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14445917 No.14445917 [Reply] [Original]

Are doctors effay? Should I become one?

>> No.14445921

Doctors have to go to school for 14 years to get a job where they work 60-80 hours a week. Sure the money is nice, but at what cost?
I am 29. 14 years of schooling is practically half of the entire time I've been alive. Imagine being in school that long and going 300k in debt in order to work 60 hours a week for the rest of your life

>> No.14445956

Not OP but I've been debating it because I'll have it paid by the gibberment and my undergrad is related to medicine.
What BA are you going for OP?

>> No.14445989

Why? by the time you’re out of college you will be already old as shit and most likely won’t give a shit about “fashion” anymore

>> No.14445990


Med student here, shit sucks ass. You'll have no time to do anything else.

>> No.14445999

I feel like it would be wiser to go into another medicine related field if that’s why you really want to do, like pharmacology. There’s good money to be made in it, and it won’t get automated as soon as doctors

>> No.14446009

Being in school beats being a shitty office drone with low pay. Not sure why people have a irrational hatred for school. You jet get to sit in lectures all day surrounded by other young people.

>> No.14446046

Anesthesiology resident here

Don't do it. Or do it if you hate your life.

>> No.14446059

And homework, and tests, and deadlines, and papers, and shitty professors and terrible classmates, etc.
Imagine wanting to be in school

>> No.14446083

An office job is more high stress depending on the career. Terrible classmates (which is more of a rarity in med school) beat deadbeat colleagues, sociopathic bosses, and office politics.

>> No.14446103

Time for le arr slash engineeringjerk but all the kids at my college who are interested in that bio field stuff but are smarter than premed [drones who just memorize all day] do biomed engineering. Idk exactly what the difference career wise is but look into that maybe?

>> No.14446108

At what medical school are you going to? If you think medicine isn’t full of egocentric pieces of shit classmates and psychopaths (teachers) then I’d like to attend your medical school. There is only a few jobs out there that are heavier on your mind than medical school.

>> No.14446118

Yeah but I heard doctors get mad pussy

>> No.14446154

> resident
Bitch you haven't even started hating your life yet stop complaining

>> No.14446231
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Don't do medicine unless you really don't like anything else. Between undergrad, med school, residency, and fellowship, you are looking at a minimum 12-18 year commitment to become one. Even then, you are signing up for a life where every day your decisions can have literally lifelong consequences for others and all the stress that comes with that. I do love my job and the patients I take care of, but damn, I wish someone had explained to me in detail exactly what it is I signed up for.

Pediatrics resident here. I agree with this.

This is a meme. No one is impressed by doctors anymore. The only professions that reliably attract women are musicians, professional athletes, drug dealers, or being born into a wealthy family. In hospitals, doctors are targets of being disrespected by everyone, including nursing, case managers, administrators, and patients. If something goes wrong, it is a race to see who can blame the doctor first.

>> No.14446240

>doing 10 years worth of intense schooling to get pussy
jesus christ, just pay some hookers

>> No.14446247
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>mfw went with PA-pill
>Did undergrad in 3 PA program is 2 years
>Was 17 when started undergrad will be 22 once clinical rotations end
>May not make as much as doctors but have much greater horizontal flexibility
>Planning on copping out and doing something stupid easy like derm, ortho, or plastics

Should be nice and I'll be making more money than I'll know what to do with if I'm smart with it.

>> No.14446249

lol what they'll use supermarket robots are pharmacies lol

>> No.14446251

Anyone know where to get good scrubs from?

>> No.14446273
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>Pediatrics resident here
S-so you're a f-foot doctor..? That must be terrible haha imagine having to handle feet all day haha

>> No.14446285

Are you implying that you would get hard by seeing the feet of sixty years old women with bunions everywhere and ingrown toe nails?

>> No.14446307

That's podiatry you idiot.

>> No.14446309

Do you guys think pediatricians are the same thing as podiatrists

>> No.14446317

Pediatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with infants, children, and adolescents. That being said, some experiences I had with adult feet in medical school definitely pushed me away from doing internal medicine.

