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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 67 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.574919400_mcj5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14510301 No.14510301 [Reply] [Original]

What jewelry do you guys wear on a daily basis, for example a cross necklace, class ring, other rings, gold chain, etc.
I usually wear a St. Benedict's cross, but want to get something else. My grandparents are German and wanted to get something that reflects that ancestory but most symbols have been co-opted by nazis and shit. pic related

>> No.14510509

I wanted to get a necklace and I like the ones that have saints and stuff but Im not religious so I feel that would be disrespectful. Need to find a cool necklace still

>> No.14510528
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>> No.14510540


Also just wear it, 99% of people have no idea what the symbol is, and the 1% who would get offended wouldn't say anything because lefties only have courage in numbers

As long as it ain't a swastika you're good

>> No.14510592

I wear a wooden cross I bought from a Monastery I visited. I just wear it under my shirt and don't really do it for any fashion reasons. Although, it sort of looks like the wooden cross that Zyzz used to wear and I'm sure that had some impact on me subconciously. I also have a medal of my Confirmation Saint and the Cross from my First Communion, but I don't really wear them since the chains on them aren't very long.

I'm not German so I can't give you much advice unfortunately.

>> No.14510628
File: 3.44 MB, 2736x1840, sowilo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear the Sowilo rune on a silver chain underneath my shirt. People associate it with the double sig-rune emblem of the SS, but I'm more interested in it's older and more esoteric meaning. The purest runic expression of the sun, it symbolizes the vitality of life, ambition, and success. Guido von List's "Das Geheimnis der Runen" was some pleb shit imo.
Etsy is my go-to for jewelry, there's a lot of unique handmade stuff on there and the prices are really good.

>> No.14510629

I wear a hand forged Thor's hammer. Most are tacky and cringey but this one is of good size and shape. Occasionally I wear a small silver Celtic Cross.
Who cares if some queer thinks you're a nahtzee? That bar is pretty low now a days and we shouldn't surrender half the symbolism of our culture to appease some smoothbrains. As long as you're not rocking a giant swastika (though the symbol itself without the connotation is based as fuck) you'll be good.
The average person has a retard-tier understanding of history and won't notice or just think it looks cool.

>> No.14510716

I wear a small sterling and turquoise cross. I'm not religious, I just like the way it looks.

>> No.14510732

I really like the look of the sonnenrad. Would it be cringey for a mixed guy to wear it on a necklace?

>> No.14510751
File: 60 KB, 960x960, JVSjBvD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cringey but if i saw a mixed guy wearing one irl I'd probably laugh.
But like the other anon said most people don't know what it is so just go for it.

>> No.14511075

I wear one and yes it would be very cringey if you wore one merely because of how it looks and not for some other reasoning behind it ie belief or something of that nature
he is right in that people who know what it is and saw you wearing it would laugh at least I would

>> No.14511079

I love the black sun but I have a shaved head so I might be pushing that barrier of nahtzie

>> No.14511081

If you’re 50% or more white you’re fine Or you less but a huge advocate for the white race it’s fine

>> No.14511107

holy mother of cringe

>> No.14511113

Stalin did nothing wrong

>> No.14511124

btw just letting you know that black sun is not some sacred symbol of yt pipo it did not exist in history until 20th century and "black sun" title was given to it by neonazis much later

>> No.14511178
File: 43 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.1539299827_lzwj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear one of these sonnenrad pendants they're nice cause you don't really now exactly what it is until you see it up close but whenever I see guys I know are knowing I flash the pendant and usually just smirk at each other

>> No.14511272
File: 60 KB, 640x399, when your leftist friends unknowingly trash your values.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>family is actually German
>doesn't want to be a Nazi

>> No.14511274
File: 96 KB, 750x468, DTMgp_hVwAIyMWI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bucking fased. I'm going to buy one now too.

>mfw showing matching pendants to your irl 4chan bros

>> No.14511314
File: 55 KB, 554x554, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonnenrad is based af, should i get this one? Or just the plain one

>> No.14511329
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear a repro Eichenlaub (zum Ritterkreuz).
If you´re oligarchtier buy a orginal one.

>> No.14511334
File: 82 KB, 396x640, IMG_2671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a sonnenrad hanging from my rearview mirror, another good find on Etsy. Looking for an ouroboros ring next, but most of them look pretty feminine

>> No.14511337

I'm just here to remind you all that heritage is a meaningless cope.

Go do something with your own life that you can be proud of instead of relying on your ancestors.

>> No.14511346

GFY Sören.

>> No.14511396
File: 327 KB, 1729x1500, 1509579329336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are your parents' creation, as they are theirs, and the significance of this parent/progeny relationship stretches back through time. If you find no meaning in your ancestors and their culture, that's alright - but to suggest that people who do enjoy a natural and healthy connection with their heritage are "coping," and must be wasting their lives, is total projection.

>> No.14511403

>Shakira is white supremacist

>> No.14511408
File: 7 KB, 395x326, 51YWH04M39L._UX395_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wearing this for more than 5 years.
Timeless jewelry form used from millennia.

