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/fa/ - Fashion

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14538448 No.14538448 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings, I am here to help.

/fa/ is the worst board, so we need to make some changes.

Things that need to go:
>OP mentions race
>thinly veiled porn threads "how should hot girls dress" (hot girls don't come to /fa/)
>tranny threads. if you are female - buy female clothes. if you are a male - buy male clothes. (we can help you no further than this)
>is _ /fa/
to answer this: nobody here knows what's "effay" you'd be better off going to MFA on roddit and asking them what "effay" is and they'll probably just ask if you take shit pics in shit indoor lighting and take yourself too seriously while pretending to be cool and edgy despite writing the most anal-pretentious shit I've ever read in my entire lifetime, that everyone else just glosses by as they try to out-imagine your strange fantasy of living in a shitty tiny apartment in a big city dressing like a shit-tier anime character or whatever dumb bullshit you grew up viewing to pass the time while living some weird hollywood lifestyle that like 0.001% of the population actually lives.
>"body threads"
Now listen, I get it, models are skinny, tall, good looking etc. Let's break this down:
anyone can achieve this. will it look good? will you be healthy? will you get some minor attention online? think about these questions often. However, I believe you all should be banned.
"Body threads" belong on /fit/
Fact: you will look better with an athletic build (i can feel the cringe but i still love you), and by that I mean first and foremost, healthy bmi. if exercise is not apart of your routine, you will never be "effay" trust me
>tall, good-looking
don't get surgery to change your body, change your mind it's easier and cheaper to like yourself, spend your money on clothes and a gym membership.

Good threads:
>lots of pictures when asking for advice
>talk shit post fit
>clothing in pop culture
>history threads
>documentaries, videos, podcasts
>brand specific threads
>care and upkeep

>> No.14538453

I like those threads where anons who know couture culture posts, however you rarely see these now

>> No.14538456

Yeah see that's interesting, informative, OC, or media and not just a shit post.

>> No.14538463

>lots of pictures when asking for advice
>talk shit post fit
>clothing in pop culture
>history threads
>documentaries, videos, podcasts
>brand specific threads
>care and upkeep
lmao so you have no idea what makes a community great

>> No.14538465

you tell me then bigboy

>> No.14538471

not reading all that lol

>> No.14538483

No,that would be /fit/ by 50 milles,go fix that first

>> No.14538485
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the fact that /fa/ managed to jump from peacoat to gothninja is already impressive. it's not the user's fault for not being creative when none of them are the creators. Better yet, i suggest you do not be a creator when you have no idea what the fuck you're doing, see:'Lunarchan'.

>> No.14538504

bookmarked to read later

>> No.14538505

fit is funny and informative

yeah you can always cherry-pick one or two good posters who make OC. being into clothing is inherently 'creative' idk what you're talking about

>> No.14538515
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>> No.14538531

>OP mentions race
The knowledge about one's race is fundamental to fashion, though. A white man with box braids wearing yeezys and goofy clothing looks terrible, but the same outfit may work on a black man. Same thing happens with blacks who try to hard and pull off the house negro look that looks just as bad. Every race has their own fashion trends that need to be respected.
>thinly veiled porn threads "how should hot girls dress" (hot girls don't come to /fa/)
It's not that big of a problem because the focus of these threads usually IS clothing. The odd cases when it is in fact irrelevant to fashion, i guess you are right.
>tranny threads. if you are female - buy female clothes. if you are a male - buy male clothes. (we can help you no further than this)
Agreed, but no one ever likes trannies, every single thread they make they get called out for their faggotry, they only keep going because they are obnoxious. If there is some odd way to make them leave, the entire website would be thankful.
>is _ /fa/
I agree, those threads are utter garbage. Not even reddit has those levels of low-effort.
>body threads
Nah, they belong here as well. They are inherently different from those of /fit/ since they usually discuss the aesthetics of certain body shapes, and not techniques on how to achieve and maintain them.

