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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 143 KB, 800x600, haahas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14485662 No.14485662 [Reply] [Original]

Post zoomer fits that you like or dislike

>> No.14485699

I’m sure whoever made that image is just as insufferable if not more.

>> No.14485733
File: 111 KB, 900x1200, Polposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr why cant zoomers do mosley core

>> No.14485748
File: 170 KB, 720x960, zoomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14485751

this board is almost universally zoomers

>> No.14485817

I'm 30

>> No.14485847

I am 32

>> No.14485882


lmao mexican teens look ugly as shit man

>> No.14485884


Good job Zoomer

>> No.14485893


yeah but hes getting pussy, cant say the same about you incel.

>> No.14485915

Better tham the emo fags of my generation.

>> No.14485931


>> No.14485988

They're easier to look at but the music somehow got worse

>> No.14486002

can some one post real pics of OP character? is it common?

>> No.14486028
File: 230 KB, 1242x1258, 3D62B8BD-309C-486D-8EDE-F4F625D40383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14486035
File: 356 KB, 1242x1536, 069A8E8F-1E5F-46A4-B8DB-07CB634EF278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14486057

>body language points towards the cute Latina while rejecting the basic white bitch

Mexicans are based

>> No.14486058
File: 149 KB, 700x700, lessthanthree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having dark circles/eye bags
op chippendale dancer confirmed

>> No.14486060
File: 459 KB, 748x1058, 20190716_144940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking enormous faggot i know on insta. Literally every day he posts like 20 "well composed pensive scenic photos" of like flowers blowing in the wind or some shit on his story. So fucking cringe

>> No.14486065
File: 126 KB, 750x750, o2ltf8qbn5231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another enormous faggot

>> No.14486074

These faggots ruined curtains why do all white guy hairstyles get memed into oblivion

>> No.14486082

just get a short side part they never really go out of style

i had curtains last year but it was less meme looking and more natural, grew it out to like shoulder length tarzan shit, then cut it to a nice short side-swept left part, don't regret it at all

way cleaner + easier to dry

>> No.14486106

Please Marry Me

>> No.14486117

That fits cool

>> No.14486132

Big dick energy

>> No.14486136

absolutely based
seething chapo traphouse refugees

>> No.14486138

all 3 are spics drunkposting niggers should be banned

>> No.14486164

I see. Absolutely pathetic. I actually have 1 guy walking around town who match the description somehow, looks like emo\commiting suicide\non conformist kid from south park core, smoking, black dyed hair, and most clown thing of all - fuckin cropped wide pants. I call him a clown.

I thought this is just some zoomer shit variation.

>> No.14486249

>the music somehow got worse
Screamo was peak shitty

>> No.14486373

I bet you're getting bullied by kids who look like this in highschool dork

>> No.14486514

Whats wrong with Scott Pilgrim v. the World?

>> No.14486713

That is sick as fuck

>> No.14486718

Its the guys who like it and obsess with having a Ramona flowers of their own.

>> No.14486725

leave scott out of this

>> No.14486792

damn this shit is tight

>> No.14486893

bruh that better be snow or that dude needs to wash his hair

>> No.14486895

Proof that zoomers are literally braindead

>> No.14487352


>> No.14487394
File: 25 KB, 500x219, 1555787992545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

31 here, completing the triumvirate.

>> No.14487402

They're all brown tho

>> No.14487416

goddamn the stance got to me

>> No.14487433

people went bald before to
>please save my hairline

>> No.14487462

This is the new zoomer style? Not bad actually, 90s as fuck. Hopefully the cringey conformism of the 2010s is now over.

>> No.14488387
File: 511 KB, 1024x677, 1527798776677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking any of those people are white

>> No.14488399

Not that anon, but I obsess with have a Ramona gf. That's just having good taste. Not that the movie was any good, short dyed hair is just amazing

>> No.14488425

>conformity is exclusively a 2010 thing
z00m z00m

>> No.14488626

>Screamo was peak shitty

Now I know your basic ass isn't referring to 90's screamo.

