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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 67 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20190713_174853_930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14479029 No.14479029 [Reply] [Original]

am i sleaze-core?
post sleaze inspo from Hunter S. to your average Nevada resident

>> No.14479041


>> No.14479057
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>> No.14479061
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>> No.14479065

You look like you're very successful at getting anonymous gay hookups.

Not the kind of sleaze you're aiming for most likely, but certainly the kind you've achieved.

>> No.14479070
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I'll take what i can get thnx anon

>> No.14479071
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>> No.14479073

Insults aside he doesn't even look sleazy, more like a misfit teenager from an 80's movie set in the summer/somewhere on vacation.

>> No.14479106

Trying way too hard
Sleazecore is a low inhib idgaf aesthetic which is why /fa/ fucks it up so often.

>> No.14479109
File: 2.01 MB, 3120x3120, 20190713_174034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was worried i was border line tourist-tier
i think a sunhat might help,
but sleaze might just be out of my grasp until im 30+
>im 20 fyi just for the sake of not being under age b&

>> No.14479139
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry lad, but zoomers cant be sleazy. You need to be a 30-years old boomer for that look, but you'll get there oneday

>> No.14479143

he may not have "sleaze"
but his look is good

>> No.14479180

You're full blown yourist tier desu. You need to get a more subtle pattern, that shirt just won't work, and neither will those shorts. For socks either go full knee high or no show.

>> No.14479196

you look like a aids ridden faggot

>> No.14479211

thnx anon we're all gonna b effay one day!

>> No.14479213
File: 115 KB, 1080x2023, IMG_20190710_194446_236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post body with fits lol

>> No.14479218

You look good, pay no attention to seething ugly fucks from kohlchan.

>> No.14479223

I'm better looking than any of you cunts.

You have good skin though (because you are young), but so do I

>> No.14479226

talk shit post fit you coward

>> No.14479248

Are you over 18?
I need to cum but I don't want to wank over some child.

>> No.14479254

holy fuck ur hot as hell too bad u cant dress for shit

>> No.14479287
File: 60 KB, 450x700, 1562627156491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im new to this

>> No.14479292

you look like youre trying too hard(in a bad way) and still missing the mark by a thousand miles. But you just made the thread for attention anyway so mission accomplished I guess

>> No.14479294


>> No.14479355

Goddamn i thought fit was gay. You look like an absolute faggot

>> No.14479404
File: 540 KB, 719x954, Screenshot_20190713-212027_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have to try for sleaze core you aren't sleaze

>> No.14479437

how much for your bussy?

>> No.14480113

""30yo"" """""boomer""""

>> No.14480187

damn, what do you do for that body?

>> No.14480484
File: 109 KB, 1200x900, CekRVw9WwAAPb3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but sleaze might just be out of my grasp until im 30+

You're alright with me. The fact you know this lets me know you already know what's up.

Sleaze is def best left to older, uglier guys. It's Anti-fashion and about the only style where balding, body hair and a bit of extra fat actually add to the look. But fuck it, you're having fun and if you like the style, that's what it's really all about.

Tips: You do look a bit tourist-core. I'd ditch the fanny pack asap. Accessorize with an inexpensive watch. Simple digital or plain face analogue, nothing chronograph or too techie.

If any of you want to go young-guy sleaze watch some 90s/early 00s movies and observe the stereotypical pos boyfriend/heroin dealer. Grow hair and wear in ponytail or style mid-length, neatly trimmed pencil mustache or goatee, gold necklace, rings and watch, dark colored tank tops tucked in with muted tone button ups worn open, large belt buckle, dark jeans or chinos, leather shoes or boots.

Sleaze operates on a spectrum and what I see in most threads is people trying to unlock the final level first (retired, no fucks given, fat old man core). A young sleaze should manicure their appearance to a point that's mildly unnerving to others. Dress in a way that stands out enough to look above your tax-bracket, but dated enough where you appear as if you could have fallen out of a time machine from any decade in the latter half of 20th century.

Also... get a fucking sleazemobile. Square bodied Lincoln Town cars can be had for under 3 grand. They're extremely reliable, dirt cheap, benche seats up front for roadhead and big backseat for shaggin. You fucks look absolutley ridiculous trying to embrace sleaze then hopping out of a modern econobox.

>> No.14480530

Grow some facial hair if you don't want to look like a bottom.

>> No.14480533

If you aspire to be sleazecore, you aren't sleazecore. It's something inherent.

