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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 140 KB, 750x938, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14506958 No.14506958 [Reply] [Original]

I just fking love this tattoo style
1. They heal good
2. In 20 years you can still tell what's drawn there
3. I think they r fking awesome

Post your favorite tattoo style, yo

>> No.14506960
File: 81 KB, 640x640, large (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14506962
File: 83 KB, 750x920, large (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14506968
File: 88 KB, 564x705, 1dfc0ef85c8248ef5ac1375889c09908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also love the japanese demon tatoos, but I don't think I'll get one soon, people tend to have some real fear of demons and a lil scared I'll be judged

>> No.14507007

ask me how I know you're underage

>> No.14507008
File: 2.26 MB, 4032x3024, D732C260-7228-4BBD-92F2-0496BB1412E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is my arm. I love American Traditional style/nautical tattoos

>> No.14507011

just go away lil fag

>> No.14507027

the fact it's spaced out and very inky is good but besides that these are the most generic tattoos in the world. literally the tribal tattoos of the late 2010's

>> No.14507074

What makes a tattoo generic? I have mine drawn by myself (art student) in this style. Is the style generic or the drawing? same rose, same placement, same words etc

>> No.14507077

Very nicely done, I like it

>> No.14507615

both. everyone and their mother has these tattoos. they are the alt-pop version of tattoos currently.

There's nothing wrong w that but i'm an elitist and think they are boring and stupid

>> No.14507634

>i'm an elitist and think they are boring and stupid
we need more of that on this board anon keep it up

>> No.14507640

Tattoos have reached peak normie status.
I think in 20 years, a 40-50 year old without tattoos will be more cool than one with.

Tattoos started as counter culture. outsiders of society to brand themselves so. Then hipsters got them because normies didn't. Then normies went out in droves and now they are extremely common. hipsters now dont like them, or are forced to paint their entire bodies in tattoos in some bizarre display that was left only to freaks in the past decades.

We are very close to the point where intentionally not having a Tattoo and displaying minimalism is going to be cool and edy and waht hipsters do while the normies devoured tattoos. It's funny that something that existed to brand out as an OUTSIDER of society is now something used by normies to brand themselves as part of it

>> No.14507781

Literally the first thing I thought lol

>> No.14508019


The way I see it, if you aren't willing to spend thousands of dollars and time covering yourself you really shouldn't get tattoos. I think 20 years from now all the people who got 4 or 5 cute/trendy tatttoos and quit will look a lot lamer than those who either didn't stop or never started.

>> No.14508545


>> No.14509176

what kind do you like, tho?

>> No.14509244
File: 14 KB, 464x895, 2a918d5ab9cdface83200b6da385091f_cliparticonsnoinlineimages_464895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think about this? Thinking about getting it on my right side

>> No.14509355
File: 244 KB, 539x593, redcracky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good stuff.

>> No.14509392
File: 190 KB, 857x1280, 886444c4fb68800e7a9edc71ebdefa81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this guy and I'm heavily tattooed. My grandfather was a greaser in the 50's, my father a biker in the 70's it was a white trash family tradition to get tattoos because we all were edgy idiots and "outsiders". Now just going to the store I see that like every other person is tattooed, kids that look like they're in high school with half sleeves and shit and I can't help but think that they're all going to look stupid and have regrets.


As for OPs question my favourite styles are old bikers, legit prison tattoos, real army/sailor tattoos stuff like pic related etc

>> No.14509421


When white middle glass professionals started getting sleeved it was the ultimate signal tht it has peaked in normiedom

>> No.14509430

I used to work with a old guy who was in the navy (I think during the 1950's?) And all over both arms he had random pieces of real old sailor/trad flash. Each one with a banner under it but all the banner were blacked out. I asked him one day what the deal was and he told me every time he dated a girl he'd get her name tattooed with a piece of flash to impress them then just black it out when they broke up.

>> No.14509434
File: 98 KB, 600x749, badtat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a serious question for the thread, because this is the first tatt general I've ever seen with good taste: the iconic clarity of the trad style but not taking it to the point of looking like you're LARPing as a sailor from world war II

post inspo for good masculine delt tattoos if you've got it. something that looks good sitting right on the crown of the shoulder and suits the shape.

my buddy got the perfect delt tattoo and I'm seething. pic UNrelated, this is fucking garbage

>> No.14509436


This is cool. Praise Jesus.

>> No.14509440

Damn brother you need to do some curls.

>> No.14509441

you know I like this enough I might just steal it. would that be weird?

>> No.14509454

there's no tattoo style in OPs pic, just a bunch of shitty flash tattoo types
shite thread but then again tattoo threads are pretty awful

>> No.14509459
File: 1.96 MB, 4032x3024, B8561873-15D5-48FA-9F90-A577FA7AD2F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of my tattoos, made a week ago. i also like the style in your pic op

>> No.14509568

He turned the St. Benit cross from based to cringe, that tattoo is way too big and tryhard.

>> No.14509645

I know, this is just off of google. I'm looking for better ideas

>> No.14509657

Embrace normiehood, anon, it's not so bad.

>> No.14509837

not really mang, all yours

>> No.14509852

name for this style ? just russian prison tattoos or what ?

>> No.14509876
File: 363 KB, 720x1280, 3546546874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get this?

>scared I'll be judged
Then why are you on 4chan?

>> No.14509883

tattoos are for people with an identity crisis, equal to neon haired trannies

>> No.14509885

everyone on /fa/ tattoos the most vague basic shit because none want to actually fall into a category of people that they'd only be imitating.
I think that's what's wrong with tattoos in general these days, everyone is permanently marking themselves that the only group they belong to is the group of people who have no personality beyond what people perceive of them.

