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File: 85 KB, 1100x734, acne scars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14430465 No.14430465 [Reply] [Original]

>ruins your face for the rest of your life
nothing personnel kiddo

>> No.14430488
File: 113 KB, 634x461, 24592E1F-DBA5-4F51-979C-45D3F705B03B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spots are finally clearing up, and I’m now realising half the red marks on my face are actually scars. Fuck me.

>> No.14430500
File: 89 KB, 800x600, hl2 episode one unused soldier shotgunner 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subhumans with shitty genetics are ugly
>they would be ugly without acne scars as well
no surprise

>> No.14430520

red marks aren't scars, promise. they just last a while

>> No.14430552

eat lots of liver and animal fats anon, they will get better

>> No.14430554

Good thing i'm not a poorfag and i can afford laser surgery and further care

>> No.14430590

that's not how it works retard

>> No.14430818

My brother had a bad bout of this, he just turned 40 and they've faded greatly though

>> No.14430860

Fruit acids

>> No.14431057

Does that little spiky wheel tool thing actually help with scars? I've been considering getting one.

>> No.14431060

I believe it's called a derma roller

>> No.14431791

There's laser treatment for it, don't expect magical results though, they usually require multiple sessions.

>> No.14431814

it's only a problem if you're female.
male skin is just more resilient and everything heals over time.
The problem for women is by the leave the acne timeframe, they're just starting up in the loss of collagen time, and then increase of wild hair producing testosterone time frame.
They get like a 3 year window where, just maybe, everything is at a minimal level.
Men's skin simply stays better maintained with age, twice so if you do even the most minimal amount of care.

>> No.14431948

>based body bro trying to warn you that your diet is shitty
>Ignore it and then cry about it later
It's your fault.

>> No.14432767
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It looks masculine if it's clean. I think. I have very large pores in my forehead and nose and that won't look good ever.

>> No.14432917

Yea the scarring on my face is minimal and matches with an actual scar on my face so I look like a handsome goon. Forehead is fucked used to scratch that all the time as a teen now I gotta keep long hair to cover most of it.
Tbh acne scarring is fine if it isnt freak show tier and you have masculine bone structure.

>> No.14433020
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God I want to stab those deeply embedded healed over cysts with a scalpel and squirt the white gunk out.

>> No.14433025
File: 30 KB, 599x481, 1556448889802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had them on my forehead for a long time but eventually they just disappeared, only for the acne to move to my cheeks.

>> No.14433027
File: 156 KB, 270x270, 1534316086725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7+ years with bacne

>> No.14433040

10 years with acne here. i feel you man

>> No.14433045

There's peelings or dermarolling.

>> No.14433070
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>> No.14433248

that’s the sole reason why im still a virgin

>> No.14433258
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>> No.14433260

bad excuse

>> No.14433262

I`m on my second week of acutane so far and it has allready gotten much better! Can only recommend.

>> No.14433393 [DELETED] 


>> No.14433407
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1561354447847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wash my face with this every morning and night.

>> No.14433593

My back is a fucking disaster... Hairy, scared from a really bad sunburn i got when i was 13, and covered in acne... I'm going for twink-mode, and it pretty much works PERFECTLY except a slight receding hairline(taking fin and minox now) and my gross shoulders and back...shit sucks. Shaving my back also makes the acne worse(but also not shaving it makes it really bad too, since thats when the worse acne pops up)

Its this weird catch 22, that seems like the only solution will be lazer hair removal and accutain, but i dont have the cash for that shit(plus i'm too fucking embarrassed to even go in for a consultation, but again, its moot, since the fucking cost along will be over $2000)

>> No.14433635
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Wow. So you can't basically do pretty much anything. With a sunburn like that you wouldn't try sea water and sunbathing, would you?There's cheap laser hair removals nowdays, but since they are esthetically(?) orientated I don't know if they're good enough for skin with acne. And they offer good payment methods (I'm in multiple zones and it istwo years or so for less than 1000€). What is twink mode? o_o

For me it is the bra stripes, or the backpack, bags and stuff like that. I have hairy arms up to my shoulders but I'm blond so I don't think it is related to hair... Who nows. I am rather obssessed with shower gels and changing my T-shirt every 8 hours. Food is not that determinant I've read, but I restrain myself quite a lot anyways.

Good luck, friend, hope this summer things don't go too wild back there.

>> No.14433928


Listen up because I'm going to share with you how I fixed my back acne without going on Accutane.
Now I know this may not work for EVERYONE, but if you're not already doing these things, please give it a try. In little more than 2 months they changed my back's skin wonderfully, and I had a LOT of acne (although not very deep-set acne like cystic acne, thanks to God).

Okay so the first thing you want to do is reduce the presence of active pimples in order to be able to shave your back/shoulders.
If you have really thick back/shoulder hair but can't shave it off with a razor because of the pimples, just use an electric razor with a safety guard. Too much hair traps sweat and increases the chances of getting pimples.

