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File: 65 KB, 800x1035, A86E1378-6165-41F2-8809-ABC692B99510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14427621 No.14427621 [Reply] [Original]

What modeling poses are the best for a portfolio or what you’re supposed to send. Should I do two headshots two body shots like pic related ?

>> No.14427770

for men or women?

>> No.14427984

>tfw I'm a male and have almost the exact same looking body and height

>> No.14427991

you need to SS and GOMAD

>> No.14428087
File: 124 KB, 819x1024, 23-55-15-1534788791716m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14428090
File: 155 KB, 471x700, 23-17-52-tumblr_n0j7lbZAHw1re9pgwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14428281

the fuck does that mean

>> No.14428294
File: 213 KB, 1080x1350, lauren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


god i love lauren
but dont most models just shoot polaroids of a front + side profile headshot and a front + side profile full body wearing no make up and plain clothes plain background and natural light?
if your face is interesting enough at the barest minimum they are going to consider you for shoots or runs

>> No.14428418

Starting strength and gallon of milk a day. Not him but theyre pretty good /fit/ routines for bulking up.

>> No.14428579

Underdeveloped body imo, but that is one pretty face.

>> No.14428692

Her torso looks long af

>> No.14428705

Why are you larping? If you were really a model you would already know this, let alone ask in this autistic forum.

>> No.14428741

its called being a decent height

>> No.14428989

start hrt sissy

>> No.14429231

Too bad you don't have the face for it probably, now go and work out you sissy fag

>> No.14429244
File: 685 KB, 720x1280, 1560319832945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got tricked by a fake modelling agency and almost went in to pay for photos but ended up researching it and realising it was almost guaranteed to be a scam
>tfw saw the same "agency" on a documentary a few months later and all the poor suckers like me they had scammed
Word of warning to any anons wanting to model. An modelling agency will never ask you to pay for pictures. If they are really interested in you they will do a free shoot and if anything will pay you for your time.

>> No.14429746

LMAOOOOO I need more info on this

>> No.14430143


>> No.14430146

That’s pretty dope

>> No.14430151

Everyone gets a autist sometimes anon. Just needed advice. I really don’t want to fuck this up.

>> No.14430428

I pretty much told everything there is to know. I wanted to get into modelling and I consider myself pretty good looking, so I set pictures to the agency, and they wanted me to come in and pay for "professional portfolio" pictures (when most agencies actually don't care if your images are amateur as hell as long as you are hot). I did some digging and realised what they were trying to do was bullshit, and so backed out of the whole deal. It was incredibly humiliating and I've become a notch more distrusting of the world around me since then. Fuckers, I hope someone burns their scam factory down to the ground. I will if nobody else does

>> No.14430436

>I consider myself pretty good looking
Fucking deserved it LOL, I love companies like that who prey on the gullible and cocky. I wonder how many girls stumbled into porn by accident because they were too stupid to realize.

>> No.14430479

i don't, and no
it's ok

>> No.14430486

the words of a bitter ugly person

>> No.14430935

>t. gullible and "good looking", but obviously not good looking enough to get scouted by a legitimate agency

>> No.14430957

Ha, my wife fell for the same and when she turned up they offered her money for porn lmao. She was only 18 bless her.

My friends idiot gf also was wrapped up in this modelling portfolio scam and didn't believe me when I told her. I showed her by using a fat female chinese pic off the Internet (I even made the fake email account in the name of chun-ki) and they still accepted the offer of a photo shoot and the usual "you could be a model bs"

Moral of the story? Young girls are silly and nieve.

>> No.14431904

Aren't Polaroids only taken for Victoria's secret after they've gotten in?

>> No.14431916

I'm not even OP and you sound salty
how does it feel to know your significant other would rather fuck me than you

>> No.14432049

I'm sure anyone with a working car and a credit card could fuck you.

>> No.14432079

good one samefag, let me know when you get paid for your looks and not scammed because you think you're more good looking than you actually are. fucking lol @ you

>> No.14432217

Sometimes people don’t get out much or live in small towns

>> No.14433109


She has a man's body so good for you,

>> No.14433328

post face so we can laugh

>> No.14434559

theres no way all those plants would stay in the basket when she rides off

>> No.14434562

if by pretty good you mean literal memes that make you fat and look like shit, then yeah