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14506885 No.14506885 [Reply] [Original]

/thinspo/ thread

Last thread: >>14494856

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Feel free to post
>age, sex, height
>current weight
>your highest and lowest weight
>how are you losing weight

>> No.14506897
File: 46 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m1s4sue9ai1rskd5wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/thinspo/ seems to be dying, there were constant threads like year back

>> No.14506921

I don’t want to eat anymore

>> No.14506932


>> No.14506957

w2c pants?

>> No.14506982

Anybody here take Lexapro? Or any other ssri. Kinda scared to take it because of the weight gain. What do?

>> No.14506992

If you care about your mental health:
>Use your fear of becoming fat as motivation to start going to the gym. Twice a week combined with diet should keep you off a motorized scooter
>Start structuring your daily eating in order to control your eating. Calories in, calories out.
If you don't care about your mental health:
>Throw the pills in the toilet every morning until you kill yourself

>> No.14507098
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> tfw no thinspo smoker gf

>> No.14507255

How to get my gf into thinspo? She has BMI of 23, and I'd prefer 18-19. She's generally pretty good about diet and exercise, but not as autistic as I am, and has all the usual female sensitivities.

>> No.14507268

I took Lexapro for years, gained a little bit of weight but I was unhealthily skinny beforehand. Went from about 110 at 5’11 to 150 today over the course of 4 years, so average gain of 10 lbs a year. FWIW I feel much better at 150 than at 110, YMMV however.

>> No.14507271

Just dump her and find someone who already has a mental illness, no point in inducing one in otherwise healthy people.

>> No.14507313

Did you eat more or what? So far I've had a pretty low appetite...

>> No.14507656
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Is s o y l e n t a good meal replacement? I have a problem with snacking at night and looking into buy one of the tubs off amazon.

>> No.14507700

Yes, one of the ways my depression/anxiety manifests is lack of appetite so the lexapro helped. Took about a month before it really started to help me eat more.

>> No.14507743


Onions is trash. Eat fatty steak.

You can survive on only fatty meat, with occasional organ meats and green vegetables. It really simplifies things: 1 lb of fatty steak is about 1000kcal. So for a 1500 kcal diet for example, eat 1.5 lbs per day. Don't have to eat anything else. Snack on water.

>> No.14507755

Stop trying to be skinny as fuck

A) you are never going to be a model
B) you are never going to be trendy
C) you will never look good just because you lose 5lbs
D) everybody around you thinks you look weird



>> No.14507769

>snack on water

what a delight

>> No.14507775

>he changes his body to please other people
Absolutely repulsive.

>> No.14507793

Enjoy your rock hard shits and resultant hemorrhoids from your fiberless diets.

>> No.14507995

waste of calories, you can eat 2 small meals for 800 calories, easier to maintain than omad eating 1 steak, half a packet of filled pasta for example is only 349 calories

>> No.14508016

>snacking at night

well there’s your problem anon. either choose breakfast and lunch, or lunch and dinner as your daily meals. and stick to the schedule and be regular. and eat healthy foods of course. prepare your own food, not buying “diet” meals at fast foods. also, stop eating compulsively, it’s just your body sending signals for food, ignore the signals and it will adapt

>> No.14508017
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>it's all about calories, bros

>> No.14508022

I feel more at ease not carrying pounds of useless surplus weight on my body. I am able to enjoy other things and not indulge in time wasting eating.

>> No.14508059

>considers eating a waste of time
>spends time looking at thinspo
It only takes like 20 minutes to eat a meal and it usually also functions as a time to socialize and recharge but okay

>> No.14508064

regardless of how you consume both those 800-1000 calories you gotta burn them off no shit, its just easier to sustain

>> No.14508702

fatty detected

>> No.14508707

because clothes look better on you when skinny and this is a fashion board....

>> No.14508723

try fasting! it will reset your hunger clock

>> No.14508727


This is false. It doesn't happen.


If you don't like OMAD, Then eat two steaks half as large. This isn't rocket surgery.

>> No.14508736


For the vast majority of women, being thin is a huge gain in beauty. Fatness is a curse upon our civilization for our sinful and decadent nature. /thinspo/ is about overcoming the sin of gluttony to achieve inner and outer beauty.

Of course a few go too far and waste away, but they are like monks who fast to the point of self-mummification. They overcame their flesh and ascended.

Don't you want to live in a world of beauty and virtue, rather than ugliness and sin?

>> No.14508755
File: 283 KB, 1597x1600, 9520F03A-4CC7-4476-81A5-602CF2B21ED6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I became skinny fat from trying to gain healthy weight

Now I miss being thin and toned. How can I drop body fat pretty quickly?

I just started intermittent fasting (16/8) with a healthy, low fat, high carb, moderate protein diet

Keto was absolute garbage for me personally

>> No.14508760

>20, M, 5"9'
>Working out and eating better

>> No.14508762

>low fat, high carb, moderate protein

>> No.14508765


Get on a strength training program (/fit/), and eat a deficit.

>> No.14508785
File: 47 KB, 463x960, C555D98A-9558-41F6-BABA-7E0CAD1AD9CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can i find the best thinspo pics to distract myself from stuffing my face? Preferably ones with quotes.

>> No.14508921

I’m gonna shank myself in the abdomen if I keep stress eating.