>> No.14488670
File: 74 KB, 768x829, _you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14489276


He's ugly lol.

>> No.14489278


I remember when curtains were cool in 2016. Now they look like some dumb teenager fag shit


Oof. leftist spic loving zoomer triggered

>> No.14489282


Fucking hate these hipsters


>conformism of 2010s

lol shut the fuck up kid. zoomers like you dont know anything.

>> No.14489285
File: 144 KB, 960x732, gigachad0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based boomer millennial bro


Nah, I'm getting bullied by guys that look like this, teenage fag

>> No.14489444 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 328x505, 1563239861907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14489460


>> No.14489463


A weird mix between the 70's and the 90s lol

>> No.14489472

I think it’s mostly thrifted, including the trousers.

>> No.14489475


Or DePop

>> No.14489484

Are you so inept that you can’t google what’s in the picture? All of the things he is wearing is so easy to find if you just google it, the fucking footwear are just cowboy boots, his pants are just pleated green dress pants that are thrifted, his shirt is literally just a turtleneck, and his jacket is just a leather jacket you can find anywhere. Come on now, you can do better.

>> No.14489488 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 515x535, 1563252114436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger please, no trousers made today look anything like that pic.
I want to know what specifically i can search up to get pants exactly like that.


>> No.14489510

lol at the cock ring.

>> No.14489515

one chad to turn the whole thread against the OP image
it's like that legend of the guy who could reverse a waterfall.

>> No.14489518

Everything other than the pants I said were probably thrifted are searchable. I am a gracious god so I will bless you with a pair of pants that might please you https://us.asos.com/asos-design/asos-design-tapered-crop-smart-pants-with-pleats-in-green/prd/10578076?&channelref=product+search&mk=abc&currencyid=2&ppcadref=1722959417%7C70573368859%7Cpla-652038768698%26browseCountry%3DUS&affid=14180&channelref=product+search&mk=abc&ppcadref=1722959417%7C70573368859%7Cpla-652038768698&_cclid=Google_EAIaIQobChMI2-a2zeK94wIV1h6tBh2Vcg3eEAQYASABEgL5NfD_BwE&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2-a2zeK94wIV1h6tBh2Vcg3eEAQYASABEgL5NfD_BwE

>> No.14489520

thank you based pants god

>> No.14489525 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 1024x576, 1562995349028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a (you) whoever you are.
And if you are the guy who I called a nigger- bless your soul even more, pants god.

Have a picture that could get me banned.

>> No.14489528

Ten joyful blessings to you and your pants. For now and forever

>> No.14489531 [DELETED] 

Those arent the fucking pants. The ones in the image get wider at the bottom

>> No.14489533

Amazing picture. Have ten joyful blessings to you and your pants. For now and forever

>> No.14489535

My son, I had never said that the pants are the same, I had only brought those pants so it might have pleased him.

>> No.14489536

you sound like you want to get smoten by the pants god

>> No.14489539

The pants god is a forgiving god, I shall bless this thread with more accurate to picture pants https://www.contemposuits.com/frmewilegdrp3.html?utm_source=googlepepla&utm_medium=adwords&id=51320962143&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhoD01OW94wIVCp6fCh3OPwAQEAQYAyABEgInj_D_BwE

>> No.14489543 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 1024x641, 1562837951932m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly better but now theyre too wide

>> No.14489547 [DELETED] 

>smallest waist size is 30
Bruh my waist is like 26 inches

>> No.14489550

Alterations of a pants fabric are the natural process of its life, if a tailor must bestow their hands upon it, so be it. I shall love all pants no matter how altered.

>> No.14489572

Alterations will bestow upon you pants for you to love; tailors are able to take in vast amounts of fabric from pants waist line although beware as it is possible you will need to sink in more money into the fit of the pants you seek as with drastic alterations of the waist comes alterations of different parts of the pant. Ten joyful blessings to you and your pants. For now and forever.

