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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 51 KB, 800x785, 1561551054801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14438830 No.14438830 [Reply] [Original]

Is she /fa/

>> No.14438834

Upsetting white beta male incels on it's own is already /fa/ as fuck

>> No.14438838

I want her to step on me

>> No.14438839

doing photo shoots at migrant detention centers? ya i think so

>> No.14438842
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why didnt she donate this money to poor people

>> No.14438850
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>fences are bad

>> No.14438854

damn she's gangly as all hell. still hot though

>> No.14438910
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No. Cankles are far from /fa/.

>> No.14438913
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>Commie beaner thot with donkey teeth

>> No.14438916

hispanic women are notorious for having cankles. a hispanic woman told me this.

>> No.14438917
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>> No.14438925

Looks like the average /pol/ poster to me.

>> No.14438949

>"N-No u!"

>> No.14438958

gottem, communists btfo

>> No.14438966

Have you seen a /pol/ meetup? They're all disgusting greasy Mexican teenagers like that fag. I wouldn't be surprised to find out he posts on /pol/

>> No.14439011

Cuz tits.

>> No.14439023

Can someone do one of these of my favorite Kpop groups?

>> No.14439025

Yeah, to be honest, I wouldn't mind getting a nice deep throat fuckin' on.

>> No.14439044

>he thinks $595 for a watch is a lot
Oof yikes cringe etc

>> No.14439053
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Hypocrisy at its finest

>> No.14439059

>if you care about the poor, you have to give all your money to them
What a shit argument

>> No.14439082

there is zero excuse to remain poor in a capitalistic system.

>> No.14439085

In order for capitalism to work, someone has to be poor anon.

>> No.14439089

I too was once so naive

>> No.14439099

>imagine believing this
One day you will graduate high school anon, it will happen.

>> No.14439101

there is nothing stopping you as an individual from becoming rich. If someone is poor, they are facing the consequences of their stupid decisions.

>> No.14439104

exploration of many is required for success of a few
this is how the world works, capitalism or not
grow up kid

>> No.14439105

>there is nothing stopping you as an individual from becoming rich.
There is also nothing stopping you as an individual from becoming poor.

>> No.14439106


>> No.14439109

no one is forcing you to get exploited. If you don't like a job, leave and get trained for a better job.

>> No.14439114

>If you don't like a job, leave
Ooops we gave your new job to an Indian fresh out of Harvard. Sorry.

>> No.14439116

You're clearly in high school. If not, you're just delusional. In most cases, it isn't that simple as quitting and finding a better job.

>> No.14439129

Based and checked

>> No.14439155

Is that supposed to be a lot of money for a watch? /pol/gas are really getting desperate.

>> No.14439159

Can we stop pretending like that's not a lot of money for a watch just for one thread?
It does not cost Movado anywhere near $600 to assemble that watch in China.

>> No.14439160

Is that supposed to be a lot of money for a watch? /pol/fags are really getting desperate

>> No.14439162

>thinks mexicans are bad

>> No.14439166

haha u poor lmao hahha HE IS POOR xddDDD ;00DDDDD

>> No.14439173

>spending money on useless shit is better than giving it away to the group you care about
wow good thinking

>> No.14439175

>It does not cost Movado anywhere near $600 to assemble that watch in China.

Who is talking about Movado here? The point of that image is to show how “expensive” her watch is. Which it isn’t, call me back when she’s wearing an Audemars Piguet or a a Lange & Sohne

>> No.14439178

not an AOC fag but this is wrong

>> No.14439183

>its relatively cheap thus it justifies wasting money

>> No.14439185
File: 373 KB, 1650x1097, timex-weekender-40-04-wrist-br.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Timex Weekender is fucking $50.

Calm. The Fuck. Down.

>> No.14439194

>if you care about the poor you must only eat rice and beans and wear rags
C'mon anon, apply yourself.