>> No.14509932

the real issue with tattoos today isn't that "normies" get them, it's that none of them have any meaning (usually) getting something because it looks cool, is just stupid. put some thought behind it and why its going on your body.

>> No.14509941

this is even more retarded
it's fucking aesthetics man nobody gives a fuck what your tattoos mean as long as they look good

>> No.14509946

>getting a tatoo

Ur still using skinny jeans aswell?

>> No.14509965

i love yours!

>> No.14509971

black and white traditional...

>> No.14509981

I don't think so, it looks terrible imo

>> No.14510008
File: 55 KB, 800x800, Stupid-Tattoo-Designs-Pictures-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually find it funny that people still think that tattoos should have a deep meaning. I guess this is because most of people are afraid they'll get bored or something, so if they have a "meaning" you will love them forever.
If YOU like them no matter the meaning and you know yourself good enough to make such a decision, you won't regret them. Stupid people get stupid tattoos, tattoo lovers get interesting ones to look at. I don't get why this is such a big deal for most of you. If not now then when? when ure fking 50yo? you have pretty much 30 years (20-50) to live your youth as you please, if you want to get tattoos, fking get them already

>> No.14510040

also idk about others, but for me they are part of my style, I have loved tattoos since I was a kid, I have the same style for over 8 years, I don't see myself without them.
ofc, Tattoos aren't for everyone just how not everyone wants tits implants or botox. It's just preference, and if you don't like it, then hate all you want, special one

>> No.14510386

It looks good but your retard if you get tats on your face or hands

>> No.14510726


>> No.14510829

my company expanded my department and allowed me to hire three subordinates and in one case I decided not to hire someone because she had tattoos and the woman I did hire is a stellar employee, whereas I checked the rejected candidate's instagram to find her a video of her badmouthing my company and smoking weed in what clearly is our parking lot after hours.
So yes, I made the right choice

>> No.14511126

I'm Dutch and chronically ill so I probably will be okay.
What looks bad about it in your opinion?

>> No.14511410

this is super gay

>> No.14511476

In the next 20 years the next several generations will easily be able to identify one of the dumbest generations of ALL TIME.

>> No.14511498
File: 327 KB, 515x436, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The design it's just... not it. It's ugly to me, the mounth,the eyebrow, and that nose looks like a flaccid penis.. and that's because you can't do much on such small area.
<<< I'm thinking in getting something like this, I think it fits right

>> No.14511519

american traditional, amtrad

>> No.14511537

Then go on and be a cool guy for a couple years a few decades from now, and then watch when the trend turns and tattoos become popular yet again
I will continue doing what makes me feel good

>> No.14511549
File: 81 KB, 1200x630, 1544045634586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is late 2010- early 2020s tribal
Every normie is getting these single color healthgoth garbage

>> No.14511552

and then the HR clapped and you got promoted to CEO

>> No.14511566

Normie without tats detected

>> No.14511581
File: 341 KB, 1536x2048, 1557044114982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14511583

dude fern lmao!


>> No.14511651
File: 284 KB, 750x716, 2E2C4437-DB42-4441-BC5E-EE59645B4466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i get this, if yes where???

>> No.14511678

Lmao what a legend

>> No.14511681

i agree

its by far the best looking
cucks with pop culture tattoos and boomers with tribal will tell you otherwise

>> No.14511733

We're still a small company despite our recent growth, there is no hr

>> No.14511741

they have the same meaning of my life


>> No.14511800

the sheer amount of cope

>> No.14511807


>> No.14511825

how does noone ever mention the traditional japanese irezumi tattoos in these threads? about to get a sleeve next year, i've turned pretty much into an elitist who only sees these at truly great

>> No.14511829
File: 136 KB, 640x520, japanese-irezumi-tattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14511859

zoomer nigger speech detected

>> No.14511866

have sex

>> No.14511873


You missed the point. a 40-50 year old withotu tattoos will be cooler and less common in that age group. Not talking about the 20 somethings in 20-40 years time. talking about that one demographic.

>> No.14511890

tattooed old people are cool now, also you only care if a thing is fashionable or not?

I dont think tattooing has become fashionable, rather the stigma is gone, same thing with faggots and trannies, they is always the same number of them, but they dont hide anymore

>> No.14511930
File: 48 KB, 500x689, fa4d796e8d05a96171549aa502634a89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14511951

I think it looks nice

>> No.14511975


>> No.14512004

Joke will be on you if any of the ones you did hire have tattoos.

>> No.14512011

Looked like a thick girl there for a bit

>> No.14512013

sorry fellas but it feels like tattoos are dull, the hipsters with their compensating beards have ruined tattoos, before only sailors and criminals wore them/punks/ but now every lesbian liberal nazi whatever has them and its not cool. Being untattooed is prob the next thing ngl

>> No.14512037

Usually it does, just not as much recently. I guess it's the commitment to the aesthetic, it's bold and you need to cover a decent amount of space just to get anything. The current trend on /fa/ is still the scattering of small blackwork pieces that it's been for the last few years, but more prison style and less woodcut lately.

>> No.14512047

>the stigma is gone

really only when you're a basic with it. Every white girl with 2 dream catchers or some shit are considered whatever but if you started covering a lot of skin and get stuff on the previous no go zones, you're still going to get treated different by young adults. Now you just gotta go for larger scale coverage to be "edgy" about it, but to even care is honestly pathetic.