>> No.14480555

I’ve come to the conclusion sleaze is rly hard to pull off on anyone young. Especially if you look like a twink. And dad Hawaiian floral button ups almost always look corny and tourist tier, unless the rest of your look is total big hairy mafia dude don’t wear those shirts and definitely don’t wear garishly colored ones for sleaze at least

>> No.14480561

How you dress makes up about 10% of what sleazecore is. I carry sleaze energy.

>> No.14480600
File: 495 KB, 2143x2303, 20190630_033254-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was chunky growing up so I had fat reserves to work with, started lifting weight like crazy and eating at excess,
my new routine is one meal a day, while hitting show muscles like biceps doing reps till failure "low volume high intensity helps you cut, high volume low intensity helps build muscle" and lots of leg raises and similar exercises to target core muscles.
>Then after all that, just cardio, cardio, cardio.
Taxi Driver routine more or less will help, it wont help build muscle but it'll tone you like marble.
/fit/ helped a lot.. get at it m8!

>> No.14480607

still not where I wanna be, and /fit/ will roast me for being dyel but you just gotta stay focused on what you want out of the gym and nobody else can motivate you but yourself

>> No.14480615

Sound advice will take this to heart.

>> No.14480639

Agreed. Looks like your cosplaying OP. Sleeze is really difficult to pull off without actually living the lifestyle, which it is clear you don't OP. Like a city kid dressing up as a cowboy or a cole miner, just looks forced and unauthentic and everyone can tell

>> No.14480647
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>> No.14480671

I've learned i must truly be sleaze inside and out.

>> No.14480756

grow facial hair and either grow your hair out then slick it back or shave it off twinks arent very sleazy

>> No.14480764

>my new routine is one meal a day, while hitting show muscles like biceps doing reps till failure "low volume high intensity helps you cut, high volume low intensity helps build muscle" and lots of leg raises and similar exercises to target core muscles.
>Taxi Driver routine more or less will help, it wont help build muscle but it'll tone you like marble.

what do you base this on

>> No.14480797

to get shredded

>> No.14480810

Has it ever occurred to you guys that intentionally trying to dress like a certain subculture without actually being part of that subculture (who more than likely dress the way they do because of functional or at least non-overwrought reasons) is pretty cringy? Like, it's probably cool to incorporate sleazy elements into your everyday dress. But if you work as, like, a cashier at Target, but dress like a drug lord, you're just asking to be roasted.

>> No.14480825

Dude who lifts here. Don't do this. You're going to lose muscle mass and look emaciated.

Bulk and cut cycles, but not lifting until failure during the cuts. You'll retain more muscle mass, because being in a caloric deficit and working out hard will begin the process of your muscles metabolizing themselves for energy.

You'll get shredded with your way too, but lose a lot of mass in the process that you could've kept by just working out less hard. 3-5 sets 10 reps with the last set coming near failure but not entirely there.

>> No.14480838

Thanks! gonna start doing this I've been womdering why im stagnating

>> No.14481031 [DELETED] 

Fug, working out never works for me. I just do body weight exercises at home cause I don't want to go to a gym, but I end up stopping soon after cause it gets really boring. What if I just did some jumping jacks every day? I'd like to swim, but I don't know how yet.

>> No.14481038

Don’t worry, nobody thought you were underaged, you actually look like a 30yo trying to be cool with the kids

>> No.14481090
File: 181 KB, 550x825, 71-luca-dotto-fittest-bodies-in-sports1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working out never works for me. I've done body weight exercises at home (push ups, squats, crunches, etc.) on and off for a few years now, but it just never sticks; when I get into it it's exciting and feels good, but then it always becomes monotonous and boring, and I end up stopping again. And I don't want to go to a gym. What if I did some jumping jacks or something and push ups every day? I'm not looking to become big and muscular, though I've always been skinny and wanted a bit more weight to fill things in; Ideally I'd like something like pic related.

>> No.14481102

Actual 30 yo boomer here. No he doesnt

>> No.14481115

Maybe try sports? It's never too late to get into one. It can be something solo like swimming or something team-oriented like football (soccer) or basketball. I'm skinny but even playing pickup basketball helps me get a little more toned.

>> No.14481396

>never sticks
mentality is half the battle.
Nothing great is done short term, it'll take time but if you're fully consistent it WILL pay off.

>> No.14481401

>body weight exercises
theres your problem

>> No.14481402

Don't stick to the same routine? Ask the fitness pro at the gym to make you a new program every few months.

>> No.14481464

So fucking jealous lol

>> No.14481492

>found out my hairline is starting to recede. Looking to embrace the sleaze lifestyle. Have some dece hawaiian shirts and I'm looking at a 98 cadillac eldorado.
What are the key features of this archeype?