>> No.14511474

Why is the significance of this parent/progeny relationship valid anon?

I won't accept "because it stretches back through time" as an answer, instead I invite you to think for yourself and try to sway me. I'm genuinely interested.

Besides: obviously I'm not trying to claim that everybody that finds meaning in their heritage is wasting their life, and cope is just a word that's easy to misuse Iorder to get the attention of 4chan retards.

But really: why be so concerned with a past so far removed from you that you have no influence over in the present anyway?

>> No.14511691

>muh hidden racism powerlevel
just go full out pussies

>> No.14511797

Im not even white, i just genuinely like the swastika and sonnerad symbol

>> No.14511883
File: 46 KB, 564x428, 1554516592093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck zyzz dyel twink fag

>> No.14512120

There's no real way to go full out without either being a skinhead or wearing a Hugo boss uniform, dog whistling is preferable because you don't look like an attention whore

>> No.14512144
File: 419 KB, 2048x1536, vidiventivici.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im not even white
We know.

>> No.14512152

stop being a bitch and just wear whatever you want to wear

>> No.14512249

Except you totally do look like an attention whore. That's literally what dog whistling is all about.

>> No.14512610

Dog whistling is subtly signalling and only drawing attention from those who understands what you're signalling about

>> No.14512618

You wouldnt know what these symbols were if it werent for said "nazis"

>> No.14512638

How you think your ancestors are is still how you decide they were. You didn't know them, you don't know their thoughts and desires. Their cultural context. And the further back you go, the more ancestors you have, the more different and diverse the cherry pick options become. Looking at my own ancestors, they were either socialists (pre WW2) or highly orthodox reformed Christians. Different parts of my country too, which means different language and cultural norms. Sooo.. what now? I just pick one? In the end, people who say they are proud of their heritage just cherry pick what they like. And on top of that, I'm curious about this >>14511474 as well.

>> No.14512672
File: 816 KB, 1960x4032, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm personally not a fan of precious jewellery, but I love trinkets. Left is a polished piece of deer antler with the pattern pyrographed on, the guy who made it goes by hedgeandcave on insta and etsy. Right is a rusty old key that I just wrapped some leather cord around and made a shitty hook with copper wire and a pair of pliers.

>> No.14512685


>> No.14512712
File: 556 KB, 1200x900, 3C29492E-A693-4910-9C69-9F1C06A7B1A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

signet rings make for a better use of it
i just need to get one that fits

>> No.14512730

nazis are fucking stupid. paganism is not.

>> No.14512737
File: 127 KB, 736x947, norse symbols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go pick one

>> No.14512744

Wtc shirt?

>> No.14512786

t. Cringe larper

>> No.14512810
File: 124 KB, 636x800, amulet_of_the_high_priest_by_jasonmckittrick_d6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>settling for the lesser evil

>> No.14512822

t. cringier nazism larper
nazism is more larp than paganism stfu incels

>> No.14512824

definitely Einherjar, the dildo bringer

>> No.14513158
File: 125 KB, 960x960, yjw3c3u3gnpx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't tell you specifically, I have 10+ RL Oxfords in different colors and patterns that I've picked up here and there. Department stores like Dillard's and Macy's are guaranteed to have them in stock, but I'd try places like Steinmart and Marshall's first because they're normally half the price.

Good post, I appreciate the sincerity of your questions. I would argue that the significance of the parent/progeny relationship is self-evident. Throughout human history, ancestors have typically been regarded as a source of honor, meaning, and even spiritual guidance. Before we understood the science of genetics, we had a basic understanding of a "life vitality" and "self" being passed down generation by generation. Rather than the fading into meaninglessness at the edge of living memory, this vitality and self became a part of the larger tapestry of identity, legend, and finally, myth.
If that sounds ridiculous, consider the power of a country's written history - it guides lawmakers, influences personal values, inspires celebrations, and motivates it's citizens. For example, no one here in the US has any kind of personal knowledge of the Boston Tea Party or Revolutionary War, but these events are essential to the American identity. The myths and gods of the old world have been transfigured into new archetypes in the age of reason and information, but their function and purpose remains the same. Now, to respond to >>14512638 specifically, I think my post above answers your assertions that a personal knowledge of one's ancestors and meaningful heritage are mutually inclusive. I don't believe that black Americans need to have known MLK or attended his rallies to claim his movement as part of his heritage, and I doubt you do either.
It is absolutely true that the farther you look back through time, the less clear things become...

>> No.14513196


>> No.14513248


>> No.14513675
File: 21 KB, 200x200, 91439FA6-EFF7-43A7-84A0-1225E90B3B3F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to get a necklace with this but I have no idea where to look or if there even are any

>> No.14513697

I wear a silver chain, A silver / gold watch and gold rings (one with a ruby)

>> No.14513708


>> No.14513808

Germans make pendants out of Edelweiss flowers, if you're a girl. If you're not a girl, I'd go with the Valknut, or your favorite rune. Maybe a pendant that says Gott Mit Uns.

