

this shouldn't even be debatable, no one would disagree, even if you're fat and ugly you should understand how much of a burden you are to society and voluntarily kill yourself.

>> No.14568976

It is much easier for liberal democracy to slide into fascism than it is for it to fall into communism. Both are equally dangerous.

>> No.14568986

both sides are equally awful, cunt

>> No.14568988

Antifa are communist, that's the whole point. Calling them out doesn't make one a fascist. They are calling everyone a far right fascist who doesn't subscribe to their ideology.

Just because you are against fascism doesn't mean you should support masked thugs just because they have "anti-fascist" in their name.

I guess it's "fascist" in itself to point out the kind of societal rejects antifa attracts too because that's simply why they are led to extreme ideologies just like how some lonely Muslim is led to extremism.

>> No.14568995

I never said I support antifa. I do think they are a total boogieman but they are also larpers.
Most extremists are social rejects, matters not left, right, religious. I mean just look at the original Nazis, the vast majority of them were absolute losers that happened to capitalize on a battered Germany.

>> No.14568999

I could link some academic papers but I don't think it's worth my time to explain that Spain in the '60s and '70s was a much different state than it was in the '40s and '50s due to economic and political liberalization. Calling it Fascist is intellectually dishonest.

I'm against Fascist as an ideology. The right is more of a threat to my way of life and security than some Portland trannies. Of course, I'm gonna support their right to censor and shut down speech. I'm looking out for myself, I'm not fucking Voltaire.

Implying that US trade policy has helped the blue-collar guys - that's a fucking joke. Go talk to some farmers in Illinois. To be honest, though, I don't really care who gets stomped on. You have to look out for yourself, and that's exactly what I plan to do.
When did I advocate for communism? I stated in my original post that the left has no chance of winning an election and I would happily vote for and support center-to-center-rights moderates in either parties. Learn to read rural.

>> No.14569010

milk shop

>> No.14569018

>Of course, I'm gonna support their right to censor and shut down speech. I'm looking out for myself, I'm not fucking Voltaire.
Spoken like a pure garbage human being.

>> No.14569020

Based and nuance pilled

>> No.14569041

You're posting on an internet board of people who share one thing in common: a love for consumer products, a love for fashion. What do you expect to see other than a bunch of selfish cunts? What makes you any better? What do you do in your everyday life to support freedom of speech and civil liberties other than shitposting on forms people will never read?

I see no difference between you and the person you're replying to. It doesn't sound like he's an active member of any protest organization seeking to censor speech, he just supports if from afar because it's in his interest. So if you're not doing anything to protect it other than posting here, you're exactly the fucking same.

The hypocrisy of people who choose to talk about politics online is fucking disgusting. Everyone is a LARPer.

>> No.14569042

>Calling it Fascist is intellectually dishonest.

No it's not; fascism doesn't come in one model. German fascism wasn't a clone of Italian fascism. They share similarities, just like Spain did. Spain became a democracy in 1975.

You are simply using the "Oh no, the country wasn't that bad so it wasn't REAL fascism" in the same way you use the argument "The country was so bad so it wasn't REAL communism."

>I'm against Fascist as an ideology. The right is more of a threat to my way of life and security than some Portland trannies.

How is it a threat? Those Portland "trannies" would have you arrested for that hate speech, lose your job and attack you. Those fascists you speak of isn't real either, none of them are advocating those systems, they are simply asking for things such as border control. That's not fascism.

>I'm looking out for myself

Selfish morally bankrupt person. What a shocker. Doesn't care what happens to others so long as he is OK.

>When did I advocate for communism?

You support antifa. They are communists.

>I stated in my original post that the left has no chance of winning an election

Bernie Sanders does, he supports socialism as do lots in government which is just really a path to communism. "Democratic socialism" lol nice buzzword.

Antifa is all for shutting down speech, attacking people, arresting and jailing for "hate" words and ruining your life. What are the right wing advocating? Freedom of speech? No "hate" speech laws because they have no definitive definition. Legal immigration?

Yeah those things are totally going to mess your life up more than antifa. Yeah OK. There is no reasoning nor logic with the demoralized.

>> No.14569071

No, all Fascist nations are not the same. Despite this, by the '60s Spain had few of the characteristics that academics use to describe Fascist states.

Antifa is never going to be anything more than a niche movement. They are never going to be able to arrest me, get me fired, or implement any of the policies they desire. On the other hand, the far-right is actually gaining political power and implementing idiotic economic reform which affects my life now. Why should I actively oppose something that has no chance of coming to fruition? Even Bernie is doing badly in the polls.

>> No.14569072

Cripples, basedboys and the black bull. This is horrendous.

>> No.14569093



the only non pathetic seeming guy there is the BBC

par for the course for some white 'men' i guess

>> No.14569098

>What are the right wing advocating?
You tell me. It really depends on the party. I'd vote for some US Republicans but I wouldn't vote for Trump. I'd vote for some Tories but not Johnson. I'd vote for Macron but not Le Pen.

I'm center-right. I want free markets, free speech, and pro-democracy foreign policy. The far-right isn't delivering those things with protectionist trade policies and continuing to cozy up to the Saudis. I oppose them, and the fractured left will naturally cause a more centered candidate to win. I see no issues here.

>> No.14569103

That guy literally only worked his arms and traps, look at his fucking chest. He's all glory muscles. I bet he has chicken legs.

>> No.14569106

>commies don't implement economic reform

The right gains power because of groups like antifa and your support for them only adds to this lmao you are so short sighted.

I don't think a man can just say he is a woman and then force women to shave his balls. I'm a right wing fascist according to antifa now. So fuck them, they made me this way. keep up your support for them, it really helps us.

>> No.14569108

Okay antifa-g, keep believing fake news and don't forget to dilate your wound three times a day.

>> No.14569117

The far-right loses and the center-right wins. That's exactly what I want. I'm glad we can agree.

>> No.14569121

Muh trannies

>> No.14569132

i'm in antifa bcuz there r actually fascist bigots who don't think they have to call some1 by there prefeerd pronouns and thats disgusting they need 2 b shot.

no hate speech no nazis no facists nor kkk welcome here!!

fight the power comrades!

>> No.14569136


>> No.14569143

Starting off with you then :^)

>> No.14569156

>To be honest, though, I don't really care who gets stomped on. You have to look out for yourself, and that's exactly what I plan to do.
Sounds like a plan, Schlomo
>The right is more of a threat to my way of life
I'll bet it is, Jewboy

>> No.14569177

If you are a Jew, you cannot call yourself nothing else. You cannot be an American, German, Russian. You are to much inhuman to be called anything other than a Kike.

>> No.14569178

Schlomo, go suck the uncut one. Of course it is a threat to your way of life, you fucking rat-kike

>> No.14569198

Rent free.

>> No.14569219

someone notify the burn ward, new patient incoming

>> No.14569223

>Le rent free xdd

>> No.14569241

My favorite thing about this is that I'm Nordic and Protestant. Likely more Ayran than anybody I'm responding to in this thread. It's pretty pathetic.

>> No.14569255
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severely underrated

>> No.14569269
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>> No.14569284

this thread has taught me that there are a lot more kikes on /fa/ than i previously imagined

>> No.14569298


>> No.14569313
File: 66 KB, 602x602, _mutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>W-whiter than you, muhammad!!