>> No.14446320

It's about children, dumbass.

>> No.14446335
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>paying to go to college

>> No.14446380
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after basic med school you technically work full time (60-80hrs a week) while also studying

9 years in here. Still being worked like a slave. Not living in a country that pays healthcare workers well. have nightmares when I envision doing this for the rest of my life.

I come here and buy nice clothes that I have literally never worn or will ever have time to wear. Wear shitty hospital issue uniform/scrubs for 80% of my waking existence
Someone please kill me now.

>> No.14446386

Being a PA seems fucking amazing compared to a MD/DO.

>> No.14446396

amazon is probably the best place i've found, they have a really good selection from a lot of the popular brands

>> No.14446414

It is. Want to stay a jack of all trades and not be tied down to a specific specialty? PA lets you do that. Wan't to become super smart in a certain specialty? PA lets you do that. Want to work a 7-5 office job? PA lets you do that. Want to switch to a 12hr 4 day a week schedule in an ER? PA lets you do that.

As AAPA fights for legislation that allows PA's to become independent we could eventually be able to have our own practices at one point similar to NP's. Of course you'll only be making a 1/3 of what the MD's are making but if you factor in debt and wages lost due to education you'll come out on top. Plus PA's aren't so high up on the medical chain they develop a superiority complex. People will try and shit on PA's about "oh why didn't you just be a doctor instead? Not smart enough" and desu yeah I'd def not make it in medical school but it'll be nice as fuck being 26 with most debt payed off and a few years of wages under the belt.

>> No.14446419
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>> No.14446441

My wife is strongly considering doing the PA route after working as a RT for a little bit.
Going to school for 2 years to do basically the same thing a doctor does without the liability and stress of the doctor while making 100k a year almost seems too good to be true.

>> No.14446455

If you're asking to be something you shouldn't be it. You need to really dig deep, start by reaching out to people on the path you're interest in and ask supporting question that will HELP YOU decide what you want to do instead of outright asking them if you should be a doctor or whatever.

>> No.14446509

Have her get in while the gettings good, its one of the largest growing careers in the US so it'll be saturated in no time. It's showing signs of saturation even in larger cities but theres countless of medical areas that need bodies so it's a very good field to invest in.

>> No.14446597

I want to be a doc and I dont really care about the money. Only problem is I want emergency med or something trauma related because I'm an adrenaline junkie that loves blood and guts.

>> No.14446615

doctors are like pilots
used to be cool and had prestige but now its grueling because of the hours you work
theres too many people and healthcare being affordable due to insurance means alot of doctor visits and the requirements for being a doctor is so high that there aren't enough doctors so a doctor is worked hours with no time to do anything just like how pilots back then had alot of free time to do shit becuase flying was expensive and a luxury now its just another form a transportation due to how affordable it is

>> No.14446620
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Emergency Medicine slave here
its nowhere near as "fast paced and exciting" as people expect it to be
get ready for an endless horde of drunks,addicts, geriatrics and chronic disease patients, with a couple of time wasters and hypochondriacs thrown in

>I want to be a doc and I dont really care about the money
>I'm an adrenaline junkie that loves blood and guts

no offence but, I've literally heart the exact same lines from countless medical students. It wears off in the first few months of working whether they admit it or not

>> No.14446623

Yeah I know, I've spent a few months watching docs and nurses in the ED.
How do you choose your specialty in med school?

>> No.14446639

You choose your specialty after completing medical school.
Usually those who have an idea of what they want to do apply to electives and observerships in the specialty they like during medical school.

Don't develop tunnel vision too early. you'll realize that a lot of the specialties are actually nothing like how people perceive them to be from the outside. Get a feel of the other specialties and you might be surprised to find another you really like. Many of the people who started med school with me never ended up in the specialty they thought they wanted before starting.

I know a good few colleagues who slogged through a specialty for the alleged prestige only to completely change later in their careers when they finally realized they hated it.

>> No.14446641
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>how you'll actually look

>> No.14446644

Thanks for the info.
Also, what bachelors was common among med school students? I'm getting a nursing BS. The prereqs pretty much coincide with the med school requirements.