>> No.14513898

Oh shit, an actual reasonable response on the 4chins

I still fail to see why the ancestral bond is relevant though.

I take lessons from history as well, but tying that in with heritage seems to needlessly narrow my scope to "my" specific portion of history when there's so much more to learn.

I would assume the relevance of ancestry isn't something you say because of mindless emulation, so my guess would be that you believe to have inherited not only the genetics of your ancestors, but also a more abstract "part of their being"?

If that's the case: it's not something we can really discuss, especially not on an anonymous imageboard. If it's not, I'd like to hear why you value it.

About the historical events though: first, I think there's a bit of a disconnect between our countries here, hardly anyone here (the Netherlands) is influenced in their day to day being by our history. So maybe the influence of written history is moreso a nationalist concept, rather than an ancestral one.

Second, of course, these events have shaped history, which in turn has shaped your and my countries, which in turn have shaped our environments for growing up and ultimately had some effect on us. Although at this point I think it'll be very subtle, especially in a world as globalized as the one we grew up in.

But at that point, and looping back on pendants yes or no, it loops back into my original question, why would you attach any value to factors that are in the past? There is no changing what happened, only what is happening now. So even if I wanted to take the ancestral route, wouldn't living a good life be the only correct way of honouring or remembering them? And if you believe that they are with you forever in whatever way, why would they need honours or remembering?

>> No.14513994
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>> No.14514489
File: 54 KB, 209x203, 9E60E3D5-F2CA-41F8-BB40-177DC073B8FC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go commit social suicide goy
geographic flags need to be a site standard

>> No.14514575

>i need to be able to discredit posts based on region, not value
Back to your containment board.

>> No.14514592
File: 1.89 MB, 292x351, EC80AC7A-CE6C-4696-A7FE-F75FE02E8070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14514607
File: 869 KB, 891x576, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got mine off of Etsy

>> No.14514642

>wears gay shit like this
>doesn't think he can go full out
lmao I'm surrounded by liberals in academia and I always go full out around my friends

>> No.14514648

Saw a guy in philly wearing a valknut pin and looked really based but I didn't have the nerve to talk to him. Blonde based philly man if u see this plz respond

>> No.14514680

Holy shit, just cut myself opening that image

>> No.14514916

Silver cross necklace. I’m going to get a signet ring with my family crest made when I have the money.

>> No.14514922

>Odin's horns
That symbol belongs to Dr. Thrax

>> No.14514928

The people who convinced you to despise your heritage built a ethno religious apartheid state on the beautiful shores of the Mediterranean

>> No.14514982


>> No.14514996

Alot of times, their value can be derived from region

>> No.14515257

can’t wait for the summerfag LARPers to be deported to schoolschwitz

>> No.14515381

>m-muh jooz!

>> No.14515445
File: 69 KB, 1024x898, C79B11F5-28A2-4823-81AD-FBF604F0858F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kikes aren’t responsible

>> No.14515451
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>> No.14515454

More like JEW-rly

>> No.14515475

>leddit xD

>> No.14515484


>> No.14515627
File: 66 KB, 1024x512, 6A7A4834-36CD-45FD-AC5E-F13936BF53DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha gottem

>> No.14515651

>Black sun
>Coopted by Nazis

Nigga with runes or even the swastika, you could get away with that line, but the only reason anyone knows about the black sun at all is Nazi occultism, specifically the floor mosaic at wewelsburg. The only pre-modern occurances of the black sun look comepletely different to that pic you posted. If you actually don't want to be a Nazi, use something else.

That said, ain't nothing wrong with out-and-out esoteric Nazi aesthetics, so if that's your game, the SS-style black sun is a good pick. No one knows about it, or won't say shit. If you really want to signal your esoteric knowledge, use one that isn't based on the shitty Wikipedia SVG. The wiki version (which OP pic is based on) has errors relative to the actual floor mosaic version. For example the floor mosaic has a round center (not just lines crossing), and longer arms.

>> No.14516015


>> No.14516039
File: 184 KB, 1024x875, 1544891416609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im looking for jewelry that goes in the direction of werktatt munich but something a normal person could afford, any suggestions? (pic related is one of my fav rings of them)

>> No.14516042

honestly so happy you wear this stuff in public as it's a visible warning to everyone around you


What I don't understand is why you choose to wear a symbol so associated with the SS, despite it's alleged previous meaning as 'The purest runic expression of the sun, it symbolizes the vitality of life, ambition, and success'. There are hundreds of ancient symbols from around the world which have similar or the same characteristics of those which you desire so why choose a symbol with such a dark history. I feel like I already know the answer as Guido von List fell for the same ill-informed antisemitic tropes that continue to this day.

I don't think the black sun is esoteric though, maybe because I spend to much time in a university environment but if you wore this around the university library people would wonder what the fuck OP was doing wearing the pendant.

>> No.14516077

>last point
Not who you’re replying to but I knew a girl who wore it at uni and almost got beat up by a guy.

>> No.14516418
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear a Bolivian cross necklace, planning on buying a ring too.

