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/fa/ - Fashion

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14494701 No.14494701 [Reply] [Original]

I'm moving from middle-America to San Francisco for work. I'm a conservative /pol/lack, but I want to do my absolute best to infiltrate the pride scene and gain acceptance for increased social mobility. What are some ways I can alter my appearance to look more like a faggot and less like a white, cis-heteronormative nazi?

>> No.14494706
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wtf am I reading?

>> No.14494711

I'm thinking probably semi-permanent hair dye in a pride color, plus fake earrings and nose ring.

>> No.14494719 [DELETED] 

Take a couple sucks up the ass like you’ve always wanted rest will “cum” to you naturally

>> No.14494721

Take a couple dicks up the ass like you’ve always wanted rest will “cum” to you naturally

>> No.14494742

big win with the pastel plaid and thick rimmed square glasses
make sure to bring your bottle opener for onions lunch
put at least three or four asinine conflicting political buttons on your satchel

and my secrit wepon: puzzle piece necklace on small chain so you can go full aspie with a get-out-of-jail-free card

>> No.14494807

nice hairline.

>> No.14494829

b-but you look like a fag already

>> No.14494833

>puzzle piece necklace on small chain so you can go full aspie with a get-out-of-jail-free card

What do you mean by that?

>> No.14494842

Just go for metrosexual grooming first of all. Do your eyebrows, opt for something that takes actual effort with your hair.
Wear semi tight pants/jeans.
Achieve the thinspo jawline

>> No.14494848

LMAO that hairline.
Find if there's a cult of lgbt gobblins hanging out in the sewers and you wont have to change a thing, you'll fit right in bro.
Godspeed, baldilocks.

>> No.14494869
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Go for a mock-goth look. Dye your hair blue or purple. Use some eyeliner/shadow if you're under 30. It's cold in San Francisco so get a slouch beanie. Wear a lot of athletic cut black tees, with slim blue jeans. Wear black boots with them. Maybe a Canada Goose parka for this winter if you can afford it.

You might benefit from getting a luxury watch if you can afford it. If you can't, go ironic and buy a Casio F-91W, world time or calculator watch. Tattoos would be good too, but those aren't removable.

Also get a black girlfriend if you want to check some of that privilege white boi.

>> No.14494882

you litterally look Anderson Cooper gay

>> No.14494978

Just wear the same shit. Most people here have terrible fashion outside of a couple indie and/or rich neighborhoods. Grow your hair a bit longer though. It looks a bit too military at the moment.

>> No.14494994
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Your """""plan""""" just shows your IQ has receded further than the follicles in that bald ass head of yours.
Also I thought you conservative republican curs were all for the meritocracy and climbing your way up. As utterly stupid as it is, your idea is also a slimy coward's way up, same as you accuse the mythological cultural marxists of doing, which makes you honestly more of a faggot than any cock-loving, railed every night twink.
Fuck off back to /pol.

>> No.14495005

Fag lmao

>> No.14495009

Have sex.

>> No.14495019

Dude, buzz your head. Thats a big COPE hairstyle

>> No.14495022

It doesn't matter what you wear, there are literally nazi like looking people in these circles. If you smell like a /pol/tard, they will notice it, even if you wear a rainbow shirt with a unicorn printed on it.

>> No.14495072

Dont dress like you are 40yr old dad
Thats literally it
Im serious
Wear what 25 yr olds wear
Take or throw away this advice
Not sure if satire or not, equally funny
buzzing is more cope IMO

>> No.14495145

Isn’t it ironic how /pol/cels accuse Jews of doing the exact same thing. Which is to say, worming their way into society under false pretense in order to subvert it. It’s as if they’ve been projecting their own pathology onto others this entire time.
Reeeeeaaaallly makes you consider...

>> No.14495181

Or maybe it's because it's impossible to have mobility in those environments if you're anything but the status quo. Tell people you voted for Trump if you work for Google and see how far you get.

>> No.14495195

Lmfaoooo at all you people believing this inbred snownigger not coping his entire sexuality

>> No.14495208

But when Jews did it in the early half of the 20th century so they could prosper its subversion. Gotcha. Keep rationalizing your mental pathology loser.

>> No.14495243
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>Something bad happened to a group of people at one point
>Its happening again, but to a group of people I don't like this time, so it's okay


>> No.14495273

You're already halfway there with your hairline and unshaven look, just look up numales and emulate them pretty much

Don't grow it to a full beard just keep it at awkward stubble level, don't slick your hair back like that keep it a bit messy
Maybe add a hoodie, thick rimmed glasses if you're wearing contacts or something ironic like thick half rims, some shirts that don't fit as well as what you're wearing, maybe some tight jeans.

>> No.14495672
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let me guess, you look like this?

>> No.14495676

>"tread on me daddy" libertarians EVER going against their capitalist overlords

>> No.14495678

Gays don't really run shit in SF. Big tech does. Just act fake-woke, and dress as usual.

>> No.14495682

/pol/acks smell like dog food, they'd pick up the scent a mile away

>> No.14495703
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Someones mad

>> No.14495712
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>> No.14495723

Why do you people only know the same jokes?

>> No.14495745

SF is just any other city full of white racists like you, you should fit right in

>> No.14495747

Because they still make you seethe

>> No.14495752

you can dress exactly the same literally everyone in tech dresses like that. Fags haven't actually been important in SF in like 10 years.

>> No.14495753

You're just posting another copy/pasted joke. Do you have any of your own?

>> No.14495757

Are you paranoid scizofrenic? Do you really think “the gay community” is a specific climbable social group?
Seek help

>> No.14495758

Great board we got here

>> No.14495764

Well I'm a junior Lieutenant commander in the Gay Fleet. I used to be a redneck and moved to Castro. Out of pure necessity I go to gay clubs every night and suck cock for lunch.

>> No.14495810

you do know that gay people have been around for centuries, right?

dressing like a 40 year old dad is as gay as it gets.

god, what a gutless cuk

>> No.14495814

>Black characters in TV/movies is akin to systematic genocide
You people really are mentally ill

>> No.14495833

Just youtube "Buzzfeed Try Guys" Dress like any one of the white boys.

They are the pinnacle of west cost, guilt ridden, feminized liberal nu-male that you NEED to be if you are to get promotions at work and invited to all the parties. You won't have to lie and pretend to be woke, they will just assume you are.

>> No.14495837

Bro you posted cringe

>> No.14496042

>alt-righter trying to look like a lefty
Pretty easy, just wear more colorful stuff.
Try not to engage in political debates tho, if they ask you something just try to respond with "I don't really have an opinion on the subject" or something like this.
I am doing this all my life.

>> No.14496061
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>> No.14496516
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Triggered as fuck

>> No.14496521

you don’t.

people already have a lazy boomer cuck-mentality at 25, and only care about muhh basketball or football while having to take care of their younger sister’s half black son

t. from midwest to coast transplant

>> No.14496526

oh shit. i was reading the other way around

but everywhere in america is just gay cuck shit under a different veil

one is muhh support israel the other one is just more flamboyantly openly gay

>> No.14496854

haha he is fat
hillary will win