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/fa/ - Fashion

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14542789 No.14542789 [Reply] [Original]

Daily Reminder to my Kings:

>Men need support systems.

>It's ok to be supportive of other men.

>You are all kings.

>It's ok to express your thoughts, even if you're white/cis/straight, anybody saying otherwise is someone you must not concern yourself with .

>If you feel antagonized and/or disenfranchised by society talk to someone who will not judge you based on superficial signifies.

>Consider viewpoints other than your own.

>Question your beliefs and preconceived notions regularly. It's hard, it takes practice, but do it.

>Media is highly toxic for your esteem. Avoid taking example from media.

>Tribalism is toxic (often perpetuated by the media). When you disagree with someone politically, remember you probably agree on orders of magnitude more issues than you don't.

>Masculinity (note: not as seen in media) is healthy. You are allowed to enjoy masculine activities.

>Always strive to be a better man, but don't beat yourself up over it, if you fail.

>Failing is fine, but don't be content with it.

>Perfection is a myth, but that doesn't invalidate striving for improvement.

Love your fellow men, make sure they're doing fine. This is the time we need it the most, amid the biggest mental health crisis in recent memory.

>> No.14542790

you is all kangz

>> No.14542800

I am kings

>> No.14542807


>> No.14542814

>Working out is good for you both physically and mentally, but bodybuilding perpetuates insecurity. If the gym is boring to you, try sports.

>Tearing others down won't make you any bigger.

>Being insecure is normal. You can overcome it. You first have to accept it.

>> No.14542893

We're gonna make it friends

>> No.14542899

Keep your vices in moderation, kings. Hedonism is cool, degeneracy is damaging not only to yourself, but to those around you many times.

That being said, get a beer with a friend, maybe hit a joint a few times. Ask him what he did last weekend. Offer your help if you think he needs it.

>> No.14542913

Good notion except for that "king" bullshit.

>> No.14542917

This sounds like something written by women to make men out to be as weak as they are.

>> No.14542920

This post is nice

>Its okay to be vulnerable

>Be aware of the possibility of your own ignorance

>Be open to new ideas and be able to adapt and change

Try to be good to everyone, everyone's struggling just as much as you

>> No.14542922

"kings" is just a meme, friend. Feel free to ignore it.

There is strength in community. Women are supportive of each other, on top of controlling the majority of social capital.
That being said, do not harbor resentment for women. There is no hidden cabal behind it, it's a complex structure of cultural and political influences, including choices made consciously (or not) by men.

>> No.14542946

what about being gay (not feminine or into the whole LGBT madness, just into dudes)
is it okay as well?

>> No.14542951

That's completely up to you, friend. However, even if you don't think it's okay, you still need to be respective of your fellow men and their choices that pertain to their personal life, as long as they are not detrimental or damaging to those around them.

I personally have no beef with gayboys.

>> No.14542952


>> No.14543124

Thanks OP. You're a king too.

>> No.14543144


>> No.14543174

OP I hope someone reads this then shoots up a school anyway, faggot

>> No.14543182

It's ok to suck dick
no homo

>> No.14543186

>doing bodybuilding means youre insecure

lol what the fuck kind of cope is this

>> No.14543190

OP anon, I appreciate your comment. But...

My blood pressure immediately shot up when I saw the top pic of the four guys drinking beers at the pool.

You should never, every have glass containers anywhere near a swimming pool. If a glass bottle breaks in the pool the only option is to drain the pool and refill it.

>> No.14543201
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At first I thought this would be a meme but instead it turned out to be genuine advice. Thank you, OP. Quality thread

>> No.14543234

It's not what I said, friend. Working out is fantastic, regardless if you do it for physical conditioning or simply aesthetics, but the industry preys on the insecurities of men. Same can be said about fashion. That does not make them inherently bad interests, but it's easy to fall into a feedback loop of never feeling you're enough.
Perhaps my initial post wasn't completely clear. A lot of these thoughts have been in the back of my mind for a long time, but it is only recently that I allowed them to crystallize, so I am open to discuss them further.

I'm sorry, friend. I've never owned a pool, thus I am ignorant towards the maintenance of one. Thanks for letting me know. It might be useful to me one day.

Thank you, Anon, for being chill and open to my humble words.

>> No.14543249

>b urself
>you have much more power over your own life than you think
>don't waste your time and health

Thats my 2 cents. I dropped 1.5 tabs of lsd a week ago and it made me realize how beautiful and magic everything is.
Life is a gift. Don't waste it.

>> No.14543324

>Touch your friend's cock. It's okay to be intimate with your bros.

>> No.14543380


That being said, it's ok to be a homo, if you feel compelled to it.

