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File: 100 KB, 750x563, 5ced6055594ea514b6429ef5-750-563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14398909 No.14398909 [Reply] [Original]

I'm honestly astonished by how good looking some people are. How do they do it?

>> No.14398911

Really? These people shock you? Low ass standards and weird taste anon

>> No.14398928
File: 51 KB, 1000x563, ryan-reynolds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not just talking about them being physically beautiful. I feel like these people also have these very colorful personalities that seem to draw people in. I'm not quite sure what it is. It's not just because they're famous because there are lots of celebrities that just don't have the same charm, you know? I'm trying to put my finger on what it is.

>> No.14398946

It's because you liked a role they played and now you associate it with them, or you for some reason associate that type of face to kindness or friendliness

>> No.14398952

Money and time. Look at pics of CR7 before he became a soccer superstar, guy looked like shit, now women drool over Ronaldo.

>> No.14398959

2 out of those 3 are homo

>> No.14398963
File: 219 KB, 377x333, BCB16074-B363-413F-930D-4CFB4F932EFD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He already had a chad face since the beginning, he only fixed his teeth and skin.

>> No.14398977

How can this be if 2 of them are married?

>> No.14398978

I want the gaudy suit Hemsworth is wearing.

>> No.14398980

chris evans and ryan reynolds are fags

>> No.14398984

Face really isn't everything for a man, body and attitude are way more important.

>> No.14398986

t. Australian

>> No.14398987

What, braces and he straightens his hair now? Are you saying he did something drastic like get plastic surgery?

>> No.14399006

canadian, I hate cunts

>> No.14399007

Yeah I know and he definitely worked on his comfidense because at first he was very shy and acted like an autistic child. He never reached his true potential tho too many afeminate haircuts and excessive use of tanning beds.

>> No.14399024

why do you say that

>> No.14399054
File: 95 KB, 1920x1080, BCC0B917-17E6-44BA-B68C-B2ADAC18FE46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the superior Hollywood man

>> No.14399058


>> No.14399073

He doesn't have the same grand personality as the others I posted.

>> No.14399078

What hair product does he use ?

>> No.14399081 [DELETED] 
File: 2.05 MB, 1958x2611, me Nov.2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I look like an ftm man cuck?

>> No.14399167

A stylist

>> No.14399173
File: 2.54 MB, 390x373, 1532699215589.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate cunts
Lol faggot

>> No.14399178

because they're actors dumbass, you need to have a good range of personalities to be one

>> No.14399198
File: 396 KB, 829x1073, 1559331752795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its simple: Just dont be black or asian.

>> No.14399201

This is one of the dumbest /pol/ propaganda pics I've seen in a while

>> No.14399202

I could never be famous because I can't stand being photographed from nowhere in full res.

>> No.14399211


>> No.14399225
File: 944 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-05-20-19-10-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont cry. You are embarassing you and me.

My mother in the pic. She is much older than you, and she is more attractive than you will ever be. It hurts? I bet it hurts.

>> No.14399227

What a strange post honestly. I'm puzzled.

>> No.14399230

Vince Vaughn is a sissy half-arab

>> No.14399236

I'm 100% certain he's manlier than a literal homo like you.

>> No.14399242

Im just trying to show how fucked you are. Even my mom is better than you. Pfhahaha.

>> No.14399245

>16 year olds trying to troll

>> No.14399252

If you perceive Vince Vaughn as manly, you are an utter fuckign faggot.

>> No.14399257

No I just perceive you as less manly you welfare queen.

>> No.14399258

Telling the truth is not trolling.
You are ugly and will never be white. Whats wrong about saying that? Its okay.

>> No.14399260

Lmao are you high?

>> No.14399261

Vince Vaughn is tall and fat and that's it. He comes across like a big bitch. He moves like a bitch. Watch that movie where he is playing a crazy psycho, he is transparent as fuck.

>> No.14399262

I'm Caucasian and my last name is literally White
What is this? Who do you think browses this board?

>> No.14399269
File: 165 KB, 327x316, 6206f4105c4fa986a225d339d5f97cc4dd99573d2c4326038b3e2f62a9b863bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14399271

Robert Downey Jr. is manlier than Vince Vaughn

>> No.14399274

If you are white, why the butthurt? I literally said that whites are pretty.

>> No.14399276

You also said some retarded shit about gosling in the nice guys that I can't exactly remember so your opinion is questionable.

>> No.14399281

It doesn't matter that you're calling "whites (...) pretty" , what you're saying is retarded.

>> No.14399282

Manlets have to stick together I see.

>> No.14399283

Because your ethnicity isn't the deciding factor for attractiveness. Stop browsing pol.

>> No.14399286 [DELETED] 

Yes, I said that Gosling might be a normal guy, but in that movie Nice Guys his personality came out annoying and bitchy as fuck.

>> No.14399288

Heh, okay then... Dont say I didnt told you so.

>> No.14399292

Not him but it's part of your appearance which is a big part of attractiveness. Some people don't like asians and fetishies black girls, it's different for everyone. I personally don't find super beautiful "cat" faced girls because I find they all look the same and are generic, I find a slightly homlier face on a hot bod much more attractive. I also like cartoonishly large butts so girls with fake butts are a go for me.

>> No.14399303

This is straight up garbage.

>> No.14399306

How do you not like cat faced girls but you're okay with a fake ass and an ugly face? That's absolutely insane.

