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/fa/ - Fashion

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14543108 No.14543108 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Americans so unattractive?

>> No.14543131
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>> No.14543204


>> No.14543253

Don’t be mean

>> No.14543264

>he doesn't know that attractiveness is mostly a series of choices

>> No.14543311

So being white makes you attractive? Why is this website full of virgins then?

>> No.14543317

hehehe got his ass

>> No.14543319


>> No.14543397

Why are foreigners so obsessed?

>> No.14543403
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>> No.14543434

The only positive comments are from americans themselves lmao

Also I've been to the US for a couple of weeks and when I arrived on the airport for my flight back, my dick was happy. I could finally appreciate attractive European girls again. I rarely saw a somewhat fuckable girl there let alone an attractive one. I am convinced that sports and a high density population produces prettier people, neither of which the US does/has.

>> No.14543461

Americans love their sports though
Most of them just don't play or have stopped since graduating from highschool/college/university

>> No.14543478

I agree why are they also so loud and abrasive, is there something in the water?

>> No.14543522

They all think they're the main character and behave like it

>> No.14543534

I agree, Americans are what happens when inbreeding is taken seriously

>> No.14543549

haha airports with 50 year old women in business class and then the skyscraper i weakly try to make a deal at because nobody wants Euro trash products had mainly salarymen completely represents American women.

>> No.14543557

Please use interpunction

>> No.14543565

Is there any nation obsessed with race more than muttland? Not only in internet but in real life too they can't stop talking about fucking races,pretty pathetic

>> No.14543569
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>> No.14543572

Americans think it's /fa/ to have their states and cities names printed on crewnecks

They are very lame

>> No.14543575

last time i was in France all the young Parisians were wearing sweatshirts with American colleges on them, like shit you buy at the campus bookstore, as if it were haute couture

>> No.14543584
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Hi Eurotrash. Why do you let my country live in your heads rent free? Do you not have better things to do?

>> No.14543592
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You were saying..?

>> No.14543595

>They all think they're the main character and behave like it
Does that mean Europoors have such low self esteem that they think they're extras I their own lives or something? Lmao how sad.

>> No.14543601

Imagine actually posting this shit

>> No.14543618

Rofl seething eurotrash. Imagine taking the time to hate an entire country because some of its people aren't fashionable. I doubt every single European is fashionable either.

>> No.14543629

No, we just don't assume there is a division of main characters and NPC's. Americans are childish and live in a delusion

>> No.14543632

Fuck off back to your containment board you low iq incel


>> No.14543636

mid to upper corporate-americans are pretty attractive and hu-white (ruling class tier)

>> No.14543650

The general public in every country on this planet isn't fashionable. The way americans think of the individual is terrible, like >>14543629
pointed out

>> No.14543662
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entitlement complex, unwarranted haughtiness, generally ugly and shabby, low etiquette, no knowledge of the world, etc. etc.

>> No.14543664

>get shot

>> No.14543673

>Make an entire thread to bitch about a country and the attitudes of its people
>People who disagree with you are the ones who need to go back to pol

>> No.14543674

>No, we just don't assume there is a division of main characters and NPC's
That's just a pol meme. The majority of Americans probably don't know what it is, and there are plenty of Europeans who use pol. Next argument, please.

>> No.14543682

>The general public in every country on this planet isn't fashionable. The way americans think of the individual is terrible, like>>14543629#
pointed out
Nice goalpost moving. Also, pray tell, what does "the way a nation thinks of the individual" have to do with fashion? Isn't this a fashion board?

>> No.14543685
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>> No.14543686

I'm not talking about the /pol/ meme. I'm just saying Americans have a lack of empathy and don't realise other people are concious as well. That's what I meant with "main character" and "NPC's"

>> No.14543717

>Generalization about an entire country's attitudes
>On a fashion board

>> No.14543731

Seriously do these people not get enough attention on the rest of the internet

>> No.14543787

Imagine making this thread

>> No.14544032

It's just fucking Alphonse and more of his "Why are/do Americans..." shtick that he's been shitting up all the other boards with. Now it's apparently /fa/'s turn. He'll keep it up as long as he gets replies and he's here like 24/7. You can pretty much tell which replies are him samefagging too.

>> No.14544394

yeah,I see it here too.It's a little bit everywhere due to american tv shows(propaganda)
But they won't wear shirts with the name of their European city because it's fucking gay

>> No.14544453

That's some Mad Max shit right there. Even has Immortan Joe.

>> No.14544455

>that skeleton with the chocolate syrup
This is how thinspo retards look.

>> No.14544458

At least when these guys get shot you don't feel bad though.

>> No.14544587

OP here I have no idea who this Alphonse guy is

>> No.14544693

>Americans have lack of empathy
>Europe is responsible for holocaust and colonialism
Yurodevils btfoed

>> No.14544715 [DELETED] 

Get fucked I live in the Netherlands

>> No.14544718

are you okay amerifag?

>> No.14544747

kek I’m from MS and can confirm I’m fundamentally ratfucked

>> No.14544749

Sounds like something somebody that's gone by the name Alphonse would say

>> No.14544787

Still the best country in the world.
Yee-haw motherfucker.