>> No.14508926

big based

>> No.14509019

Where I work is really labor-intensive and I have a hard time ignoring hunger pains. Does anyone have suggestions on what to do or how to ignore them? I get really moody and have a hard time concentrating.

>> No.14509060

>tfw I could probably snap that twinks back

>> No.14509062

Dropped 5 kg in 3 weeks.

Alot of water
Alot of coffee (with milk cant take black cuz blacks are bad)
Lean meats with a palm sized side of carbs (RICE cuz i like asian girlz/potatoes)
Some lifting and cardio


>> No.14509068

why would you snap someones back?

>> No.14509075
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I don't know what to with my body I'm seriously disgusted by it, some guys have told me I should just give up what did they mean?

>> No.14509077

they mean you should kys

>> No.14509078

ur skinnyfat

do cardio and lift and eat on a deficit

>> No.14509082
File: 1.96 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20190726_025851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard running makes you fat even since it builds off muscle and runners use fat as a source of energy

>> No.14509103


>> No.14509114

Guys I started restricting 8 days ago, eating 1200 calories per day (TDEE is 2055), and for the last two days I'm permanently extremely tired, in a bad mood and can't concentrate. Will it get better as my body gets used to it or should I increase daily intake?

>> No.14509117

You’re a moron.

>> No.14509124
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Reminder for all fellow Europeans to stay hydrated in this heat wave.

Also cold brew coffee is a pretty good way to make it through

Take it easy man, you shouldn't eat less than 500 calories below your TDEE.
The bad mood will definitely go away once your body gets used to it, the rest should be all right if you stick to a ~500 cal deficit

>> No.14509169

nah the bad mood kinda just stays,

>> No.14509196
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Depends on whether you wanna take an intensive route or a long-term optimal route.

You can either deal with having no energy for the short time you need to reach your goal weight or deal with mustering the willpower to maintain a steady rate of decline for a long time.

Me personally I'm undisciplined fag prone to binging, so I take the intensive route. Once you level-off and switch to maintaining the feeling of fatigue goes away. Should you suddenly require energy for important tasks you could always pop some fruit in advance.

It's amazing how few people realize that battling hunger is just a fraction of the whole effort of losing weight.

>> No.14509279

are there any games about people not eating i can play for inspiration?

>> No.14509280

why are you posing like that, do you have a brain deficiency

>> No.14509361


>> No.14509427

I was too lazy to get up and take a real picture i just lay in bed normally like that

>> No.14509445
File: 164 KB, 960x1280, 7CE1DF74-031C-4E38-94B8-32D521ACA57E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gained a little bit of weight

>> No.14509446

>over 4 years

>> No.14509502

Does caffeine actually burn fat or is that just a meme?

>> No.14509556

I just wish I had severe depression so I could lose my appetite.

>> No.14509602

I took lexapro for some months and I didn't gain weight. I used to take a lot of drugs but the only one that made me gain weight was valproate acid

>> No.14509635

depression can also cause overeating though

>> No.14509663

is it normal to feel more awake and alert when restricting?
ive been eating like 6-800 kcal a day and my tdee is 2400

>> No.14509670

I can't give up, losing weight is the only thing I can see progress at in my life. Everything else loses its meaning whenever I am feeling fat.

>> No.14509774

its expected. you know that feeling when you have a big carb-heavy lunch and a few hours later you want to take a nap?
same principle. while your body has low energy, it has to stay alert to hunt for food

>> No.14509786

Anyone got an ID on them mf S H O E S
also can anyone recommend me a nice cheap black turtleneck like this one

>> No.14509790

You're just posing like a retard
I'm just as skinny as you are, bottom of ribcage visible and everything, and i still get bitches on my dick regularly
Just own it

>> No.14509795

I already do that so it really wouldn't make a difference.

>> No.14509796

this is the dumbest thing i have ever heard in my entire life.

>> No.14509856

shoes are berluti
turtleneck in op pic is ysl

>> No.14509877

Preciate it. Fuck berlutis are expensive, time to hit Taobao

>> No.14510061

>nutritionally balanced meals and exercise leads to weight loss
absolute shocker

>> No.14510081

yes definitely it's because your cortisol is raised by restricting i think

>> No.14510196

Who is this?

>> No.14510274

you should've died a virgin

>> No.14510299

at this point i couldn't care less if you autistic fucks died from malnourishment but at least drink some fucking water

>> No.14510361

Lost 3lbs in the last week and a half, 7 more to go until I get to my target of 120lbs.

>> No.14510376
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How much skinnier do I go

>> No.14510534

Just a bit more and you're my thinspo

>> No.14510575

just stare at the wall all day

>> No.14510615

first thinspo thread?

>> No.14511129

God damn im FUCKED

>> No.14511543


>> No.14511645

This guy knows what's up. Do one meal a day, meat and veggies, about 1000 calories each day. Watch the fat slide off your body

>> No.14511790

That twink will outlive you. Caloric restriction.

>> No.14512629
File: 39 KB, 712x714, EAVYdsQXUAA2Aiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dysmorphia + gender dysphoria are going to fucking kill me; no matter how much weight i lose i'll keep looking like shit

how is your day going, anon?