>> No.14399310


>> No.14399315

Also homlier doesn't mean ugly. Think Megan Fox in high school vs in transformers.

>> No.14399316

I mean I get the point Mr. Autismo, you just have questionable tastes

>> No.14399318

Reminder that most, if not all hollyjew actors have colossaly huge heads, to the point of comical when staning next to normal people.

>> No.14399322

Carti Big Brain On Offset

>> No.14399342

Reminder that most faggots are repulsive low life forms.

>> No.14399504

he's so fucking ugly, has a monkey face

>> No.14399608

He’s redpilled while u sir aren’t

>> No.14399613


>> No.14399850

fuck off

>> No.14400072
File: 56 KB, 800x1066, o53z42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Face really isn't everything for a man, body and attitude are way more important.
stfu retard

>> No.14400073

>Clear, well treated skin
>Bright eyes and hair
>Symmetrical face with decent bone structure
>Big, manly hands
>Deep voice
You may say that taste is relative, but I guarantee you that a man with those attributes can pretty much get whatever he wants from life - and I'm not only talking about women.

>> No.14400078

You can clearly see that Chico had already began losing his looks here.

>> No.14401283

you can start by not comparing yourself to Hollywood A-list actors

>> No.14401331

Jake is not married. Is he gay?

>> No.14401363

your mother is an ugly whore son

>> No.14401374

>posting you're mom on 4chan
she' so average it hurts

>> No.14401395

>be a tripfag
>on a dead board
>on a dying website
>thinking you have grounds to insult anyway

It's gonna be a yikes from me fag

>> No.14402561

haha retard

>> No.14402727
File: 133 KB, 1197x626, 1559374634606 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fave doesn't matter

>> No.14402729
File: 101 KB, 640x1136, 59f8ee36-c638-483c-aead-a292d7ad2f72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Face doesn't matter

>> No.14402801

in what way is the captain america guy beautiful? thor actor i can see yeah, but captain guy is average looking american guy

>> No.14402864

>Hurr durr muh jaw
you fell hard to the jewish propaganda

>> No.14402899

Honestly beauty is all health indicators.

>> No.14402916

>Face really isn't everything for a man, body and attitude are way more important.

>> No.14402998

>Face really isn't everything for a man
t. ugly man

>> No.14403100

What do you mean cat faced?

>> No.14403160

How do you guys deal with all the conflicting smells of things you use: body soap, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, cologne, laundry detergent/dryer sheet? I ask because one's smell can definitely alter perceived beauty, and I've had no luck in finding away to stop smelling like all of these things combined. I switched to fragrance-free detergent and dryer sheets, but my clothes wound up with a musty smell. How do you manage your smell profile to be variable yet coordinated?

>> No.14403246


>> No.14403272

that body soap, deodorant can go fragrance-free too

>> No.14403284

This. Stop having parasocial relationships with actors OP. Or anyone for that matter.

>> No.14403293

I believe it's because they have low cortisol phenotypes.

>> No.14403299
File: 3.28 MB, 320x180, 1536194324891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just sad

>> No.14403338

m8 dadbod is hot as fuck on blacks what are you on about

>> No.14403959

is that mick jagger on the right?

>> No.14403986

I use a nice smelling bodywash and everything is fragrance free. Don't use dryer sheets. Also it smelled musty because it wasn't clean or you let the clothes sit in the washer too long. But honestly no one is that much keen on your scent besides you, unless they're on a psychedelic and their sense of smell is heightened

>> No.14404280

Literal incels. Anyone whos talked to a girl in real life knows face doesnt matter. The Rankings are: net worth>Job title>personality>face/body

There was a article making fun of you people for spending ur blockbuster paycheck on plastic surgery. It was all over the internet last week and you still dont get it..

>> No.14404288

theyre actors anon, are you retarded ? thats literally their job.

theyre also socio/psycho paths

>> No.14404301

levels of cope unheard of

>> No.14404389
File: 196 KB, 1080x1281, f19cf5aaa0ea38889c940c12d8ab41b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls aren't attracted to net worth, job title or personality. Their attracted to face, height, body and frame retard

>> No.14404399
File: 67 KB, 982x619, What-Jeff-Bezos039-divorce-could-mean-for-Amazon-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COPE, what you are is everything you delusional faggot. What you acquire means next to nothing, you're literally just a beta provider if a girl gets with you for money. Ugly people like you form these copes to shield yourself from the harsh reality

>> No.14404416
File: 74 KB, 780x518, G5xHVZP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls are just as likely to fuck the left guy as much as the right one! trust me guys I know this stuff

>> No.14404844

are you that one weird retard who for some reason is absolutely obsessed with chico lachowski "losing his looks" and takes every single possible opportunity to mention it? What exactly is your mental condition?

>> No.14404987
File: 311 KB, 913x1171, 1556339726958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called charisma anon.

>> No.14405086

you only have to be halfway attractive, money will get you the rest of the way there. most celebrities would look like shit or at least incredibly average on their own if they didn't have stylists.
I see people who look better than most actors/actresses flipping burgers in wendy's, they're just not rich. part of it has to do with higher status making people think they're more attractive than they are.

>> No.14405222


>> No.14405245

They are good looking and media trained.

>> No.14405258
File: 14 KB, 480x319, FUNNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Findom isnt the same as having an actual girlfriend anon.