>> No.14512194
File: 29 KB, 800x302, Long-Fish-Skeleton-Tattoo-On-Arm-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this? I'd like to put in on my sleeve to be part of few different small tats.

>> No.14512199

But I don't like the tail tho. I will fix it to be more satisfying to my eyes.

>> No.14512594

chad with plant tattoo fucked your crush or?

>> No.14512596

>thinking everyone is getting tattoos for other peoples attention
Most of them get it because they like it

>> No.14512624

Can people at least get tattoos that are unique and interesting? It's so tiresome to see everyone have the same shit. Clocks/hourglasses, skulls, feathers, butterflies, spider webs, Dia de los Muertos women. It's a game of bingo at this point.

>> No.14512625

I think you wasted a lot of space with that... I like the style, but it's too big, stupidly big really. You should do some more around it, it doesn't look good at all. The tattoo itself it's nice to me, but way too big :)

>> No.14512633

>single color healthgoth garbage
it's a simple minimal style and it looks good if done right

>> No.14512640

Tribals r ugly asf to me because they only seem to exist to fill the space, "look at me I have a tat". This other style we're talking about tho, it has some image you can focus and think about. Plus, it's the best choice to get something simple because it will heal and age a lot better.

I love high contrast tattoos so yeah this style with a lot of black suits me.
Stop hating just because you don't like it or you don't have the ballz to do it.

>> No.14512680
File: 155 KB, 640x627, Back Tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14512714

That legit though.

>> No.14512789
File: 28 KB, 480x480, tattoo dali elephant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like it
a fan of abstract and surreal

>> No.14512791

i unironically like this for some reason, if she keeps adding more and more trash it will become better

>> No.14512823

Pseuds say this about every form of self expression. Please lurk more before posting.

>> No.14512899
File: 135 KB, 640x622, Hell Tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I really like the scribbly, sketchy looking stuff that borders the line of being "bad". This ones kinda weak but I ain't got any good examples

>> No.14512906
File: 336 KB, 1080x1080, Anders Gran Tattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14512908

in the parlance of our times, yikes

>> No.14512961

i don't date women anymore have you seen the average woman?
i'm not going to rant to get banned this board has some suspect mods.

But it's a retarded tattoo

>> No.14512971
File: 50 KB, 640x629, Rad Gun Tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14512993
File: 85 KB, 500x559, woe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of tattoos are shit and make you look like a simple minded normie or hipster faggot normie.

>> No.14512997

only looks good on japs you faggot. literally like walking around dressed like a samurai, it's corny

>> No.14513085

Those tattooes and hair look gross and trashy desu

>> No.14513502

>too big
it covers 25% of the forearm max, and due to the placement its not visible most of the time, but thanks for the opinion, if I wanted compliments, I would post it on reddit :)

>> No.14513504

Every fucking normie dude has a black and grey clock or compass or those trees on forearm for some reason
And dont get me started on dremcatchers on girls

>> No.14513523

I've got like 6 tattoos, I'm talking about normies my dude.

>> No.14513536

based mudslime

>> No.14513546

fucking losers lol

>> No.14513562

That's kind of hot

>> No.14513573

if you get this and you're not even japanese unironically kill yourself

>> No.14513674
File: 10 KB, 315x320, marmont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be bad to get this? I like the design without text

>> No.14513751

I like it

>> No.14513752

You're pathetic.

>> No.14513756

It's ok, none will ever love you anyway, tattooed normie or not

>> No.14513809
File: 405 KB, 605x802, 807724e4ac64b91bd4bae439b8cd7fe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14513825

What u want senpai?
>just google pictures
Got you senpai

>> No.14513837

based fenrizposter

>> No.14513858

that and OPs pic, is the best example of the lets just get a sticker pack of the most popular tattoos these days and cover myself up as fast as possibly, trend thats everywhere.
just retarded, basic and wannabe bad ass.
when will this trend end?

>> No.14513885

Since you are a trendhopping npc this style will be pretty cringe to you in 10 years once you realize that the fad is over and you want some other thing that you think is good taste by then.

>> No.14513902

no you wont get banned you scared nigger

>> No.14513904


>> No.14514066

you sound salty anon, you gotta take a chill pill

>> No.14514067 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 600x592, Tatted Asian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14514069

It looks similar to the juggalo logo from a distance. I’d say no.

>> No.14514070 [DELETED] 
File: 2.17 MB, 1439x1399, Tummy Tats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14514075
File: 97 KB, 741x807, he does his own tats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14514183
File: 3.10 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190728-173438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did this stick and poke on the side of my wrist, diy tattoos are the final redpill

>> No.14514200


>> No.14514208

looks pretty neat

>> No.14514226
File: 586 KB, 640x452, tattoos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14514235

extremely bluepilled and cringe

>> No.14514238

the tattoos gay but it looks good for a stick and poke

>> No.14514254
File: 145 KB, 640x635, Rib Tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14514283


Thanks too I guess, it's quite fun to do them. I love things that are so cliché that it's fun again, like a heart and arrow. I did it to celebrate my recent marriage btw. With a woman.

>> No.14514321
File: 2.74 MB, 1440x1606, Screenshot_20190728-185015~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added the first letter of her name, she wrote it on my wrist with pen and I traced it

>> No.14514381

You do realise that this style it's called traditional and it's been around and also considered "cool" for more than 50 years now?

>> No.14514391

I'm amazed by you people. It's the style that I'm showing you (TRADITIONAL TATTOO STYLE) , not the actual drawing. Ofc it's cringe to get the exact same tattoos as someone else. This "trend" it's more than 50years old.

