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14466324 No.14466324 [Reply] [Original]

Would helmets ever become a thing?

>> No.14466328
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>> No.14466341


>> No.14466353
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Get rekt, fedorafag.

>> No.14466354
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They were trendy a couple years ago

>> No.14466423

I just discovered 50/60 and I have never wanted a helmet so badly before

>> No.14466660

idk man I've only ever seen helmets in fictional works it would be cool if they made it into a real thing!

>> No.14466661
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Imagine having /fa/ beamed straight into your eyes as you walk the streets.

>> No.14466687

Maybe in some cyberpunk future everyone will wear VR helmets like we wear sunglasses

>> No.14466785

i hope so, partly cos it would be cool but mainly cos i just want to hide my face, id wear a whole space suit completely cut off from the outside world if i could

>> No.14466791

No, it will be made illegal to cover your face (already is in some countries) to facilitate the police state and facial recognition. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14466813

i can imagine that happening but i think alot of places outside of the united states of israel will have a while before that happens

>> No.14466821

probably not for the same reasons masks aren’t popular.

If it could be made the norm to have a function AR/media experience while retaining functionality (peripheral vision, environmental sounds etc.) they would see a surge in popularity and then die very quickly.

Death due to high cost for such an advanced device/ non accessible to poor people. Which in turn means demand will never reach a point of stability.

Look for high tech glasses first then helmets will be 10-15 years behind them, assuming laws permit (they won’t).

You should definitely buy one though if you’re brave enough to rock it. They are fringe enough that you won’t be accosted by the law (unless you’re poor). But it will bring WAY more attention and be kind of costume-y honestly

>> No.14466832

i just wanna be daft punk :(

>> No.14466840
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It could just have a visor with a camera, not being much more technologically complex than Google Glass. Perhaps a socket to attach a phone and it's ready.

Wouldn't have to cost any more than $350, and with endorsement from Kanye/Daft Punk or some shit it'd sell.

>> No.14466847

Helmets are perfectly cool in attention grabbing scenarios, but you gotta ask yourself, if you’re walking down the street with that thing on will you feel cool? Helmets will isolate you from your surroundings while also making your surroundings pay attention to you. It’s a crazy experience.

>t. Guy who used to wear a “Frank” style frog mask with friends

>> No.14466849

yeah thats the problem, i think i could look cool but id also look like a retard at the same time, and yeah id draw way too much attention which id hate, if i could wear a helmet or a mask without drawing attention i would in a heartbeat

>> No.14466852

But would it catch on? Hype beasts might buy it but it’ll be a fad. If that’s what you’re talking about it’s TOTALLY possible but the R/D that goes into making it functional plus marketing would push price easily into the 1k range. You could probably build one for 350 to 100 but the tech there is more complex than you might think.

>> No.14466855

I love masks, I think it’s one of the least explored areas in casual fashion, but yeah they aren’t the norm due to, you know.. muggers and horror movies.

>> No.14466871
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Man I'm thinking of starting a Kickstarter.

>> No.14466877

Go for it bro, it would be tight af. Don’t be afraid to prototype many many times.

I personally think a mass produced product for a reasonable price is a lofty goal but it’s definitely attainable.

>> No.14466881
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Are you a French DJ?

>> No.14466900

no, too faggy

>> No.14467141

i would love this to become a thing

>> No.14467196
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>> No.14467207
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My nigga

>> No.14467293


is there any time where their things are not sold out?

>> No.14467338

They'd be cooler if we lived in the world of Air Gear

>> No.14467366
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>> No.14467736

nah their shit goes fast, especially the masks

>> No.14467965
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of course... kinda

>> No.14468008

what kind of helmet is this

>> No.14468026


>> No.14468195

bring back a less ugly version of google glass

>> No.14468198

vintage racing suits are extremely effay

>> No.14468215
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++CAWADOODY TACTICOOL TOASTER MAN [+WITH AUTISTIC RAINCOAT+]....................//LOADING..............//LOADING................//LOADING...................////////////...........CAWADOODY TACTICOOL TOASTER MAN [+WITH AUTISTIC RAINCOAT+]...////////ENGAGE++

>> No.14468379

it will be very uncomfortable when it's hot out.
you will be unable to communicate without shouting at the top of your lungs.
vision will be severely restricted.
you will attract all sorts of unwanted attention.
in some locations, security personnel will target you for shakedown, because hiding the face.
the only positive is if you are massive uglyfag, it will allow you to get close to grils to talk to them without scaring them away (if the stupid helmet doesn't do it first)

>> No.14468406

check out the simpson street bandit

>> No.14468437

Wearing a helmet in a riot will be amazing. I can already imagine sporting a full futuristic fit while punching people in the facce, it must feel cathartic.

>> No.14468444

I would gladly wear a futurist fit with a helmet in a riot. I can already imagine me punching people in the face while looking like a kamen rider wearing streetwear clothes.

>> No.14469032

Imagine paying $600 for a helmet thats basically only fit for cosplay/airsoft
They look cool but you cant even use them as a bike helmet because they are barely protective and not made for an actual purpose

>> No.14469368
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I'd wear a Klytus mask, half my fits already accommodate for it desu.

>> No.14469374

>tfw couldn't pull off the power rangers villain look

>> No.14469503

motorcyclists wear their helmets walking around all the time and no one pays them notice
I live in sydney
you guys are stupid

>> No.14469529

what can go wrong?

>no one would ever recognize you while using a helmet

>> No.14469603
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Yeah, when riding their motorcycles. You don't see people leave their house wearing a motorcycle helmet and then take the bus do you?

>> No.14469805
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Facial recognition tech is going to be everywhere soon, so most governments will most likely ban any kind of face coverings like helmets.
plus that shit looks gay lmao

>> No.14469827

perhaps with augmented reality and future materials that can make them actually protective and give them some other functionality i cant think of, yes.

The anon thats paranoid about face recognition is probably right but i imagine that with the advent of sub dermal identity chips it wont be an issue, specially considering how far we are from proper augmented reality implementation and massification.

>> No.14470874