>> No.14489581 [DELETED] 

Based pants god

>> No.14489626

>but I obsess with have a Ramona gf
Have fun with your BPD crazy bitch girlfriend who's gonna fuck other guys after she's finished obsessing over your for a week.

>> No.14489630

>hasn't accomplished anything
>will die w/o contribution to human race
>would be more efficient to replace him w/ a cybernetic frog

>> No.14489631

larping faggot.

>> No.14489634

bruh no offence but go to old navy and there's a 65% chance those pants iwll be available for $25.

>> No.14489640
File: 15 KB, 220x220, ted kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is proof that the industrial revolution was a mistake.

>> No.14489645 [DELETED] 

Fuck off nigger, you can kill jews and libs and look cute while doing it too

>> No.14489649
File: 424 KB, 713x873, librarian_hilda_drawn_by_ex_trident__7ae2423a358dcfea739238030445ffde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a qt with short dyed hair, couldn't tell you why I like it so much. I won't learn until I actually get burned. Aren't all women supposed to be like that anyways?

>> No.14489729

holy shit man, what are you talking about. Just listen to yourself for a minute

>> No.14489746

Are you complaining that my preference is shitty, or that the post is rambly? If English is your first language it should be perfectly legible

>> No.14489866

what will be your contribution to the human race anon ?

>> No.14490119 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 620x777, 1536452416796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are not ready for one, bitches like these are like pitbulls or czech wolfdogs, not a good time if its your first dog, same thing with women, if your first gf is some bipolar neurotic e thot, she will fuck you up for life.
Thats why people have golden retrievers as their first dogs, and you should find some chill normie bitch that dresses in h&m (target if american) and listens to imagine dragons
And when you get experience, go for some crazy e-thot whore and have lots of fun

>> No.14490126

what even happened to this poor lad? shits obviously some sort of deformity

>> No.14490138

Oh my god dude the ride is so wild the pain hurts so fucking good you’ll really sit there wanting to end your shit when she fucks you over love that shit

>> No.14490143

its your problem that you emotionally attached yourself to a girl like that

>> No.14490148

Yeah dude re-read what I wrote knowing I know I shouldn’t be falling for them yet still do, think I have a fetish for it as gross as that sounds

>> No.14490623
File: 60 KB, 465x465, IMG_20181224_011336_943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and tedpilled

>> No.14490629
File: 418 KB, 960x1280, zoomer fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14490640
File: 15 KB, 240x400, 54d5a35373ada_-_esq-hedi-slimane-karl-lagerfeld-030712-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legendary hediposter, we're the only ones left from the old era

>> No.14490773 [DELETED] 

shit niggers if that doesn't come off as try hard to you all we're fucked

>> No.14490780


>> No.14490803


>> No.14490953

Its called having style, literally, this beats zoomer fashion. The guys insta is freddy coombes, and he actually dresses good.

>> No.14490962

>unironic practice gf
how do I achieve these levels of Chad sociopathy?

>> No.14491059

or maybe. just maybe. stop being an adult who cares so much about what othe people wear lol

>> No.14491167

if thats what you got out of this, you should stay virgin

>> No.14491190

lol okay enjoy being smelly and eating pigeon

>> No.14491199

Found the ugly brown Mexican

>> No.14491202 [DELETED] 


>> No.14491354

seething monkeybrancher

>> No.14491562

spic here, I powerfucked my white girlfriends tight puss then she scratched my head while singing to me afterwards. I truly pity incels that will never have the same type of experiences

>> No.14491695

those are the yusuke pants lmao

>> No.14491720


Freddy Coombes is Zoomer fashion though.

>> No.14491722


Spic here, I'm 4'11 and I have a small penis

I also have a faggot boyfriend

>> No.14491815


>> No.14491828

You're right. 90s screamo isn't peak shit. It's mediocre shit.

