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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.93 MB, 1000x1000, AFB25BF0-AE04-4244-A415-00033C85328C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14528330 No.14528330 [Reply] [Original]

Can’t really find anything I want to change on my own grid, so I made one for my “ideal girl”
>inb4 autism

>> No.14528335

Chick in top right is so fucking ugly

>> No.14528336

This is indeed autism, and also why you are an incel.
Good relationships aren't based on aesthetics, they're based on personalities. Leave this manic pixie autism girl fantasy in your dreams.

>> No.14528751

I would argue that hair and style says a lot about personality

>> No.14528771

Close this shit down ASAP

>> No.14528774

Go away newfag, stop posting and lurk moar. Stop ruining this board more than it needs to be.

>> No.14528775

No newfag here faggot, you’re committing cringe, need to be put down.

>> No.14528782

don't do that anon.

>> No.14528813
File: 2.35 MB, 1775x3156, 20190803_122908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw that's you

>> No.14528818

gay transvestite faggotry

>> No.14528914

Ok midge.

>> No.14528936
File: 774 KB, 938x938, idealbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14529029
File: 146 KB, 2048x1441, 1508519262273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right in the kokoro

>> No.14529031

>you’re committing cringe,
Let me guess, you've been here all summer? Fucking newfags.

>> No.14529091

ftm spotted

>> No.14529103

other way around

>> No.14529122

And fashion sense. People who don't think appearance partly represents personality are the real autists.

>> No.14529125

Wanna fuh?

>> No.14529128


>> No.14529191

...Male to female? But your ideal bf's ideal bf is a male?

>> No.14529196


>> No.14529198

read the chart

>> No.14529205

Ah, my bad.

>> No.14529360 [DELETED] 
File: 2.13 MB, 3464x3464, 859F9A7C-FD99-436F-BC9E-53FA095ED712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bodies are good, the swedish athlete chick you had in your grid looked a bit better than the new one, though that may just be the setting of the pic. Girls with brightly coloured hair tend to be nuts, but so are girls with short hair a lot of the time to be fair so I won’t talk too much shit. The styles are all pretty nice, shame you almost never see that emo / goth / whatever look like in the third style pic around anymore.
>doesn’t know what cringe is
Rate others when posting (to be fair that would have just been OP so far)
Hair looks pretty good, the body is extremely twinkish, though I guess that’s the point. The style is great, if you’re that slim you could pull it off too, assuming you have the height and face for it of course. I guess you’re looking to date yourself, bit of narcissism never hurts, so you got my approval there

>> No.14529420

sauce on bottom left

>> No.14529424
File: 764 KB, 1000x1000, ideals 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slam pig tier
sits when he pees tier

>> No.14529440

I just want someone to hold.

>> No.14529444

Got more pics of that goth bitch in the lower right?

>> No.14529445
File: 718 KB, 1515x1533, D54E6514-BF4F-4E57-AA7C-45C4BFD0B51B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bodies are good, the swedish athlete chick you had in your grid looked a bit better than the new one, though that may just be the setting of the pic. Girls with brightly coloured hair tend to be nuts, but so are girls with short hair a lot of the time to be fair so I won’t talk too much shit. The styles are all pretty nice, shame you almost never see that emo / goth / whatever look like in the third style pic around anymore.
>doesn’t know what cringe is
Rate others when posting (to be fair that would have just been OP so far)
Hair looks pretty good, the body is extremely twinkish, though I guess that’s the point. The style is great, works well with the body and hair, though it would also work with a healthier looking body. I guess you’re looking to date yourself looking at the style section, bit of narcissism never hurts, so you got my approval there
Guess those are your own ideal rather than some ideal gf ideals, I got confused there too. Anyways, Steve Reeves looked fucking great, Guts too, though more for the tomboy gf part desu. Props for including current body, looks good. The haircuts are all very different from each other but all good, won’t all work for all head shapes equally well though. Sleaze dude in bottom right of style is giga based, other pics don’t show much style itself, but I like the vibes. Girls look good, my vote goes to Stefania of course

>> No.14529456

You just look like a cringebitch

Probably listen to ghostmayne or some zoomer cringe like that

>> No.14529457

ghost has couple catchy songs

>> No.14529459
File: 38 KB, 500x577, bluehair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, all it takes for me to be attracted to a girl is neon hair, skinny build and maybe tattoos.

>> No.14529465
File: 813 KB, 938x938, idealme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasnt this thread about ideal partners
heres my own ideals i guess
decent hair, rest is pretty shit
sitting while peeing is convenient
i wouldve rated when the thread got going
i like the hair and style, bodys a bit too fit for me though
red is the worst hair colour desu
okay style i guess

>> No.14529505

i'll be your man/girl

>> No.14529572

can someone post the template?

>> No.14529575
File: 22 KB, 938x938, template2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14529824

Tradgoth5lyfe, stinky

>> No.14529833
File: 256 KB, 938x938, IdealGF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Athletic goths are great, but a bit rare.
The male hair's all over the place, but thinspo is always nice.
That's some great taste, very macho.
Patrician, tomboys are excellent.

>> No.14529839

Is there anything that could make you drop a person faster than funcopop things. I can't think of anything

>> No.14529848

Their dead shark eyes dont bring you joy, anon?

>> No.14529852

That shit is onions af

>> No.14529856

You got me there, pal

>> No.14529857

I like Funko pops

Because when you walk into their (usually low end apartment definitely not house) you immediately know who has sub 80IQ

>> No.14529867

I mean it could be worse
You could find out they're a tripfag

>> No.14529868


>> No.14529874

>Athletic goths are great, but a bit rare.

Are athletic goths even a thing? I've literally never seen the two ideas put together.

How do you get to be a person that works out to get a sexy body, while also being pale and somewhat anti-social?

Fuck dude...I think this is like a holy grail above even the "big tiddy goth gf"

>> No.14530146

Or a fat tripfag.

>> No.14530179 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 900x900, 1536774575177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would fuck the shit out of you, perfect gf, hope you are actually a girl
pretty normal but works if you are not fat
men trigger me
if you are under 40 this is pure cringe
basic fag
psycho, bet you fuck like crazy tho

>> No.14530284

Mental illness: the thread

>> No.14530290

gay or jealous roastie, she sexy asf

>> No.14530304

Damn, I want to fuck you in the asshole till you cry

>> No.14530334

Actually really like this except for the nazi stuff. Snake and girls especially

Nuts, but in a good way. I agree that the Swedish girl was better, just wanted a different pic for this grid.
Your grid could be mine. 10/10 bodies and style.

Body is top tier. Style is modest and nice but not in a religious/conservative way. Hair is cool if it’s thick. Man is /fa/ but I don’t see it as attractive. Good thing people are different 8/10

This is a bit all over the place. I Like the cowgirl pics. Rest is ok. 6/10