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/fa/ - Fashion

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14388168 No.14388168 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most /fa/ careers?

>> No.14388170


>> No.14388172

you must really like flowers anon ;)

>> No.14388196
File: 66 KB, 500x500, 61MS4Cl3EDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no power corruption & lies gf

>> No.14388211

>tfw no pleb bf who likes new order and thinks he's cool

>> No.14388232


>> No.14388239

new order sucks

>> No.14388241

not a career

>> No.14388242
File: 46 KB, 803x552, 1547694076092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14388253

Fashion designer

>> No.14388260

Mathematician, because you spend your life in the pursuit of beauty.

>> No.14388264

première of a haute couture atelier

>> No.14388269


>> No.14388297

not always*

>> No.14388326


>> No.14388331

Chinese Manchurian blast furnace workers

>> No.14388442

>tfw no non-normie gf with which i can laff at pc&l fags and dance to Technique with

>> No.14388443

you're both a normie and a pleb

>> No.14388469

anon what does tfw mean?

>> No.14388474

the fuck what

>> No.14388612
File: 277 KB, 800x993, 800px-S-IC_engines_and_Von_Braun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rocket engineer

>> No.14388619

Wtf does being pleb have to do with it. It's just a nice album and the OP reminded me of the cover art. Can you guys just relax? Not everything you listen to has to be obscure. Also you can't even hear Hooky on Technique

>> No.14388623

Trendy café manager

>> No.14388634 [DELETED] 

those flowers are associated with death and putrification

>> No.14388638

Those flowers are associated with death and putrefaction.

>> No.14388640
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Investment banking.

>> No.14388650

Jesus christ, the newfaggotry on this board

>> No.14388694


>> No.14388697
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>> No.14388699


>> No.14388703

As someone who served active duty Army, you're wrong as fuck
Now I do antique restoration and dealing, you meet some swanky people and acquire nice antiques. Pretty effay to me

>> No.14388742

Camaros and being scared of fireworks isn’t effay in the slightest anon.

>> No.14388746

Agreeable and based anon.

>> No.14388755

career would imply becoming some sort of "whiskey drinking general"

>> No.14388841


>> No.14388859

Anything as long as you excel in it.

>> No.14388870 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 1306x980, DaIgPDkXUAEmv1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detective, police(at least corporal), military( officer). fireman, pornstar, politician, tripfag

also, fuck off this shouldn't be on this board

>> No.14388882

>effay in the slightest
you can't spell cope without cop

>> No.14388921

Social media influencer

>> No.14388925

Band nerds joining the military

>> No.14388952


>> No.14389021

Stop thinking war movies are real.

>> No.14389022

Lawyer or banker

>> No.14389043

I would say humanities teacher at some prestigious uni but this guy already settled it all.

>> No.14389045

Rich heir

>> No.14389232

Anything where you get to meet cool people and visit other cities

>> No.14389304
File: 199 KB, 1095x1280, 0333F60B-DFF0-428E-9B04-A5A27C16EAE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mirin spinal erectors

>> No.14389308

Photographer (of models).

I have a dream where I become a photographer and fuck a bunch of models in NYC. How do I achieve this?

>> No.14389311

This honestly.

Being an employee of anyone isn't /fa/

>> No.14389312
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>no xmas tree

>> No.14389316
File: 96 KB, 1080x1271, D3F2E87D-4A02-492E-90D5-D9739CD684B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure that really is possible on women unless they’re stage ready bodybuilders

>> No.14389317

oh come on anon you cant engage with that sort of shallow criticism seriously, especially on this shitty website. but im here for you i love new order

>> No.14389342 [DELETED] 

The job is pretty terrible depending on what your practice is, but lawyers are /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.14389356 [DELETED] 

You're absolutely wrong. Modern military uniforms look like pajamas.
t. former soldier

>> No.14389384

nice try griffon

>> No.14389410
File: 129 KB, 1080x1350, 1556485289570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe architecture? you can be creative and make cool stuff, if you are not a brainlet you can make some nice bucks too

>> No.14389433

become a photographer and move to NYC

>> No.14389434

agreed, lil peep is way better

>> No.14389454

This isn't helpful.

>> No.14389474

>get good at photography
>know the technical and have an eye for aesthetics
>work tirelessly and creatively constantly
>hope you get a break and start getting paid to take pictures

it is hard work and you might think "wow this actually is hard work" and chances are you aren't even working 50% hard as the people who actually made it.

>> No.14390278
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I love my Oliver Peoples

>> No.14390319

Anything that requires artistic talent or superior intelligence, and brings much fortune, but at the cost of your mental health which leads to a self-destructive lifestyle full of sex and drug abuse that will end with a premature death.

>> No.14390485


>> No.14390491


Paid photography is more about marketing than photography.

