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14460958 No.14460958 [Reply] [Original]

What is the real life version of this outfit

>> No.14460975

a sundress

>> No.14461002

What's with all the eva stuff lately. Are the normies really jumping on the wave this much.

>> No.14461006

It's on Netflix

>> No.14461018

Oh, yeah
Time for zoomers to take over more things and fuck it up

>> No.14461049

>implying Eva was ever good

>> No.14461073
File: 525 KB, 936x469, 5549DE85317B4095867FAAE49976CEB0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of the best existential narratives within the past quarter century. If you don't like existential themes, heavy character development, and complex lore then wouldn't like it.

>> No.14461082
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Just because you dont understand it doesnt mean it's bad

>> No.14461087
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is this some kind of joke? do you actually believe this?

>> No.14461089
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>> No.14461095

Nope desu, could you name a better existential themed anime?

>> No.14461101

So now it has to be an anime and not a narrative?
>name a more pious, non-white orthodox diocese in the last 2 decades, I'm waiting anon

>> No.14461905

zoomer detected

>> No.14463125

why is she such a bitch?

>> No.14463141


>> No.14463184

lain is a pretty good one

>> No.14463202

big IQ here
the original show is phenomenal from a directing standpoint and the existential themes are discussed, portrayed and dissected very well. EOE removed all the nuance from the show and it became babbys first existentialist arthouse film, may as well just watch literally any french new wave film instead of EOE if you want muh existentialism

>> No.14463215

It’s not at all complex, then again I don’t like it that much because I watched it when I was 19

>> No.14463239

literally the same outfit but in real life

>> No.14463266

Asuka a shit

>> No.14463288

I haven't really looked into French existential narratives excluding a couple of Sartre's novels. What films would you recommend?

>> No.14463297

depends what facet of existentialism you want to explore like how existentialism ties into morality and whatever ethical framework is in place at the time/the context of the era the film is portraying, existentialism in film from a meta POV, existentialism and sexuality etc but if you want to start from scratch and work your way up just delve into literally any french new wave film as existentialism was the catalyst and medium for the entire aesthetic of the movement

>> No.14463310

>5 hours of still shots and powerline noises

Not him but no thanks anon, even reading a book at that point would be miles more interesting, and I'm an illiterate, uncultured retard who hates reading.

>> No.14463329

eva is anti-eva

>> No.14463333


>> No.14463340


>> No.14463341

Recently I've been really into Soren Kierkegaard, so anything that explores faith and absurdity I'd be into.

>> No.14463349

not french but here you go big guy

>> No.14463382

God you sound like a fucking edgy 9th grader. Shut the fuck up you fucking pseud.

>> No.14463384

Zoomers are the ones watching it, head ass.

>> No.14463385
File: 116 KB, 675x900, IMG_20190707_123727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks sir

>> No.14463431

eva is the goat anime and true pleb filter

>> No.14463437

you mean WATCH IDEON

>> No.14463466

lol it’s literally your average shitty corny anime full of cringe internal monologues and overall just shitty writing. But hey there is some very unnecessary nudity here and there so that makes weeb fags forget about all the things that make this a shitty anime.

>> No.14463492
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I first watched it as an angsty teen it was ok, although i didn't get any of the deeper meanings or the ending at the time.
years later I say all the hype it was getting and I rewatched it, as well as EOE and the rebuilds and I guess maybe I was just older and more well adjusted but I really don't understand all the hype and deep existential meaning people seem to get out of it

Asuka is top tier though

>> No.14463496

why did you come into this thread just to say "dude I didn't get it lmao" even though you've watched it TWICE and EOE literally tells you to your face the point of the show which is that it's better to live your life and face up to any hardship you encounter than run away, even if it hurts because a life without conflict due to fear of other people isn't a life worth living

>> No.14463513

She was abused by her mother.

>> No.14463534

hapa rage

>> No.14463542

Being worse than Rei

>> No.14464057

it really ties itself up in the final few episodes

>> No.14464291

>illiterate, uncultured retard
>doesn't like lain
checks out

>> No.14464294

eva is great but its fanbase is cringe

>> No.14465010

Misato > Asuka >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rei


>> No.14465020

Will pls leave

>> No.14465034

So every huge success anime?

>> No.14465042
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>> No.14465044

Pretentious Lit zoomer detected

>> No.14465056

Based. Watch the original Gundam zoomers

>> No.14465160

You'll never understand it unless you've been in a similar mindset as the main characters are portrayed to have
I'm not saying depression is a virtue, cause that's stupid, but seeing those same thoughts expressed in such a medium is what made it notable to me personally

as casual viewing material it is pretty much trash though

>> No.14466656

fuck off normie

>> No.14466734

shinji is big retard and the whole point of the show is to show how dumb he is

>> No.14466769

>t. asuka

>> No.14466990

What an adorable little cat, reminds me of mine when she was a kitten.

>> No.14467388
File: 1.76 MB, 500x375, 36b70ae3b5e3f7d24de752a71ba4621739c69416_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> abused by her mother
Wasn't she just neglected by her mother because her mom was so mentally fuck that she preferred to comfort a doll instead of her genuine daughter till she hanged herself

>> No.14467393

yeah that's called abuse

>> No.14467512

Where my Gunbusterchads at

>> No.14467645

A coward, more like

>> No.14467679

Tomino > Anno

>> No.14468175
File: 343 KB, 420x990, 02750e2eeac69d56d9eddb16e508b3d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the yellow sundress, but my girlfriend wore something similar to Asuka's schooldress outfit on our third date, although at the time she didn't know anything about NGE

I didn't mention it to her to not come off as a weeb but I knew right then and there that I had to fuck the hell out of her in that outfit

>> No.14468182

thanks for sharing

>> No.14468190

You're welcome

>> No.14468223

Masterful b8

>> No.14468238

Hey look, it’s the best female protagonist character Asuka Langley Soryu, as depicted in the cult animated series “Neon Genesis Evangelion”!

>> No.14468239

I fucking hate dresses like that.
Her outfit, minus the bow and being blue, was my school uniform in 4th grade. Hated that school.

>> No.14468278