>> No.14512669

See a shrink

>> No.14512745

What are some easy substitutes for lunch on a low carb diet? It has been pretty difficult to keep up with it because of the restaurants i have around my workplace.

Would eating a reasonable serving of nuts and seeds everyday at lunch be a bad idea?

Making food at home is out of the equation, by the way. I can't for a few reasons.

>> No.14512992

just demolished an entire meatlovers pizza with cheesy crust and extra mozarella and a vanilla thickshake. snacking on some pringles now.

oh, and i'm 5'10 and 130 lbs

>> No.14512994
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>> No.14513002
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eat up anons, you wouldn't want to get sick

>> No.14513004
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>> No.14513005

Assuming the home thing is because of family:
>make a low cal sandwich and side salad at home, throw out bread (or save it for next sandwich if super cheap)

>> No.14513008
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, lunch-dinner_burgers_double-honey-bbq-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just have a burger and chips lol

>> No.14513010
File: 442 KB, 2044x2044, donuts3297x2044-56a6447b5f9b58b7d0e0c0ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i love sweet food

>> No.14513014
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>> No.14513015

if not, should be fine. Eat something big in size but low in carbs and calories like salad and no one will complain. if they do, ignore them. You're doing this for a reason, never forget that

>> No.14513016
File: 994 KB, 2000x2502, e73344b9cdfdedc315f380c25d0c9e89cdad696f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna binge out so bad

>> No.14513017

you hold no power here, Nigel.

>> No.14513020
File: 1.42 MB, 2186x3235, Nice-Cream-Milkshakes-4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know i can tempt you. its okay. just let go and consume like you are meant to

>> No.14513025
File: 134 KB, 768x960, 78eb41d7f6be2e37e1c3789f6730b6ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone pigging out right now?

>> No.14513028
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imagine not being comfy

>> No.14513032


desu I've been eating 2 eggs a day & running an hour on the elliptical to get that net -300 cal and i don't feel hungry anymore

>> No.14513045
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>doing all this but food will forever live rent free in your head

>> No.14513056

abs are worth it

>> No.14513077

how fat and mad do you have to be to post a bunch of food hahaha

guys im into my IF and Keto and feel great. exercising for an hour like 4-5 days a week

>> No.14513159

this looks fucking vile thanks for the appetite suppressant

>> No.14513251

based desu

all the fake-food hyper restriction fags itt are doing it wrong. Eat what you want when the opportunity presents and just fast off the excess calories afterwards. Easy thin life.

t. 16.4 bmi foodie

>> No.14513254

i can see why you've given up all hope and i'm sorry for your loss

>> No.14513358

i eat burgers almost everyday and I'm 14 bmi

>> No.14513397

i love the idea but im p sure all that red meat ain't too healthy
Im a slut for burgers tho so teach me your tricks

>> No.14513479

thank you anon.

>> No.14513505
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How to achieve these hands?

>> No.14513515

i think it's gastroesophageal reflux disease. not going to recommend it

>> No.14513800

Does anyone want to be fasting buddies on Discord?
5"5 116 pounds
Goal: 107ish

>> No.14514214

male, 19 years old, 5'2" (...turns out not eating makes you stay short :/),
current weight 104 lbs
highest weight 137 lbs
lowest weight 77 lbs
whenever i want to change my weight (lose or gain) i just count calories and change my intake accordingly. and i work out a lot.

>> No.14514355

you have a mental illness

>> No.14514358

holy shit youre like a little kid lmao

>> No.14514360

why would anyone want to be friends over something so stupid as not eating food

>> No.14514361

being short doesn't make you thin.

>> No.14514431

no, it doesn't. and i never claimed it did. i just said i didn't get taller due to malnutrition in earlier stages of my life :)

>> No.14514497

does anyone have any experience with thinspo while transitioning

>> No.14514521

Is MyFitnessPal a waste of time? I like the ease of putting stuff in to understand where my calories are coming from, but it won't let me go lower than 1500 calories despite changing from wanting to lose 1 lbs/week to 2 lbs/week and being sedentary with developing hypothyroidism (confirmed with my endocrinologist but not developed enough to start on synthetic thyroid hormones) so my TDEE is probably around 200-300 calories less than a normal person.
I ate 1500 most days with a few days of missing 500 calories for the past 3 weeks and I haven't lost a lbs. I just want a rough estimate of how many calories to aim for to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week. I'm going to focus on 1200-1300 calories for this next week and see if there's any changes. It feels like I'm being punished by MFP for not stuffing my face.

>> No.14514528

1 lb fat = 3500kcal

>> No.14514638

So I have to be eating 1000K a day to lose 1 lbs a week if I stay the same at 1500k

>> No.14514701

Being told to eat 2367 calories to lose weight, currently eating less than 1200 what’s the deal

>> No.14514726

It's the weird ass health food industry in america right now, they have a misunderstanding of a study from the 1950's about starvation mode and think your body will hold onto weight (regardless of how much BF% you have) if you eat under a certain amount of calories. It only happens when your body (not your stomach) is actually starving, the people in the study had to be at under 7% BF to go into starvation mode. Find your TDEE and eat less than that. MFP is garbage. You find your TDEE by trial and error, if you don't gain or lose anything over a few weeks then your eating around your TDEE.

