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/fa/ - Fashion

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14493853 No.14493853 [Reply] [Original]

There was a time where this was pretty disrespectful and degenerate, now this has become the norm… How do we stop this?

>> No.14493877

I'm curious as well, but I think it has something to do with increasing sex appeal.

>> No.14493879

why would we stop this? you a faggot or something?

>> No.14493886

Fuck off Roastie, You can be sexy but not dress like a complete whore. Something your female 70IQ will never understand.

>> No.14493887

Because it can make their tits look bigger (IF THEY HAVE THEM)

>> No.14493889

to attract males by becoming a sexual object for them

>> No.14493891

Oh you're just an incel i see

>> No.14493893


>> No.14493897

and you're just a pathetic cumbrain individual who seek validation by becoming a sexual object for the masses

>> No.14493899

How is belly degenerate? Are you a muslim?

>> No.14493900

that's a guy

>> No.14493901

i swear to god yall niggas gay

>> No.14493902

too much reddit for today

>> No.14493943

howdy partner

>> No.14493977

This is a dude

>> No.14493978
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>> No.14493984

t. autistic incel

>> No.14493995

What loser thinks that's a bad thing

>> No.14494007

It’s science man the industrial revolution was a mistake

>> No.14494016

>industrial revolution was a mistake
you can't just copy and paste that message without fully understanding the meaning of it which is wrote by an iq 167 genius

>> No.14494077


>> No.14494201

found the incel or the roastie

>> No.14494205

Clothes that are cheap to make and affordable for the poor.

>> No.14494206

Because it’s cute tummies are cute damn incels really need to get a life holy shit who the fuck cares about some hoe showing some skin. Go outside

>> No.14494210
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>get a life holy shit
>who the fuck cares
>Go outiside

>> No.14494227


>> No.14494291

have sex

>> No.14494299

Would you dress your daughter like this or let her if she asked?

>> No.14494307

The real reason is the current fashion trend is late-90s/early-2000s and crop-tops were "in" then so now they're "in" again.

>How do we stop this?
You get a life.

>> No.14494310

of course not but there's a difference between fucking a slut in a crop top and letting your daughter whore herself out

>> No.14494313

meant for >>14494299

>> No.14494317

Well you're just condoning that sort of behavior and your daughter might grow up looking up to such girls (as modern girls do , read: kardashians, ig models, etc.)

>> No.14494328

based. this is either a bait thread or r9k crossposting

>> No.14494368

Again, get a life

>> No.14494378

now this is “based”
and i believe we call this “cringe”

>> No.14494416
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>Again, get a life

>> No.14494420
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>> No.14494421

Because it makes my cock hard

>> No.14494463
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>> No.14494470

Masturbation is a mortal sin. Meaning if you do it one time and don't confess it and you die: according to the church you are likely to go to hell.
It is also a mortal sin to encourage someone else to sin. (I think it has to be a mortal one, it could also be venal sins but I doubt it.)
So among other reasons the purpose of modest clothing was to not to encourage people other to sin.
Getting others to fall into mortal sin would make you an arsehole of the highest order.

>> No.14494498

it's been normal since the 70's. If you were born after that, then why would you give a shit. Because you're a "different from my generation" try hard.

>> No.14494511

Im usually more on the side of modesty, but I like it when girls with toned midriffs wear croptops given that they are stylish and come together to make a nice outfit. I for one am an advocate for the male croptop.

>> No.14494610


>> No.14494614
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Based French anon.

>> No.14494628
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notorious waist scarf.

>> No.14494672

thats a boy

>> No.14494677
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>> No.14494684

For the last 300 years, since the bourgeoisie revolution, women's fashion has trended towards what prostitutes would wear to identify themselves to customers. This is overtly and covertly to send the message that they are for sale, or that they are edgy and progressive.
This combined with an increasing tendency to value a woman for her youth and nubile traits means smaller clothes that look like they would have "grown out" of them already, are increasingly stylish.
Another steady factor in women's fashion is the need to obscure, abstract, and redefine the shape of a woman's body. Clothes that don't necessarily fit, or at least fit commonly accepted proportions, regularly come back into vogue to differentiate themselves from the old style and the associated social class.

Basically, women use clothing as a social signally device to climb the ladder, more than they consider an article for it's practical affects.
it's not hard incel.
you should have sex so you can gain further insight into the woman's psyche.

