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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 592 KB, 1080x1920, reviewbruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14456177 No.14456177 [Reply] [Original]

What can be done to fix his style?

>> No.14456188


>> No.14456189

Give him a belt. Thin tie. Untuck the tie. Maybe a vest? Maybe less shiny shoes?

>> No.14456200

Nothing to fix. You said it. It's HIS style and he rocks it.

>> No.14456231
File: 13 KB, 225x225, IMG_9041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fix his style

>> No.14456236

Add a few subtle items of interest. For instance, he could wear waistcoats and braces more often beneath his jackets, and though the latter are seldom seen in practice due to his nature of wearing jackets so much, once in a while seeing them exist is enough to give an impression of a little more varied interest. I also wish that he would go more in a 1940s, 1950s direction with his neckwear than he does at the moment, which seems to consist more of 1990s, 1980s ties.

>> No.14456433

it looks objectively bad i think.

>> No.14456441

>objectively bad
<i think

>> No.14456450


>> No.14456457

Good post. He really does need a belt

>> No.14456461
File: 55 KB, 750x720, 1558435074311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fix his style

>> No.14456482

I think it looks really good. Its mostly his age/babyratface that makes it look weird.

>> No.14456681

His suits are comically baggy. Also, it would help if he stopped wearing those weird art deco ties.

>> No.14456696

nothing because it is perfect

>> No.14456697

Age about 10 years. Suits look like a fucking costume on anyone that isn't extremely fit, shaped and attractive below 30.

>> No.14456714

that's the good part pleb

>> No.14456724

There's nothing to fix
If anything, make him go casual more often, because that video was going fire
He looked like a 90s grunge God

>> No.14456763

This was just an outfit he found at the thrift store and took a picture while still there. I'm pretty sure he wears a belt normally.

>> No.14456768
File: 77 KB, 1139x1047, iz6XnPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's already perfect with flawless fits.

>> No.14456780

>>Buys suits at goodwill.
>> Why is everything I wear at least twenty years out of style?

>> No.14456782

cringe and thoroughly bluepilled retard poster

>> No.14456810

>>Wears the clothes of a dead 85 year old man that the relatives donated because they couldn't sell them at an estate sale.
>>I know this is style because it's ugly as fuck, no one else has worn the style in the last twenty years, and I only paid $15 for this three piece suit.

Enjoy bragging about being poor.

>> No.14456816

Lighter fabric, suit that is not oversized, smaller tie.

>> No.14456840

He should wear clothing for his age

>> No.14456863

nothing, it's perfect

>> No.14456896

>wearing a belt w a suit

>> No.14456907

Maybe posture and a belt? Also that pen in the pocket of his shirt should go.
Fuck, whatever. He’s original and has done his proper research. I also guess he recently found a good tailor or learned how to do it himself because, although with his beloved baggy cut, his suits seem to be modified for his body, that’s quite an old image
I personally find people wearing slim fit suits way more inappropriate.

>> No.14456923

>not so shiny shoes on grey mate
>pants a little bit more tight
Otherwise good boy

>> No.14457116

This outfit
>Belt or suspender
>Untuck tie
>Smaller leg opening or cuff the pants
>Shirts with bigger collar
>Different shoes
>Shorter hair on the back

>> No.14457118

belt and untuck the tie, besides that it's flawless

>> No.14457144

Why? Only three-piece suits require suspenders

>> No.14457183

it looks great you tasteless mong

>> No.14457186

except lots of people wear old suits dummy, theres a reason people still pay 500 bucks for a yohji suit from the 80s

>> No.14457221


>> No.14457379

Bring in the shoulders
Get a better pattern tie
Untuck tie from pants
Get a neck collar one size smaller
Wear pen on inside of jacket instead of shirt pocket.
Wear oxford shoes

>> No.14457401

black belt and nicer shoes
nothing else to fix, it looks great otherwise
even the black pen in his shirt works somehow, it fits the old school businessman vibe

>> No.14457426

khakis, white t-shirt, no jacket, no slacks ever, and zero brylcreem.

that's what a faggot like you would recommend. patricians appreciate brah for being his fucking self because he rules. delete your thread shitstain OP.

>> No.14457454
File: 746 KB, 912x543, reviewbrah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it ain't broke don't fix it.