>> No.14491830

literally living in your head rent free lol

>> No.14491840

have sex

>> No.14491862

Your overcompensation is showing. Pathetic. I hate liars. But I hate Mexicans even more. I’m going to hire a Mexican prostitute and piss in her face. Thanks.

>> No.14492150

pretty based dialogue desu

>> No.14492158

xaxaxax, the only spic i know is a degenerate who thinks he is white somehow

>> No.14492160

How does it feel I've raw dogged so many white girls
Lol kys my man, or better yet go shoot up another school, incel

>> No.14492162

why is the right dude wearing fucking soccer shoes

>> No.14492166

If ur over 25 on this board just go ahead and kys LMAO

>> No.14492211
File: 136 KB, 640x800, 1LXuxoE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bassist in my band is like this and while she's an absolute sweetheart as a friend she's HORRIBLE as an s/o

Also E-Boys are literal human trash I know because my school is filled with them

>> No.14492216

>90s curtains hair

Whoever made this is woefully out of touch.

>> No.14492256
File: 135 KB, 1024x1024, 1560977818199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female friend
You can't stop me, normalfriend. Someone like me would be lucky to have my head bitten off by one of these succubi

>> No.14492269
File: 916 KB, 1600x2400, 1539380378161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bro I'm far from fucking normie, I'm literally the weirdest in my band and most of my school hates me.

Also girls like that might have a lot of kinks but the emotional problems that come with it aren't worth it. Unless you literally find that diamond in the rough where she has the aesthetic but none of the problems they really aren't worth it.

>> No.14492344
File: 105 KB, 604x460, 1481418532419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses "normie"
>female friend
>describes her positively on top of that
>is part of a band
>thinks kinks are a plus
>has the luxury to pick and choose with women
You are a normalfag, but don't sweat it, its a much happier way to live. I'd trade places anytime. Your peers have to know who you are to hate you, but I'm guilty of that too. You'll never see them again once you graduate, so don't worry about it

>> No.14492364
File: 78 KB, 640x634, 4cgZxqZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ay man you do you but having a doomer ass attitude will get you nowhere

Honestly when I stopped caring about what people think of me is when I started blossoming, I hope whatever bad funk you're in you'll get out of it and become the person you're meant to be

>> No.14492376

i am totally certain you are 17 years old

>> No.14492473

18, stood back a year in 9th

Close tho

>> No.14492513


>> No.14492853

>my school is filled with them
You either live in manhattan, upstate ny or somewhere equally rich

>> No.14492881

curtains will never die

>> No.14492896

90s curtain hair are being taken by the zoomers.

>> No.14493062

they're all mexicans....
i posted the pic

>> No.14493138


Meixcans should be deported lol. Manlet genetic trash

>> No.14493140


Zoomers do have 90s curtain hairr haha. Look at the eboy faggots

>> No.14493143


>and most of my school hates me.

You must still be in high school...Come back to /fa/ after you graduated

High school is for retards mane, it doesn't matter at all except for the grades you

>> No.14493145


*grades you earn to get into a good college

>> No.14493163

Those are your average American zoomers now

>> No.14493268


>> No.14493277

No one dresses like eboys. someone confirmed it's isolated to one city in the usa apparently and a few people trying to recreate it outside of the city but doing it poorly.
Most people are confused who the fuck and where the fuck the eboy phenomenon came from.

>> No.14493868

scott pilgram is a good movie wtf are you smoking

>> No.14493876

I personally didn't like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World when I saw it (I'm not a fan of the director's work) but after reading the comic and listening to the music and watching interviews of the actors I started to appreciate it but I still don't like the director or that film.

>> No.14493932

>I'm not a fan of the director's work
Why tho?

>> No.14493949

scott pilgrim is fire idgaf debate me

>> No.14494005

Not sure of the actual pants but they look a lot like these

>> No.14494108

you have poor taste in films is all I've gathered from this

>> No.14494119
File: 469 KB, 250x186, im triggered.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgar Wright's style is just naturally obnoxious. I even wanted to see Ant-Man and Baby Driver until I found out he directed them.

