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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 116 KB, 801x981, peak fashion16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14545256 No.14545256 [Reply] [Original]

THIS is how women want you to dress in 2019. NOT in Rick Owens clownsuits. NOT in momma boy prep. NOT in incel mass shooter milsurp. Like THIS.

>> No.14545259

Epic thread my friend, upvoted :)

>> No.14545260

i-is this true /fa/...? is it? IS IT?!

>> No.14545262
File: 49 KB, 750x518, IMG_20190708_003414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dressing for women

>> No.14545273

right but i dont like dressing like that

>> No.14545288

So, H E D I B O Y S

>> No.14545302

>dressing for women
never going to make it

>> No.14545319

There is always truth to every joke. If there was no seed of truth to this being a good fit, the joke wouldn't be funny. And so let's examine why, this is not just an unfunny joke, but why it is a successful fit.

Non-Clothing aspects:
>Haircut is fresh and his beard is trimmed. Haircut suits his face, and works well with the beard to shorten his obviously long forhead.
>Notice the gold watch, this completes the outfit and makes it more layered.

>The Jacket fits very well in the shoulders, and the torso, the arms are a bit tight though.
>Black boots, black pants, black shirt. If his jacket was also black, he would just look scarey and unapproachable. The warm hue of the fawn colored jacket makes him look like a "chilled guy" (in the minds of women) and not a school shooter or weird techno freak (probably homosexual) in black.

If you think this fit is "cringe" or "basic", it's really just you sperging out and manifesting your overt autism.

>> No.14545332



>> No.14545342

Anon that guy could wear a trash bag and it would be /sexcore/ let it go.

>Just be more confidence.

>> No.14545370
File: 208 KB, 901x1400, 1458421037025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I dress like this in a modern American setting without looking autistic. For context, 5'11", 21, NEET, good looking face, live with my mom sculpting marble

>> No.14545375

what if i just dont like it

>> No.14545404

30 years old women, yeah.

>> No.14545450

yea have fun being an edgy all-black wearing faggot. Who women perceive as weird and not Father material. Real men wear brown, tan, blue, green, the whole rainbow. Birds endlessly in flight, I'm tired, come home. Yeah.

>> No.14545456

You can’t

>> No.14545461

This slim fit fad makes everyone look like a twink. I hope it ends soon

>> No.14545466

>implying someone is etero here

>> No.14545572
File: 87 KB, 540x960, pure sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hedibod is 2013, get with the times

>> No.14545574

>how to look autistic without looking autistic?

>> No.14545994


>> No.14546025

Glad we all here dress for ourselves and not for women... right... RIGHT?

>> No.14546039

lol. who else do you dress for? if there would be no women on planet would you dress for guys? are you fucking gay?
or finally, if you were on a lone island, would you wear good looking clothes? fucking homo

>> No.14546048

where can i get this jackkkket?

>> No.14546060
File: 96 KB, 292x307, 1_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're mad as hell. i dress for attention, but not specifically female attention. that just seems like i'm begging to get laid. you're not begging to get laid, are you anon? you sound like a virgin

>> No.14546075

show me an outfit that screams " i want to get laid"

>> No.14546087

The man in OP is mostly wearing black though you big fag. Also although all black is not so good after 25 wearing a black shirt or pants eith other dark or muted colors is a staple good look for fair complexion (blonde/redhead) dudes.

>> No.14546119

you have awful reading comprehension. this is why people who dress to get laid need to be shot. have some respect for yourself

>> No.14546154

Being this insecure

>> No.14546164
File: 100 KB, 952x717, 1563773360093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a fuck what they want? I'm not going to cater my life to the desires of a woman, she can cater to mine.
I know people like this dude who are adult men who unironically only think about pussy like they're still 12 years old. It's pathetic. You'd think after puberty they'd come to develop greater concerns and more complex motivations, were it not for their cumbrain.

>> No.14546170

>all black is not so good after 25
Im 35 and wear all black oversized tees and look great. i even paint my nails black

>> No.14546175

be a billionaire so it's labeled as eccentric and not autistic

>> No.14546380

Go to cosplay convention

>> No.14546390

His hairline is fucked and that facial hair is lame.
Lame watch, lame chain, otherwise meh

>> No.14546400

I only ever see sub 6 foot manlets dressed like that desu.

Might just be in Australia though

>> No.14546401

Try Brunello cucinelli

>> No.14546406

NEET sculpting marble?

I call bullshit

>> No.14546407

This guy looks like a tool. Why is everything skin tight?

>> No.14546440

Im an women and i can confirm yes this is how i want men to dress

>> No.14546447

>dressing for women

>> No.14546477

>dressing for women
>not already having a wife

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.14546488

huh? who gets married at 18?

>> No.14546503

>doesnt have the self respect to dress nicely or dress in clothes he personally likes unless someone with a vagina is there..

Jeezus fucking christ dood you're pathetic.

>> No.14546565

There is truth to it, and you're right. It's a good contemporary fit and there's nothing inherently wrong with it if YOU personally like it. The problem, as people have stated, is that most of us don't like it, and that you dress specifically for women. There was a time I dressed for women in my teens, then I stopped completely. Went full slob. Then I started dressing for men. As gay as it sounds, it's actually for respect from my fellow man. Dress in a classic and masculine way, and other men will treat you with much more respect. What women think of you doesn't really matter. My social standing and business opportunities and trust in me comes from how I conduct myself with my fellow man, not women.