>> No.14514478


>> No.14514482

good luck when the divorce comes

>> No.14514492

t. whiteboi with asian character tattoo

>> No.14514495

that is super easy to cover up

>> No.14514545

that's not how weed looks like, retard

>> No.14514812

what has the fact that the tattoo style is actually old, to do with it being a trend now?
i bet most people knew that allready, doesnt make it less cringe.
every fag out there is now covering his body in those tattoos hes seen in those russian prison tattoo books, you can even see one of those old school tattoo books on this fags table >>14514075

>> No.14514853

>been around for more than 50 years now
>considered "cool" for more than 50 years now

>> No.14515045

I found it a little empty without it. Besides, I was planning the letter from the start so it would be there anyway.

Can't get a divorce
>t. catholic

Also if I could and would, I'd have more pressing issues than lasering/covering a 3cm tattoo that's usually hidden by a wristwatch

>> No.14515055

You are retarded if you are going to let religious doctrine ruin your life.

>> No.14515073

lmao tattoos? jesus christ

>> No.14515235
File: 92 KB, 640x853, tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get all the edgy shit outta here! Thinking about getting a whole sleeve of cartoon storyboards.

>> No.14515238
File: 129 KB, 1080x1080, Blood Hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14515247

gonna get a hitler tache finger tat lads

>> No.14515263

If thats a coverup its a damn good one

>> No.14515327

You know what, I'm usually pretty critical, but I like this a lot.

>> No.14515368
File: 240 KB, 1080x1080, sxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not edge but I spend a decent bit of time around people who are and dig the style.

>> No.14515405

I'm also an artist, and I have been thinking about making some tattoos in this style, but with varied subject matter/unique ideas. Do you think its more the style or the subject matter that makes it generic.

>> No.14515500
File: 99 KB, 1080x1728, IMG_20190328_105607_884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told my artist to make this about as big as a Bic lighter and have since realised it is perfectly exactly as tall as a Bic down to a couple thou

>> No.14515662
File: 1.46 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190729-001032_Instagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple I stalk online bc they're cute.

>> No.14515700

Gonna try to once I go to uni

>> No.14515961

It's not ruining my life, it's bettering it. Lack of Christianity is ruining people, hence all the divorcees, depressed people, absentee parents, teenage pregnancies, abortions, shitty child rearing etc. But let's not get off topic.

>> No.14515964

Sorry but I don't understand one thing... what the fuck is your problem? Really? If people want to cover their bodies in those, how is this affecting you? It's one thing to dislike the style (I don't like it, I THINK it's shit) to actually judge and be a salty bitch. Gtfo frustrated pussie

>> No.14515970

I asked him the same thing, I don't remember him answering tho

>> No.14515973


>> No.14515975

Oh that's what he answered

>both. everyone and their mother has these tattoos. they are the alt-pop version of tattoos currently.

There's nothing wrong w that but i'm an elitist and think they are boring and stupid

>> No.14515982
File: 45 KB, 564x705, dd60829263d5f91887d9c132e31de286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14515984
File: 30 KB, 442x553, a6a770b9df684fbba4d843733eb71873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14516045

then maybe you shouldn’t have gotten the words “straight edge” tattooed. retard

>> No.14516205

what is this "edge" ? some sort of style or what?

>> No.14516310

As you get older, you realize that tattoo people are so far removed from common sense that you start to ignore them as humans.

>> No.14516314

straight edge means you don't take any drugs or alcohol as a lifestyle choice and for some reason feel the need to flaunt it to the whole world as some sort of statement. like a vegan but sometimes worse

>> No.14516325

Why not get something on the upper arms? Your tattoos, spacing and matching are very nice, but the whole picture looks a bit lopsided with blank upper arms

>> No.14516343

oh sorry, but that is not me in the picture, haha!
I actually have tattos only on my upper right arm for the moment :)

>> No.14516345

oh wow, I didn't know about that, but I find it kinda... stupid? Especially if you're not one and you tattoo that on your body

>> No.14516346

>There's nothing wrong w that but i'm an elitist and think they are boring and stupid


>> No.14516352


baka you dumb


literally this.

>> No.14516453


>> No.14516467

Yeah mate I'm sure lack of religion is the reason there is so much civil unrest and it has nothing to do with economics

>> No.14516468

You aren’t cool tho

>> No.14516478

We could already tell you don’t date bro

>> No.14516487

the name is trashy nigger tier shit.

>> No.14516498

Getting a meaningless tattoo wouldnt matter if you didn't have to live with it for the rest of your life. Think about it, why would you get a permanent decoration on anything? It makes no sense? It's exactly as stupid as taking a pen and drawing on yourself. it IS taking a pen and drawing on yourself, but EVEN MORE STUPID because you cant change it.

I challenge everybody who has a tattoo, how is that any different than just drawing on yourself? If you want some decoration, why didn't you just draw on yourself?

The singular aspect of tattoos is their permanence. That is why tattoos not too long ago were used almost exclusively to denote membership to a group. That is the only kind of valid tattoo. Gang tattoo, military, naval, prison, etc.

>> No.14516508

I can't draw on my self nearly as good as some one else can. Also you assume everyone else has the same attitudes and motivations for getting tatoos as you do which is foolish and small minded.

>> No.14516511
File: 80 KB, 537x539, 41509727_10204905229347565_2170669195723800576_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the permanence is valuable in different ways. For example, I'm covered in tattoos, and they can't be taken away. Like i could lose absolutely everything including the clothes on my back, but short of being flayed the ink isn't going anywhere. In the same vein, I can never truly be naked again. It sounds like a trivial concept, but psychologically I think it's quite an interesting attitude that tattoos can impart.

