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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 94 KB, 960x960, 1563753468671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14498636 No.14498636 [Reply] [Original]

Get this daddy issues ass step dad finger banged ass Alice Glass wannabe lookin ass Xanax gobblin ass bipolar ass "choke me uwu" moanin ass Starbucks barista lookin ass Arctic Monkeys bandwagon listenin ass Doc Marten wearin ass light menthol smokin ass art school droppin out ass tumblr browsin ass anorexic ass mascara wingin ass tiny ass thigh cuts havin ass Bernie Sanders supportin but not votin ass manbun lovin ass septum piercing havin ass Skins watchin ass lace wearin ass dye my hair every week so someone pays attention to me ass cryin after her hymen broke ass wishin she was a qt azn ass adidas not Nike lovin ass Fifty Shades of Grey lovin but vanilla and motionless in bed no head givin ass my older brother's kinda hot ass choker wearin ass won't do anal ass flat ass havin ass my mom hates me ass can't cook ass FKA Twigs listenin ass wish I had sullen cheekbones ass tooth gap havin ass I'm a pretty pink princess thinkin ass rape fantasy havin ass couldn't get on the cheer squad ass iced coffee sippin black coffee is gross ass Ryan Gosling is hot but I've never seen The Believer, Drive, or Only God Forgives ass I'm a good girl never been to church ass I had 4 wine coolers blacked out and got raped at a party I need feminism now ass only seen the 90s Lolita never seen the original Kubrick one or read the book ass former scene girl ass wish I was a secretary so I could fuck my boss and maybe get a raise fantasizin ass THOT outta here. Admit it art hoes look stupid af desu senpai

>> No.14498646

I'd still fuck though

>> No.14498649

Yeah but how you gonna get her home without people seeing you

>> No.14498652


>> No.14498665

This https://m.soundcloud.com/negativexp/scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world-ruined-a-whole-generation-of-women

>> No.14498671


>> No.14498673

Is... Is this the end of art retards for /fa/?

>> No.14498679

You know 4chan is just filled with neets who like to pirate shit right? If you want an arthoe go to bumble

>> No.14498698

teach me your ways

>> No.14498884
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, BEB366D80B79473881E541AA2A39C92A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14498895

Can somebody explain this personality type to me? I just broke up with a girl who had most of these traits. Is this what women are like now?

>> No.14498903

i want to fuck an art hoe so badly

>> No.14498904

No these are what I call daddy issue women. Stay the fuck away from chicks with daddy issues. You can tell just by looking at them. They have lots of piercings, tattoos and wild color hair. They are damaged.

>> No.14498998

No you dont. I had to go to court to make sure my friend didnt go to jail after he got falsely got accused of rape. The dumb bitch actually went to me to get condoms for my friend and then tried to ruin his life.

>> No.14499074

But i don’t spend any time shoehorning girls into categories like “arthoe” etc., I just go yea or ney

>> No.14499187

i dont, wtf do i care? if i want to sleep with someone i sleep with someone

>> No.14499194 [DELETED] 

Anonymous 07/21/19(Sun)20:56:20 No.14498665▶
>>14498636 (OP)
This https://m.soundcloud.com/negativexp/scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world-ruined-a-whole-generation-of-women
Anonymous 07/21/19(Sun)20:58:05 No.14498671▶
>>14498636 (OP)
Anonymous 07/21/19(Sun)20:59:08 No.14498673▶
Is... Is this the end of art retards for /fa/?
Sieg 07/21/19(Sun)21:02:10 No.14498679▶>>14498698
>>14498636 (OP)
You know 4chan is just filled with neets who like to pirate shit right? If you want an arthoe go to bumble
Anonymous 07/21/19(Sun)21:13:08 No.14498698▶
teach me your ways
Anonymous 07/21/19(Sun)23:15:07 No.14498884▶
File: BEB366D80B79473881E541AA2(...).gif (1.99 MB, 320x240)
1.99 MB
>>14498636 (OP)
Anonymous 07/21/19(Sun)23:20:55 No.14498895▶>>14498904
>>14498636 (OP)
Can somebody explain this personality type to me? I just broke up with a girl who had most of these traits. Is this what women are like now?
Anonymous 07/21/19(Sun)23:30:14 No.14498903▶>>14498998
i want to fuck an art hoe so badly
Anonymous 07/21/19(Sun)23:31:09 No.14498904▶
No these are what I call daddy issue women. Stay the fuck away from chicks with daddy issues. You can tell just by looking at them. They have lots of piercings, tattoos and wild color hair. They are damaged.
Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)00:35:28 No.14498998▶
No you dont. I had to go to court to make sure my friend didnt go to jail after he got falsely got accused of rape. The dumb bitch actually went to me to get condoms for my friend and then tried to ruin his life.
« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » !mxvabIoSIE 07/22/19(Mon)01:37:30 No.14499074▶
>>14498636 (OP)
But i don’t spend any time shoehorning girls into categories like “arthoe” etc., I just go yea or ney
Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)02:56:24 No.14499187▶
i dont, wtf do i care? if i want to sleep with someone i sleep with someone

>> No.14499203

lol what the fuck am i reading have you ever posted here before?

