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14393237 No.14393237 [Reply] [Original]

6'5 and taller
>OFFICIALLY AT DISADVANTAGE OVER SHORTER MEN... Stephen Merchent, Tony Robbins, Edmund Kemper
>stop growing NOW... Abraham Lincoln, Conan O'Brien
>you will shrink towards 6'0 in old age, so you will age like fine wine... George Washington, Pierce Brosnan, Gary Cooper, Gerard Butler, Daniel Day-Lewis, Warren Beatty, John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Michael Shannon, James Gandolfini, Bradley Cooper, Hugh Jackman, Sean Connery, James Stewart, Michael Caine, Christopher Reeve, Liam Neeson, Chris Hemsworth
>the "perfect" height according to multiple studies... Leonardo Dicaprio, Tom Hanks, John F. Kennedy, Alec Baldwin, John Travolta, Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, Tommy Lee Jones, Russell Crowe
>purgatory mode, made it but not perfect... Brad Pitt, George Clooney, David Beckham, Javier Bardem
>manlet cutoff, you just made it... Matt Damon, Daniel Craig, Jude Law, Jack Nicholson, Patrick Swayze, Jim Morrison, Johnny Depp
>officially in the manlet pit, but can bypass if you're otherwise somehow exceptional(handsome, highly intelligent, talented dancer/singer etc) then you're given an honorary manlet pass into the safe zone, but most are unexceptional and keep their manlet status for life. You are barely taller than average height women in heels if not the same height... Paul Newman, Marlon Brando, Tom Hardy, Robert De Niro, Charlie Sheen, Jared Leto, William Shatner, Ian Somerhalder, Kurt Russel, Michael Keaton, Casey Affleck, Michael Jackson
5'8 and below
>YOU ARE NOW LOOKING UP AT MEN WHO ARE AVERAGE HEIGHT AND AVERAGE HEIGHT WOMEN ARE AS TALL AS YOU IN HEELS AND POSSIBLY TALLER, too obvious to hide manlet status and you must compensate... James Dean, Michael J Fox, Tom Cruise, Mark Wahlberg, Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, Joe Pesci

>> No.14393240
File: 42 KB, 656x755, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These numbers are bullshit, I'm 6ft 1in and I'm absolutely too short.

The gap between being 6ft 1in and 6ft 3in+ is even bigger than the gap between being 5ft 11.5in and being 6ft, 6ft 3in is literally the perfect height, it's intimidating to be as short as me and be around people that are the proper height.

>> No.14393243

Tfw 5’2” womanlet :(
I’ve never really cared about a guys height though desu

>> No.14393249
File: 24 KB, 369x387, 1544754637617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the perfect height. You will shrink to 6'0 in old age and clothes look great. don't cry fren.

>> No.14393256

But every guy is 6ft 1in, so guys who are taller stand out and are more attractive to women.

>> No.14393259

Lmao what
The national average (US) for Caucasian men is 5’9.5”. Even in Nordic countries where people are generally taller it’s absurd to say every man is 6’1”.

>> No.14393260


>> No.14393268

Only if you live in the Netherlands, and even then it’s more like 6’

>> No.14393274

lol no. I don’t know where you found that stat but the average height was 5’10.2” in 1985 and in 2006 it’s now 5’9.5”. If I remember correctly the population of hispanics or asians in the US has gone up either 2x or 4x (up to 8-11% asian and 18% hispanic I believe). The average adult white man is about 5’11”.

My manlet friends (clearly 5’5” or 5’6”) swear they are 5’8” and I must be 6’5”. I am certainly not because my brother is 6’6” and noticeably taller than me.

Manlets in 2019 lol

>> No.14393276

i'm 6'1" too and i've travelled a lot:
there's no region on earth where i am short. in the netherlands or in bosnia or in norway i'm considered "good, normal, slightly tall." i go there and only the lanklet trees are taller than me. in no place on earth am i at a disadvantage because of my height.

i also wish i was like 6'2" or 6'3" but it didn't happen and 6'1" is nothing to cry about.

>> No.14393278

who gives a fuck about this kind of shit. im five foot seven and never have problems in real life. you guys are just insecure and it definitely shows.