>> No.14494233
File: 358 KB, 533x535, mids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> converse
kill your self you faggot

>> No.14494247

Y-you’re joking; r-right anon?

>> No.14494561


And you watch those pictures, also cringe

>> No.14494573

I don't even know what's bait anymore.

>> No.14494819

nigga u gay

>> No.14494870
File: 194 KB, 500x269, 57147ed0f2e3b7426d02fd2499aaa818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to pull off the curtain haircut if I have a receded front?

>> No.14494875

did you just use the word "faggot" as an insult?

>> No.14494886

Decent enough movie on it's own.
Shit adaptation of a good comic.
People act like it's second coming of christ.

>> No.14494897


What are flare pants? Is that your fucking question?

>> No.14494900

You sound like a bitch, congratulations on never scoring them

>> No.14494954

>I'm not 17! I'm 18 but with the experience of a 17-year-old!

>> No.14495034

Holy ahit /fa is so delusional

>> No.14495069

Lmao you can read can’t you faggot

>> No.14495092

it seems to be pretty big in korean and japan too

>> No.14495103

Yeah not.

>> No.14495106

Idiot is actually more useful in that case.

>> No.14495302
File: 1.22 MB, 320x320, Hajidere_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure hope this is bait duder

>> No.14495577

why do i feel like hes cute? its probably just my empathy actually just feeling sorry for him

>> No.14495582

Whats a zoomer ?

>> No.14495632

someone you don't like

>> No.14495662
File: 201 KB, 1200x1195, 1563475387860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep seething you pathetic whiteoid cucks lmao, how does it feel that these ugly brown ''spics'' are fucking more girls than you will ever do, you should go outside more and stop being so hateful towards people who are more succesful than you

>> No.14495699

big in northern europe too

>> No.14495724
File: 40 KB, 323x412, _soyestofboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White basedboy defending a spic on a Cambodian curtain rod maintenance forum

>> No.14495726

green trousers elfmode fucker get out

>> No.14495729

Shit you're right. I got myself one of those for my first gf and she fucked me up. Made sure the second gf was a literal golden retriever, so basic we never had a meaningful conversation in 8 months lmao.

>> No.14495746


>> No.14496049

keep seething white cuck

>> No.14496067
File: 15 KB, 644x800, Youabosulteinsectilepatheticlowenergyfuckyoumakemesickhowpatheticyouareyoudumb,centimeterdickfuckface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ha If I call whiteoids cucks surely it will disguise my own rampant cuckoldry

Have sex you fat self loathing tard

>> No.14496339

>people on this board are ACTUALLY lusting after white women
oh no no nooo

>> No.14496348

32 also. I sell clothes I love to zoomers and they're happy to buy them and wear crazy shit. Honestly, a much more decent crowd as clients than millennials or xillennials.

>> No.14496517
File: 107 KB, 958x960, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a zoomer I like techwear and getting into it is fun.

>> No.14496746
File: 21 KB, 320x239, 23190BA8-5348-45A6-BEF9-70A270739567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wh*toids mad that wh*te """""""women"""""" prefer an alpha mexican over some pink shrimp dick

>> No.14496761

go back to your cuckshed fag.

>> No.14496786
File: 86 KB, 433x427, 1563513737547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's just having good taste

Obsessing over the textbook definition of the manic pixie gf archetype, a FICTIONAL CHARACTER no less, is the antithesis of good taste. Jackoff.

>> No.14496793

>and most of my school hates me

I wonder why

>> No.14496841

holy fuck only now I see his tattoos, which is usually the type that gets them anyway

>> No.14496844

>she fucked me up. Made sure the second gf was a literal golden retriever, so basic we never had a meaningful conversation in 8 months lmao.
Holy fucking shit, exact same thing happened to me, only I had to suffer for an entire year of the bitch only talking about makeup, im back at fucking pitbulls

>> No.14496846

This is some prime spic cope

>> No.14497111
File: 44 KB, 800x334, conscious-breathing-mouth-breathing-negative-impact-teeth3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually probably look at pic related

>> No.14497280
File: 120 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shut the fuck up

>> No.14497318

what the fuck are e-boys and e-girls?

