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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 32 KB, 407x610, s6ewd5-l-610x610-t shirt-tommy jeans-style-girls-white-tommy-camisa-camiseta-tommy hilfiger-tommy hilfiger crop-tommy hilfiger vintage-tommy hilfiger shirt-tommy hilfiger jacket-shirt-t shirt print-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14468647 No.14468647 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it considered acceptable for girls to wear jeans and a t shirt in public? It's blatant crossdressing and no different from a man wearing a skirt. Yet even conservative girls will make excuses and say it's okay. Why is this allowed and how can we make females dress like females again?

>> No.14468651

have sex


>> No.14468652

have sex, incel

>> No.14468663

Because men have no standards

>> No.14468681

Literally pussy whipped
Good point, see above.

>> No.14468881


>> No.14468895
File: 96 KB, 400x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a man wearing a skirt.
which also would be okay if men weren't so insecure about their [[[masculinity]]] and ready to ridicule anyone that doesnt act stereotypically bro like

>> No.14468897


>> No.14469462

What does this mean

>> No.14469466

Or we could let everyone dress whatever way they want.

>> No.14469467

because current year

>> No.14469469

maybe it's a counter to the (((*Insert Jew name here*))) meme?

>> No.14469487

Sounds gay

>> No.14469489

Sounds like chaos.

>> No.14469493

And who decides what everyone wants to wear?

>> No.14469595
File: 347 KB, 820x836, _seethingsoyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14469770

dubs don't lie
too much of /fa/ these days is concerned with what other people are wearing.
thread after thread bashing or whining about other people yet <1 in 100 posters can demonstrate they can even dress their own self

>> No.14469849

Women dressing like men is literally ruining the world and you all are just going to say "lol let people dress how they want"

>> No.14469889

>Women dressing like men is literally ruining the world

>> No.14469921

It's true

>> No.14470800

If you want to wear a skirt, you wear a skirt. Most people will shrug and think you're wearing a kilt or something.

>> No.14470814

You don't know the meaning of this word, don't use it anymore.

>> No.14471079

thog dont care

>> No.14471102
File: 5 KB, 220x229, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear literally standard jeans and shirt
>"T-thAt'S c-CRoSSdReSsinG."

>> No.14471120


>> No.14471214

girls who dont dress like wannabe instagram models or pornstars are the hottest.

>> No.14471363

What did he mean by this

>> No.14471475

I din’t even know if this is a bait or you are serious

>> No.14471574

friendly reminder to sage if you feel the need to reply to a bait thread

>> No.14471692

It's not bait

>> No.14471717

Skirts only look good on a femenine body while there are jeans for literally any body type.

>> No.14471966

You enducated faggots only talk about your stupid lil spot you know and then go on generalizing. In some parts around the world, men do wear skirts and it's a masculine clothing. You fucking kids are dumb

>> No.14471987

I will say this, in modern terms skirts aren't masculine, but Ancient Romans thought that the Gauls and Germans were barbaric and uncivilized because they wore pants.

>> No.14472024

because women can wear pants, they have pants they can wear like the ones you've shown. Those are called cigarette pants and no guy is allowed to wear them. So maybe get off your high horse and shoot yourself?

>> No.14473140

Have kids

>> No.14473211
File: 28 KB, 400x500, aGK7DEGd_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impeccable high iq post OP. Excellent work mate.

>> No.14473225

gr8 b8 m8, are you going to go shoot up a school because no woman has kissed you yet?

>> No.14473556

No standards

>> No.14473661

Jeans can be feminine, genuine crossdressing is what dykes wear desu. Women and men both need to dress more in line with classic style (uniformity wise, women should wear skirts in all but very casual situations, men should wear suits more often). Most people don’t dress well enough to not have to take cues from uniformity, if they put enough effort into looking good out of uniformity then go ahead. I went to Europe and it was nice to see some businessmen in suits and not fucking “business” casual and most (as in probably more than 50%) women in skirts. Also fuck women’s pantsuits, athleisure, and business casual.

>> No.14473701

women are pretty much allowed to wear whatever they want. only mens styles are limited.