>> No.14546598

Hedi boys are more psychedelic or more "rockstar"
This faggot is sex core

>> No.14546601
File: 115 KB, 1024x653, Drab9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually how I want men to dress tyvm

>> No.14546603

Like... asos... "suede jackkkkkket"
Any suede jacket look similar to that one

>> No.14546673

Perhaps, but only if they’re actual goths. Otherwise it’s a costume. Same goes for double riders

>> No.14546732

>dressing for yourself
This has never been true on /fa/. It's barely true for anyone.

>> No.14546754

>watching anime for women
>cooking for women
>dressing for women
>travelling for women
>playing video games for women
>discussing politics for women
>lifting for women
>watching tv for women
>driving for women
>buying toys for women
>playing sports for women
>being random for women
Never gonna make it bro.

>> No.14546756

It's the preferred fit for the last 10years. Everybody shills super slim fits... have you been living under a rock?

>> No.14546766
File: 40 KB, 265x793, 1392272712578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're literally wrong.


And pic related will always and forever be what you kids like to call it "effay".

>> No.14546805

I can't wait for the skeleton fit fad to die.

>> No.14546876

Well, drab majesty are cool and all. Thats all.

>> No.14547167

>caring about what women want

>> No.14547408

>dressing for /fa/ fags

>> No.14547413

First post I've actually agree with.

>> No.14547417

i'd dress well on a deserted island, yes. you wouldn't? i mean, if dressing well isn't natural to you then i guess you're just gross.

>> No.14547578


>> No.14547587

The only part I disagree with is the implication that we should do it for the women

>> No.14547593

That's because everyone is a twink these days.

>> No.14547596

I dress because people would oppressive me if I didn't wear clothes. I'm not happy about this. If I was alone on an island, I *might* wear a loincloth, *might*. Clothes are for fat people and slaves.

>> No.14547601

>I paint my nails black
> I look great

I got news for you bro

>> No.14547635

go back to /r9k/ you fucking waste of oxygen

>> No.14547638

that is some good advice

>> No.14547645

wtf is this shit lmao

>> No.14547660

That's literally what fashion is for. It's peacocking. If you're not at least peacocking with girls in mind that's pretty gay. Unless you are gay in which case, power to you, wear clothes for other dudes, right on man. Or if you're just wearing clothes for yourself you're either lying to yourself, desperately looking for an identity, or you're asexual.

>> No.14547663

drab guy is gay and his musics too moody

>> No.14547668

read >>14546565

>> No.14547696
File: 435 KB, 2309x1731, chris-hemsworth-2017-mens-journal-df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I did, and I disagree with it. The only dudes that don't like clothes like that are you guys. You aren't dressing for men or dressing to look masculine, you're dressing for the dudes who post on 4chan. I don't know any social circles where dudes wouldn't like OPs outfit. Starving yourself and dressing weird doesn't mean you look good.

>Pic related, like what OP posted, is all you need to look good. No need to try so hard.

>> No.14547751


>> No.14547802

Absolutley agree if your main goal is attracting girls, go to the gym and dress sexcore

noic b8 m8
tall people wear full rick in australia?

>> No.14547833

No, in Australia everyone just dresses like fucking shit. Imported designer clothes cost an arm and a leg here and our malls are full of garbage.

>> No.14547891

Fashion doesn't exist in Australia. Anything half decent is so ridiculously overpriced.

>> No.14547997

>the only dudes that don't like clothes like that are you guys

Speaking for the whole world and /fa/ hu? Then why isn't every man dressed that way? I meet more men that DON'T dress like OP's image than men that do.

>you aren't dressing to look masculine

Sure if you're referring to some of these hip-hop emo street wear blends that never seem to die off in the utmost fashion for the sake of fashion circles. I might be in the minority. But in the business I am in, and the world I surround myself in, looking like anything other than a masculine male is career and respect suicide. Again, I dress to help further command respect from my fellow man in a "business" world where looking metrosexual or faggy in any way is severely shunned upon.

>> No.14548007

sculpting marble sounds like education, training, and potentially even employment. get off this board, and make money with the talents and abilities you can contribute to society. worry about dressing cool a little later imo

>> No.14548144

The sword may be a bit much, open carying a flintlock is fine though.

>> No.14548151

The thing is when people without these features try to dress like that

>> No.14548187

yeah and we want women to shut up. but do they ever? no

>> No.14548251

I'm not in school and I don't sell my work. My parents buy my materials because they think they got a little bernini but I'm still not near what I could be desu. I think I'm destined for a life of leeching because my style isn't really marketable. I don't like abstract contemporary shit but most buyers only want that or imitations of renaissance memes

>> No.14548298

If a woman wants me to dress like that, it's not the right woman for me.

>> No.14548329

Have sex

>> No.14548626

Yeah dont have a personality just look like everyone else

>> No.14548632

Im fucking your mom right now as I type this

>> No.14548640
File: 399 KB, 1024x1024, chinesecartooncostanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women want