>> No.14457455

Nothing he's already too far gone

>> No.14457458

>gone too far
basically. But he's riding out what he does.

OP there's really nothing wrong with what he's doing. He's doing him and not conforming to trends that doesn't mean shit.

>> No.14457547

I know the 90's double breasted are his favorite, but three piece suits him better desu. Also I think he should experiment with brown shoes too.

>> No.14457606

hi mr. jusarek

>> No.14457621

all stages of grief right here

>> No.14457626

A proper haircut and hairstyle

>> No.14457627

God those wide trousers... he looks like a broker from the 1929 about to commit suicide.

fucking americans, they perverted clothing

>> No.14457634

Yaoi hands

>> No.14457643

A belt, proper posture, smaller coat, more confidence

>> No.14457646

the pants on the last one actually fit nicelly, finally

>> No.14457659
File: 305 KB, 600x600, 10-break-pants-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fite me irl wide trousers are god tier

You're looking at them though degenerate modern eyes, only the trousers at no. 2 are probably longer than they should be. It's called the full break, and it's the traditionalist trouser length.

>> No.14457784

He looks stupid

>> No.14457813

You look stupid.

>> No.14457874

>fit nicely
You read too much GQ

>> No.14457918

Imagine being so insecure that when you see someone who successfully and confidently commits to a look your first instinct is to tear them down

>> No.14457936

His style absolutely fits who he is and his personality though and I don't think anything needs to be fixed.

>> No.14458117

die and then kys

>> No.14458120

Whenever you think that you should get fashion advice from /fa/,


>> No.14458147

Just get him to buy more fitted suits. This look isnt classic it, isn’t timeless.

>> No.14459245

Honestly (God forgive me) I don't like his shoes, and I don't like the color pattern of his tie either. Also his shirt collar is 1/2 or 1 inch too big.

>> No.14459629

Stupid memes aside. He doesnt look good in suits

>> No.14459642

reviewbrah would look like shit in whatever he wore, he's an ugly lanky kid with horrible proportions and autistic personality. if he wants to wear suits he should do it and desu he would look worse in jeans and t shirt

>> No.14459647

>his style

Emphasis on this; its his own style and it makes him stick out. Imagine how boring he would be if he just walked around in t shirts and jeans like every other amerilard? Thats the whole point of having a style numbnuts.

>> No.14459651

You cant fix his style it's basically become its own character. Guy also has so much fucking cash it doesn't matter what he wears ...im so proud of Reviewbrah.

>> No.14459658

Fitted suits are gay though

>> No.14459744

kid? he's almost 30 years old

>> No.14459753

I wonder if he's gay? Not in a nasty way. He's a nice guy.

>> No.14459782
File: 975 KB, 820x820, 1561652749944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fix his style
I'd move him back in a time even more

>> No.14459786

I hate him so much

>> No.14459801

doubt he's gay. nothing gay about him

>> No.14459805


>> No.14459833

I own plenty of high end, but some of my favorite pieces are from goodwill. I've also donated plenty of cool shit to goodwill. Even high end I buy what I can 2nd hand, cuz it's just financially and ecologically smarter. Kinda lame to try and shame someone for not being reckless with their money.

>> No.14459834
File: 34 KB, 335x499, 6e42e50e662651bf8acec5620fb45205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these onions answers. There's actually not much wrong with the clothes. It's him. He needs to fucking lift.

>> No.14459838

*Onions》》》》 s o y

>> No.14459868


>> No.14459893

True. He looks malnourished as fuck

>> No.14459897
File: 128 KB, 1800x1600, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


things I'd recommend (in order of priority):
>tie clip (please get a tie clip)
>better fitting pants
>thinner tie
>maybe matching suede shoes
>maybe a flat hat for a more eurocentric style.

>> No.14460346

onions boy losers

>> No.14460474

These people are summerfags, probably into pinterest looking shit and le 80s fashun aesthetic. Reviewbrah is still more confident and true to himself than what these zoomers will ever be. If you think he should change his style off yourself, please.

>> No.14460477

big fan of those double breasted suits

>> No.14460590

The problem has less to do with the suits and more to do with the fact that he looks like a 12 year old. So, my recommendation for him is to cop some testosterone, first and foremost.