>> No.14494686
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Is there even a line

>> No.14494691


Because we can fag. What's it like having to wear a 3 inch thick shirt on a hot summer day btw? Ahahahaha

>> No.14494693

t. cumbrian homophobic whore

>> No.14494694

Have sex dude I was just fucking around dude nigga about to cry cause women show skin lol

>> No.14494695


Oh right, I forgot - you guys don't go outside. My apologies.

>> No.14494696

thank you. now watch this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Erh9lR4xIk

>> No.14494704
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Friendly reminder that the open midriff can only be worn by alpha females (hence triggering the insecure incels). That's why tops + low rise jeans or skirts are a rare sight these days, few have the body for it.

>> No.14494705

wait till age and time happens. sex isn't a big deal like you cumbrains and incels chimp about it. people are more than mere fucking sexual objects for fuck sake.

>> No.14494707
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>> No.14494710
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Joke's on you, I'm a virgin yet I still like wearing crop tops like pic related (although short sleeved or sleeveless).

>> No.14494712

Lol this is the generation raised by porn

All they think matters is sex, you won’t win there fried out dopamine receptors has made them stupid

>> No.14494716

Absolutely based holy shit

>> No.14494720


t. generation raised to believe in a best friend living in the sky

>> No.14494723

Nah those people are as stupid as the people who believe porn is real

>> No.14494724

i don't give a shit if you're a virgin or not but there is certainly some sexual attraction to this type of clothing which act as a signifier. and again people much more than mere sexual objects.

>> No.14494726
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>> No.14494734

corporates exploit this mentality and they relate sex with freedom to sell bunch of meaningless bullshit

>> No.14494739


Well it's hard to take someone serious belittling the millennials when we have less casual sex than the previous ones.

Especially since porn addiction is more of a problem for young men than young women. We typically prefer to read the porn than watch it.


What if I told you that people who wears these casually don't give a damn if they're objectified or not? It just makes creepers easier to spot.

>waah waah does that mean if someone checks out your tummy he's a cree-

Nope. Taking pics to gossip would, but that only happened once, and the dude was a fairly sad 14 year old kid. Hardly someone whose opinion I'd care about.

>> No.14494741

oh look another cumbrain sub-human is preaching about cum

>> No.14494745


It's literally you immediately thinking about cum. You're cucking yourself and blaming the world for your own delusions.

>> No.14494750
File: 187 KB, 1280x1922, daisy-ridley-the-tonight-show-starring-jimmy-fallon-in-new-york-6-26-2019-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's my time. Thank you gentleanons, you were a lovely crowd tonight. Good luck finding a suitable cock sock as beachwear.

>> No.14494751

if young girls do it, it's fine.

>> No.14494757

Kek I just think the porn has literally fucked them up beyond repair it’s lead to warped mindset that’ll do nothing for them but create repressed individuals who think showing stomach is an egregious act

Reading Porn erotica weird too ngl lol

>> No.14494760

fuck you all, i just wear crop tops when the weather is crazy hot. don’t act like ya’ll wouldn’t if it was the norm for guys

>> No.14494762

everyone cares, they are making these conscious choices to express themselves. there is some goal of every action and a consequence.
>It just makes creepers easier to spot
I mean you called op a fag because he don't like this type of clothing. so who don't like this clothing and discuss they are a fag and who likes it and discuss it, they are a creep?

>the ultimate cumbrain reasoning

>> No.14494768
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goodbye you normalfaggot tasteless pleb

>> No.14494806

The same guy that wrote this probably jacks off three times a day.

>> No.14495117

this is unironically the nature of most women without social shaming to keep them in check
only an 'enlightened' people can be so stupid to not know what has been known for thousands of years
men and women are just animals, we've needed structure to rise above our baser instincts but it has been and is actively being subverted, lowering us to beasts in the name of progress

>> No.14495373

then go take off your clothes starting living like an unconscious animal you fucking caveman

>> No.14495386

Imagine pounding that boipussy every night. The black man that gets this white boii is lucky.

>> No.14495421

>The black man that gets this white boii is lucky.

Why do you instantly think of a black man Fucking her?

>> No.14495449

Pretty good question, actually.
If you didn't write it I would.
(and my answer would be : no)

>> No.14495453

Why has nobody replied to this? Because it's true & they're too ashamed to recognize it?

>> No.14495456

You completely misunderstood his message.