>> No.14538538 [DELETED] 

yeah threads like this are gr8, keep it up ;) saged

>> No.14538542

>Every race has their own fashion trends that need to be respected.
dumb. close-minded.
>It's not that big of a problem because the focus of these threads usually IS clothing.
narrow it down then. "hot summer clothes for sluts" is a lot nicer than "hot girls in clothing"
>fuck trannies

>They are inherently different from those of /fit/ since they usually discuss the aesthetics of certain body shapes
all fit discusses is aesthetics lol.
>and not techniques on how to achieve and maintain them.
That's actually false, /fa/'s advice and techniques?
while /fit/ takes a more normal approach for healthy people, as in:
>exercise and eat healthy to achieve your goal body

>> No.14538553
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>Every race has their own fashion trends that need to be respected.
>dumb. close-minded.

>> No.14538559

>you can't do that with ur hair its for blacks only

thats you

>> No.14538567

>dumb. close-minded.
Well, that's a nice way to discredit your entire post.

>> No.14538570

Sorry, dumb and close-minded come to mind when someone tells me I "can't" wear my hair a certain way because of my skin color.

>> No.14538579

You certainly *can* wear it any way you want, but it WILL be silly and ugly and calling out ugly shit is the entire purpose of /fa/

>> No.14538582

Every race has their own fashion trends that need to be respected.

have your culture appropriation, it's not all bad
seriously. as long as you know they have the original anyway

>> No.14538592

You're thinking about it way too hard, it's just clothes and style.
yeah calling ugly shit out is fine don't make an entire thread for it, put it in cringe if it's that bad. "OP post mentions race"

>> No.14538603

when you think someone is thinking too hard, that means you've stopped progressing.

>> No.14538606
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>> No.14538662

a guatemalan could pull this off

>when you think someone is thinking too hard, that means you've stopped progressing.

and sometimes you need to step back and say it's just clothes

>> No.14538685
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newfriend trying to make the rules

>> No.14538692

Menswear is suits. Fashion is for women.

>> No.14538700

worthless meaningless shitpost from pretentious non-creator

>> No.14538707
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oh OP you don't have to refer yourself as worthless. Self-hate is unhealthy

>> No.14538719

Real men wear no clothes.

>> No.14538737

You're part of the cancer.
Now check em.

>> No.14538748

not a argument

>> No.14538774
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>/fa/ is the worst board
Not the worst but pretty bad yeah
>OP mentions race
this can be on topic if it specifically relates to the clothing and how it looks on certain races. The better of these conversations usually involve some color theory.
>porn threads
Yes I would be ok with deleting these but we don't have any jannies.
>tranny threads
These are a new shithole phenomenon that provide nothing so I agree, but read above
>is _ /fa/
This and /pol/ has (within the last 3 years) been the biggest problem on the board. But again, read above
>long rant about MFA and /fa/
nah you're wrong here, we've got the best archives and guides that you should be able to read these for yourself and it'll provide more help than any time on MFA. this will likely never change.
>body threads
when it talks about the aesthetic for clothes or inspo, no, these are /fa/ related. just talking about achieving a certain body? yeah that's /fit/.
>good threads
Of course
Of course
Of course
>pop culture
keep /cel/ the fuck out desu, but it's content so if you must:The recent jonah hill threads are shit, the bieber stuff is meh, shia stuff is eh, but chalamet or ezra is ok
>history threads
Yes, we need more of these
>docs, videos, podcasts
Yes, we need more of these
>brand specific threads
literally asking for online marketing to set up shop, fuck off
opens the door for shitty baitposting
>care and upkeep
yeah that'd be nice

>> No.14538793

>if you are female - buy female clothes. if you are a male - buy male clothes. (we can help you no further than this)

>> No.14538802

thanks for input, MFA rant was making fun of "is this effay" threads since nobody knows what's effay around here. MFA is awful lol

>literally asking for online marketing to set up shop, fuck off
I'm talking inspo-only, like we used to have rick threads where people actually posted OC of their sick collections.

thanks for input, very good argument

>> No.14538809

well if it's just inspo threads for a brand then that's fine I guess. I remember the full rick inspo threads but I genuinely don't believe anyone here does full rick anymore, and I'm not sure what full styles they even do if you can put a label on it. But also >labeling
I'm a poorfag so I mostly thrift and put together 80% good trad or other styles I enjoy.