>> No.14460603

nothing; his style is impeccable

>> No.14460604

he should wear his hair down more often: looks very effay

>> No.14460605

>i think

>> No.14460802


>> No.14460889

this, he looks like a fucking Samurai

>> No.14460894

Trim his fucking nails

>> No.14460922
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit he instantly got about three times as fuckable

>> No.14460989

I prefer a half break personally, but that's just me. Nothing wrong with a full break. The key is to at the back of the pants, which should fall above the sole of the shoe.

>> No.14461004

you probably nigga dude

>> No.14461034

They're not highwaters by any mean. Just no break length.

>> No.14461048
File: 2.81 MB, 1147x1920, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you think this is ideal

>> No.14461341

fuck off reviewbrah is a chad. he gets wicked hot slash because all the women worth raping know that

>> No.14461376

Doesn’t need to fix he looks like he is a post punk band

>> No.14461382

Looks like my nan

>> No.14461383

This post made me laugh fuck

>> No.14461386

Wow throughly

>> No.14461574
File: 21 KB, 509x443, 1496447890676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reviewbrah is a fashion icon. absolutely lmaoing @ your fucking lives thinking you anonymous slimfit virgins can shit talk any part of his fits

>> No.14461617

>fix his fashion
Reviewbrah's confidence alone makes him more /fa/ than the vast majority of the people on this board. Dude may be wearing the cheap goodwill suit a dude died in last week but he loves it, he's got the balls to wear it in public, and because of that he's rocking it. It's summer OP. Go play outside.

>> No.14461741

Fpbp, OP is a bitch.

>> No.14461752


>> No.14461951

He looks good here ngl

>> No.14461952


>> No.14462585

I don't want ReviewBruh to change, but IF....IF he wanted to "modernize" his look, there are a lot of things he could do....whats funny about his suits, and especially his ties, is you can tell he probably inherited them from a grandpa, uncle, etc. They are all dated, to me they look like 80s or early 90's style colors and trim? They are way too big for him, and with his color/complexion he would look better in a navy blue suit......In addition, he would look good with a slight tan, and if he didn't slick his hair back so much....but then again, he wouldn't be the same ReviewBruh if he did all this.....so he shouldn't....

>> No.14463343

This. As shown by WAYWT threads, no-one here has any right to tell anyone about how to dress. Reviewbrah is way more based than the 16 year old poor twinks that inhabit this board.

>> No.14463471

Pic on the left is peak /effay/ and you cannot change my mind.

>> No.14463550

reviewbrah has better style than 99% of this board

>> No.14463582

a belt

>> No.14463607
File: 744 KB, 854x681, zdgy2S5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The suits from that era are his preferred style, it's very deliberate.

>> No.14463688
File: 655 KB, 922x816, Dumb nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 30

>> No.14463883

Wait hes a zoomer? Damn.

>> No.14463928

he doesn't want the fix. he wears it because he's genuinely retarded.

>> No.14463940

His hair looks great

>> No.14463947

Another fucking zoomer summer faggot. Ban him

>> No.14463949

cope hard and then some.

>> No.14463953

yeah, if only he'd be fashionable enough to show it off a bit.

>> No.14463954


YOu know, I hove some deep, unironic respect for this dude. Becoming an internet personality has some incredible growing pains associated with it but boy did he stand by his beliefs and his persona.
There will come a time when he's literally an established expert on the subject of fast food and he'll be on tv, and he'll be writing books, and he'll be listened to by the corporates of the fast food world with all seriousness and I will cheer for him all the way up there.

>> No.14463963

Lurk more retard, this isn't your edgelord playground. Fucking hate entitled bitches acting like oldfags, go to /v/

>> No.14463969

god tier ass and thights

>> No.14463971
File: 170 KB, 403x393, _1521581644370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14463992

imagine looking this fucking autistic

>> No.14463995

mad lad

>> No.14464094

He looks like a pimp

>> No.14464192

I thought that he was one of those very young looking Millennials at around or approaching his early thirties. It is not impossible that some guys by that age range look quite a lot of years younger.

>> No.14464194

Stop being ironic

>> No.14464200

>I think
Evidently you don't.

>> No.14464214
File: 19 KB, 196x245, 1559352723155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14464410

Dumb question, but is there a name for that style of coat he's wearing on the left? The tan one?