>> No.14446648

most just did various BSc's

>> No.14446649

God damn I hope I get to smash hot nurse fanny once I graduate.

>> No.14446658

The path to become an MD in the US sure seems more arduous than it is here. Talking to americans, I always get a far more negative view of the education and the profession than when I talk to my countrymen. Sure, american doctors make far more (because it's the US, I guess), but it's still a prestigious and well-paid profession here. Here, you finish our equivalent of high school at 19, and can then head to university to receive a Masters of Science in Medicine which is a formalised program that takes 5,5 years to complete, after which you do an 18 month paid residency (General Service) and finalise it with an exam that gives you your license. Then after that you'd likely head into specialist training, but that's also paid, and depending on specialisation it can be 9-5.

Like I said, I rarely hear these horror stories of yours; I wonder what's so different about the american system.

>> No.14446663

Are you Cuban?

>> No.14446664
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in my hospital the situation is nowhere are great as the internet makes it seem. Someone please tell me where all the nurses work so i can apply there.

all the ones here are just old and bitchy. Super bitchy. All the time. the few young or cute ones are huge hoes and have already slept with half of the surgery department. also a lot of single moms. A LOT.

that said, most of them are pretty dtf the doctors though. Guess it has to do with the high stress job

>> No.14446676

Yes americans think medicine is a good career choice because it pays so well there. In the majority of the world doctors and other healthcare workers are pretty much paid and considered just as other public servants. Just with far more schooling, terrible hours and overwhelming responsibility for which you can be thrown under the bus for any mistake you make

>> No.14446678

No, I'm swedish. It's not like we have particularly poor doctors either; I think the Royal Caroline Institute ranked in the top 10 world-wide for a while as a medical university, though as with any ranking like that, I guess it's more about the research.

>> No.14446687
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>> No.14446690
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>> No.14446693
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>> No.14446700
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>> No.14446701
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>> No.14446706
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>> No.14446708
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>> No.14446744

3rd year medical student. How old are you, and what country do you live in? If it's anywhere outside the US, then I say go for it. The effort is fairly proportional to the return. If you're in US/Canada, the only way you won't kill yourself, is if you genuinely have a passion for medicine. The amount of studying you have to do is unreal. I'm not trying to discredit doctors from other countries, I actually think the length of education you have to go through in the rest of developed world is much more practical, and the amount of knowledge you come out with is more than sufficient to be an adequate practicing physician. Just saying that when I graduated from college, and was first applying to med school, I was genuinely excited, thinking it would all sort of come easily to me, since I was sick of the Bio and Chem that I've been doing for 4 years, and wanted to see some real world shit. The first 2 years of med school are even worse in that you're still doing a lot of basic sciences (biochem, histo, micro), but the level of detail you're required to know is beyond anything I could have expected. Oh and you'll be taking a big shitty exam called Step 1 at the end of your 2nd year, on which you'll have to regurgitate all your knowledge, again with an excruciating amount of detail. If you're a DO like the dude in your picture, it's even worse, since most DO students will take Step 1 and Comlex 1, because a lot of residencies don't really take the Comlex seriously. So if you're legitimately trying to go to med school, you have to be very strongly motivated, either by your love for the work, or the desire for money, which in the end you'll have a lot of. It's just a question of whether you'll get to spend it on anything personally satisfying, depending on what specialty you're in. If you're a surgeon, you can outright forget about a glamorous lifestyle, your ass will be on call 24/7.

>> No.14446748

Spoken by someone who clearly has no idea what the fuck they're talking about. Residency is living hell, once the dude becomes a practicing anesthesiologist, he'll actually have a pretty chill lifestyle compared to some of the other specialties.

>> No.14446753

Jane is that you

>> No.14446779
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because an office job is the only alternative to being a doctor

>> No.14446887

surgery scrubs is the most chad look

>> No.14446939

Nice bodies, but nurse's uniforms look fucking awful.

>> No.14446955

>tfw no doctor mike bf
Why breathe?

>> No.14447198

I'd never trust this narcissistic faggot to care for my well-being.