>> No.14543427

Being a man is not letting anyone dictate how you live your life. Find out who you want to be, and what you need to achieve to get there. Then go for it.

>> No.14543466

Isn't the claim "being a man is not letting anyone dictate how you live your life" ever so slightly retarded anon?

>> No.14543482

That's not in any way contradictory in being a part of a healthy, masculine community, that is supportive of each other.
The community is comprised of individuals, after all. I am by no means preaching collectivism, friend.

>> No.14543489


>> No.14543492

>Don't EVER lie
>Seek perfection in everything you do, even if it's something trivial
>Be the best at your job
>If you're in college, be the best of your class
Losers literally make me sick

>> No.14543512

>fashion board

>> No.14543524

Lifestyle is fashion.

>> No.14543544

Thanks OP. You made my day brighter.

>> No.14543571

Shut up fag

>> No.14543586

Too right, friend. I didn't mean to come across as contradicting you. I've personally had conflicts with friends that expressed to me that my love of music and art (including fashion) is feminine and unmanly. This bothered me for a long time not because I felt influenced away from my hobbies, but because I couldn't articulate why I disagreed with them. When my grandfather died and I had a lot of time to think about the male relationships in my family, I realised that what made the men in my family men was their individuality, their drive and passion to become themselves, rather than conform to some kind of caricature of a man. That's when I truly became comfortable in my masculine identity for the first time.

>> No.14543602

Wholesome. Thanks for bringing a little humanity in this dark rabid corner of the internet.

>> No.14543613

kys reddit

>> No.14543614

I pity you. Hope you have a good day so you won't be such as little bitch.

>> No.14543641

Is this some faggy /pol/ thread or something?

>> No.14543655

>Be the best at your job
>If you're in college, be the best of your class
This mentality can create so much unnecessary stress and pressure. Just be the best you can possibly be.

>> No.14543675

i think you're a lapring loser that's projecting

>> No.14543681

Any kind of intense focus on improving your body can perpetuate insecurity in my experience. It's been good for me but it's not without its challenges.

>> No.14543689

Why the fuck can’t men support each other without being accused of being gay or a Nazi? This is why male suicide rates are so high

>> No.14543710

Competitors are the only losers in my book.

>> No.14543724
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You should take what OP said to heart

>> No.14543749
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>It's ok to express your thoughts, even if you're white/cis/straight

>> No.14544008

thanks anon a nigga really needed this

>> No.14544024

>Women are supportive of each other
Except they're typically not. All that yassss queens stuff is rare.

>> No.14544026

>Being a man is not letting anyone dictate how you live your life.
Have fun never having a job, I guess.

>> No.14544052

But typically women talk about their problems. Men tend to just keep it all to themselves

>> No.14544316

Good post OP, I feel better.

>> No.14544322

>Tribalism is toxic
>Masculinity is healthy
how can you hold both of these opinions simultaneously?

>> No.14544325

>There is no hidden cabal behind it
this thread was trash already and you've set it on fire now

>> No.14544330

Nice goalpoint shifting

>> No.14544334

>as long as they are not detrimental or damaging to those around them.
faggot. I have every right to intervene, if the person is damaging themselves.

>> No.14544339

>>Don't EVER lie
What about lying to get something, the way jews do it?

>> No.14544418
File: 37 KB, 450x331, 1355299641721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other anons have a point, friend. This mentality will lead you to nothing, but frustration, stress and unhealthy competition.

Striving for improvement is noble, but failing is human, and nobody can win 100% of the time.

You are an admirable man, to set your goals that high, but make sure you have a brother to catch you, if you slip.

I understand too well, Anon. I have grown up without any male role model, or actual positive role models in my life, despite my family being well-meaning. The path to discover your masculinity is hard, especially when you are constantly antagonized for it.

I'm sure your grandfather was truly a great man. I hope you remember him often.

That reply was not mine.

Women are expressively supportive of each other, even if they are tacitly competitive and antagonistic. Psychologically despite the expressive support being what one would consider "fake" it still reinforces the esteem and security of the self.

Men suffer from the exact opposite condition. We are told to be expressively competitive, while tacitly men are more inclined to cooperate towards a goal.

Why would I not be able to? What do you think masculinity is? I would genuinely like to hear your opinion, so we can discuss this further.

I'm really glad I made your day at least a tiny bit better, Anons. Feel free to jump in the conversation with anything. What weight are you carrying?

>> No.14544428

This thread is gayer than the femboi thread.

>> No.14544429

>The other anons have a point, friend. This mentality will lead you to nothing, but frustration, stress and unhealthy competition.