>> No.14516596

wow muh uruguayan nationalist, gtfo fag

>> No.14516622
File: 108 KB, 1270x1136, 1443970791047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My grandparents are German and wanted to get something that reflects that ancestory
cringe overload
t. german

>> No.14517021
File: 266 KB, 905x881, EA6FC10D-A8A7-4CC9-9362-ADC642FB274B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honoring your ancestors is cringe
Bro YOU just posted cringe

>> No.14517035

>mixing gold and silver jewelry

The absolute state of /fa/ these days

>> No.14517099
File: 127 KB, 576x768, 1547967441395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of wearing all these pendants when you most likely look like this

>> No.14517130

Why do people like this even take photos of themselves?
Surely they most know they discredit themselves and their party with each picture of their blob looking selves clad in MIGA gear.

>> No.14517134

Wearing something because of how it looks is the least cringey thing you can do
>muh symbolism
>muh deep
Don't mug yourself

>> No.14517145
File: 44 KB, 400x400, Chrome Hearts logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear a Chrome Hearts silver cross pendant and three other CH rings.

>> No.14517149


>> No.14517152

Jews are everywhere. Region indicators won't help you.

>> No.14517177
File: 154 KB, 564x750, 1564357709340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this same exact one except I didnt get the inscription. I like it. All of my colleagues suspect I am a nazi and openly joke that I am one even though they have never seen my necklace.

>> No.14517280
File: 33 KB, 800x800, kalevala-koru-naarasleijona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14517305
File: 34 KB, 384x650, Tatu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poltards keep spamming the board with larper crap yet the mods to nothing to curb this crap

>> No.14517387

All is void of objective meaning. Rejecting the value of heritage is also to reject the value of your own work after your demise. By disrespecting your ancestors, you make your death the death of your world and not just the death of a very small part of a very large whole. Also, most of a person lives through the minds of others. My sibling could be dead right now, but is just as alive as before in my mind. To reject your heritage is to kill off this part of the people that came before you and that gave their blood, sweat, suffering and tears to make your world better. Also your opinion is just some jewish university teacher planting inane im 14 and this is deep philosophy, trying to appease their ancestors by fucking the ancestors of whiteys.

Freuet euch des wahren scheins, euch des ernsten spieles; kein lebendiges ist ein eins, immer ist's ein vieles.

>> No.14517412
File: 2.02 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To get back on topic, even though the black sun is based as fuck (thanks /fa/) I wear pic related almost every day

>> No.14517447

lmao what a pussy

>> No.14517491
File: 3.20 MB, 4032x2268, 20190729_173359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to wear a black sun pendant, then some faggot asked if it was the hydra logo from the avengers so I stopped wearing it. I got and Austrian coin necklace from a local vendor at a town festival and much prefer it than looking like some nazi larper or some marvel fag but I might put it on my dogs collar.

>> No.14517529
File: 69 KB, 1000x1000, Shiva Dance Of Destruction Pendant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh Black Sun
Get with it.

>> No.14517542
File: 60 KB, 640x640, 1482427554264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh you dont like retards spamming the board?

>> No.14517548


reminder this is what happens when you wear larper shit like that

>> No.14517558

>m-mods people are saying things i dont like pls help!!
bootlicking faggots like you make me cringe holy shit

>> No.14517573 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 1024x576, 58883C97-9E03-4E44-A778-65702D9E3A6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14517632


>> No.14517633
File: 916 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190729-182215_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My own design out of 925

>> No.14517640

Can you call anything that generic your own design?

>> No.14517646

original design do not steal lmao

>> No.14517655

>that goblino is what passes as a 'nazi' in 56 land
>incapable of differentiating mass media and politics
I'm starting to appreciate how the average person is a soulless consuming insectoid and we should be led by a noble warrior-aristocracy

>> No.14517662
File: 349 KB, 1080x1856, Screenshot_20190729-183609_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew it, worked with a silversmith, made it with him

I couldn't find what I wanted in stores and online, and I wanted it to be this exact design

The closest one I found was this in a store in Japan, but the item was advertised as sterling silver but I tested it and it turned out to be made out of steel.
The silversmith was a couple blocks from this store.

>> No.14517921

>All is void of objective meaning. Rejecting the value of heritage is also to reject the value of your own work after your demise.

I'm fine with this, I don't agree with it because I believe that the value of my work after my demise isn't related to heritage, especially if -in your words- "kein lebendiges is ein eins, immer ist's ein vieles"

on that note, why the fuck are you pulling up shit in german you pretentious little shit, sure the message might not be conveyed as well in other languages, but forcing people to either learn german or translate it using google fucks up your message even more.

after that you start making assumptions.
>not valueing a parent/progeny relationship is disrespecting your ancestors
>ancestry and heritage is the only way of viewing the world (or whole) from a perspective that reaches beyond the personal level.

then, you segue into things that are once again not nessecarily related to valueing ancestry or heritage with the argument about your dead sibling, and you round off your semi rational part of the response with the claim that rejecting your heritage is to take for granted the work of those before you, which is sadly another assumption based on no real grounds.

finally we're at the end, where you boldly claim that my opinion (which I hardly stated at this point) is the result of a jewish university professor that I had, who was just trying to tip the scales of war between his ancestors and my ancestors in his favor (because apparently, those ancestors are at war)
I don't think I even need to validate this part with a response, but I studied nutrition and dietetics. I don't think the word philosophy has been used even once during those years.