>> No.14514743

you can change your calorie limit in the settings to anything you want, you just cant complete the diary so you can't get weight loss predictions.

>> No.14514822

That shit is saying high calorie intake aswell if I eat 1500 would I mess up my BMR

>> No.14514842

not him but i don't really think about food at all when i'm fasting. you should try it; it's liberating

>> No.14515021

>t. mentally ill depressive junk addict

>> No.14515081

Enjoying good food is normal anon

>> No.14515089

Lexapro is a meme
It made me apathetic to the point where I gained weight. I stopped taking it so I could be skinny not fat and foggy

>> No.14515767

gonna have to agree with this. i eat once a week and it's always fast food or whatever i'm feeling. after the meal i always fast for 3 days then repeat.

still a fatty chan though but i've been losing 5 pounds a week consistently despite being sedentary

>> No.14515796
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Should I be skinny or should I have muscles


>> No.14515807

You look like a gorilla

>> No.14515813

>gonna have to agree with this. i eat once a week and it's always fast food or whatever i'm feeling. after the meal i always fast for 3 days then repeat.
>still a fatty chan though but i've been losing 5 pounds a week consistently despite being sedentary
You eat twice a week

>> No.14515815

why the fuck does my piece of shit brain and piece of shit body crave food so fucking much, 1500 calories, 500 below my TDEE and it feels unbearable, someone please explain to me wtf is wrong with me, im eating enough protein, im getting decent vitamins and nutrition, im not eating sugar, wtf is wrong with me, am i supposed to go to sleep at 7 pm every night? what the fuck am i supposed to do please explain

>> No.14515822


>> No.14515839

>be me
>finally realize thinspo is a gay meme
>embrace my viking blood
>start lifting heavy
>eat like I'm in Valhalla
>get crazy gains
>girls swoon over my guns now and feel up my muscles
>have tons of energy unlike starving thinspo virgins
>success at work and everyone compliments me
>loving life

Take the real blackpill nerds.

>> No.14515840

you understand that there are real actual human girls here right? Not to mention the trans and gay dudes and straight guys who arent interested in bulking up?

>> No.14515842


What does gender or any of that have to do with shit? Every human should seek to master their body through fitness and not this low energy thinspo trash mindset. You are weak. You will never know success.

>> No.14515845

are you actually experiencing those things you mentioned or is that what you imagine things will be like after you are done getting /fit/?

>> No.14515872
File: 526 KB, 804x811, image:5444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had a rhinoplasty, how long should I wait before I start dieting again?

I've been eating maintenance for the last two weeks and I feel like such a disgusting fat pig it's horrible, I swear I'm gaining weight and I all I want to do is get rid of it.

>> No.14515896

We're all either fags or women here, I severely doubt any of the men in this thread care about being masculine, please go away...

>> No.14515915

lmao, have fun at being a corporate slave rat you disgraceful bluepilled faggot

>> No.14515966


I'm already done getting fit enough (I say enough because it's a never ending journey). But yes these things are actually happening to me. And if you realize the true path they can happen to you too.

>> No.14515969

You're a weak drain on society and history will never remember you. You'd be better off not existing lol
Fitness is for everyone and doesn't translate into masculinity of femininity you fool. It translates into health and improved life satisfaction.

>> No.14515995

those bodies look disgustang

>> No.14515998

>tfw 7-8 pounds away from goal weight but still have bigger legs

i've lost size in them, but idk, they still seem too big to me

>> No.14516000

Go browse /fit and start cutting

>> No.14516013

History wont remember you either, wageslave

>> No.14516094

how do i lose some weight at home without starving myself too much?
the momentary satisfaction i get from food is the only joy in my life, so i dont want to cut too much of it.
i dont do breakfast, im 182 cm, 70kg
any lazy friendly exercises that you can recommend ?

>> No.14516098

anyone know what kinda turtleneck that is?

>> No.14516245

I feel so bloated. I feel so hungry after an entire day that I end up making my only meal from the day a huge meal. I drank 3L of water and barely peeded, feel like shit.

My body dysmorphia and feeling of rejection are also coming up a lot these past few days. Jeez. I have found such a nice group of friends yet I feel so abandoned. Maybe this is another reason I am still crazy within my anorexia. I like to have control of something, since I cannot control people

>> No.14516247
File: 87 KB, 1280x1198, IMG_20190729_041054_596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14516251

When I am too tired I always search on Youtube "abs exercises to do on bed" "arms exercises on bed" and so on. There is everything on the internet nowadays.

>> No.14516338

saint laurent

>> No.14516363

>make america thin again
America was never thin.

>> No.14516364

all of you fuckers are gonna end up anorexic

>> No.14516367

most are.

>> No.14516411

No shit Sherlock

>> No.14516704


I like water

>> No.14516711

thats so sweet thanks xx

>> No.14516744

god i hope so

>> No.14517113

>get anorexia
>suddenly losing weight is easy
seems good to me

>> No.14517490
File: 51 KB, 800x600, webcam-toy-photo6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

down 7 pounds since i started
i'm gonna make it bros

>> No.14517625
File: 1.95 MB, 3729x2555, 39F052FF-6620-4C44-B4ED-4B9F1D84C852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6’3 124 lbs
>24” waist
haven’t ever been above 135 lbs, thinspo is all I know

struggling to find anything long enough given I have a 36” inseam

>> No.14517680

Nice. Also, what keyboard is that?