>> No.14495458

because no-one here is a christcuck

>> No.14495534

Fuck you gaylord I have sex with respectable women not slags dressed like whores

>> No.14495551

have sex

>> No.14495566

Currently fashion is a big shitshow imo. Female fashion is aimed at sex appeal, with the hot pants, crop tops etc. Male fashion is just unironic antifashion and has been for quite a while.

>> No.14495570

lose weight

>> No.14495573
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Showing tummy was even more of a trend in the 90s

>> No.14495610

Fuck off back to twitter roastie

>> No.14495617

Everyone laugh at the loser

>> No.14495701

>wow look at me i replied to everybody

>> No.14495744

lol, what a faggot you are

>> No.14495782

Crop tops been around since at least the 60s. Guys have been wearing them since the 80s

>> No.14495785


>> No.14495790

the *only* people who hate on flat tummies and low rise jeans are fat whores who need to wear high-waist jeans to hide their rolls and give the illusion of a figure.


>> No.14495795

so, lets see

+ practical against heat
+ sexy
+ goes with countless styles, including trending 90s ones

- triggers incels and /pol/ posters (the same people). oh, wait, thats actually a positive.

so we have 4 positives and 0 negatives.

>> No.14495822

shut the fuck up you sexist cumbrain pig faggot

>> No.14495864

>P-please reply

>> No.14495992

t. virgin

have sex

>> No.14496799

exactly, same in Islam

>> No.14496828

this is a dude (OP image)

>> No.14496837

imagine being this mad at people cause you dont like there clothes

>> No.14496838

its true if your religious in other words a dumbass

>> No.14496840

im slim lol
anyhow, have sex

>> No.14496894

Transcendentally based

>> No.14496896
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>> No.14497116

lose weight

>> No.14497448

who the fuck cares? with this logic women should cover up their mouths as men could visualize sticking their dick in it

>> No.14497452

Have you heard of that period called the 90s?

>> No.14497539

Based tbchwymfamalam

>> No.14497539,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.14498152

Have my (You)

>> No.14498275

lickable tummies

>> No.14498725

have kids

>> No.14498730
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>> No.14498736

>How do we stop this?
We rewind time and stop the "sexual revolution" of the 60s. But I don't really give a shit. Turns out that when women are allowed to have more say in their lives, they stop hiding that they want sexual attention and that they enjoy sex.

You incels think that you would have fared any better with the coy tongue-in-cheek courtship practices of yesteryear? You can't even read overt social cues today.

P.S. That's a dude.

>> No.14498740

there's something beautiful about a roastie calling someone a faggot

>> No.14499060

What are you on about, Freud?

Both men and women became sexually outspoken. It takes two to tango.

>> No.14499184

cuuuuuuuuuck booooooooooi

>> No.14499720

Fag man

>> No.14499833 [DELETED] 



>> No.14499894

Where did I say they weren't?

>> No.14500027











>> No.14500315

>Imagine announcing a report

>> No.14500330

Bro, you're posting cringe.

>> No.14501649

If a girl can't pull off open midriff that's pathetic and sad.

>> No.14501659

shut up you arab cuck. it's been a trend since the 90's.

>> No.14501663

>alpha females
Not being a fat fuck doesn't make you alpha. Not having a body to rock a midriff is pathetic.

>> No.14501933

yeye ou watch charlie too good on you now come up with your own insults brianlet

>> No.14501971

its 4chan meme you fucking normalfaggot

>> No.14501992

Hate to be that guy but the dude didn’t announce a report, but rather urged others to do so

>> No.14501999

>Not being a fat fuck doesn't make you alpha
Being hot does though and fatties aren't

>> No.14502113

my nigga

>> No.14502177

Literally one of the most based things I've ever seen.

>> No.14502578

This is an old trend from the 60's faggot. Nothing new to see here

>> No.14502586

Because girls wanted to be as fat as they wanted, do nothing to improve themselves, and still be considered sexy.
>I want to be sexually attractive while not actually having any of the physical attributes that make me that way
Absolutely haram. Take away their makeup, their brain washing society into thinking fat is attractive, and their social media, and they are weak, less than average looking women with significant mental issues

>> No.14502592

Fucking Autists

>> No.14502758

>he capitalized "roastie"

>> No.14502759

why do fags keep invading this website? It's no use, give it up

>> No.14503266
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