Maybe you shouldn't try to write these kinds of posts when you're upset anon. It really shows.

this >>14513158 anon actually gave me a good response, even though I didn't agree 100%. on 4chan no less, which is why I felt obligated to respond to you as well.

>> No.14517944
File: 25 KB, 550x550, 485_550x550_Front_Color-NA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14518016

Ive had people mistake it for the first order symbol

>> No.14518089

Anyone got any cool rings for men?

>> No.14518133

Came here to post more or less this, the Black Sun was INVENTED by Nazis, they didn't coopt shit

>> No.14518147

Does anyone else feel like their necks are heavier when they wear a necklace? I can wear some super light thing and it'll still feel like I'm hauling a couple extra pounds on my neck.

>> No.14518153

How much of a lanklet are you?

>> No.14518210

based mitsubishi

>> No.14518235

>No one knows about it, or won't say shit.
Except they do and they will.

>> No.14518380

Does your dog's collar have any fancy pendants or charms on it already? That's a really nice idea to put jewelry on it as long as it's not a health risk or whatever.

>> No.14518433

I always think jump rings like this look shitty. I like to incorporate connecting parts like that into the design so it flows nicely and isn't just the obvious most basic option. That's more work but it's worth it to me. I see that maybe you were going for the look of a very short chain with the bail and 2 jump rings but that could have been achieved better I think. Anyway good for you, it's a cool little project and nice that you recognized the need for a real metalsmith.

>> No.14518482
File: 618 KB, 964x1531, Screenshot_20190730-021507_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

This is what it looks like when worn
Pic also of my 2nd necklace, bought cheap on Amazon.

>> No.14518509

Sorry for double post

I plan on swapping the chain on the bar pendant from a 1 mm box chain to a 1.7 oxidized rounded box chain with a lobster clasp

I despise spring ring clasps, they always feel so cheaply made

>> No.14518608

Not him but my heritage is partly middle-eastern orthodox christian, what now? I'm not strictly white but I'm not brown either.
I do dislike jewry as much as anyone else, though.

>> No.14518641
File: 1.53 MB, 3088x2320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I bought it when I went to France last month.

>> No.14518687

to dull to realize it

>> No.14518689

i like the way the hammer and sickle looks and i wouldn't wear it due to what it symbolizes though

>> No.14518692
File: 523 KB, 614x604, 1548322606298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>M-mods p-please help!

>> No.14518696

omg a dog tag cool and original! a bit too edgy for me though, I wouldn't want to offend anyone!

>> No.14518754
File: 306 KB, 980x1200, 1561576932770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think these types of people have any kind of self-reflection? Only sub-humans need a thing they did nothing for to obtain, to put themselves over other people to feel better.

>> No.14518938

and the others underage retarded shitposters
and never come back.

>> No.14518940

kek based

>> No.14518945


>> No.14518949

he is perfectly right, you retards should get the fuck out. seriously, how old are you?

>> No.14518951

dont listen to these retards anon, they are mostly underage /pol/tards who come seeth because they cant into pussy

>> No.14518955

>not wanting your national inheritance to be given away and be rendered a hated minority in your ethnic homeland means you're an ugly loser lmao
kys leftypol subhuman

>> No.14518982

>national inheritance
being born in a specific country is not a merit. kys leech, whatever country that you live in would be better off without you

>> No.14519016

>t. shaking kike

>> No.14519022

>your national inheritance to be given away
What does that even mean.
>be rendered a hated minority
We're already a minority on a worldwide scale. That part with being hated is only because of fucktards like you who unironically shout things like 1488, day of the rope soon. You're only scared because you know that things will turn on you. Better stop now with this shit instead of regretting it on the "day of the rope" lmao

>> No.14519072
File: 10 KB, 572x693, 060D51AC-3D5D-4D0E-A83E-0210B1BD2A23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T-that s-suh-symbol is a nahtzee symbol
>Point and laugh at that loser guise

>> No.14519116

>That part with being hated is only because of fucktards like you
>You're only scared because you know that things will turn on you
8 year old white child pushed infront of train by nigger in germany
massrape on white children in britain by niggers
nogo zones in sweden cuz of niggers

sure wouldnt happen without those damn nazis
oh wait, maybe white people are turning against the niggers cuz they are leeching on white homelands and murder/raping their way accross
nah, must be those damn nazis which force them to do so

you are fucking stupid and i really hope you re just a shitposting poltard and dont really think you got a point in this gibberish you're posting here

>> No.14519258

These incidents have nothing to do with race though. No idea about the rapes in Britain, but rapists should be hanged, which would be one problem less.