To reduce pimples, do these:
>NEVER use really hot water while showering. Use warm water, but not HOT water. Once you're done, spend at least 1 minute washing your acne-affected areas at the coldest setting you can. This closes up your pores, reduces inflammation, and prevents shit from being trapped in your skin's pores.
>Buy a tea tree oil body wash to use in the shower.
>Buy over the counter anti-acne products. The stronger the better, look for Benzoil Peroxide and the likes. Stuff that is meant for the face usually works on the back too, but it will cost you since there's more skin to cover, but you usually need way less than you'd think.
>Use the products on the affected areas before going to bed and right after waking up. Before applying them, wash the area with a gentle skin detergent.
>Change your shirt (for a fresh one!) at least twice a day; once when you wake up, and once when you go to bed.
>NEVER pop the pimples unless the "white head" is clearly showing, and even then, do it as gently as possible, or else you may get scars.

>> No.14433937


Once there are no new pimples (should take 2 weeks) it's time to reduce the scarring.
>Once a week, before showering, do this: mix baking soda with lemon juice and very little water to create a thick yellowish paste. Spread it over the scarred areas with a gentle rubbing motion. Leave the paste on for at least 10 minutes. Then, gently wash it off with warm water. Never scrub too hard with it or you will get irritation.
>Shave your back/shoulders more often; clean smooth skin is less susceptible to acne.

Other than that, ALWAYS wash your back/shoulders right after working out, not hours after.
If you haven't tried yet, see if cutting dairy from your diet changes your acne situation.
Most of these tips work wonderfully on the face too, but since facial skin is thinner and more delicate, extra caution is advised, especially for the temples and the area under the eyes.

>> No.14433961


Thank you, I've already been doing something like that for a period of time but it really didn't work out. You were very specific so I'll see what I was missing.Can you explain a little more the first pint? You mean to have a regular shower with warm water and then using the tea tree body wash with cold water? So you wash your back twice?

>NEVER use really hot water while showering. Use warm water, but not HOT water. Once you're done, spend at least 1 minute washing your acne-affected areas at the coldest setting you can. This closes up your pores, reduces inflammation, and prevents shit from being trapped in your skin's pores.

>> No.14434024
File: 19 KB, 601x601, 1560714273724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never had acne. just pimples that are gone within a week. feels good

>> No.14434080

Ideally, you should wash your back once with warm water, opening up your pores. Then you use tea tree oil, and then you rinse with cold water for 1 minute before getting out of the shower

>> No.14434121

Thanks , m8

>> No.14434337

>12 years with acne
>finally take pills
>skin has had vast improvements
>scars are barely noticeable aside from shadows
Feels average/10

>> No.14434414

what do you mean pills? antibiotics?

>> No.14434567

look mommy! I'm being edgy on the internet again!

>> No.14434568

Yeah, i cant emphasis how important it is to NOT keep tea tree oil on your skin for too long... Its pretty toxic and can fuck your skin up if you just apply it and go about your normal day... It shouldnt be left on your skin for more than an hour.

>> No.14434604
File: 25 KB, 274x275, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face is all fucked because I can't stop picking my skin. I already tried everything: band-aids, a timer on my cellphone with the time I didn't pick my skin and even a fucking fidget spin, but nothing seems to work.
Help me.

>> No.14434613

Um... Just dont? Or if you feel compelled to do it, get the proper tools(sanitized lance and black head tool) so you dont do as much damage... And make sure you wash and apply ointment to the spot afterwards so it heals fast.

>> No.14434738

the good shit. just take care of yourself while on it

>> No.14434743

>The stronger the better, look for Benzoil Peroxide
Based, though an AHA or BHA might work better-- there's not a ton of sun exposure on the back and peeling won't be super noticeable

>> No.14434744

yeah but less ugly

>> No.14434919

Nice try buddy boy, I've got a pretty good face but still have acne.

>> No.14435047

It's horrible: but there is something you may not realize if you're a shut-in.
There are grills that are not as repulsed by your own scars as you are.
They would actually still date you if your other shit is all right.

Asian girls are probably out of the question, though. I think they switched out Buddhism for worship of skincare.

>> No.14435056

yeah thanks God you fucking faggot

>> No.14435381

never had that issue, you just have shit skin lol

>> No.14435389

Just take care of it in your teens instead of letting it get worse?

>> No.14435404

This isn’t true at all of Asian Women. I should know I’m a leatherface gargoyle. Asian Women don’t care that a man’s face is rough, they care that their faces need to be smooth.

>> No.14435425

no it’s not i don’t want any girl to see my back

>> No.14435427
File: 603 KB, 1000x562, 9EC21A54-A10D-415F-87C6-AA3599BA4359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acne scars all over face
>realize I will never be loved and fall into a deep depression
>start using drugs heavily
>get into fashion
>become interested in photography
>meet cute 9/10 photographer girl
>has a savior complex
>falls for me
>helps me clean up my life
>been dating for 5 years now
>scars are fading

>> No.14435433

you’re right about cutting dairy products but also for some men protein powder worsens the acne a lot

>> No.14435438

You won the lottery man good for you

>> No.14435439

Just don't eat processed junk food, boom no acne.