>> No.14439198

>wasting money

There is nothing wrong with buying things that you like. God anon you’re sounding like a disgusting communist...

Yeah a watch that breaks in like six months lmao I’ve owned two of those

>> No.14439209

not what I said though. I didn't say you should give them money, even if it hurts you, I simply said that giving away money is better than buying pointless luxurious items
>inb4 the watch isn't expensive

>> No.14439212
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>> No.14439215

>that you like
but don't need, correct?
>disgusting communist...
the ones that care about trannies are the disgusting ones. the rest is semi-ok.

>> No.14439218

Lmao @ "females" with no hips.

>> No.14439225

Who said anything about trannies? Why do you all bring up trannies at every possible moment? It's fucking weird.

>> No.14439229

cheapest watch money can buy. are people really bitching about this
if she was wearing something over 3k maybe but 500 bukeroos nah fm

>> No.14439233

Again, it's her money to spend. Caring about the poor and liking luxury items are not mutually exclusive. Especially considering she's a congresswoman so it's expected that she is to wear professional attire(which is typically expensive).

>> No.14439234

>but don't need, correct?

So what? You don’t need that expensive smartphone, anon, why not get rid of it and buy yourself one of those indestructible Nokia’s phones that were popular fifteen years ago? Or that huge tv? Or that computer?

>> No.14439277

read my post and find out.

>> No.14439293

you dont know what incel and beta means

>> No.14439308

If you're communistic it's seen as a waste of money and resources so yeah. Why not wear a basic casio?

>> No.14439332


>> No.14439367

This is retarded by /pol/ack standards, jesus fuck

>> No.14439376

>Or that huge tv
don't have one
>why not get rid of it and buy yourself one of those indestructible Nokia’s phones
Unironically will do it once the one I have breaks.
kek. a computer is infinitely more useful than a watch, also have a fairly cheap one that was used.

>> No.14439380

imagine being a retarded commie in this day and age lmao

>> No.14439382

not a commie

>> No.14439663

>Or that computer?
Computers are necessary to thrive in the modern world.

>> No.14439847

This is 100% right, only leftypol 12 year olds will disagree.

>> No.14439857

Because they’re poor, it doesn’t mean they have shitty taste like her

>> No.14439865

>retarded commie
Isn't that a little redundant?

>> No.14439874

I'm richer than you and I disagree.

>> No.14439884
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>> No.14439913

yup. Slender bod. Nice sense of style. Big milkers, Distinct facial structure.

>> No.14440202

Yes and she's betraying her values.

I'm sure $600 is a lot to those refugees as well

>> No.14440211

is /pol/ actually stupid?
donating a few cents doesn't solve the systematic problems

>> No.14440225

>there is nothing stopping you as an individual from becoming rich
Except the whole system.

>> No.14440257

Is it though? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque

>> No.14440305

you arent really socialist if you own things

>> No.14440323


>> No.14440327

Not bad for a bartender.

>> No.14440621

LMAO /pol/ got BTFO by neckbeard Maui

>> No.14440651

Imagine complaining about wasting money on luxury on a FUCKING FASHION BOARD

>> No.14440656

Have sex.

>> No.14440736

>get trained
college costs money

>> No.14440758
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>> No.14440792
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>> No.14440900


>> No.14440928

Seething poorfag cope

>> No.14441101

Sounds perfectly fair.
For reference, since there are inherent genetic differences between individuals and humans on a population level, it means that inequality is a guarantee.
Attempting to mitigate this might be dysgenic in the long term through the subsidization of stupid people's lifestyles and children using the taxes of the weathly and intelligent who should be breeding, but aren't.

>> No.14441109

wish the internet/4chan would stop giving these frauds attention.
literally just ignore them and stop talking about. u fags must not have jobs.

>> No.14441113
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>> No.14441116

Why isn't she wearing an apple watch

>> No.14441121

The fuck is going on in this picture? What's got her all distraught?

>> No.14441123

she was thinking about the exploitation of the proletariat