>> No.14516512

Just saying "everyones different maaaan" is normie tier logic and literally worse than just saying nothing.

You can basically justify any stupid fucking behavior with that argument, and sadly people do. Same argument that Japanese bitch who liked to step on rabbits and crush them used. Its a cop out and it makes me sick every time I hear it and its FOOLISH AND SMALL MINDED as fuck.

>> No.14516520

>I can never truly be naked again
and isnt that basically a huge problem? youre probably an ugly fuck, so it's no loss, but whenever a beautiful person get a tattoo its a shame. Now they're displaying their mediocre drawing instead of *themself*. Oh by the way, you can never lose yourself, you are integrated into the universe and every action you take is un-eraseable, their is no need to further reify yourself in any way.

>> No.14516540

Oh by the way, I have a more specific reason to hate tattoos.

I dont find them attractive on women. And like 70% of women have them. Now tell me why that isn't a valid reason.

>> No.14516544

Growing old with tattoos does not scare me, growing old without them does
I guess tats have some psychology, people had them troughout history and prehistory

>> No.14516550

Among the type of girls that I like physically, basically 100% have tattoos.

How is this possible, is it that women are so conformistic that they actually categorize themselves based off their physical appearance? So if any female is pale, thin, and boyish, she just decides "well I match the physical stereotype of a hipster so now i need to get a tattoo of a feather"?

The other day a tall, thin, pale redhead walked by my and I thought "I bet she's a vegan". Turns out I was right. How did I know? My high school gf had the same physical description and was a vegan. A few months later, this girl ended up getting a tattoo at 19 years old, the same age my ex got a tattoo (thereby permanently ruining herself by marking a permanent symbol of anti-motherhood on her body). What they fuck explains this synchronicity?

>> No.14516558

And now I've touched on the real reason tattoos are trash. When you physically mark yourself it is always symbolic, now you are tied to that symbol. Your personality no longer develops in a natural direction, you are now partially defined by a picture. Sometimes whores have awakening and go become nuns. Pimps can go become celibate monks. The capacity of a person to change is diminished by a tattoo.

Basically any of the females posted in this thread, assuming theyre American, do they vote Democrat or Republican? All Democrat, guaranteed.

This female no longer has the choice to vote Republican, she has physically labelled herself as a Democrat.

People are going to deny this. But people have difficulty breaking away from their mental image of themselves. If you get a tattoo, you are labeling yourself with the mental image you had of yourself at the time you got it (most likely a time when you are feeling insecure and stupid). In other words, you're re-enforcing a shitty mental image of yourself.

>> No.14516565
File: 43 KB, 599x702, 8758a1d10e127129618b5c8aea732b68-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an interview with him somewhere in which he talks about how tattoos should be edgy and shitty to help impart the rebellious nature of them or something. It's some top tier Fenriz logic, I wish I could find it.
Didn't Leviticus or someone tell you not to get tattooed?
Not that guy but do you mouth breathing idiots think that you can only post pictures of yourself on here? Or do you assume that poster would have gotten a tattoo for a lifestyle he doesn't live? Because maybe, and this is just a hunch, that when he said he liked the style that he was just posting an example?!

>> No.14516577

dumb poltard

>> No.14516627

What? Economics literally have almost nothing to do with it. People have been poor and moral, rich and immoral, poor and immoral and rich and immoral throughout history.

>> No.14516703

That's just different philosophies man, you'll never understand it and neither will I understand you.

It's not necessarily going to be a shitty image, it can be whatever.

>> No.14516746

The true tragedy is a beautiful woman getting tattoos all over her legs. Or body in general, but legs are what stand out to me as particularly heretical. Such a fucking waste, like spraying graffiti all over a really beautiful building or statue. I understand there are people into that too

>> No.14516872

1. if i get a small tattoo on my arm and later on become /fit/ and gain a lot of muscle will that mess up the proportions of the tattoo?

2. if i get a tattoo on my finger, especially on the inside how long will it last before it fades and rubs away?

>> No.14516885

Moron, don't get tattoos.

>> No.14516936

>1. They heal good
the fuck are you talking about
thats up to you it doesnt matter what style of tat it is retard

>> No.14516939

1) Gains can affect the proportions somewhat, but good placement should mostly negate that.

2)I've had knuckle tattoos for years no issues, once did a small one on my palm just below my thumb and it was completely gone in a couple weeks, no trace at all. Lots of factor go into that so it's hard to say but I wouldn't count on it lasting long.

Mind your business, faggot.

>> No.14516963

shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.14517028

>Didn't Leviticus or someone tell you not to get tattooed?

Yeah but that was in the old covenant which only applies to Jews, with Christ’s death and resurrection the new covenant came into being so all the old ritualistic laws like no mixed fabrics, no shellfish, no tattoos no longer applies only moral laws apply such as the Ten Commandments and the other laws

>> No.14517050

Oh neat, I never really understood the Christian viewpoint on those supposed
/perceived contradictions. Thanks for sharing dude

>> No.14517061

lol did i hurt your feelings bro?
go get your basic bitch tattoos, nobody is stopping you.
you will just look like every other normie out there.

>> No.14517137

so baka

>> No.14517147

have you ever heard of google img search? no? idiot.

>> No.14517148

great tattoo but >>14509440 is right

>> No.14517151

>I think in 20 years, a 40-50 year old without tattoos will be more cool than one with.
anon, no one gives a shit what people in their 40s look like or think is cool.