>> No.14447256

Considering the fact that I stay (and actively work) in the hospital everyday after all the specialists leave, I'd say I suffer more than them

No, I'm a dude

>> No.14447294
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and yet u have time to repost to some thread on /fa/

>> No.14447324
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>american education

>> No.14447327

>undergrad and a minimum 12-18 year
The american med system is absolutely retarded. Litteraly 4 years of useless bullshit for the sake of nothing.

>> No.14447351

Doctor here.
I don't even have time to effay.
I go to /fa/ and envey everybody who has time to buy nice stuff.

>> No.14447597


Man youre way off. I rotated with PA students about to graduate back in April. Truth is that youre a scut monkey for most surgeons because their only MO is to be in the OR so good luck finding an MD/DO willing to teach you to cut if they can just have you write notes and put out fires on the floor

>> No.14447603

it's not 14 years though wtf?

it's 8 years of schooling 4 of residency

>> No.14447751

Nothing wrong with narcissists.

>> No.14447767

so? It's 12 fucking years. In the meantime you can rise to the top of a corporate ladder in this time if you have doctor smarts. You could have started your own business, you could have made relevant political connections.

Instead you're just gonna do a job with hours that warrant the use of heavy cocaine

>> No.14447824

You look like a grays anatomy fag, I wouldn't want to be you right there

>> No.14448888

Boo fucking hoo, so it's 12 instead of 14. If you specialize in something it's over 14, so there you go.

>> No.14448904

honestly its hard work but it gives you a goal in life. its not worth it for most but its better then wandering without a plan or goal

>> No.14448919

If youre smart, but not too ambitious, want decent money, and want free time in your life become an RN. You’ll be in college for like 3-5 years. Starting pay around in my area is 32/hour. You get to work 3 12 hour shifts leaving you with 4 days off a week. And theres oppurtunity for career advancement like nurse anesthetist or nurse practitioner if youre studious enough. You dont have to work bedside, there plenty of jobs in nursing that isnt in a hospital or clinic. You can work two jobs and potentially get paid as much or more than a physician.

>> No.14448929

>You can work two jobs and potentially get paid as much or more than a physician.
>RN pay: 70-80k
>Physician pay: 300-500k a year
Please tell what that second job you have in mind is that will allow me to have comparable pay

>> No.14449011

>doctor smarts
Doctors and corporate climbers do not have or use the same kind of smarts...

>> No.14449020

>doctor smarts
Doctors are literally memorization monkeys. If you can memorize things easily you can become a doctor. A doctor's entire job is to look at something, remember what he memorized about it, and then list off a treatment or prescription he memorized that goes along with it.
A doctor's job will be completely automated in the future by programs that just put stuff into an algorithm.

>> No.14449024

hot daddy

>> No.14449140

>A doctor's job will be completely automated in the future by programs that just put stuff into an algorithm.
You forget how much of a doctor's job is communicating with the patient and their family. Sure AI could diagnose your cancer, but would you really be ok with Siri telling you that you'll die in 5 months and to report to the nearest hospice care center?

>> No.14449234

i think it depends on the doctor
i do think that most doctors dont give that much of a fuck about patients and are there to just get a paycheck from insurance
>have a cold or some signs of a sorethroat/strep throat
here have some antibiotics
>my back hurts
heres some opiates
the pharma business and health insurance has a stranglehold on the quality of healthcare these days and the fact that doctors will just prescribe medicine to make the problem no matter how insignificant go away shows it
its the same shit with university racket college textbooks and college loans
get a bullshit degree and be 100k in the hole just because there are programs that will pay it if you cant afford it

>> No.14449246

Doctors go in, read a note, do a test, write a prescription and leave. The nurse does the rest.

>> No.14449295

this, my sister is dating a doctor and he wears sweatpants and plain white tshirts when not at the hospital

>> No.14449326


You forgot

>assumes liability

>> No.14449336

>You forget how much of a doctor's job is communicating with the patient and their family.
People talk a lot about how rapport building is important for doctors, but I've never seen a doctor who's good at it. And, I mean, rapport building isn't assessed at any stage in education or career.