>> No.14538820
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>not reading that lol

>> No.14538857

>but I genuinely don't believe anyone here does full rick anymore

we should be attracting posters not scaring them off

>> No.14538868
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please fuck off to discord

>> No.14538988

Ok, so hypothetically, if there are certain styles that go well with a respective race… what do when mixed race?

>> No.14539313

Genotype is irrelevant to fashion, so that aspect can be easily ignored. What is left is your phenotype which can either be closer to one of the races of your parents, which would simply mean you fit in one of those categories; or you have a particular mixed race look that often has it's own fashion characteristics. The best example of this are "latinos", which are often considered a race of itself in these threads, but are in fact a large number of mixed-race people that fit the latter case I mentioned. This is also the reason why most "white latinos" in the vulgar sense often can not pull a traditional latino aesthetic.

>> No.14539336

I definitely miss dyi threads had some really cool stuff being made.

>> No.14539351

imagine making a meta thread instead of a thread you want to see

>> No.14539357

also this

>> No.14539359

imagine being this useless

>> No.14539360

imagine posting a post like that instead of STILL not making a thread you want to see

>> No.14539377

>there no such thing as over thinking
Lol k

>> No.14539432
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>Good threads:
>talk shit post fit
>clothing in pop culture
>history threads
>documentaries, videos, podcasts
>brand specific threads

>> No.14539710


>> No.14539997
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Good threads:
>lots of pictures when asking for advice
>clothing in pop culture (If discussed properly)
>history threads
>documentaries, videos, podcasts
>brand specific threads
>care and upkeep

Essentially good thread are:
1. OC not recycled garbage you see every second post
2. Informative when asking about opinions about yourself.
3. Proper content & context surrounding fashion. Weather self-improvement or inspiration.
4. Actually being you not fitting into a box is the most /fa/.

OP: Is this /effay/?
Anon: No it isn't.
Now we don't need those Threads.

Last but not least you want a good board make it a good board yourself. If everyone tried to make a board good it would be done overnight.

>> No.14540035

Also sticky W2C & Cop or Not & skincare threads at the minimum. We don't need 50 different variations.

>> No.14540043

Fuck off back to r3ddit with your anti white rhetoric

>> No.14540294

I wish the mods would enforce some quality control since this is a interest board not /b/ so it's annoying we get gay shit. I hate those "how do I look like this rapper" threads the most since anyone with a functioning brain and frontal lobe development can just go to worldstarhiphop and ID shit. Or even better; follow their insta. This goes for any celeb but it's mostly black "people" who just want to copy looks hoping that they'll look cool.

also tranny threads are against the rules, report on site. This isn't plebbit you go to your board lgbt board and talk about whatever gross crap you sinful abominations like. So report these threads on site anons, they're gross and bluepilled and just circlejerk each other the entire time.

>> No.14540314

>OP race is good
No it's not black "people" dress all the same giving them fashion advice is like administering medicine to the dead. They don't care unless it's hype, I have yet to see a single black person anywhere have knowledge of anything but hype brands.

>thinly veiled porn
agreed since a bikini on a lady can look lit and sexy
>body threads
They feel like /fit/ threads

he's just sick of braindead underage kids on this board.
this is boomer logic
it's right, if you are tranny you go to that gay board (the actual gay one) because your focus is your sexuality and gender not the clothes.

>> No.14540586

this is a good post, thank you anon for setting the record straight

>> No.14541905

>No it's not black "people" dress all the same giving them fashion advice is like administering medicine to the dead. They don't care unless it's hype, I have yet to see a single black person anywhere have knowledge of anything but hype brands.
You're surrounded by, or hang around, ghetto trash.

>> No.14541932

I don't think this board has jannies

>> No.14541977

Just wanted to say that /diy/ is not for clothes and the diy threads here are pretty awesome and produce OC

>> No.14542014


>> No.14542037

Race is important to certain threads. Not every race has the same hair type.