>> No.14517690

ducky shine 6 with MX browns with some white and grey PBT set off of mechanicalkeyboards I don’t know off hand

also G703 + (very worn) Artisan Shiden-Kai off to the side

>> No.14517718

clip your nails please

>> No.14517829
File: 327 KB, 357x427, 1562181256767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lost 17lb since I've started. Feeling really good desu. Went from 143lb to 126lb at 5'8.
We're going to make it.
Thanks anon, looks fucking awful and greasy and heartattack inducing. I love watching mukbangs for this very reason. Shows me how disgusting gluttony is.

>> No.14517845

im pretty sure anorexia and other eating disorders arent healthy

>> No.14517853

>200 grams of boiled broccoli seasoned with salt and pepper
>a 6 ounce baked beef sirloin tip steak with all fat removed

legit just ate this 30 minutes ago and feel hungry and craving more food what is wrong with me

>> No.14517873
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I am a professional with a background in psychology. I don't have enough time for a long drawn out post but yes you are essentially correct. An important aspect of developing and maintaining a healthy outlook is to recognize that there are things you can control and things you can't. Its kind of like how cutters don't cut themselves primarily for attention, they do it to exert control over the pain that they feel. Attention is a secondary outcome. Your own condition is sort of like this except you punish yourself by withholding food and yada yada. Since your own perception is likely skewed you should try to get in the habit of asking a close trusted friend, parent, minister, bartender, etc. If you look like you are at a healthy weight and defer to their judgement. Oh yeah I skipped that part but when your ability to "reality test" aka judge things is hindered its best to check your view against others and see if they are congruent. From what I can see you should definitely put on a few pounds. Being underweight can cause heart problems as well as other issues like brain damage. Don't do that. You are important and your life has value. Recognize that you have a problem and get healthy. I believe in you anon, you are stronger than you know.

>> No.14517951

>22, F, 5'5"
>Currently 90lb
>Highest ever 99lb, lowest 88lb
>Not eating enough, drinking very much Topo Chico
I keep getting mistaken for a 15 year old boy. If I get called buddy or sir one more time, I'm gonna heap my lid.

>> No.14517993
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>> No.14518110

Thank you for the outlook, anon. But... Tha damage is done already. I wish I had someoje to talk to about anorexia from a more objective standpoint, and not just receive answers such as "poor thing", "but you are so cute already!" and so on.

I have taken laxatives and exercised in order to achieve an acceptable body from my own distorced point of view.

I don't even know what my response was anymore. I passed out at the bar today. I am tired of myself.

But anyway. Thanks for the kind and thoughtful response.

>> No.14518115

have taken laxatives and exercised since I was a child*

>> No.14518246

So for thinspo, can I just not eat, or do I need to build a bit of muscle too?
>>14510376 Is kinda what I wanna look like

>> No.14518274
File: 263 KB, 1280x1200, 1563557694312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a weak drain on society and history will never remember you. You'd be better off not existing lol
>history will never remember you lol
said the wagie #4688 in the cagie

>> No.14518275

I had to stop posting bc of legitimate health concerns

>> No.14518276

ok buddy

>> No.14518352

God I'm so exhausted

>> No.14518442


>end up

>> No.14518580
File: 1.72 MB, 3088x2316, B92010CF-E842-46FA-9DE6-F1BB20BA40B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are my legs thinspo? I’m almost sub 16 BMI but they aren’t the shape I want

>> No.14518639

Post soles

>> No.14518853
File: 343 KB, 750x530, 8FF8918D-A0CE-4794-BCC6-222C60543401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking Vyvanse and it makes it easier for me to eliminate sugar, carb, dairy, and alcohol for the most part.

However, I notice I crave sugar and alcohol mostly in the evening. It’s probably a depression or “low serotonin” thing as my friend tells me she gets sugar cravings when her vyvanse crashes and she’s not on her SSRI. For me, evenings are when the intrusive thoughts hit hard. This is why I’m considering taking an SSRI, but I also don’t want to want my metabolism to slow down and feel sleepier during the day. Does anyone here take SSRIs?
Regardless, I know I feel pathetic when I consume any of the above, so I want to be able to break this general desire for alcohol and sugar in the evenings, because I know it’s a depression thing and that it’s technically eating my feelings.

But it’s like by the time evening comes around my willpower also declines, and even though I don’t over do it when I give in, the fact that I have the urge to do it makes me feel shitty as I know others are satisfied with their lives, relationships, whatever enough that they don’t feel the need to reward themselves w/dessert or alcohol in the evening.
And I’m not fat, I’m 5’5 and 115 lbs. But I feel like this habit is a total “fat girl personality trait”.

Also, I’ve read many articles on this, and apparently women tend to be more emotional eaters than men and I wonder if this has anything to do with how women are physiologically built to put on more weight to have babies? Which, are there any girls on this thread that envy guys for their ability to lose weight much more easily?

>> No.14518964
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What can I work on?

Currently 125 lbs

Sorry about the bad picture

>> No.14519039

you look skinnyfat, get some muscle

>> No.14519043

let me suck on ur tids inernet girl

>> No.14519139
File: 107 KB, 640x640, 1542511152044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know where the belt is from or where to cop a smilar one?