>> No.14449431

>lietarlly waste your youth away, no social life
>touching peoples bodies all day
>blood, piss, poop

>> No.14449490

>assumes liability

>> No.14449595
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The only title more fashionable than "Doctor" is "President". Even US Senators eschew the title of Senator for Doctor. The goal of fashion is to satisfy narcissism--that is, to present ourselves as superior to those around us. There is no item of apparel as fashionable as putting "Doctor" in front of your name. Who is superior to the doctor in the eyes of other men? Do we measure superiority by wealth? No. Men look to see how others appreciate them to gauge their own status. Women look at men this way too, and no one under appreciates doctors. Their utility is indisputable--lambasting those who criticize medical science has even become fashionable in itself. Think, for a moment, that even the wealthiest men alive do not have the honor or distinction of a special title. The wealthy man has to surround himself with proof of his superiority--watches, cars, boats, planes, etc--the doctor can command all of this respect and more wearing pajamas and living in a trailer.

>> No.14449610

I'm a Male nurse is it too late to become a doctor?

>> No.14449618

>Doctors have to go to school for 14 years to get a job
Where you live? Yes. In my country they have to go to school for ≈ 20 years.

>> No.14449648

I strongly considered becoming a doctor, but then I realized that I didn't actually want to use my profession as my identity and I would instead prefer to make the most money I could while maintaining a good lifestyle.

So I became an attorney, in house. I make over 150k and my hours are literally 9-5. In a few years with more experience I'll be able to pursue General Counsel roles where the hours are the same and the pay is 300k up to over 1MM depending on the company.

Fuck your decades of school.

>> No.14449650

t. forever neet 420 "smart" guy

>> No.14449681

The difference here is that people who become doctors (and don't think it was a mistake) go to work every day without dreading it, not living for the weekends or vacations. When they leave work, they talk about work. It's kind of autistic, really, but I can't imagine feeling the same way about anything else. I think I'm more gifted in the kind of problem solving that attorneys do (are purpoted to do? critical analysis I'm assuming) but fuck me that shit is boring and I could never do it 5 days a week for 50 fucking years.

>> No.14449696

>not living

The only type of fulfilling work, in my opinion, is that done for your family or immediate community. Both doctors and lawyers, as well as pretty much any profession other than like farming, are so removed from this simple mental mechanism that I honestly don't believe anyone likes their job, because they don't even have the experience of fulfilling work to compare it to.

I definitely get bored of reading English language sentences in contracts and telling people what they mean, but especially the higher up you go the more strategic and theoretical a general counsel position becomes, which is enjoyable.

But the best part of my job is I get to leave. And I will have time to be with a family and enjoy the relationships in my life, not to mention get outside and have some Vitamin D.

For me, i couldnt imagine spending decades of learning biological mechanisms just to expend my knowledge on Shaniqua 75% of the time.

>> No.14449767

y'all would love doctors on this board, they acquire autism from being in school so long that they can't navigate hallways/elevators without disrupting the flow of foot traffic and almost exclusively use cliche phrases to make up for their inability to have real conversations.

They're like cats with stethoscopes and a more robust vocal range.

>> No.14449770

You guys are 2nd after Pharmacy. It's always our fault that we didn't use our precog to teleport drugs before a problem occurs.

>> No.14450200

Good one. Hospitals have teams of lawyers that make sure nothing happens to the doctor if a nurse or something fucks up under his license

>> No.14450479

>The only type of fulfilling work, in my opinion, is that done for your family or immediate community. Both doctors and lawyers, as well as pretty much any profession other than like farming, are so removed from this simple mental mechanism that I honestly don't believe anyone likes their job, because they don't even have the experience of fulfilling work to compare it to.
What is a family doctor. What is community health.

>> No.14450483

That's why people talk about it, because it's so rare and sought after.

>> No.14450498

>I’ve never had a real job and experience, the post

>> No.14450500

except when surgical fellows eschew the title right

>> No.14450527

I've been a professional musician for about four years now and i get pussy real easy, can confirm

>> No.14450632
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Becoming a family doctor and having a private little clinic is my goal.