How about being slandered daily by politicians? What about the burning refugee centers in Germany? Don't you think this adds to resentment towards white people? You have too much hate in your heart and the divide and conquer tactics are a huge success in your case. Judge people as individuals, nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.14519267

>to put themselves over other people to feel better.
Wow, that man of straw got beaten so easily haha, who knew all my opponents were such idiots!

>> No.14519270

>That part with being hated is only because of fucktards like you who unironically shout things like 1488
That's delusion mixed with not paying attention.

>> No.14519285

>Judge people as individuals
Tell it to the blacks, babe. Oh wait. They don't give a fuck, isn't that right? They actually have a natural instinct to protect one another solely due to their racial makeup and it doesn't seem that they'll be losing that instinct any time soon? Oh OH really no that cannot be haha sargon told me to judge people as individuals hah xDD

>> No.14519287

>rapists should be hanged
so much hate in your heart bro, it's sad really

>> No.14519297

Why do you think you can only say this shit in echo chambers? Because every other normal human being would call you out on your bullshit.

I tell it to everyone who needs to hear it. Fuck racists, doesn't matter if they're white, black, asian or whatever

>> No.14519330

>I tell it to everyone who needs to hear it.
Sure you do.
>echo chambers
XD retard
Go to /pol/ and check out how many threads challenging the board's ideology there are daily.
>your bullshit.
and what is our bullshit exactly?

>> No.14519342

>>choose isolated incidents of violence
>>ignore the concept that humans are angry apes that enjoy violent dominance and that this is literally encoded into your DNA

It's amazing that people with your mindset even make it to the store to buy food. You're the real fucking leech. I guarantee you've done absolutely nothing to better yourself or any human around you in the last 20 years.

Now, gimme some bullshit argument about how things are "supposed to be".

>> No.14519522

Honouring them is fine if you do it in an uncringe way, wear a pendant with more nuance and not coopted by federal agents

>> No.14519529

How much did it cost to get a custom necklace like that?

>> No.14519557

Fuck off Miraak

>> No.14519595
File: 38 KB, 500x384, 1564274548362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies keep spamming there women larper threads and mods to nothing to curb this crap

>> No.14519806

>being born in a specific family is not a merit. now give away the family farm and burn your family heirlooms
Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike

>> No.14519817


>My grandparents are German and wanted to get something that reflects that ancestory

Damn some Americans are really this pathetic

>> No.14519911
File: 386 KB, 946x1680, B1BE79A4-EA24-49AD-AD71-848964D0295B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really like my ring since the Totenkopf variant is quite subtle. The coloring is a bit off since I had to reoxidize with eggs after shortening it, but it isn't that obvious irl and it looks alright.

Props to those that recognize the brand of the pants as well.

>> No.14520027

Thor steinar?

>> No.14520030

Yep, before G*rmany forced them to change their logo.

>> No.14520037
File: 2.70 MB, 2736x3648, 15645223910285823622388670946711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got their peacoat, my nigga.

>> No.14520057
File: 798 KB, 2048x1855, 0D49727F-D7FA-42A0-B325-336DE9AE0D59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regret not getting some of their older stuff when it was still available.

>> No.14520075

whats wrong with being in touch with my history?

>> No.14520147

>Only sub-humans
>to put themselves over other people to feel better.
>posts obviously fucked up person to represent other political side
Ironic, isnt it?

>> No.14520153
File: 49 KB, 459x639, 1563401982258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is perfectly right, you retards should get the fuck out. seriously, how old are you?
you even type like a fucking faggot lmao

>> No.14520155

>being born in a specific country is not a merit. kys leech, whatever country that you live in would be better off without you
why is this sentiment usually expressed by third worlders, subhuman mutts and low iq suburban teenagers
almost as if you're projecting the failure of your ancestors, family and nation onto everyone else

>> No.14520158
File: 2.58 MB, 4032x2268, 20190727_164918_094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing yet, I'm still looking for a nice collar to put the pendant on. I'd like to put some nice things on him but since hes a crazy malinois I can only imagine them all falling off.

>> No.14520166

Cute doggo.

>> No.14520340
File: 530 KB, 1080x1347, Screenshot_20190730-185112_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, blacks and Mexicans are afraid of him which is nice

>> No.14520345

t. shit heritage

>> No.14520473

please find another symbol you like

>> No.14520663
File: 115 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.1951207720_fc09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wook gang rise up

>> No.14520788
File: 58 KB, 588x553, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14520808

Holy shit anon. Where did you get the ring?

>> No.14520824


>> No.14520830

Speaking of NS-ish jewelry, has anyone ordered stuff from Viking Workshop (www.viking-workshop.com)?

Pretty sure >>14512712 is from there, but the site design (particularly the reviews which seem to be inauthentic) make me skeptical about the quality of their stuff.

>> No.14520836

Buddhist prayer beads for when i really want to emphasize that im asian. But the monks at my temple always give me like ten to take home

>> No.14520855

They're not afraid of YOUR dog. They raise dogs to fight and protect, and treat other dogs like they've been raised the same way.

>> No.14520866

Not even lefty, but turnabout is fair play. Most people marching around with flags aren't even masters of their own households, let alone race.