>> No.14519352


>> No.14519391

16 bmi but your thighs are still that thick? Wot.
I'm 18 bmi and have thinner legs.

>> No.14519396

Fix that jew nose mate.

>> No.14519467

Post more feet pics

>> No.14519510

yeah I’m like 6’3 130 rn. The angle/position of my legs make them look a bit bigger though. They look thinner standing up

>> No.14519514

saint laurent

>> No.14519602

Fuck you, Watson

>> No.14519890

this is huge inspo

>> No.14519961

Can i get a get god tier thinspo aesthetics by just eating less or will there be a point where i have to build some muscle to have a good frame?

>> No.14519966


>> No.14520026

If you have good genetics you won't have to build muscle, although it's always good to exercise regularly.

>> No.14520099

do some calisthenics. heavy cardio. eat mostly protein and vegetables but always at a calorie cut. couple months later voila youre hot

>> No.14520102

muscles dude

>> No.14520104

jesus man shave

>> No.14520193

6'2", 150lbs - fuck that last bit of lower back and hip fat that won't go away.

If you have shit tier fat storage genetics, don't even bother touching anything remotely unhealthy because it will fuck your body up...

>> No.14520496
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>age, sex, height
>current weight
180 pounds
>your highest and lowest weight
Highest is right now (I ate like shit for 6 weeks), was 160 before which was my lowest weight
>how are you losing weight
OMAD preferably.

Any more recs to get from 20% bf to pic related?

>> No.14520500

snake juice while hitting the gym

>> No.14520506

Cardio or weights? I didn't see much point in weightlifting since my calorie deficit is like -1000 right now.

>> No.14520528

Although I think lifting would help making you look stronger/defined while not more buff, it's not really required. Just do cardio and frequently some abs exercises

>> No.14520547

So cardio is enough to avoid skinnyfat you think?

>> No.14520772


No lol - lift weights if you want muscle

Cardio just makes you a smaller skinny fat shit

Fucking idiot

>> No.14520805


>> No.14520813

Girls post in these generals all the time

>> No.14521138
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should i work out

>> No.14521142

of course, unless you want to look like a teenager fag

>> No.14521306
File: 365 KB, 1080x1616, IMG_20190731_125959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not working out, vegetarian

What do you guys think?

>> No.14521311

Hot as fuck

>> No.14521411

Dude fuck off, I'm asking a simple fucking question

>> No.14521420

Not really, cardio helps losing a lot of fat with a good diet. If he starts training he will look kinda Buffy at first

>> No.14521867

I wouldn't even know how to eat/drink that

>> No.14522144
File: 1.18 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to look like this
>senpai convinced me i looked sick
>gained weight
>now im a skinnyfat fuck and i h8 myself more than ever
>gee thanks guys

>> No.14522175

lift retard

>> No.14522198

but i dont want big arms, i just want to get rid of my doughy middle and developing moobs

>> No.14522211

lol, it's not like your going to gain 10cm of arms at the first day of lifting

>> No.14522254

true, what should i do to develop small pecs then

>> No.14522319

I want to stab you and rip your guts out unironically. Attention whore faggot.

>> No.14522386

Amei is a dumb bitch who should go back to bant

>> No.14522447

Wow, imagine being an attention whore in this thread, on this board, within this Mongolian fishing forum. you inbred cunt. Off yourself m8

>> No.14522728

go the gym and use the chest press machine

>> No.14522754



>> No.14522887

t. fatass

>> No.14523086

So I'm a fatty on a diet and working with a personal trainer to lose weight. What kind of shit should I wear until I'm skinny enough to fit my old clothes? Right now I rotate the same stuff every week and it's awful and makes me feel even uglier than I already am.

>> No.14523184 [DELETED] 

I gained 0,2kg overnight while not eating anything. What the fuck

>> No.14523186

Yeah it's called water weight/fluctuating. Nothing new.

>> No.14523290

>literally just restricting to lose 5-10 pounds so i can binge for an entire day at some point in the future in a disgusting exhibit of degeneracy and emotional instability

>> No.14523406
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any tips for someone who works a physically demanding job? i feel like i'm gonna die if i don't eat something every break and the most convenient thing is fast food

>> No.14523413

dont use the chest press just do push ups 20 x 4 sets a day and increase by ten everytime you feel able

>> No.14523428

bring a lunchbox with jicama and cucumber also don't reward yourself with food after work, you're not a dog.

>> No.14523463

>works a physically demanding job?
>jicama and cucumber

are you retarded? he could easily eat 15kcal/day and still lose fast enough to be underweight in like 6 months. why would you suggest practically zero cal water veg as a good option?

>> No.14523465


>> No.14523468

1500 cal my bad

>> No.14523477

I wanna starve myself. Can someone please link things I should read, tips or something?

>> No.14523480

Cute breathable workout clothes. Shows people you’re trying, fits to your shape and motivates you to work out.

>> No.14523484

need a bigger bait m8

>> No.14523488

unless you're half-ass running.

intense cardio always burns fat.

>> No.14523492

wtf.did u take the pic with your mouth ?