> Get good at it

Usually means some weird shit about online message boards liking you

>> No.14391137

Something that has nothing to do with creativity or fashion but still being fashionable

>> No.14391363


>> No.14391372

Most /fa/ career start is going to sea, by far. But it's not /fa/ to stay a sailor the rest of your life.

>> No.14391460

Best answer ITT probably

>> No.14391467

This freaking wheelbarrow

>> No.14391468

T. Bitter failed photographer

>> No.14391511

>t. barrista

>> No.14392163


>> No.14392170

not to mention the 300k starting salary

>> No.14392234

I work in a woodworking shop and it's definitely not fashionable.

>> No.14392270

Coffee seller

>> No.14392286


>> No.14392312

this fag's willie

>> No.14392719

I work in advertising. Pretty cool. I do a lot of analitics on data. I wear what the fuck i want. I work in office so everyone here are looking similar but im not into that shit so i got a lot of compliments on my looks.

>> No.14392753

How do you like your career in restoration? I’m thinking of doing the same and it seems very fa

>> No.14392757

Wow, summerfags are a real thing, huh?

>> No.14393651

based but it doesn't need to make you rich

>> No.14393680
File: 81 KB, 634x939, article-2575124-1C04454900000578-897_634x939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advertising Creative Director gets you prime Scarlett.

>> No.14393780

art conservation

>> No.14393798

coal mining

>> No.14393906

Only if you're an officer

>> No.14393970

It can be lucrative at times, but it's extremely tedious and takes a lot of fucking up in order to get decent at it. The other shitty thing is, most of the information online related to it is garbage due to DIYers. I enjoy it, but I would rather be flipping antiques. It will take time for me to get there. When I say it's tedious, I mean I got addicted to painkillers just to deal with doing it. It's hard, detail oriented work.

>> No.14393980
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Fixed; much nicer now.

>> No.14394037

she got a big ass mouth DAYUMMM

>> No.14394073
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War criminal in Eastern Europe

>> No.14394254

i would say design in general

>> No.14394275

New Order is awesome. How is that pleb? The pleb move is buying Joy Division/New Order t shirts without knowing the band.

>> No.14394289

they'd have to transition past being varbies into full on manhood

>> No.14394308

you need enough money for a decent apartment and your substances of choice. no cheating out either, if drugs are perscription get the pills not the street alternative, if not then good quality stuff, and your alcohol can't be bottom shelf.

>> No.14394467


>> No.14394481

dick master

>> No.14394750


>> No.14394757

Lol what a faggot

Literally most unfashionable career possible

>> No.14394761

This is honestly more for literal faggots


>> No.14394779

Yeah nah. Literally everyone in that field is a sever low functioning autist who wears Rick and morty shirts and refuses to bathe

>> No.14394791

Same fag

>> No.14394847
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, konstnarligt_campus_001_130524_mln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Architects are for the most part anti-aesthetic so it really fits /fa/

>> No.14395496

I study in a technical university and out of everybody architects are usually the most well dressed and fa

>> No.14395508

>that face when

>> No.14395511

There's no effay career other than being involved in some form of art. This includes standard art forms (painting, scultping, etc), fashion, and film. MAYBE authours but most won't fit in.

Other than that the effay lifestyle includes only one of a bohemian lay about

>> No.14395568

seething mathvirgin

>> No.14395585

handsome NEET

>> No.14395746

i wish

>> No.14395798

sophie is so hot hnnnng

>> No.14395803

>spend your life in the pursuit of beauty
Yeah only if you get a PhD
Good luck being a teacher, data scientist, or NSA pencil pusher

>> No.14395836

They’d look like the plebs if you hadn’t responded. And you made it even worse for yourself by responding like a complete faggot.

>> No.14396268

i wish i could say this
>t. working on uni spaceshot

>> No.14396302

you can be an aesthetic architect, but most of them are just fronting and have no idea what they are doing, with their career or their clothing.

Wearing black, COS, and loose fit clothing will usually pass you off as being credible.
It's like the Elizabeth Holmes starter pack.
As for the career itself, it's not /fa/ at the least.
If you work in an office, you're either a bitch doing the most repetitive CAD drawings, or your sourcing materials and speccing toilets and windows. After you're finished doing that, you've got to defend your decision under the scrutiny that another option might have saved you 10 cents, or provided a slightly more rentable space, or a slightly shorter egress route.
If you're not doing that job, you've got to the smiley dan face of the company, dealing with the client or the city or your subcontractors, leading them along to finally agree to advancing the project.

But mad props to Rem Koolhaas. He keeps his 9 nokia phone in his sock, just so his pant legs keep their clean lines.

>> No.14396348

Any of the classic top-tier careers:

As well as the arts
>Film Director
>Classical Musicians
>Classically-trained vocalists
>Stage Actors

>> No.14396355

and Professors

>> No.14396359
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>> No.14396432

da fuk is wrong with her back?

