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14396862 No.14396862 [Reply] [Original]

Imo simple, cropped, androgynous, especially hair and minimal makeup looks best on women. If she can pull it off it looks clean and fresh, leaving all the attention on the face and body/clothes. Femenity should be present in the features and clothes should express taste.

>> No.14396903



>> No.14396914

I keep getting told by multiple people that I should try a pixie cut. I have long, waist length ginger hair atm and have never had it shorter than a chin length bob. Should I go for it?

>> No.14396930
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>> No.14396941

Is there a cure for white gurl stank?

>> No.14396942

I really want to try it and surprisingly my boyfriend isn't against it, he says it's cute. However, every time I ask hair stylists they say something like "but you have beautiful healthy hair, you should grow it and make it your asset" etc. They also kept saying that I shouldn't have fringe because of my small forehead but I cut it anyway and I feel good about it. So I D K.

>> No.14396948

Why do bitches stank so bad now jesus

>> No.14396954
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At what point is a girl's hair no longer considered short pic related
>tfw no short haired gf
>played shit game to try to capture the feeling
>fuck it up in game

>> No.14396956

She looks like an elf. Longer hair is definitely needed on this one.

>> No.14396958

she looks gross

>> No.14396962

I was trying to be less harsh than that

>> No.14396965

You look like you stank

>> No.14396996

the longer your hair is the more wear and tear on each individual hair will show before the follicle drops it and starts growing a new one. So long hair will generally look more frazzled and crappy than short hair. Then the salon staff can sell you half a dozen "special" shampoos and treatments to "repair and revitalize" the lifeless keratin strands hanging from your head.

>> No.14397355

why do you like girls that look like prepubescent boys

>> No.14397381

Because androgyny is attractive. If there were no secondary sex characteristics, humanity would be a lot prettier.

>> No.14397389
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True dat. Less opportunity to cover up bad skin, an odd head shape or size, black rings under the eyes etc though, so most women would look worse that way probably. Still, if a girl can pull it off it looks great

>> No.14397425

post a pic

>> No.14397750
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My hair is actually wavy/curly naturally but very fine so it can easily be styled straight (I usually blow dry it smooth).
It’s down to my waist now, but I’m getting so fed up with it and I’m tempted to just chop it off.

>> No.14397755

Should get rid of the nose ring tho

>> No.14397759

So I’ve heard, idc I’ve had it for 9 years and I’m emotionally attached now

>> No.14397760
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>> No.14397763
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This is probably my favorite kink i can only date tomboys (literally)

>> No.14397766

Your hair looks great, kinda intrested in seeing how it curls. I think you could pull off a short cut but you might seem like the lesbo-variant of androgynous.

l o n d o n

>> No.14397767

you look great, dont worry about it

>> No.14397781

Tbqh no, gaunt faces are better off with longer hair

>> No.14397803

Short hair can make one look extremely lesbian or cute boyish.
I think the model in OP is the latter

>> No.14398100
File: 60 KB, 488x488, 23EE7AAB-2434-44F5-BD36-8C11EDCEC448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that’s kind of what I’ve suspected but so many people have encouraged me to go short for some reason. I think it would be fun to try and much less maintenance, but I don’t want to do it if it looks bad.
I LOVE the look on those who can pull it off.

I have very few pics of my natural texture because I rarely wear it like that. Here’s one with curly hair from like 7 years ago lol.

>> No.14398123

You’re so pretty, I would love to have your face and hair genes!! And curly/wavy hair >>>>> straight, any day.

>> No.14398183

Highschool photo? You almost look like two entirely different people but thats probably the makeup.
I think you have a fantastic texture. Its really exotic so that's a plus.

>> No.14398209

Thank you! <3

Yeah I was ~17ish and wearing loads of makeup. Black and white always makes me look totally different too since being a redhead tends to be a very defining characteristic.
And thanks anon! I’d like to wear it curly more but I can’t stand letting my hair dry naturally when it’s this long, cold/wet hair and damp shirt is v uncomfortable and it takes forever to dry. :|

>> No.14398235
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OP you are based and, I must insist, redpilled.

My friends have shunned me for speaking the truth.; long haired roasties denounce me for preaching the good word of short hair on women, but I push forward, regardless of the treacherous path that lies ahead of me. For I know my hard work will not be in vain. I know, that one day, we will all live in paradise with government mandated short-haired tomboy GFs for my fellow kings. Godspeed brothers. Keep on fighting the good fight.

>> No.14398298

>down to my waist

Anyways, you'd look great with really short, bleached out hair. Keep the ring.

>> No.14398322

>you'd look great with really short, bleached out hair. Keep the ring.
>bleached out hair
>Keep the ring.
How could you give such bad advice

>> No.14398334

next you gon tell her not to get any tattoos?

>> No.14398339
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Hi eggy, that’s very based and redpilled of you

>> No.14398387
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>> No.14398399

>tfw smol grill
>Look really young for my age
>Decided to get all my hair chopped off last year
>Went with a pixie cut, loved it
>Tfw was constantly made fun of
>People constantly calling me "Justin Beiber" (what fucking year is it)
>Walking one day and some guy in his car yelled out "BIEBER!!!" at me
Fuck my life.

>> No.14398462

>mfw no smol pixie /fa/ boy(girl)friend

>> No.14398464

clearly styling it wrong

>> No.14398474

be my gf :D

>> No.14398565

You sound like a girl I know. Instead she has dark hair so call her the 12 year old boy.
Very qt. Shame she's the first real lesbian I've met in my life. Either that or Im just not Chad enough for a tomboy yet.

>> No.14398600

>first real lesbian I've met in my life
ffs leave your basement once in a while, seriously

>> No.14398741

Im going off of my HS experience. Every girl that said she was lesbian would end up with a guy at some point.
Maybe its unfair of me to say so because of my limited PoV, but I still think that there are a lot more "bisexual" woman than men.

>> No.14398935

Embrace the biebpill

>> No.14398951

Hm my experience has been the opposite, that girls who were bi in highschool went first les as adults lol
Maybe just where I live but I know so many lesbians

>> No.14398966

gonna need a sauce

>> No.14398981
File: 55 KB, 800x1067, not me though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have shaved head. It was fine. I'm anorexic so the skelly look was my go-to at the time.
I miss it but my family were angry about me having a shaved head so I regrew it back to my shoulders. I hate it.

>> No.14399091

It's more so the fact that a girl being bi isnt a big deal, a guy being bi is definitely a big deal.

T. Bi guy in the closet

>> No.14399105

fuck your family tho

>> No.14399114

Used to have a really short cut, and cut it again into a bowlcut but now it's almost to my shoulders. I'm kind of in the same situation as >>14398981 where my (asian) parents won't let me cut my hair short.

>> No.14399119

>letting basics judge you and taking their opinion seriously