Scratch that. I posted too soon, without thinking it through enough. I'm just about to go to sleep, sorry. It can definitely lead to those things, but it can lead to many good things too, it's a hazardous path you have chosen, is what I was trying to say.

By no means do I want to discourage you from being the most successful person you can possibly be, just make sure to not step on people, but help them up instead. You never know when you might need a hand from a brother.

>> No.14544436

>Why would I not be able to?
Because by being against tribalism you're repressing a natural part of masculinity.
>What do you think masculinity is?
Behaviors, attitudes and such that have been traditionally expressed by men

>> No.14544461

Ah, I understand what you mean now.

Honestly, the choice of some of my words may not be perfect. I have had many of these thoughts at the back of my head for a long time, but only recently have I allowed them to crystallize.

In a sense yes, tribalism is essentially a part of the concept of community, and the masculine urge to be part of a "hunting party" is definitely real, however what I meant was the division caused by fictitious dichotomies that pit men against each other, who otherwise agree on most other questions. Things like the two party system, nationalism, especially in the form of holding grudges over historic wars etc.

>> No.14544471

It is the political expression of tribalism, it's inevitable and necessary for the survival of a group. If one does not hold a preference for the group they belong to nothing will stop them from putting personal interests above those of the group, which is bad for obvious reasons.
>especially in the form of holding grudges over historic wars
Agree about this.

>> No.14544499

ITT Huey Long

>> No.14545304

Having national pride is fine, friend, after all what is a nation, but a really big community? Just don't let it be used to antagonize other men, who really have no beef with you, nor you with them. You are a man first and foremost, then you are your nationality.

>> No.14545753

>le individalism

fuck off

>> No.14546045

Extremely redpilled. Love ya king.

>> No.14546061

This is the most /fa/ post I've ever seen

>> No.14546096

This is the only good post I’ve ever seen on this board.

>> No.14546226
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This thread is too good for /fa/
We're all gonna make it brehs

>> No.14546234

>people praising this
So you autists really never see this spouted on twitter all the time? It's about as empty advice as you can give

>> No.14546251

Just because it's said "all the time", doesn't make it bad advice, it's positive for anyone willing to take it seriously.

>> No.14546317

>we here on four channel dot organization are diametrically opposed to those on Twitter
>they try to be positive so we shouldn't
You deserve better from yourself /fa/m.

>> No.14546319

you still don't

>> No.14546393

wait is this like the kings in F:NV?

>> No.14546412
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>> No.14546527

What the fuck, that's cool.

I've never actually played New Vegas

>> No.14546541
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The most effay things aren't what you wear on the outside, but on the inside

>> No.14546666

Hol up
So you be saying the real kangz wuz the friends we made along the way?

>> No.14546679

>not putting lime in the bottleneck to mask the shit taste
never gonna make it

>> No.14546716
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I got something nice too

>> No.14547069

and checked

>> No.14548132

>You are a man first and foremost, then you are your nationality.
I don't know what to tell you aside from "it's not true".
Do the arabs look at me and see a fellow male, or a European? It's the latter. Nationality/race/ethnicity supersedes gender.

>> No.14548134

and? I said I had a right, faggot.

>> No.14548171

Following that style of argumentation, no they don't. You should go outside sometimes and you'll soon find that this idea of yours is a projection resulting from your own beliefs.

Taking an actual rational approach:
No one mentioned race or ethnicity. Believe it or not but those aren't nessecarily intrinsic to nationalism. It just shows what your perspective is on the situation.

Besides all of that, even if what you say is true: why would you accept the idea that nationality/race/ethnicity supersedes gender just because other people think that way? A lot of people think a lot of stupid things, but I would hope that you don't just blindly follow whatever the most recent opinion you've heard is.

Right anon?

>> No.14548194

Why does /fa/ lacks female posters?

>> No.14548238
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Men support other men, and being a man means supporting other men.

But only boys need support to be successful.

>> No.14548505

>no they don't
That's cool, I don't know what else to tell you because this will just become a "no - yes" discussion.
>those aren't nessecarily intrinsic to nationalism
What's nationalism then? Working together with people that are a part of your nation simply because a piece of paper says they are? Didn't you notice that in places with freedom of association and racial diversity people group up based on race?
>just because other people think that way?
They think that way because it's the natural human way of thinking.
>I would hope that you don't just blindly follow whatever the most recent opinion you've heard is.
oh no am i not a real man for agreeing with the majority? i don't care, bro, normies like a lot of cool shit to be perfectly honest

>> No.14548507

>But only boys need support to be successful.
you need others to succeed in entertainment for example.

>> No.14548959

Based male positivity post. Respect, OP