>> No.14517160

so over the top that it becomes incredible

>> No.14517164

>unironically voting republican

>> No.14517271

im the one who called myself an elitist.

some tattoo artists I appreciate:

but thats just me. these are a few examples of people who are clearly artists with their own ideas, style, and aesthetic. Even if u asked them to get the normie knife, rose, heart or whatever u can be damn sure they would do something special with it (if they agreed to at all)

>> No.14517298

You're confused. Its okay, reading comprehension isn't for everyone.

>> No.14517400

based incel posting

>> No.14517465

does getting a tattoo really hurt that much? i just want a minimal / small cross on the inside or top of my finger...

>> No.14517473

a fish skeleton? now say it out loud

>> No.14517489

I would compare it to a prolonged cat scratch, tolerable but not fun especially the longer it goes on but you get into a zone or mindset that let's you work through it. I sat for 7 hours once with three short breaks, afterwards I felt like I had been out for run mixed with a hangover. That said something small like you're describing wont be bad though a fleshy, fatty area will hurt less than a boney area.

>> No.14517494

utterly fucking ass. unless you actually got these in prison, this shit looks so careless and ugly. brain dead faggots. I don't care that they got tattoos, and I think individually many of these long good, but why the fuck are they plastered all over with reckless abandon, like a goddamn wall of graffiti
I pity you nu-effay- truly lacking taste

>> No.14517509

how long will the small tattoo take? an hour? i literally just want 2 lines and i dont want to sit for too long :(

>> No.14517523

Something that small you won't have time to get used to it the same way you can with a larger tattoo. It's not that bad though, I sat for three days in a row once.

A small tatt can be done in 15 minutes easily.

>> No.14517552

can underage trannies fuck off already?

>> No.14517589

Oh dude literally a couple minutes for something that size.

>> No.14517594



>> No.14517635

or u could, ya kno, go back to pol

ur conservative, from a flyover state, and have no concept of reality HINT: none of these things are /fa/

>> No.14517665

Yess, do some of Miyazaki's

>> No.14517668

Don't add anything else to this arm, it's perfect like this.

>> No.14517725

Good tat pls lift tho man

>> No.14517741

What are some good nationalist tattoos? Viking style maybe?

>> No.14517754
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>> No.14517760
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>> No.14517773
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pic related is Wilson

>> No.14517804

Whatever image it is, it is an image of inadequacy. If you felt you were adequate without a tattoo, why did you get one?

>> No.14518416

Oh you know, for fun.

>> No.14518451
File: 632 KB, 160x160, 1d7f545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a queer normalfag so I don't have tats in 2019. You Zoomers probably vape too.

>> No.14518460
File: 661 KB, 1260x765, 2ea3d01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I have orthodox tats

>> No.14518485

I've never seen a woman look good with tattoos

>> No.14518497

Cringe Core fashion (including tats)

>""""""minimalist""""""" basedshit

>> No.14518504


You're so special like omg take my virginity please xoxo

>> No.14518515
File: 187 KB, 480x361, Screenshot_2019-05-12-03-48-17-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because you're a homo

>> No.14518521

It says illusion but to be fair it does look like "wilson" at a glance, which is what most anyone would notice

>> No.14518551

This is unironically true.

>> No.14518552

theyre called tramp stamps for a reason buddy

>> No.14518554
File: 67 KB, 1200x1200, 70dd01e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sometimes think about getting a tat
>look at what others have
>literally every single one is so cringe and corny it takes away all my desire to get one

>> No.14518642
File: 1.23 MB, 3088x2320, XXII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of mine?

>> No.14518712

extremely original, truly next level

>> No.14518717

lel, i don't have done it exactly for aesthetic, i have done it for the meaning it supports. It just makes sense for me, but i indeed think the lines are good

>> No.14518719

tattoos are literally the most normie shit ever we never had tattoo threads on old /fa/ years ago

>> No.14518779

Feels more like a sunburn to me. A cat scratch is worse imo.

>> No.14518805

Degenerate and low class. Essentially copying a style popularized by gangsters, bikers, blue collar sailors and soldiers, convicts and criminals. It projects a look I don’t want my clients seeing. I’m 40. I do not hire men or women with visible tattoos.

>> No.14518808
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 85f60f9bb662229be225857d28a33ab2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should a tattoo like this cost?

I'm not sure if I want it bigger down the middle of my forearm or just off to the side like the pic

>> No.14518811

>no one gives a shit what people in their 40s look like or think is cool.

I’ll remember that at your next interview.

>> No.14518832


My objection is purely aesthetic. Tats lock you into a very specific style for life. But styles change. Would not advise.

>> No.14518841

I love how as soon as a tattoo thread is posted anywhere, there are dozens of people "working in HR" who just come out of the woodwork

>> No.14518863


And even if larping their point is correct. You will wrongly be judged by your visible tattoos by people in professional and social circumstances. This isn’t probably as important for say an auto mechanic as it is for someone in a high end sales position. But tattoo discrimination is real and should be a point of consideration.

>> No.14518879

Depends on the shop, most places charge by the hour but small stuff that takes less time is usually charged at a minimum price to offset setup and supply cost. Check some websites or call around your area and ask what their min. Price is. As for placement, just draw it on yourself and see if you like it there, see if it looks funny when it moves or if your arm is bent etc., consider if you'll get more in the future and how it could share space.

>> No.14518882

They are discriminated for a good reason, only absolute retards get tattoos.