>> No.14497327

I support this post.
Do not come back.

>> No.14497461
File: 50 KB, 540x745, tumblr_pt7ibonFYJ1wob3la_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

internet fashion trend for zoomers
-excessive use of accessories including chains, rings, and earrings
-informal layering typically with long sleeve under short sleeve
-usually striped or checkered undershirt
-dyed black hair
-ridiculous use of symbols such as hearts, locks, crosses, tears
-band merch (especially thrash metal shirts for some reason)
7-only owns black pants or jeans
-black and white
-painted nails
-middle part
-acts apathetic and depressed but grew up middle class
-only dresses like this to post pictures on the internet

-first 7 of the male section
-black and pastels
-sharp winged eyeliner
-warmer tones for eyeshadow
-awful blush application that harshly goes over the nose
-nude or pastel lip (sometimes black)
-those or literal clown makeup
-some bob variant
-acts apathetic and depressed but grew up middle class
-only dresses like this to post pictures on the internet
-closely related to e-thotcore

you definitely know it when you see it
anyone can pitch in or point out any disagreements

>> No.14497696

kek, motherfuckers dressing up as emo kingdom hearts characters
is this mostly an american thing?
haven't seen fags like this in the eu much

>> No.14497762

Fucking nice

>> No.14497779

>most of my school hates me

>> No.14497793

it looks like he would be cute without the fucked chin. poor dude

>> No.14497848

I'm not sure if they actually wear this in public or just do it to get the likes on their socials. I think theyre similar in age with those edgy tik tok kids and are mostly going into their senior year of high school. I definitely dont see anyone dressing like this while attending college, but I guess i'll be able to figure it all out in a year or two when they all flood into college.

>> No.14498501

lol based

>> No.14498533

You don't have to look bad while you bomb cellphone towers.

>> No.14498537

High schoolers with "model" in their Instagram bio

Just sage and hide

>> No.14498552

>implying they'll go to college and not flunk out of some fashion school

>> No.14498662

what the fuck is this even.

i can't see shit anon.

>> No.14498668

if I had opportunity to meet you irl I'd beat you so hard even your mothers would no recognize your deformed mugs

>> No.14499211

Me too man lol.

>> No.14499426

>having eye bags / dark circles are fashionable
As someone who seemingly lives with both despite sleeping lots and hydrating all day every day, I can tell you they're not. It's lovely getting up for work, feeling alright to be told i look like shit.

>> No.14499602

the vanity lights make taking pictures with clarity difficult since my apartment is too small to take photos.

>> No.14499612

OMG pepe the frog is my favourite meme!
that guy is lucky he got a cake of him
plus he is way more /fa/ than all the nonwhites that get posted here

>> No.14499614

>more successful

you sound like the type to say things like "we need to dismantle white privilege" and "brown people are oppressed". Go rope yourself you welfare recepiant.

>> No.14500165

Bro how do you cut your hair? and what products do you use to style it to get the split in the middle?

>> No.14500349

I have the same lengt but it falls down like a bowlcut lmao. I have to wear it back until I find out how to get texture.

>> No.14500353


Everyone born in the 90s should be considered a zoom desu

>> No.14501190

I’ve tried to get curtains for years and my hair just goes down, it’s ridiculous

>> No.14501220

Chinguen a su madre todos

>> No.14501249

god i fucking hate old people. if youre over 25 just end it already

>> No.14501320
File: 136 KB, 640x1035, eboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14501333

Does that mean 26 and over? Or 25yos also get it?

>> No.14501364


>> No.14502769

I see annoying faggots dressing like this all the time in Stockholm

>> No.14502791

not that bad desu

>> No.14502801

I see myself in one too many of these lines to not feel uncomfortable about it

>> No.14502810

He's 5'1?