>> No.14393280

I'm guy you're replying to

I live in the UK and even wearing dress shoes with a pretty sizable heel I still feel short. I live in a densely populated area where there are a tonne of people around to walk past and probably 50%+ of the men are my height or taller.

>> No.14393281

Actually, come to think of it, my office has probably 500+ employees at it and I don't think there's a single guy there who's less than two inches shorter than me.

>> No.14393286

Height is only a disadvantage if you're in the extremeties, say under 5'7" or over 6'6".


>> No.14393288

Just move to Scotland everyone is like 5'5.

>> No.14393290

I hate being 5’7”, I’m a womanlet by effay standards and that’s all I care about

I just want 3 more inches. Tall women are so beautiful.

>> No.14393296

you're perfect height for a gril

>> No.14393298

I'm 6'. I think my height is perfect for me since I like shorter girls.

>> No.14393300

Thankbyou for your thoughts but I’m still not tall enough for even a Macy’s commercial

>> No.14393705

>Pounds of coke
>No gf
What is wrong with me?

>> No.14393721

What you're not getting is that this is the average height across ALL men, including older men who were shorter as a generation and are now shrinking, all the minorities who are generally shorter, and all the poor people with bad genes and/or poor diet growing up. The average height for young white men who were reasonably well-off growing up is considerably higher. Realistically, women only see the young white men that I just mentioned, and that makes you short in their eyes.

>> No.14394150

that's cause all of 'em are taller than you

>> No.14394154
File: 141 KB, 845x883, 1558552610627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'5" turbomanlet here who only dates women taller than him, get at me. Tall women are hot, and actually say yes when I ask them out.

>> No.14394175

id imagine this study was done with a survey and numbers rather than actual pictures/models. 5’5” sounds bad but you can still look like a normal dude for the most part
6’8” doesnt sound that tall but it is literal freak tier— especially if your body is out of proportion as many tall mens are.

also this doesnt take into effect whether the person judging you is taller/shorter than you. As a 5’8” guy i definitely don’t want to be with a taller woman and id imagine taller women would more often than not also not want to be with me. So my personal dating pool would probably have a higher percentage of acceptance.

thats my phd thesis on why its okay to be 5’8”

>> No.14394201

I’m 5’2” and would give anything to be as tall as you.
Also even at my height I’ve been able to do some modeling as a petite, though I certainly don’t get as many opportunities as I would if I were tall. 5’7” is generally the minimum for traditional models so you’re not hopeless especially if you wear heels.

>> No.14394382

no one who cares this much about height is anywhere near secure enough to get an actual relationship anyway, so if you care about these charts dont worry, because youve already ruined your chances

>> No.14394415

im 6'3" and its difficult to manage anything built before 1950
its an OK height if youre fine having everyone notice you

>> No.14394470
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>tfw 5'2" male

why was i born asian

>> No.14394521

king of manlets... im ok with this... i am finally at peace.

>> No.14394719

rock on dude

>> No.14394837


I'm 6'1

>> No.14394859

Reminder that averages are bullshit, 5'10" is manlet in the entirety of the West in the present day, and 6'0" is the cutoff for not being short.

>> No.14394870
File: 142 KB, 960x642, 1560066290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>175cm but i'm cute

>> No.14395080

it's horrible being a tall woman i'm 6'1 and ugly as fuk, i look so awkward in pictures next to regular height people, and i always get mistaken for a guy baka it's a bad time, be grateful for your normalcy

>> No.14395102

Im 6’ too and I dont feel tall at all. People around me are my height or even taller, don’t feel much taller than women.

>> No.14395209

if ur really tall just play bball lol

>> No.14395233


>> No.14395237
File: 41 KB, 1280x544, IMG_20190607_150037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 7ft
I'm just gonna get a short wife so my children don't have to deal with this pain

>> No.14395264

6'5" reporting in. Keep up the cope mablets.

>> No.14395273

6'3" here and I've seen manlets pull some serious tail. It does help to be tall but it's not a necessity as /fa/ perceives it to be.
Unless you're under like 5'2" or something. Then you better start playing the lost my mommy game

>> No.14395277

Average height in a country isnt what you should compare to because all the wok stars, pajeets and latinos are turbo manlets bring the average down and they have no chance with the women youre interested in anyway.

You need to compare to your peers and the truth is anything under 6 feet is doomed.