>> No.14518908

I'm heavily and visibly tattoo and it has absolutely affected me in job interviews, but I know and expect this. It was my decision and I knew that this could happen going in and so should everyone who gets a tattoo.
To say you're being "wrongly" judged is naive though. A company chooses how they want to present and market themselves. Appearances matter, and the stigma exists for a reason.

>> No.14518911
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>> No.14518913
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>> No.14518917
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>> No.14518923

I didn't know so many people hated tattoos besides my grandma

>> No.14518929


I’d say disliking tattoos is most common with older people. I’m late 30s and when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s the only people that had tats were military, sailors, criminals and convicts, bikers. So more than half the population is old enough to remember when tats had a very negative stigma.

Definitely in some industries like client facing sales, finance and law. Less so in creative and blue collar fields.

I have a young son. My advice to him would be to avoid visible tattoos. If he is going to be a tradesman have at it. Your traditional, wealthy, corporate business types usually don’t have tattoos.

>> No.14518943

Tattoos really are a depressing insight into the neuroses and insecurities of the average person. People get childhood cartoons and video game shit because they wish they could go back to the simplicity of childhood, guys get traditionally tough and scary things like skulls and snakes etc because they want to project a scarier more traditionallly masculine image, women get tattoos that try to invoke peaceful self secure emotionally well connotations because they're fucked in the head.... and so on and so forth.

If you picked your tattoo off the wall you are almost certainly devoid of any real creativity or imagination.

If you're going to change your body for the rest of your life at least have a better story than "hurr I liked how it looked"

>> No.14518950

I don't hate tattoos but most don't look good and indicate a pathetic mentality.

>> No.14518959

>I just fking love this tattoo style
I bet no older than 16

>> No.14519030

disgusting. but why didn't he tat his elbow ?

>> No.14519275
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first tattoo.

>> No.14519310

no comment

>> No.14519316

It doesn't look bad. What does sesh mean to you?

>> No.14519324
File: 24 KB, 358x388, 4610_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the purest reason to like something though.

Probably wussed out, the same way you see full torso work with the nipples left uncovered and sleeves where it doesn't go into the underarm. Tender spots are usually avoided.

>> No.14519331

But the tender spots feel the best

>> No.14519335

I deliberately got most of them done already just to show off.

>> No.14519351
File: 672 KB, 712x1200, tatt1484110980706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's Xar.
lurk moar /d/, faggot

pic related

>> No.14519393

>forcing meaning on tattoos
Normie levels are reaching dangerous heights

>> No.14519398

I like it, but would I would personally choose a different place because it took away a lot of your skin real estate

>> No.14519407

not him, but it is fascinating how normies without tattoos always ask for menaing in tattoos,
not a single tattooed person (more than 2 tattoos) will ever ask you that

>> No.14519411

I mean it's words anon. Words inherently have meaning

>> No.14519507

Music group Bones.

>> No.14519508

Never gonna take a tattoo there again,
this tattoo i have to fill up sometime.

>> No.14519546

that is v nicely done desu

>> No.14519621

Thanks m8! It's healing nicely too. I'm afraid this one's the one that gets me over the edge to get more though, I'm just so happy with how it turned out.

I barely have any tattoos done with a machine (and not that many tattoos overall), I seriously like the look of SnP as well as the whole /diy/ aspect of it

>> No.14519624
File: 2.82 MB, 3024x4032, IMAG0185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.14519639
File: 2.78 MB, 3024x4032, IMAG0186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some on the other side of my wrist, some parts turned out better than others

>> No.14519701

Based retard.

>> No.14519707

>but it is fascinating how normies without tattoos always ask for menaing in tattoos
Tattoos are the most normie thing ever right now.

>> No.14519708
File: 2.40 MB, 3024x4032, IMAG0187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek thanks I guess.. I know it'll probably seem retarded to most but I like it so idk, it just doesn't really feel that wrong

Still thinking about something to go in the middle, any ideas?

>> No.14519932
File: 2.82 MB, 4056x2704, IMG_20190730_2236530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're as retardet as i am in means of stick and pokea and homemade tattoos in general, if it feels right for you thats all that matters anon

and yes i am employed kek

>> No.14519963

kek, nice. I never had a tattoo as visible as the heart I just did (never really contemplated how much more you see the upper right side of your wrist compared to the underside or other sides) and I'm really liking it. All my wrist tattoos are covered by the watch I usually wear, but I don't wear my watch at home anymore so I can look at it.

Idk, I'm still a bit reluctant to get more visible tattoos, how did you get over that?

>> No.14519980
File: 309 KB, 412x443, 1550641609556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being an elitest in these threads.

>> No.14519995
File: 310 KB, 1242x1529, hjkhjkh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fuck your wife on your next fishing-trip, boomer

>> No.14519998

Completely tat free, suck it you bunch of marked up slaves.

>> No.14520020

You're just a poor and boring fag

>> No.14520079
File: 894 KB, 2128x3178, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like this could work really well on the back of the forearm

>> No.14520140

a lot of thinking on what you want to do in the future (in means of jobs) and i dont know it just happend i guess i cant really pin point my thought process

>> No.14520501


>> No.14520530


>> No.14520654
File: 731 KB, 790x1120, 2Grouper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think grouper's sleeve is very cool and cute

>> No.14520742


>> No.14520748

Any USA inspo for tats?

I've been considering getting one but haven't fell in love with a design yet. Considered getting coats of arms of my ancestry but realized that could end up being a lot (German and polish eagles and Italian COA)

>> No.14520751

Itt people that cannot legally get tattoos post pictures sourced from tumblr before they began puberty.

>> No.14520827

>muh murrica
>muh ancestry

kys amerifat faggot
you are the scum of this earth

>> No.14520831

you do realize people have been saying this since the 90's right?

