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File: 915 KB, 1440x1136, Screenshot_20190621-174851_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14426788 No.14426788 [Reply] [Original]

How do we're stop zoomers from dressing like shit. They think it's funny or something

>> No.14426801

Filipinos never look good no matter what they wear

>> No.14426804

I'm talking about the girl

>> No.14426834

Did you hear about her n word scandal?

>> No.14426858

Yeah I think is funny because she's actually a disgusting lesbian. I'm gay and even we hate lesbians . Could you imagine the smell of them having sex. My one Gf let me smell her pussy one time and it was the sharpest most pungent smell ever. Like rotten fish and lemons or something. barf

>> No.14426860

Based faggot

>> No.14426880


>> No.14427103

he gay

>> No.14427119

I've walked into a room right after two fag friends of mine fucked. It literally smelled like shit and sweat. But you're right, lesbians are gross.

Who the fuck cares what zoomers do though?

>> No.14427130

>t. literally has fecal sex

>> No.14427813

This is actually not terrible. It's basic, but it's not like the other zoomtrocities.

>> No.14427814

i hate dykes too but poopdickers don't exactly have a lot of room to call other people disgusting

>> No.14427847

youre retarded

>> No.14427852

instant kino desu

>> No.14427856

>Look at me! I'm a sodomite but even I hate shitlickers! We're not all bad, but they definitely are!

>> No.14427857

the thinking homo doesn't do anal; he does intercrural sex

>> No.14427859
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1556632503799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All memes aside, I think Zoomers dress poorly because the previous generation forgot or to dress or didn't teach them. Just another life skill they lack in an ever-growing list. Of course this won't be the case for every kid 14 - 21 but it's something I've noticed. Next time you're in public, observe how many of them are just miniatures of their parents.

>> No.14427892 [DELETED] 

Just a reminder, she is one of (((them)))

>> No.14427899


who is she?

>> No.14427992
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1558262960349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically made me think
maybe mass producing cheap shit and what's easily available to people is also a factor
like t-shirts that say shit like SURF CAMP 1987 MIAMI BEACH

>> No.14428004

Stuff like that is probably just stuff their parents bought them while they refused to go to the store and just stayed home and gamed

>> No.14428012

They're just lazy and naive young people

>> No.14428061

They do think its funny. I hate seeing zoomers in this shit. This is shit I would have thrown away as garbage hand me downs from my older sister when people finally started to dress normal again after the 90s finally died out

>> No.14428067


>> No.14428078

Based and gaypilled

>> No.14428802

But these fits are good wot

>> No.14428836

Why do gays hate lesbians?

>> No.14428924

Everyone hates them

>> No.14428931

everybody hates them

>> No.14428932

A gay guy talking about bad smells when he smells like farts and cum lol

>> No.14428956


>> No.14428973

Are you dumb. What gay man doesn't first enema that shit. My bf and I have a big jug of water in the fridge with nice flowers and fruits soaking constantly. We always use it in our last ass wash so our butts smell like sangria.

>> No.14428975

Because they are fucking annoying. Think of sjw and feminism and being a cunt all In one.

>> No.14429037

He based

>> No.14429069

Seeing as how you all fuck like bunnies, I doubt you faggots use an enema every single time.

>> No.14429083

>our butts smell like sangria.

>> No.14429179

you fuck men. you're a degenerate no matter how much flower water you pour in your butt.

>> No.14429286

It's clairo I'm pretty sure

>> No.14429312
File: 1.30 MB, 320x213, 1507438638557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me you’re joking. I had dinner with a gay couple last week and served myself something like this from the back of their fridge

>> No.14429323




>> No.14429336

That's fine. It's not like we put the water back in the jug hahaha. But yeah you drank enema water it's very commo. Most gays will have some on hand at all times.

>> No.14429348
File: 499 KB, 480x228, 1516459916970.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14429352

congratulations, you're one of us

>> No.14429404

Did you serve it into your asshole ? Hahahaha

>> No.14429410

the one thing gay and straight men have in common. absolutely based

>> No.14429416

She looks cute

>> No.14429425
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>our butts smell like sangria.

>> No.14429623
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>Ugh, zoomers dress like idiots. Unlike us millennials!

>> No.14429882

jesus this. I was never against the gays until i had to smell the stench of their fucking. Lesbians are just as gross too but they act like they live in squalor and have their living areas in disgusting disarray, with their pugs wiping their ass on the floor.

>> No.14430230

Report for an immediate HIV test.

>> No.14430235

the 90s were a mistake
t. born in the 90s

>> No.14431567

Thanks, this made me laugh.

>> No.14431581

They were probably devastated when you didn't buttchug it. I bet they thought you guys were gonna have some fun.

>> No.14431593

I know a lesbians who plays xbox with the boys and smokes weed on a quiet evening while listening to techno music and studying for her exams. Another is working to become a cruise captain for intercontinental voyages. Not all lesbians are raving SJW angrily tweeting about Trump.

>> No.14431611

Only the most degenerate faggots like poopy dicks. Just because you happen to like men more than girls doesn't automatically mean you suddenly like shit.

>> No.14432007

This thread is going to make me throw up, you people need to repent.

>> No.14432051

15-20 year olds are likely to be wearing whatever the latest trend is, so if you think it's ugly, it just means you're behind or you don't care about trends. Either way you look like an idiot

>> No.14432053
File: 38 KB, 480x480, 4a1d065cf-cd92-4f19-9f95-5c4658410ad8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fashion = whatever is popular

>> No.14432520

>t. protozoomer
If you were born in the 90s you weren't old enough to experience the 90s

>> No.14432527

>self hating filipino

Found him

>> No.14432591
File: 128 KB, 700x876, 1561044727095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen X was the last generation to be truly effay.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.14432598

They really weren't though. Just like now, there were cool subcultures, but most of the generation was pretty corny.

>> No.14432789
File: 3.38 MB, 700x285, FC974C6E-3CE1-4FA2-8520-28C798BF8E83.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14434325

>not all
no shit sherlock. who cares though?

>> No.14435314
File: 44 KB, 550x513, faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop taking clothing inspiration and stealing wardrobes from Brockhampton and those lgbt faggots