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14408433 No.14408433 [Reply] [Original]

How is she able to pull of those crazy outfits?

>> No.14408438
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>> No.14408451

she isnt, she doesnt pull off any of these outfits, she dresses horrible

>> No.14408452
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>> No.14408459

She looks like the 90s personified

>> No.14408466
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>> No.14408470

For how long will this industry plant be pushed upon us? No one cares about this dumb hag.

>> No.14408472

you just posted cringe

>> No.14408479

Probably a decade

>> No.14408487

you really, unironically think she pulls anything out?it looks fucking atrocious, only Nicolas Cage could pull that out

>> No.14408503

what a faggot lmao

>> No.14408539

People do care. Don't ask me why, but they do. I saw her at a festival and there were a bunch of girls screaming about her and then less than a year later she sold out a venue.

>> No.14408565

t. born in 2003

>> No.14408622

noone "pulls anything off" retard
everyone expects that cunt to dress like complete shit so when she does, everyone goes "wow she looks so good, only se could wear that"
she looks like absolute shit, you just know to expect it and make excuses

>> No.14408633

Contrarian post ironic hip hop shoegaze nugger.
Nothing matters.

>> No.14408646

Rude and untrue. The nineties were never this bad.

>> No.14408682

You only say that because you're seeing on instagram
If I saw that in person I'd laugh my ass off

>> No.14408704

You only think that because she’s famous, if she was a regular girl you’d laugh at her.

>> No.14408707

this isn't 90s at all

>> No.14408734

>those pants
>during the summer

Wow she must be burning up haha imagine how sweaty she must be. What if she, like, stuck her hand down her pants and pulled out her sweaty hand and smelled it haha wouldn't that be weird lol?

>> No.14408826

fucking hate that bitch

>> No.14408827
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She dresses like that to hide her fat

>> No.14408831

God now that I have a gf I fucking hate the smell of vagina. I hate when my gf scratched herself then I can smell it on her hand when we are sitting around. It stings the nostrils.

>> No.14408862
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>> No.14408864

Is she your first? There are definitely better and worse smelling/tasting pussies. Could be your girl's pussy is dirty. I've also read that you're genetically predisposed to finding some people's smell more attractive than others. Can't remember three sauce though.

>> No.14409395
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Based Haha posters

>> No.14409550


>> No.14409552

Fuck zoomers

>> No.14409554
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>like the 90s

this doesn't mean anything anymore

>> No.14409630

>tfw you get pushed to the ground for having a bad fit

>> No.14409641

the absolute state of zoomer clowncore

>> No.14409775

Sweaty tshirt experiment?

>> No.14409796

I wish she'd wear slim clothes, her body is surprisingly THICC for a white girl

I get that she doesn't want people to sexualize her but it's inevitable if you're one of the most famous pop stars atm. Sex also sells so I'm sure if she showed off her bod then she'd gain wayyyyy more attention

>> No.14409836

>ywn have a billie eilish braphog slampig gf

life is not worth living

>> No.14410252
File: 170 KB, 1024x682, FS7LE7AI622JNJY.LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't. Her fits are ridiculous but that one really takes the cake. Shes able to get away with a bit more stylistically due to her noteriety, but its still absurd. That being said, if an average person wore that, they'd still get comments and half hearted compliments all day. People, especially normies, have an appreciation for attire so over the top and attention grabbing you can't help but double take. They'd never wear it, they think it's silly, but there's a level of respect for someone willing to draw so much attention to themselves. Compliments to their face, bant behind their back as soon as they leave type scenario.

Where the fuck did she come from anyway? Who's she related to and why was she in people's radar prior to her music?

>She looks like the 90s personified
Underage b&

I'm just imagining the godawful texture of that material insude those pants. I've seen textiles like that before and the backside is a rough, ripstop, underside of duct tape without the adhesive material. Those pants probably feel like itchy sandpaper inside.

I mean, I get it. It's her gimmick. Her music is generic, pseudo-deep, safe side of edgy, radio fodder. Dressing like a fat nigga at a cookout actually serves to separate and make her stand out from all the other female popsters of today.

>> No.14410544


>> No.14410554

I just hope her fashion sense improves as she gets older and she questions what her younger self was trying to do.

>> No.14410608
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Im literally 30 years old and I think she looks like she fell outta the nineties

>> No.14411122

Wedekind, MHC gene

>> No.14411663

>able to pull off

>> No.14412884
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>> No.14414160
File: 467 KB, 1079x1074, Screenshot_20180730-224732_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