>> No.14520932

God tier if you’re not LARPing. I’m on a navy base and most dudes (old or young) got some color like that. It has meaning and usually an experience or story related to it. Anything other than that and it’s just lmao

>> No.14521153

Politely disagree

>> No.14521155

keep saying that so you feel better about your mediocrity

>> No.14521157

>fuck your wife
You mean fuck your son..
because only gay dudes get this exact tattoo

>> No.14521159
File: 48 KB, 625x467, 1541234190762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get an israeli flag because you are nothing more than their dog

>> No.14521188

>implying tattoofags don't save up for years or just get their daddy to pay for it
>implying tattoos make you an interesting person and not the complete opposite
Keep coping.

>> No.14521190

Just don't tell them it's a demon. Say it's your grandfather.

>> No.14521198

I think you're right, in the future seeing someone with clean skin will be what looks good, I don't have any tattoos.

What makes it hilarious is that unlike all shitty sub cultures and trends that followers adopt, this is one they can't get away from kek.

I didn't know about hipsters not liking them anymore though, did you make that part up?

>> No.14521279

Want to get rich? Set up Lazer removal service. In 10 years profit.

>> No.14521324

Too thin, might age badly. But you could get a custom design inspired by that

>> No.14521467

This kind of retardation leaves me speechless

>> No.14521492

My tattoo guidelines:

>if it won't look good or won't have meaning to you 20 years from now, don't get it
>no floral tattoos (I'm looking at you, white girls)
>don't plaster yourself with a bunch of individual, random, seemingly unrelated tattoos everywhere and expect it to not look like shit. Case in point these pictures:


>brightly colored tattoos ALWAYS look like shit and age horribly
>tattoos aren't meant for humor, they should be at least partially serious. Having a funny tattoo is like having the same person tell you the same joke every single day, several times a day
>NEVER get a tattoo that is related to your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse. Unless they're dead

Did I miss anything?

>> No.14521611

I don;t know, small humour tattoos are alright in my book. I plan on having gap fillers that are little mouse like creatures reacting to whatever tattoo they're looking at. Like snapping a picture or reading a little info board.

>> No.14521747


fucking based

>> No.14521754


>wish i was black-core

>> No.14521840

That’s cool as FUCK bro

>> No.14521849

Include intricate designs, especially with thin lines. All tattoos 'bleed' over time and the sheer number of tattoos that have seemingly been done in entire ignorance of this fact is astonishing. There's this whole meme among grills about 'delicate' small tattoos. It will all be a blob in 10, let alone 20 years. That 'flying row of birds' meme tattoo will be '5 moles in a row', those dandelions will look like cumstains and those 'delicate handwritten font' things will look like someone with parkinsons wrote it with a whiteboard marker. And don't forget intricate mandalas and photorealistic tattoos. People don't seem to realise the skin isn't some kind of marble you can chisel something in and it'll hold the exact same form forever.

There's a reason tattoos used to be simple and bold-lined. I think tattooists are at least partly to blame for it, they should inform customers about this better (of course, if they insist, it's fair game). I don't think many people really fathom how many types of tattoos haven't aged because they only became popular recently. They'll learn it some day.

>> No.14522150

Techniques and technology have moved on though, ink will hold better now than it did in the past. I'm not saying it won't happen, but I accepted I'm going to enjoy mine before they spread.

>> No.14522162

Looks like bart simpson

>> No.14522196

True, ink and machinery have improved, but (too) inticate designs will still become a blob. You say you'll enjoy your tattoos how they look now, which is great, as it shows you know it could happen and have accepted that. There will be a lot of basic people who will be quite discontent when their cursive "Wanderlust" tattoo becomes one solid wobbly line though, that will be hilarious. You can already see it among the first ones to dive into that meme

>> No.14522411
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>> No.14522415
File: 538 KB, 1561x2031, E53ACDA6-26A3-4C7F-9504-5213C3A70EB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14522420
File: 1.30 MB, 2191x2530, 6230104F-F3A8-4F77-B25A-9DDCA6FE11C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14522424
File: 818 KB, 2013x2167, 0A334094-ABB7-4684-B126-328A67023AA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14522431
File: 874 KB, 2264x2406, F0A5CE78-C58F-413D-A16A-1F5AC43C113E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14522434
File: 635 KB, 2206x2206, C4100263-8A79-4B6D-98C9-3462375ED240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14522440
File: 15 KB, 320x288, 0E7671BA-0EEF-4E8D-B80D-B4A21F2533DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna get windfish

>> No.14522441
File: 54 KB, 647x482, 1FB707F2-1453-48AC-B3D3-2B6995A12DFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And rudy on my back next year

>> No.14522933

>no floral tattoos (I'm looking at you, white girls)
disagree. floral tattoos are fairly timeless and will look good decades from now. Way better than that dolphin tramp stamp from 20 years ago

>brightly colored tattoos ALWAYS look like shit and age horribly
Touchups, breh. I don't have any color work, and I likely wont ever get any, but I have seen it look good on people.

everything else I agree on. Seems common sense tbqh

>> No.14523297
File: 637 KB, 597x599, mckenzietattooer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely something faintly erotic about this guy's work. For me at least.

>> No.14523376

This, floral tattoos are fine as long as they have bold lines and not too much detail. Bright colours will age like shit and, mind my words, the inks will some day be found poisonous/carcinogenic so adding more and more over the years to counteract horrible ageing will only exacerbate that.

>> No.14523474

sesh til i rest brother.