>> No.14450682

2nd year US MD student here

People are so pessimistic here. Not all specialties require you to work 60-80 hours a week. I'm thinking of doing EM or anesthesia where the hours are better. A lot of it depends on your practice too. I think especially with EM, it's pretty easy to work part time by doing locum tenens (basically picking up other doctor's shifts when they're on vacation).

Studying sucks ass though. I think sitting behind a computer desk mindlessly would be better for me right now, though a job like that that probably comes with its own stresses. I also think med school helped me develop my social skills a lot. I was shy as fuck before, but now I can talk to anyone.

My end goal is to have my own practice.

This guy is probably a pharmacist with an inferiority complex lol. No one respects pharmacists, sorry.

>> No.14450763

You act as if the future even cares about building human rapport. The way things are going, there won't be blood in anything anymore, no human influence. Just cold steel dangling your meds in front of you while you slowly wither away.

>> No.14450770

I'm finishing medical school next year and I'm 23

>> No.14450976

You're gunna be replaced by AI in 5 years. Hell, a high school grad with access to the pharmacy computer could do the job of a pharmacist.

>> No.14450981

You are not the norm.

>> No.14450992
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gl anon I have a softspot for people like you since the guy in dear zachary wanted to do the same before....
so sad uwu

>> No.14450996

A doctor is not a job it is a lifestyle.
There is no room for fashion
there is little room for family
your life is your work. You must love your life first and foremost or you will be living in hell.
Asking /fa/ is up there as one of the worst ways you could come to the decision to become a doctor.

>> No.14451080

It's not sought after though. It's one of those things that everyone talks up as valuable, only to reinforce the things they actually value.

During my undergraduate and graduate career, I worked in writing support, and I'd see the same thing from various college administrators. Everyone says they value skilled writing, but when you discuss learning outcomes, they can only talk about grammar and style adherence.

So sure, everyone values rapport building, but I suspect if pressed, what med school administrators think of as "rapport building" is, like, learning the patient's name.

>> No.14451097

Truest post yet.

But in all serious I’m a family medicine resident and love my job. I get to do all the blood and guts I want from delivering babies and working in ERs but can also work in a clinic or as a hospitalist if I don’t like the drunks and crap. I get job offers literally every hour and I’m a years away from being done. Got one yesterday, a postcard from a recruiter for a job an hour outside of Denver in a “highly educated” (means white- they put lots of pictures of white people playing tennis on it as well), for four days a week in clinic base pay 255k plus loan repayment and the option to pickup ER shifts for extra cash. I can literally take locums jobs anywhere from key west to cape cod to NYC to Australia and have a job paying over 200k in an hour. And most of all I love the work- getting to introduce yourself as doctor, getting to help people, being the smart guy, flirting with nurses. It’s fucking great. Sure there’s tons of stress and everything else but man I worked in factories and in the military before I’ll take this shit any day.

>> No.14451128

Made around $300k before med school, and I'm sadly using it to pay off loans. Should I just take out loans, invest the rest with stocks, and take loan repayment from jobs?

>> No.14451161

>A doctor's job will be completely automated in the future by programs that just put stuff into an algorithm.
Not only that but reestructoring of the profession into "simpler" ones only doesn't happen because of tradition.

Think about dentists. Why do you have a doctor only for your mouth? Why can't you have doctors which don't go through all the current medical education but only about a (rather) small part of it?

>> No.14451178

I'm going to law school next year and an in house job is probably my dream. It seems so fucking comfy

>> No.14451240

You are not American. Physicians in the US become an attending at the earliest 29. More commonly 32-35

>> No.14451242

The interest rate on med school loans is mafia level right now (like 7-9%). If you think you can get a better return than that on investing by all means go for it. But otherwise I can tell you I’d kill to have the freedom that would come with no loans. Being able to take part time jobs, being able to volunteer overseas, these are all things I don’t have the option for because of my debt and won’t for many years. I love my job but the thought that I couldn’t quit even if I wanted to and am basically a slave is one of the worst aspects

>> No.14451250

Law school is a meme outside the T14, nepotism, and the top 10% of a class at a “good” school.