>> No.14520894
File: 36 KB, 490x490, 9BF233CC-C451-4556-A273-0F1F2680D061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is the only acceptable form of jewelry on a man.

>> No.14520898
File: 45 KB, 352x500, dsch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even fashy but these are some pretty nice rings

>> No.14520915

You're pathetic and the nazi larps here are the peak of moral degradation. you literally hate your self so much that its seeping into every part of your life.

>> No.14520925

Aesthetics are a matter of appreciating beauty, friend. Nothing wrong with having good taste.

>> No.14520927

was for

>> No.14520939
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 91x+GComOYL._SY500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing anything related to thaf hunnic retard Himmler

It's the Leviathan cross for me

>> No.14520941

>blah blah blah you are a nigger/jew/flavour of the month meme
im not but its very entertaining to watch how quickly you absolute fucking retards run out of arguments and get extremely defensive. How can you possibly think that you are superior in any way if you cant even post properly on a fucking anime image board?

>> No.14520942

answer my question or get the fuck out nigger

>> No.14521008
File: 8 KB, 216x234, 1562532483659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a cock.

>> No.14521035

The thunder cross looks like the symbol to super nazi

>> No.14521052
File: 266 KB, 504x627, 032D4C33-FF42-4E06-96B6-613E54EC70F7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts anime girl
>Obsessed With cock

>> No.14521289

But he literally gave you an argument.

>> No.14521294

The only thing you can do is adhom which leads me to believe you don't actually have any arguments, bud.

>> No.14521341

well one of them rambled about the jooz taking his family farm or something(wtf) before defaulting back to just calling everyone who doesnt agree with him a kike. doesnt seem to me like an argument but i do wonder what would a retard like this even do with a farm. anyways, weird and faggy post.

>> No.14521361

>complains about guy calling someone a kike
>calls people retards
Wow based
>b-but its different f-for me!

>> No.14521820

read my lips retard: the problem is not calling other people kikes, the problem is that /pol/tards like (You) have less than 80 iq so you keep spamming the same shit 800 times a day. Im perfectly fine with geting called a kike as long its not your whole fucking post.

>> No.14521846

well retorted, retard!

>> No.14521850

old enough to fuck your mother

>> No.14521925 [DELETED] 


>> No.14521995

Shove it up your ass homo

>> No.14522014

Anyone who's super into politics will always be the weakest of minds. They need a leader to self project on to, they follow trends and go to marches because they cant stand being alone. The kkk and and anti fascists are the same mindless drones who need a group.

>> No.14522031

Learn to read and pick you battles.

>> No.14522033
File: 170 KB, 600x800, 50F21DA1-83B1-4368-BC25-7AF0B5971AD5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14522630

I paid 13,500 yen which is about 124 usd

At Sundance kanazawa
The pendant is much bigger than ones i find online, and the chain is an oxidized 2mm 925 chain at 18 inches.

He gave me a friendly discount, the owner is very very friendly.

I hope this helps

>> No.14523218


>> No.14523220

>>>choose isolated incidents of violence
multiple thousand explicitly white english girls raped exclusively by sandniggers
>i DoNt SeE cOlOurS

>> No.14523225

>it's not a phase mom
>im a satanist now
>choke me daddy

>> No.14523254
File: 187 KB, 295x484, necklaces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have Irish and Norwegian ancestry so I wear these. I avoid wearing the Celtic Cross out in public though. I've thought about getting an Iron Cross because it looks cool as hell but I'm not German.

>> No.14523264

your local cc isn't really what most would consider a "university environment", desu.

>> No.14523276

Very nice, man.

I wear a little sterling silver feather around my neck every single day. Had it for a year and a half now.

>> No.14523435


>> No.14524203

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.14524205


>> No.14524213

ok never mind i take it back
i just checked the thread and realize it's filled with coping muttoids
good for you man :)

>> No.14525200
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta be subtle bros

>> No.14525209

The problem with the celtic cross is that it symbolizes a very interesing co-opt of national identity by misguided religious figures with possibly bad intentions. Celtic christianity not only is not the traditional religion of the Irish or Norwegians, which is bad enough in my opinion, but it is a poorly made attempt of subjulgation, since the perpretators either didn't bother to actually read the christian doctrine or had some very odd syncretistic tendencies.
The mjolnir is discrete enough. Some bigger pendants are pretty gringe, but that one is alright.

>> No.14525214


>> No.14525880

t. Mutt

Terrible bait

>> No.14525885

It’s the other way around actually

>> No.14525888
File: 92 KB, 416x750, lenin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a Fascist

>> No.14525893

the gayest thread

>> No.14525912



>> No.14526032

Thanks it does

>> No.14526046

>falling for this leftist psyop
Fucking pathetic. That’s clearly a leftist soiboi larping as a Nazi for this little staged video.