>> No.14523569

strange tat

>> No.14523603

I'm considering eating 800kcal of lean protein heavy food for breakfast every morning, then eating 400kcal of fruit and veg throughout the day, I always feel hungry until I eat something with a lot of protein in and fruit is really good at delaying hunger, so maybe this will work for me.

>> No.14523722

step 1) dont eat
step 2) eat a bit before you die
step 3) ???
step 4) profit

>> No.14523802

Not Matt sorry.
In that pic, couple months of not working out, and eating maybe 2000 calories a day. 5'10 150lbs

>> No.14524009
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Don't just jump into starving yourself if you've been eating normally. Start with restricting and slowly lower your intake into the 400s. I think anything less/around that can be considered starving. Once you get that down, you can make the jump into fasting. Make sure you take vitamins and electrolytes so you don't die. Drink lots of water, tea, black coffee. When you do eat, eat lean protein. Watch youtube clips of fat people, mukbangs, or diet shows to keep you motivated.

>> No.14524026

I wouldn't really recommend lowering your caloric intake around 400, and I say that from a personal experience. My hair started falling a lot, although I didn't really felt weak or dizzy, but maybe that's just me.

>> No.14524050

>Eating maintenance
>Gaining weight
You only get to have one at a time you fattie pleb

>> No.14524124
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>> No.14524133
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>> No.14524137
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>> No.14524139
File: 276 KB, 1124x1400, 29664E9C-BF58-40A0-9DE3-37D6DBA6F7DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14524142
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>> No.14524166
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>> No.14524169
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>> No.14524599

This. Femanon here, this time last year I was smoking cigarettes, eating opiates, and posting here constantly to trigger myself into continuing the cycle. Other femanons, just go to the gym, go vegan and work on being the healthiest, fittest version of yourself and you won't need any low vibrational vices to keep you skinny. If that isn't convincing, you'll pretty much get male attention from being literally any weight anyway, you don't have to be dying. Plus you won't get roastie crowsfeet at 23 from being the healthiest version of yourself :)

P.S. hi B if you read this, I'm much healthier and happier with my life now.

>> No.14524665


>> No.14524671

you should fucking shave

>> No.14524897
File: 154 KB, 540x724, tumblr_lyr7qbzGYK1rozljro1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go this mode

>> No.14524910

Calisthenics and some cardio like swimming.

>> No.14524916

Is ~1000 cals a day at 80g of protein enough? I weight 160pounds.

>> No.14524922

Has anyone here succeeded on achieving hollow cheeks when you lost body fat?

>> No.14524933

That's way too little. An average man needs to eat 2,500 calories to maintain his weight and 2000 to lose a pound per week.


>> No.14525070
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>> No.14525076
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>> No.14525082
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>> No.14525087
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>> No.14525318
File: 53 KB, 666x1024, thin_chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thin chad, blessed with superhuman metabolism. I eat whatever I want and don't have to fast/work out afterwards.

>> No.14525333


Then take the simple fucking answer instead of being a little bitch


Yeah cardio helps lose fat - but he said Cardio or Weights - cardio with no weights = just a smaller version of your fat self but still fat. Weights with no cardio is slower fat loss but wont leave you looking like a wet sock

>> No.14525505

Holding for accountability that I will only have one meal tomorrow!

>> No.14525511

being a muscle lad is based

>> No.14525514
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>go vegan
>being the healthiest, fittest version of yourself


>> No.14525689

I decided I’m going to starve myself for a while. I know there are healthier ways to lose weight, but I wanna lose at least the first 20 lbs as fast as I can (after that I’ll slowly reintroduce food, start eating healthy and working out regularly) and I need to punish myself. I’m 6’3”, 210 lbs. I thought about doing it for at least two weeks, but ideally I’d do it for a month. Is it too much? Should I eat something (less than 500 kcal)? Should I take vitamins? What should I expect? Literally give me any advice.

>> No.14525724

Just water fast while taking electrolytes (drinking water with a bit of salt and potassium).

>> No.14525753

Thank you

>> No.14526279 [DELETED] 
File: 420 KB, 1818x2048, E0AC8B9A-283B-498B-8AEA-7E6E7BF7018A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i took this to show off my sick sunburn but is it thinspo material (i do not particularly like being this thin)

>> No.14526285
File: 273 KB, 570x655, 36877DDF-A6AF-4318-9071-B871C442998A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting bc the pic was fuckhuge but is this thinspo material (i want to be less thin). check out the sick sunburn

>> No.14526293

Its alright, could be much thinner. You got a decent frame for muscle, go ahead and bulk up.

>> No.14526478

the average man doesn't exercise enough to qualify the full 2500

>> No.14526508

>could be much thinner

two pounds lighter and this dude is a musselmann LOL

>> No.14526590

how do i go from skinny loser to aesthetic thin
is it impossible to overcome face frame height?

>> No.14526693

i remember seeing this on the fatlogic board on reddit and everyone was saying she was a normal BMI. can fatties not differentiate since they've never been close to underweight?

I'd be offended if I hit my goal of high 17s and everyone thought I was a normal weight.

>> No.14526696

ive been eating sub 600cal daily and my weight hasnt gone down and my digestive system has gone to shit waht do

>> No.14526707
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>> No.14526708

>waht do
stop lying to yourself about how many calories you're eating or do it for more than 2 days to see results?