>> No.14544790

Invented by yurodevils, ended by Americans
>takes brown kids away from brown parents
Yurodevil is seething that Americans have too much compassion to simply gas all people belonging to ethnic minorities
>bulletproof backpacks
Sounds pretty effay, these kids will grow up to serve in the military that protects your continent free of charge

Yurop is the result of a land in which protohumans aggressively fucked and killed less evolved forms of protohumans.

>> No.14544802

Still somehow better then Europe
Still somehow better then Europe
Still somehow better then Europe
Seriously, if America is the land of dreams and the country that all other western countries strive to be, then it being so shitty says something more about the rest of the world then it does about America. I welcome our new Chinese overlords.

>> No.14544990

post face

>> No.14545055


>bomb children in foreign countries
>shoot up schools and walmart and end up in hospital
>"that will be $500,000 plus tip"
America is the land of the immoral. Even within their own country their lack of compassion and ignorance knows no bounds.

>> No.14545074

Did your wife's Somali boyfriend give you permission to use his computer?

>> No.14545117


The american south is full of ugly fat white people under the age of 30. Mid west as hell.

Northeast is full of manlet italians and smelly jews. West coast is full of spics and asians

>> No.14545137
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I can think of a few reasons

>> No.14545158

And Europe is full of effete fags and frigid women. So what?

>> No.14545171

Lol wot. Most Europeans think the us is a shithole

>> No.14545188

>mutt genes
>hyper-consumerist society
>NPC/Drone people only able to emulate / larp european way of life

>> No.14545202
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>> No.14545206
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>> No.14545218

Imagine having such a hate boner for another country that you take time out of your day to form a negative opinion on them, let alone post on an image board about them. As an American I couldn’t name one thing about your flyover country, and I would never have to because of how irrelevant it is. It really is lonely at the top.

>> No.14545225
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>> No.14545278

If you genuinely believe standard of living in california is higher for the average person than in Norway or Switzerland I don't know what to say. They probably just took the average wage, compared them and called it quits.

If you're ballin and live in Beverly Hills or work a good job in Silicon Valley then yeah but most of it is a absolute shit hole.

>> No.14545691

And yet their countries aspire to be the powerhouse the US is and constantly pass legislation to make it so. It’s depressing.

>> No.14545912

I'm pretty well traveled for an American and I just felt downright uncultured compared to my tour guide in Prague. She was learning architecture, trained to sing opera in the past, and knew a whole lot about history. Now the reason I'm saying this is because looks wise she was a 3/10, but she was more attractive to me than most American girls I meet.

>> No.14546163

>my tour guide in Prague. She was learning architecture, trained to sing opera in the past, and knew a whole lot about history
She probably takes miles of American cock every week lmao

>> No.14546184

Yuropoors on permanent suicide watch

>> No.14546188

Not really man. No country will ever have the economy the US has. Grab a map, look at the size of your average European country and it’s population. It’s probably smaller than a small American state. What the EU wants though is to be as strong as the US in terms of finance and military, in case shits comes crashing down. Yet maintaining their culture and based on their traditional values. No point in comparing the American culture with the European either. I’ve been around And i would never live outside Europe. That doesn’t mean I don’t understand why some people would never leave the US, but I cringe at the autistic screeching of hurr durr Europeans want to live in America, from someone who has never even left North America, nor exchanged 3 sentences with a foreigner who’s not Mexican or Canadian outside of the internet

>> No.14546193

What flyover country? You don’t fly outside your country, you uncultured swine

>> No.14546231

Lol I’m American but if you seriously think Rhode Island is a better place than Norway you are retarded

>> No.14546240

>entitlement complex, unwarranted haughtiness, generally ugly and shabby, low etiquette, no knowledge of the world, etc. etc.

Why do euros always claim Americans are arrogant? Where does this even come from?

>> No.14546259

American mutt here. German, Jamaican and Japanese tri-racial. I love these because I almost always am better looking than the kind of people who believe this stuff.

Most americans are ugly because mcdonalds is life, not because they're mixed. We're lovin' it.

>> No.14546264

We are. Look at trump, his existence is a monument to arrogance, and our people eat that shit up. There's also many more subtle examples of our general population being arrogant fuckers, and if you don't pick up on it it's probably because you're arrogant too.

Go live somewhere in europe and you'll quickly realize how much americans suck compared to literally every other western nation. We're like the retarded kid who thinks he's a super cool anime character in a class full of other kids who fucking despise him, but he's too full of himself to ever notice.

We're literally the autism of the western world. Only good thing is our guns, and even that's going to be ruined soon because we can't figure out if nazis are good or bad, and still don't monitor the little fuckwits who load up on weapons to shoot at the darkies.

>> No.14546365

>Hello, my fellow Americans. Have you ever noticed how we Americans suck compared to Europeans?

>> No.14546520

Lmao at that combination. Honestly lmaoing hard

>> No.14546703

>We're like the retarded kid who thinks he's a super cool anime character in a class full of other kids who fucking despise him, but he's too full of himself to ever notice.
Nah, we're more like the buff, handsome, alpha male Chad, who makes fun of everyone and fucks their GFs, but no one ever does anything about it because they know he could beat the shit out of all of them. So they just bitch about him on the internet.

>> No.14547851
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>> No.14548313

good thread.Fuck amerimutts

>> No.14548462

It's literally true though. You cannot actually rebut it.

>> No.14548466 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14548477
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