>> No.14526054

Don’t listen to these retards, they come here to seethe over anything that seems right wing because they can’t have sex

>> No.14526060

fuck off hitler, king of insecure manlets

>> No.14526094

They absolutely do. Those 70 IQ foreigners have one goal, to attack and crush the opposing races and faiths. Bending over and apologizing to them won’t save you. Those burning refugee centers and the hostile attitude towards refugees is a direct result of their animalistic behavior in Europe. They’re savages, barely even human, and deserve to be treated as such. >>14519342
>Muh isolated incidents
Fucking lol, I can’t imagine how delusional you need to be in order to believe this.

>> No.14526106

Not an argument. Hang yourself you literal brainlet

>> No.14526108

Shut it kike

>> No.14526111

You kikes are the ones who start it because you can’t handle seeing a thread you dislike. You always enter threads full of stuff you hate and pretend to be victims of shitposting. Get back in the oven.

>> No.14526118
File: 22 KB, 415x470, 1A6E409E-0A43-4613-A7FF-3223E7B48733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a fucking communist

>> No.14526121

Still taller than Lenin.

>> No.14526141

>literally shaking intensifies
boo fucking hoo, its incredible how insecure you retards are. its a fucking fact that /pol/ crossposters are the dumbest, loudest, newest and youngest of all shitposters here. Most of you are little kids who found this website during the presidental election/gamergate, traffic analysers proved this years ago. The rest are just pathetic manchildren who thought they are in good company because of 4chans edgy vocabulary. Even the trolls wont raceb8 anymore, its too easy and it got boring.

>> No.14526276

Do you want me to tell you how I know that you're living in a small village and have never seen a foreigner?

>> No.14526328

is strawmanning really the best you retards can come up with?

>> No.14526361

You're not fucking Irish or Norwegian either
Jesus when will these Amerimutts learn

>Being proud of having Irish ancestors
kek, enjoy your white negro genes

>> No.14526372

I don't know if you're the same guy who called foreigners savages, but you surely have to be quite stupid to really expect a real response to that mental vomit

>> No.14526377

sleipnir got the horses

>> No.14526515

What part of my post you think classifies as a "strawman"? Are you genuenly, unironically retarded? Or perhaps you just dont know the meaning of the shitpost you spew all over the board. I wouldnt be surprised.

>> No.14526660
File: 295 KB, 700x704, 1420209498488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Mediterranean, I know exactly what you're talking about

>still adhering to outdated fashion rules like a religion
You probably thing you can't wear navy with black too. Have sex.


>> No.14526665

I too wear nazi symbols and have non nazi excuses to wear them

>> No.14526677

Anyone have that "careful appreciation of nazi aesthetics starter pack" image?

>> No.14527432
File: 2.17 MB, 280x358, 1564793545782.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one retard has to post this and samefag his post 6 times


all boards need poster ids

anyways since Op s pic is the black sun, do you guys have the pic of the disgusting looking group of american teens with the one on the right photoshopped to have a black sun t shirt and a hitler moustache?

he also has a broken foot

>> No.14527626

in the back

>> No.14527904

I have a homemade folded flag necklace. I folded a small American flag (the ones they give out for around 4th of July), drilled a hole, and put it on a chain. I can post pic, but kinda lazy at the moment.

>> No.14527946
File: 55 KB, 583x750, finlion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14528160

>do you guys have the pic of the disgusting looking group of american teens with the one on the right photoshopped to have a black sun t shirt and a hitler moustache?

>> No.14528374

Pic please. Wanna see how the fuck does that look like.

>> No.14529010

Hold up

>> No.14529013
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20190803_16_01_24_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Had to angle it right.

>> No.14529094

would look cooler without those testicles

>> No.14529138

Buy "fake" jewelry (no precious stones or metals)
Their price is inflated, diamonds are plentiful and, but the De Beers diamond cartel keeps prices high.
Human rights violations galore (this is the shit that funds child soldiers in Africa)

The aesthetic of jewelry can work. Just don't buy it to flaunt your faggy wealth (everyone will think youre an incel)

>> No.14529149

White nationalists use that sun symbol btw. It's not well-known, but people in the know will either hate you, or try to do secret handshakes with you.

>> No.14529835

schul arbeit macht frei

>> No.14529844

Lok’tar ogar

>> No.14530333
File: 2.43 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20190804_130412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never wear it, but it's sunny so ya

>> No.14530596

god nazi larpers are so cringe. dont they have any self awareness?? they remind me of my little pony fans

>> No.14531456


>> No.14531536

yes J its cringey as fuck.

>> No.14532877


>> No.14532906

I'm WN, but this jewelry is big time cringe. However, I can't think of any male jewely that isn't.
It's got Jew right in the name you'd think it would be obvious to stay away from the stuff.
If you wanna signal to your bros just wear Rhodesian shorts

>> No.14533060


>> No.14533978

Nigger please, you're just a weeb

>> No.14534121

Can Someone please make a Handsome Squidward Totenkopf?

>> No.14534742
File: 29 KB, 220x265, totensquidf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this? (Sloppy paint job)
They make handsome squidward pins..

>> No.14534760

throm'ka warrior

>> No.14534776
File: 60 KB, 640x640, 54277275_394538947990705_1908353109993545629_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuuck this might be better hahaha

>> No.14534977
