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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 166 KB, 706x764, A2CF3DC3-6962-46D5-8794-175C441FDAD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14490510 No.14490510 [Reply] [Original]

>not looking like this
>actually believing you are /fa/shionable
Never gonna make it, brah

>> No.14490526

why does fa hate sexcore so much.
It's a red pill they cant swallow.
Sexcore is what chicks like. it gets you laid. its fashionable. It's conventional though, but women get wet for conventionality. they are sheep in the mind and cant help it. this is why sexcore is automatically associated with SEX to women, making them want to fuck you and assume you fuck. and when a woman thinks you fuck, it makes you even more attractive to them and they want to fuck even more.

Sure, you can have autismocore that FA love, but it will always hyper narrow your pool and attract way smaller niche of women.

>> No.14490565
File: 866 KB, 1390x1975, Louis_XIV_of_France.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexcore is what chicks like

Women love looking at a fit man's legs.
They go for the V shape.
It has always been so.

>> No.14490579

it looks like shit and any worthwhile woman will hate it

>> No.14490587
File: 6 KB, 232x217, le nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14490593


"worthwhile woman".

>> No.14490642

have sex incel

>> No.14490724

Worthwhile women? You mean the anorexic xanax-popping mentally ill art hoes that this board fawns over? Just fucking lol

>> No.14490729

Tbh this is disgusting. Looks like he's wearing ball-crushing yoga pants. Why would anyone dress like that?

>> No.14490731

How can you guys wear jeans like this? I don't even have a huge dick and it's super uncomfortable

>> No.14490828


Slim. Dont wear skinny

>> No.14492330

You are confusing the clothes with the body underneath. Guidos who are squeezing their 'roided packs into extra-tight jeans and half-open shirts look ridiculous, since flaunting your machismo that hard will always hint at cavemanesque superficiality and low IQ virility. There are exceptions (some guys might do the look ironically) but in general it's a look straight outta Jersey Shore.

>> No.14492347
File: 188 KB, 620x520, louise-made-in-chelsea_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is roided out guys wearing overlly tight spandexey clothing, it's Prep influenced but also trad due to the prevailance of Jeans in the Core (of Sex).

>> No.14492783

I don't like it, but I don't see how it's any different from what girls do. Skin-tight clothes and showing as much skin as possible. It's normal for girls, so why shouldn't guys do it too?

>> No.14492805

If you look like this you attract gay men and dumb women. No thanks.

>> No.14492810

>smart women

Pfft. All women want Chad.

>> No.14492829

this style has always looked really faggy to me, why wear jeans that tight, and what's up with the bare ankles? it just looks wrong on some instinctive level

>> No.14492918

That's simply due to the way our cultures have evolved over the centuries, with the vast majority of women only relatively recently not being reduced to their looks determining their eligibility as wife/concubine material for some working guy. Therefore, traditional gender roles have mostly encouraged the "fair" sex to dress up (or down), whereas men (as figures of chauvinist authority) took care not to be perceived as sexual objects. Those who did were in the minority, e.g. affluent aristocrats/playboys, or celebrities (artists, actors, musicians, dandies), queers or prostitutes.

>> No.14493459

Nice shoes faggot

>> No.14493637

But I don't dress for women

>> No.14493641

what a nigger

>> No.14493645

based and /threadpilled

>> No.14493875

I wear a variety of styles & sex core is the only shit that gets you laid at clubs/bars. Cool shit just gets me compliments from guys ...