>> No.14502841

he didn't direct ant man and you shouldn't be excited for capeshit, you absolute pleb

>> No.14502842

then stop taking them

>> No.14502867

Why do they all have the same haircut?

>> No.14503016

Just as cringe, anglos can't into true /fa/scism

>> No.14503066

Just like e-cigarettes you think they might be better but are just as cancerous

>> No.14503230

I wish that was who I am

>> No.14503265

Have sex

>> No.14503554

>one city in the usa
Which one? My money's on NYC or San Francisco desu

>> No.14503749

>Have sex you fat self loathing tard
Proyecting this hard

>> No.14503754

Lol true, seriously white guys are the last option for most women.

>> No.14504106


>> No.14504244

tryhard fags like you should stop preaching. I hate this board for attracting "people" like you

>> No.14504305

>made up overglorified manletbabble
sounds about right

>> No.14504308

hardly see any of them but around södermalm they are absolutely everywhere

>> No.14504544


>> No.14504546


>> No.14504642

The second marker is for half a foot

He's like 5'7-5'9, so normalish height

>> No.14504690
File: 375 KB, 1783x1783, IMG_20190620_184227_145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14504710

What in the fuck is an e-boy?
What the fuck is any of this shit?

>> No.14504734


this was cringe yet wholesome

>> No.14504743

business casual good for all situations

>> No.14504789

Id on shirt please

>> No.14504844

real cringe is using the term "cringe" past the year 2014 and believing that a crybaby 16 y/o is wholesome.

>> No.14504908

manlet cope

>> No.14504919

anon died this is his dad haha were you one of his friends or something? we miss our son

>> No.14504944

I feel like most of the posters in this thread are sub six feet and this dwells on them.

>> No.14505068

K. Thank you anon.

>> No.14505077

Imagine being on this board past high school

>> No.14505141

You know that's a tranny, right?

>> No.14505220

Muuuuuh le emo generarion
Are you literally 15

>> No.14505270

What an absolutely abhorrent thread

>> No.14505421

I saw e-boys only on 4chan and youtube tiktok cringe videos

>> No.14505670


>> No.14505708


Cringe. Underage fags not allowed.

>> No.14505711


Go to Sweden and faggots under 21 over there look like their emo wannabes with dumb middle parted hair

>> No.14505732

the future is now, old man
you're now obsolete

>> No.14505746

Goth never dies it just mutates.

>> No.14505839

An mexican childhood friend of mine literally said to me she would rather die alone than date an mexican guy. She also said she felt guilty that if she was a mother her children would inherit her mexican genes.

The worst about it is that she is 100% correct as well. Mexicans look like shit and their genetics suck dick. She isn't saying this because she is racist. She's saying it because it's realistic. Mexicans are bottom of the barrel genetic trash. At least in appearance and emotional development.

>> No.14505860

hi mike

>> No.14505863

Consider the following

>> No.14505873


>> No.14505879

Incredibly based & tedpilled

>> No.14506024

Nice lies, Mexican girls always have them beautiful bodies, beautiful round asses along with big titties. She said that because she's ugly and coping

>> No.14506041

>white girls
Hehehe. We all know what u perceive as a white girl is irl

26% spic 30% negroid 40% ashkenazi Jew

>> No.14506052

>beautiful round asses along with big titties.
Literal nigger tier fetish’s

>> No.14507378
File: 268 KB, 500x421, mrbckwrds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this character from an animated short

>> No.14507383
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>> No.14508038

This but unironically

>> No.14508900

eat shit wetback faggot.
t. true mexican

>> No.14508915

Being offended when someone uses gay as an insult is a millennial thing. zoomers aren't all pussies

>> No.14510095

peter griffin core

>> No.14510321

Pfff 25?
If you’re over 13 literally kill yourself

>> No.14510769
File: 141 KB, 999x1920, Snapchat-425425341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomer are the most powerful race in the world