>> No.14499204

I mean back I dont know what to tell you back you trying to be popular back not like you care about me anyways back saying words at nigger again back that will be cool for you back latest trends on instagram back whatever you don't know back this is fucking boring back your first time back what the fuck ever back don't drive faster than you can see

>> No.14499238

>negative xp
My fucking nigga

>> No.14499244
File: 46 KB, 677x677, 1562987701711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14499250

Sign up for bumble as a girl, swipe on dudes until you see a profile that you think is cool.

Copy-paste everything on his page

Mimic his photos

Delete, sign up as a guy post his shit on yours

Low effort pussy, he'll never know because straight dudes Don't look at other dude profiles

>> No.14499252

Also this is how I got my first full-time job, posted an ad for a job I wanted copy-pasted bits and pieces of other people's resume and templates and copy pasted cover letters

I also stole some references from people with the same first name as me.

And it only ran me like $14 to run a fake job Craigslist ad

>> No.14499290

Anon, if she's into you, she'll mold her behaviors to the standards you hold her and yourself to in an attempt to impress you.
If she's not, why are you wasting your time.

>> No.14500064
File: 382 KB, 1108x1200, 1508681680316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled

>> No.14500075
File: 1021 KB, 421x389, 1548616120625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck

>> No.14500103

>be me
>love art hoes
>gf hates art hoes
>tfw want my gf to dress like one

>> No.14500111
File: 16 KB, 252x91, s-respect.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adidas not Nike lovin ass

>> No.14500140

please die

>> No.14500184

Bro just feed ehm drugs and alcohol and fuck ehm silly, its not that difficult they all into it

>> No.14500220


>> No.14500245

Ah damn, it is a preexisting pasta after all, but still pretty good.

>> No.14500383
File: 41 KB, 891x597, 1562447420176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ass step

>> No.14500407
File: 99 KB, 770x990, ffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really find her that attractive. She's got pretty eyes but a pretty bland everything else.
She's also practically retarded since she didn't graduate highschool. Lame.

>> No.14500597
File: 68 KB, 750x737, 1555840406896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you leave Alice Glass out of this

>> No.14500677

nigger detected

>> No.14500749
File: 960 KB, 854x756, pewds2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much for showing me this. Next Saturday will be awesome

>> No.14501381


>> No.14501391

Can someone tweet this @CassKittie

>> No.14501398

so anyone know who this particular art hoe is?

>> No.14501403

You're leaning way too hard into sleaze-core.
Probably the most useful post I'll ever get from a namefag

>> No.14501406

you are onto something

>> No.14501825

not that i would have a chance with an arthoe/daddy uwu kind of hoe, but, what if i am damaged too? i don't feel adequate for "normal" girls, or any girls really

>> No.14501892

shes cute tho

>> No.14501907

>but, what if i am damaged too?
either you abuse them or they run away from you if you act similar to them.
only way it'll work if you become legit friends with them for months where she relates to your trauma.
don't meet them off tinder

>> No.14501923

Can confirm

>> No.14501928

I think it's the bugwoman.

>> No.14502060
File: 24 KB, 717x464, 9AE9FB2F-5BEA-473F-ABF8-8CECCF01F926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I nominate this for post of the year

>> No.14502103

think u mite b retarted

>> No.14502108

>or any girls really
Yes yeeees, another one joins the prison gay club

>> No.14502349

Stay Based Anon

>> No.14502782

have u?

>> No.14502819


>> No.14503298

you're a fucking faggot shooter kill yourself your music is pathetic youre not funny interesting talented. you fucking suck dude. truly, from the bottom of my heart. i am the one that reports you every time you make a new twitter FUCK YOU I FUCKING HATE YOU

>> No.14503301

>seething arthoe

>> No.14503303


>> No.14503315

Get this attention loving gook off of my fucking imageboard. You faggots are worse than Redditors sometimes, I swear.

>> No.14503339

This really suck thqh

>> No.14503411

calm down nigga

>> No.14503424

oh i would destroy her

>> No.14503543

Where would one go to meet art hoes in the NY metropolitan area? I'd assume once you pick up the trick to one you've figured out all of them, they pretty much seem to be a hivemind, but I need a place to start looking

>> No.14503568

Not from NY but where ever hipsters are so I guess Williamsburg, Bedford Stuyvesant, Bushwick?

>> No.14503596
File: 62 KB, 700x700, rs_600x600-180803052231-600-Elle-Fanning-Max-Minghella-JR-080318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot on anon, had a good chuckle

>> No.14503663

The Met.