>> No.14526716

What's your routine?

>> No.14526733

>/fa/: The Post

>> No.14526735

>/fa/: The Post

>> No.14526744
File: 225 KB, 509x511, pix2pix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is starvation mode a meme?

>> No.14526762
File: 39 KB, 507x492, _barf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 "fatty!!"

>> No.14526777

sometimes i do pushups

>> No.14526864

its been a week?
and i count everything and usually round up to the next hundred

>> No.14526876

as in
a week since ive cut down to 600 since i plateaued on 900

>> No.14526909

if you've been eating 600 a day for a week and you haven't lost any weight you're either a midget, you're miscounting or you are emaciated.

Assuming your TDEE is maybe 1600 (pretty liberal) that's a deficit of 7000 calories that week.

>> No.14526920

im 5'4",130 lbs, pretty active lifestyle
im not miscounting since usually i'll fast till dinner, then have about 200cal of prepackaged soup, a banana (110), a slice of bread (70), slice of turkey (35), slice of thin cheese (45). so 460 total, might eat an additional prepackaged snack (under 130) later, but usually not.
i've never believed people who are like "im 200lbs and 500cal and dont lose weight reeee!!!" so im not trying to pass that meme
i just need suggestions, maybe diet coke is stunting me? i dont know, my self esteem has gone to shit since i've plateaued

>> No.14526928

Yes. Absolutely.

>> No.14526932

What this anon said.
Measure your food. I thought I was only consuming ~800 calories but when I started weighing everything I was actually consuming around ~1300. After I started properly counting calories I immediately started dropping weight. It's very easy to convince yourself you're counting everything correctly when you're not.

>> No.14526938

Maybe you actually have lost a pound or so but you're still retaining water? Honestly that's the only explanation I can think of. Sounds like everything you eat is prepackaged/fruit which can be easily accounted for. Diet coke shouldn't be stunting anything.

>> No.14526941

im not new to this, ive been at it a while. if it's not prepackaged i weigh it on a digital scale or put it in a measuring cup. i dont 'eyeball' things, or round under. is it possible it's shit weight or something? i havent had a good bowel movement in a while

>> No.14526973

Yeah, then it might be food weight + water weight. You should go by measurements along with your weight. It's a lot more motivating that way as well.

>> No.14526977

Its gonna take some more weight than that, i had the same body 5 pounds ago and im still not shredded.

>> No.14528064
File: 3.50 MB, 4032x3024, 20190803_034938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo these are good low cal snacks. Any suggestions for more low calorie snacks? I tried watermelon but I just end up eating like half of it in a day.

>> No.14528066

I hate having to space out my meals over the day so badly. I wish I had the self control to just each all of my calories and nutrients in the morning and then go the entire day without thinking about food.

>> No.14528073
File: 97 KB, 711x627, 1541720238712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14528076

try evenings? I only eat before 5pm if I'm pretending to be normal in public and usually like 6:30 too 8. don't really feel hungry before 4

>> No.14528079

just drink coffee.

>> No.14528080

wait I'm a brainlet, what exactly is this implying about OMAD? That it gives you higher energy or that it's going to fuck up your health?

in the morning I can't stop thinking about food no matter what, even if I take caffine pills I still can't get my mind off it if it's the morning, as soon as I have dinner I stop thinking about food thankfully

I think I'll give morning OMAD a shot for a few days, if night OMAD works for you then maybe I'll get used to it after a while...

>> No.14528182

You literally will not lose weight healthily if you eat carbs, if keto is a Trainwreck for you, I'd suggest fasting, just please lay off the carbs

>> No.14528187

Running leads to high levels of estrogen from stress hormones, thereby leading to weight gain and muscle loss, Weight training is almost always the better solution

>> No.14528424
File: 8 KB, 182x268, MV5BZmNmMGY2NDItODkwYy00N2I5LTg1OWMtMjg3YTI5MzcyNWE1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTI1MDU0MzM@._V1_UY268_CR87,0,182,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BMI is at 18.6 and gonna to try to get it down to 16.7

>> No.14528979

I have been anorexic until two years ago I started taking zyprexa and seroquel. I got my psychiatrist change my meds asap but the binge eating didn't stop. My binges got worse and worse until I developed full blown binge eating disorder. I was 48kg when I started taking zyprexa and am now at 95. I feel horrible and have developed a light form of agoraphobia because I'm so ashamed of looking like this. How the fuck do I get back on track? Anorexia is a nightmare but BED is ten times worse. Where should I start? I could use some advice.

>> No.14529015

As much as I fast, track calories, work out, my pcos will not let me loose weight. At least I’m lucky enough to be 5’4 116 pounds instead of being a pot belly pig. I’m stuck. I’m starting to just smoking and drinking coffee at all time so it ends, I just want to loose weight but my body just doesn’t allow it even with not even eating. Does anyone have any suggestions literally anything at all? When asking my obgyn she just says “you don’t need to lose weight your perfect!!”

>> No.14529376

I stopped eating 2 days ago, today something strange happened when I woke up. I was in my bed and I think I turned around too fast and suddenly my heart started racing, my hears ringing very loudly and I was literally unable to move. Wtf lol

>> No.14529378

ears* lol