>> No.14435440

nah xans and percocets vro

>> No.14435442

Everytime you have the urge to pick your skin do 10 squats

>> No.14435453

Push ups instead. The arms will be too tired to move or pick acnes.

>> No.14435484
File: 1.15 MB, 1936x1936, 20190624_200920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing the damage you do will make you stop

>> No.14435700


Yes, put a picture of your acne as a screensaver(?)

>> No.14435838
File: 269 KB, 234x249, yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a bad idea, to be honest. If I stop picking I'll have a nicer skin, and if I don't I'll get /fit/.
Also a good idea.

16 hours without touching my face. I'll make it, bros.

>> No.14435972


I have the same thing and I was also nervous about girls seeing my back. But then I fucked a girl anyways and realized people don't seem to care. Unless it's extremely grotesque I guess.

>> No.14436119

>they care that their faces need to be smooth.

Do you mean the azn girl cares about her face being smooth or the azn girl cares about a man's face being smooth?
Because I have noticed they seem to have a STRONG aversion to facial hair on men.
Presumably that is in part because Asians rarely have it but you know I think South Americans find it interesting for the same reason.

>> No.14436155

aye yuh u ever just be slattin wit da slimes n some dummy asks u whas gud wit da yeah

>> No.14436233

I don't know what to do...I'm a girl and I look pretty average. I'm becoming more confident thanks to weight loss and improved diet but while my facial skin is improving, my shoulders are ridden with dark scars due to obsessive skin picking. I've since learned how to stop, and try to exfoliate my shoulders and keep them moisturized--but while they are clear now, the hyperpigmentation won't budge. Ughh !!!

>> No.14436254
File: 1.35 MB, 2560x1920, 0625191235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic of the worst side for reference...Kids always tell me I have freckles, but this is pretty obviously much worse. Is it over?

>> No.14436269

I knew a girl whose face was fucked up with cystic acne.
Her face would have still been ugly if her skin was perfect.
On top of that she had been facially disfigured by getting mauled by a dog.
She had a boyfriend.

>> No.14436285

I guess it's not finding someone that scares me, I just feel like I can't ask for someone I find attractive to like me if I have these ugly parts...I feel like me looking bad drags others down..but I guess there's nothing to be done but keep trying to fade

>> No.14436318

That's because Whey Protein is made from milk :)

>> No.14436329

How are your teeth?

>> No.14436377
File: 193 KB, 1440x957, 0625191347-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda rabbit like if I'm honest

>> No.14436394

Here's the thing about contemporary life, at least in Anglo countries: women have a kind of price-fixing cartel going on.
Like, they all agree to be hot garbage so men don't expect more than hot garbage.
If you just stay at a healthy weight you have already beaten a shocking amount of women for a good man.
If you are mentally healthy, happy and a nice and kind person: you have something that the majority of women lack. That's why I asked about your teeth. You have a fine smile.
If you are interested in being a good quality wife and mother: you have something over most girls.
Low/no sex partner count: big plus.
The important thing is don't ever project what girls want on to men and think that's what they want. We don't care about degrees, we don't care about you being "well-traveled" all that crap is related to earning potential. It's not what men are after.

>> No.14436400

As for your skin, I dunno. If you want to go full lookism I think there's skin bleaching creams and apple cider vinegar that can de-pigment.

>> No.14436421

Thanks anon, you've given me a little hope. I will keep trying to do what I can appearance wise, but most of all I will work harder to become someone who is happy and confident !

>> No.14436425

Oh, one other thing: women that are willing to approach men and know how to dig their hooks in can get better men than they deserve.
Ever seen one of those couples where it's a reasonably attractive dude and his gf weighs twice what he does while being half as tall?
She approached him.

>> No.14436445

I guess I understand that's possible, but I think I'd feel too guilty to let it continue..Maybe when I believe in myself more. I don't want to drag a beautiful guy away from a beautiful girl if she's what he deserves, you know what I mean?

>> No.14436538

Not that girl you were talking with but, this thing you wrote... interesting. What are your thoughts on mothers working a full-time job?

>> No.14437581

I'm so happy for you, truly

>> No.14437592

Acne is all diet, go on a water fast and see

>> No.14437604

do they work?

>> No.14437606

i have dermatillomania

>> No.14437616

my acne is on my neck now help

>> No.14437624

acne scars are caused by squeezing and popping pimples with your fingers, not by just having acne

protip: get a set of professional commodone extractors and save your face

>> No.14437631

Disgustingly potent bait

>> No.14437637
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1556656596925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God FUCKING dammit bros
I would be a halfway cute lanklet if it wasn't for this bullshit, but instead I'm the 22 y/o virgin

>> No.14437785

i feel grateful every day that my acne only left light scarring on my temple areas.
though i wasn't so lucky with my body and got a lot of stretchmarks just from puberty growing.

>> No.14437994

stretchmarks >>>>>>>>>>> acne scars

>> No.14438066


I feel you + varicose veins

>> No.14438094

As long as you are relatively handsome and have adult-looking facial structure, acne scars are no big deal.