>> No.14504011

Based no standards manwhore

>> No.14504069

Arthoe looks stupid as shit but fucking hell it triggers something in me that makes me want to fuck

>> No.14504306

Lmao ok virgin

>> No.14504307

If you're both fucked up it's just going to end with both of one of you hurt, though I can't articulate to you the hell that's be wrought until you experience it yourself. My advice though is work on yourself so you can get a kind caring gf who's good with kids and stable. It's not that having similar interests isn't important at all but quit romanticizing about girls that like all the degenerate self-defeating art you do.

>> No.14504333

>tfw gf is turning into art hoe
am i too cucked to keep her normal or is she just fucked up?

>> No.14504338

based lesbo retard

>> No.14504737
File: 152 KB, 1080x1350, C1721D29-3A0D-4395-99B1-25BF31F98837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post art hoes

>> No.14504749

honestly though, do

>> No.14504760
File: 76 KB, 755x1024, 1563778489012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14504778
File: 430 KB, 480x270, b79.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get used by a cute art hoe as a way to get over her ex
not a good feeling lads.

>> No.14504819

This is true. Dated one and she changed her personality and way of talking every week. Broke up shortly after realizing that

>> No.14504829

Aren't these just the replacement for hipster chicks?
Why do I find them even more vile?

>> No.14504838

Because they are.

>> No.14504925


>> No.14505126
File: 220 KB, 844x791, 20190630_170556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millennial hipster girls were way better and not stupid sluts and actually had taste

>> No.14505379

>and not stupid sluts
This is the main problem here, it's become trendy to be a whore. Women's fashion, media, tastes and personalities have all been based around this simple fact for a few years now.

>> No.14505503
File: 22 KB, 483x701, 1498472841021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw an art hoe drugs and fucks you to get back at your best friend and try to ruin your relationship.

its never fun is it anon

>> No.14505509


>> No.14505515

I got my first full time job with a firm handshake

>> No.14505550

Pussy holding down the hammer

>> No.14505556
File: 3.81 MB, 1903x2612, 7676r65e54e54e45e4e5t9y89y98y9y98y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14505617

big fuckin truth right here

>> No.14505683
File: 1.23 MB, 785x757, 1496119791580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never even get this far with one

>> No.14505696


Dude you're trash

>> No.14505703

>I also stole some references from people with the same first name as me.
OK this is kind of clever.

>> No.14505760

Okay so I get hating the acutal human trash fire of a personality that these people who typically wear these styles of clothing but to be honest no point in completely hating a style all together bc some plebs wear it

>> No.14506121

Never understood the appeal of art hoes. Anyone care to explain?

>> No.14506127

People like sluts and whores and these are present days sluts and whores. Think of them as the nicole and Paris of today

>> No.14506149

Where do I find arthoes in porn?

>> No.14506828
File: 7 KB, 202x249, 1560962255612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why you film it

>> No.14506912

Who has actually seen one of these people in real life? People where I live are barely starting to wear zipper pants and thrasher hoodies and I'm fuckin 24

>> No.14507439

Being in Portland makes this so much better

>> No.14507441

This is fucking legendary

Pass your background and drug and you are diamond

>> No.14507448

try harder they exist

>> No.14507667

Proxy Paige is hot and has that look going on

>> No.14507709

>letting women have control over your life

>> No.14507903

>Bernie Sanders supportin but not votin ass


>> No.14508295

This guy knows what's up.

>> No.14508407

this is a legitimate concern

>> No.14508758


>> No.14508789
File: 1.10 MB, 3619x3620, 408F64BB-3379-49DA-B57F-B7951CCB788A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be onto something there.

It’s not that simplistic. Sleaze core is fashionable, and has been available to those adventurous enough to try it for quite a few decades now. But there’s always been a fashion to attract. Many subtler levels, and still considered more tasteful.
But “incels” are always over sensitive to everything they find attractive.
This is the main problem here. It’s become trendy to be a completely classless sow. Part of being a man is knowing how to behave well, even in front of classless people or actual whores

>> No.14508792


>> No.14508808

LES Bushwick Bed-Stuy. Literally any bar, the trashier and darker the more likely they’ll flock.

Walked into a rando Bulgarian bar (I just looked it up, it’s called Mehanata) in the LES one night for a friend’s birthday, the basement was a dumpster fire of cheap neon lasers, with a car stereo stapled to the ceiling corner blaring crackly versions of Crystal Castles esque music. An ocean of dumb fuck art hoes but of course they all had their noses way up their own ass being art hoes and twisting their bodies around to get sly looks of attention from equally trashy fuckboys.

American dating is fucking hilarious and boring.

>> No.14508818

Indigo White

>> No.14508864

he should not be touching my waifu

>> No.14508973

Found the nigger

>> No.14509219

>tfw no big titty ex-trad gf to look at sketty posts with me

>> No.14509230

shitty low-effort meme you keep trying to shill

nobody is laughing so fuck off