>> No.14481508

more gold jewellery
>fake or not
and be swarthy

>> No.14481519

Not really. People have gotten good results from body weight exercises / calisthenics. You don't need to go to a gym and lift weights, I guess unless you wanna get really big and be a bodybuilder, but sometimes, imo, it can look pretty bad. Like, there muscular and big, but kinda "fat" looking, not shredded and lean. And I just think a more slim or average build but lean and muscular looks best.

>> No.14481527


>> No.14481563
File: 36 KB, 500x375, 325371736_53bbd4845a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignoring their style, this is kinda what I mean when I say having a "fat" muscular body like this looks bad, especially when they have bigger lats, and bigger / wider thighs it looks goofy.

>> No.14481591

true but body weight takes a lot longer to get results, has a lot more of a self-discipline component as the end up being a lot more time consuming compared to the gym as its continuously adding more reps as opposed to weight. Dont get me wrong i got a lot out of body weight exercises but i was dedicated with a drive for someone who isnt as motivated its better to start at the gym imo

>> No.14481751

lel, this is literal retard core

>> No.14481756

Leon fucking karssen?

>> No.14481804

You look like a faggot, OP. I don't even mean that in the general insult sense, I mean that you literally look like you guzzle cum from cock-fountains. You'd suck someones dick for bus fare and then walk home. Each picture you post with those stupid faggoty little poses you make in an effort to live a lifestyle instead of follow a fashion trend just get more and more embarrassing. Ironically it'd work better for you if you stopped trying so hard and acted normal. Because you aren't acting normal- acting normal means not having to act. Your fucking ACTING. Like a community theater actor trying to look like a drug dealer for his new part in whatever upcoming 20-person audience max play he's starring in. Close your fucking mouth, dude. You don't look like a sleazeball, you look like a kid trying to play gangster, and that's how everyone is going to see you, assuming they aren't already halfway up your ass.

Any amount of tryharding will make you look retarded, just in different ways.

>> No.14481843

nah these guys completely mog op desu

>> No.14481880

You can be sleeze if you aren't balding/receding heavily, and at least 30 years old, but look 40 due to excessive smoking.

>> No.14481929

In what universe does this guy look under 18?

>> No.14481985

getting big is about calorie intake. everything else is fucking secondary. if you eat and rest enough you feel good doing workouts. now spread your ass. no homo

>> No.14481999

Whats a good sleazy watch? Should i go with the cheapest i can find? Or should i wait untill a friend ODs and steal it?

>> No.14482006

This board is a combination of hipsters and gays and it's awful.

>> No.14482072

Self defeating statement, the fact your trying to dress sleazy already kills it.

Pretty much this

>> No.14482362


>> No.14482382
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>> No.14482532

you can do 45 min whole body bodyweight routine and look decent, your back and joints wont get fucked up either

>> No.14482613


Send this attention hungry faggot away tnx

>> No.14482640

>waaah exercise is hard
>if I do 10 push ups a day will I look like this seasoned athlete?


>> No.14482695

your pp smol

>> No.14482749

post fit, pussy nigger

>> No.14482786
File: 56 KB, 256x342, 20190715_093504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you fags are sleaze.
I am sleaze.

>> No.14482796

Looking surprisingly young one could even say underage

>> No.14482948

What gun is that?

>> No.14483036


Yall just look like any random british kid in any summer party destination in europe

You look like you cry a lot

>> No.14483040

>Twinks cannot be sleaze-core, only twink-core
>HST core needs 2-3 days of scruffy beard growth.
>must have mirrored shades.
>needs floppy bucket hat
>don't wear t-shirt, add fake gold chains

>> No.14483041

given how this thread has turned out id like to know what the fine line between tourist and sleaze is. whats the difference between OP's fit which has been ripped apart and effay approved sleaze.

>> No.14483059


Ngl you pulled it off pretty well, the red above-the-knee shorts make it even better.
To make it all come together you'd need a huge wang and not have underwear on.
>"Woops my magnum dong slipped out"

>> No.14483086
File: 504 KB, 1080x1088, Screenshot_20190715-192652__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a guy who legit dresses like that and he's one of the gayest people I know. Thing is he actually acts the part but in a gay version.

But ghatdaym he's surrounded by pussy literally all day

>> No.14483170

awful fit but you somehow make it look good, gg

>> No.14483239


>> No.14483500
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>> No.14483556


>> No.14483577

id beat the shit out of you and then maybe fuck you no homo

>> No.14484231


>> No.14484602


looks like a faggot zoomer

>> No.14484605


That's not fat, thats fucking built you skinny nigger


Theres a lot of skinny prettyboy male models that work out at my gym using barbells and they're not big. Go lift faggot