>> No.14451259

Luckily AI will replace their shitty profession in 40-50 years

>> No.14451262

>being the smart guy

>> No.14451407

AI will replace every profession in 40-50 years nigga yanggang2020

>> No.14451422

quads of truth

>> No.14451425

Imagine not having nepotism as an option

>> No.14451512

An office job is about 50x easier and less stressful than suffering through med school admissions and med school itself, to say nothing of residency.

>> No.14451542

Bro i don't know what fucking world you live in but your expectation is false. It's not a comfy ride. You are being paid to do a job. You're basically the MD replacement who works for 1/4 of the cost of an MD

>> No.14451573

PAs have it made - kudos bro

>> No.14451580

I have friends of friends that can potentially get me a good job

>> No.14451597

Doctors are the absolute blue pill. They are also the greatest gatekeeper because normies think what they say is literally science.

>> No.14451675
File: 5 KB, 250x168, omeprazole-capsule-107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually its the opposite
working in most service industries, especially healthcare red pills you pretty fast

>> No.14451690

Off your phone anon, you need to go out and grab carts from the parking lot

>> No.14451722

this has been a surprisingly good thread

it reminds you that all jobs suck, even the ones boomers told you were prestigious---from trades to doctor and lawyer

>> No.14451729

>I do love my job and the patients I take care of, but damn
What's your personality type?

>> No.14451747

Anon, they just don't think that the catch of being a doctor is that you literally can go anywhere in the whole world, and you always will have a job. If you don't like your current place? Find something better. If you are a doctor, you can. If I would be you, I would fuck off to one of those tax-paradise islands where all the rich fags live and that's it.

>> No.14452080

Maybe at a trash company.

>> No.14452907

RNs deal with alot of shit and work every other weekend tho

>> No.14452908

they started the fire and now deny everything
day of the pillow soon

>> No.14452912

>60-80 hours a week.
Only surgeons and some overworked medical specialties like IM work that much
Doctors won't be automated anytime soon, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.14452937

Do it, there's nothing wrong with this as long as you're competent enough

>> No.14452941

>Doctors won't be automated anytime soon, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
wishful thinking

>> No.14452955

>implying that any legislation would pass the ethical risk of letting ai do faulty decision's about people's lives

>> No.14452965

>implying most of doctor's time is spent on decision making

>> No.14453500

I dunno the nephrologists at my tiny ass area hospital work 7-6 most days, put their kids to bed, then come back to work until 10 or so

>> No.14453543

I'll tell you now dude, your bachelors does not matter.

Yes, some will better prepare you for the MCAT (this is the admission test in America), but all applicants have to take the required coursework, and take the same test. As long as you get good grades and score well on the MCAT, it does not matter

>> No.14453616

My classmates are a clusterfuck of medtechs, pharmacists, biologists, radtechs, psychometricians, education majors, and a physicist.

Everyone is pretty much on equal footing once you get into med school. Sure, the medtechs know more about labs starting off and nurses know more about clinical shit but those advantages get negated by the bulk of coursework pre quick.

>> No.14453654

pharmacist student here

shit fucking sucks, it's not as much pay relative to the average job anymore, the market is saturated, the standards have gone up so you have to work harder the previous generations of medical professionals

go into business, that's where the easy money is. it's can be ruthless but my brother makes 3 times what i'll make and he just sells houses.

>> No.14454103

You know nothing about AI or about medicine. Physicians will most likely be one of the last professions to be automated. Either way, it won't happen until after I'm dead, so it doesn't matter.
Even radiology will mostly benefit from AI in the short to mid term, diagnostic rads here aren't even worried. Stop buying into every meme you see.
Nephro is part of the "overworked specialties" category, I was referring to things like derm, pathology, ophto, psych, ENT... It also largely depends on what your country is, I'm under the impression that the US is notoriously demanding in terms of hours, which is not the case in Europe (while the salaries there are lower).

>> No.14455219

why don't you do something that interests you instead of caring about how you look?

oh its because you lack a personality

>> No.14455241

This entire board is dedicated to caring about how you look.