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14410616 No.14410616 [Reply] [Original]

Are expensive watches worth it?

Will any 25 year old woman worth dating actually notice or give a shit?

Yes assume I only care about fashion to have more sex with hot women and that is non-negotiable. I don't care about 'knowing the aesthetic quality of what I wear' - Id rather spend more money on where I live or invest it.

Is the elephant in the room wearing no clothes?


>> No.14411246

If you only care about fashion for SEX then the only watches girls will notice are expensive looking ones like Rolex or some crap with diamonds in it.
For all intents and purposes, you are better off just wearing a minimal watch that keeps good time and fits your outfit is better desu desu desu

>> No.14411256

>I'd rather spend money wisely
>spends it on overpriced sweatshop clothes

>> No.14411272

Fuck no. Don't fall for that shit. Only people that have disposible income or complete àutists buy that bullshit. Also don't get into fashion to impress people, women don't really care as long as you don't smell bad, make them laugh, and can provide for them. I'm into this bullshit because i find joy in dressing up and being creative with it. Change for no one!

>> No.14411395

I think a watch should fit your wrist size, and expose the band, which is why i can't wear one - my wrists are too thin for the diameter and it looks like i've a soup can lid on my wrist. for the most part, i don't notice them.

>> No.14411504
File: 84 KB, 810x810, durable-mens-watches-top-brand-luxury-quartz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More important question: what's the best watch for aesthetics?

>> No.14411514

I have a Tag that my dad got me back in the day
Whatever, decent little formula 1 beater.

The other day I hooked up with this girl and the next morning we were laying on the couch and she was playing with my watch and was taking it off and said, "what is tad heiger?"

So, no. Women don't know dick about watches or seem to care

>> No.14411534
File: 60 KB, 1024x1004, 1560313824071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I just find out about your online culture today? You guys have been dorking it up here under my nose this whole time. Weird.

>> No.14411552

gang gang, welcome aboard

>> No.14411661
File: 491 KB, 1600x1566, 1533169499784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 year old woman
lol, who the fuck wants an used up whore?

>> No.14411692

>zoomers be like
Man, you're practically an infant in terms of life experience if you think 25 is old.

>> No.14411707

i'm 24 and 25 by the end of the year, dunno if it means i'm a zoomie

>> No.14411730

>white people have to make up for their women being so god damn ugly they become pedophiles just like Japan does
I will never not lmao about this.

>> No.14411731

There are two legitimate reasons to buy an expensive watch. One is because you personally feel warm and fuzzy when you look at it on your own wrist. The other is to anonymously impress other men on the internet. Nothing else actually works.

>> No.14411882

wait, what's left besides white women and asian women? what's the third option? i hope you don't mean sheboons lol. arabs?

>> No.14411937

>Are expensive watches worth it?
>bb-but muh movementz
nobody cares
>bbbut rolepatepiglot
fashion victim

>> No.14412035

Fuck off pedo

>> No.14412754

Buying watches is not a hobby. You can try to lie to yourself, but feeling superior to other people because you paid money for an expensive watch made by someone else is the most surface level way of pretending to be interesting. Stop thinking about how you have to be better than other people and do stuff you like because you like it, instead of to flex on others.

>> No.14412765

bauhaus watch

>> No.14412817


This are exactly the kind of stories I started the thread for; thank you for sharing.

>> No.14412904
File: 100 KB, 1219x692, parnis2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this 'PARNIS' watch looks pretty legit.

Sapphire, PVD, great design, good strap
Will go perfect with black leather jacket