>> No.14396434

Sex muscles bro

>> No.14397227

what a fucking pretentious faggot

>> No.14397229

generally: that face when
sometimes(tfw thread OPs): that feel when
oh and lurk moar, you can get these kind of stuff from context

>> No.14397230

there is not a single thing more pathetic in this world whan faglords try to cop the bateman-core.

>> No.14397233

lol someones girlfriend got fucked by an architectfag

>> No.14397234

Leased v6 chargers

>> No.14397236

this pretty much
a life well worth livin!

>> No.14397237

lol no

>> No.14397246

lol these

>> No.14397410

god this is cringe

you belong on 2011 /b/

>> No.14397416

they're overrated horseshit for psuedodeep tumblr girls

>> No.14397417

you have autism m8



>> No.14397421

>As well as the arts
>>Film Director
>>Classical Musicians
>>Classically-trained vocalists
>>Stage Actors

pretentious cringelord

>> No.14397429
File: 89 KB, 1200x1200, Cédric Villani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup faggots

>> No.14397474

what a fucking pretentious faggot

>> No.14397489
File: 289 KB, 1280x960, james-jean-018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James Jean (Owner of that house and the artist of that painting).
Love him.

>> No.14397490
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>> No.14397741

That building actually looks really good tho

>> No.14397751

post more blurry inspo

>> No.14397788


>> No.14397804

interior decorators, boutique clerks, florists, librarians, literally being a model or working in the fashion industry, etc.

>> No.14397808

but anon, why do people always say things like "cop this look" when talking about fashion then :^)

>> No.14397888

too much hulk cock

>> No.14397918

that would just be tryhard

>> No.14398106

stay mad, cubicle-drone

>> No.14398224


>> No.14398920

I'm an infantry Marine. It's not an /fa/ job. It has its moments though.

>> No.14399413

anything in politics

>must be 10/10
>if not 10/10, you need to be interesting and confident
>need to keep appearances up always
>cannot dress like a slob even when not working

>> No.14399420

There are a ton of politicians that defy those standards.
Also politicians aren't bohemian enough to be fashionable.

>> No.14399431
File: 675 KB, 1366x2048, 35giV8p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true, modern architects make it their life goal not to be aestethic, because universities teach that it is outdated to make beautiful buildings.

>> No.14399479
File: 253 KB, 1936x979, img_4788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must be made explicitly clear that careers in the arts can only be effay if they are indeed careers. Most "artists" are pretentious cringelords.

>> No.14399495

You're fucking joking right? That is just some mundane, contemporary dorm looking building. You don't actually think that look good, do you?

>> No.14399516
File: 1.27 MB, 2048x1448, denver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but if you were trying to showcase bad architecture you could have done much better. Thats uninspired at worst.

>> No.14399521

I mean, I'll take mundane contemporary over eyesore any day.

>> No.14399533

Likewise, if you were trying to showcase good architecture, you could have done much better. What a hideous example of art deco. Looks more postmodern, honestly.

People who cant see beauty in modern and contemporary architecture are fedora tipping pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.14399552

youre right, the reality of architecture is just another boring desk job. unless you finally make it in your 50s youre gonna be doing other peoples work on CAD

>> No.14399553

Post one that is not garish.

>> No.14399555

>the reality of architecture is just another boring desk job
mostly true
>unless you finally make it in your 50s youre gonna be doing other peoples work on CAD
mostly false

>> No.14399566
File: 168 KB, 1500x954, ym4flvuqmenu3zmd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure garish is the word you are looking for? I find most modern architecture to be quite the opposite.

>> No.14399588
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>> No.14399590

Shut up nerd

>> No.14399595

Exactly! Like seriously what can you do with that carreer besides being a teacher?

>> No.14399600

Lawyer, designer, influencer,athlete,movie star, musician, tv host,

>> No.14399616
File: 301 KB, 900x1200, MVDR_portrait2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things dont need to be decorated to be beautiful. Modernism at its finest is the celebration of materiality, craft, engineering...

I appreciate the architecture of the past, but I think it takes just as much, if not more skill to create something beautiful from a refined pallet of materials and simple forms, than it does to create something that is ornately beautiful.

>> No.14399624
File: 2.51 MB, 3840x1600, fit in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on man I just wanna fit in

>> No.14399992

a job you actually enjoy and find fulfilling.

>> No.14400133

anything in finance, almost anything in tech, lots of things in engineering.

>> No.14400155

stay unemployed

>> No.14400160

accounting major here

financial jobs are pretty /fa/ but only when you get out of cubicle shit and are higher up, ez money + nice office + nice clothing + lots of perks

>> No.14400161

Those are some nice flowers

>> No.14400589

freelance/consultant computational linguistics researcher. work two days a week and spend the rest teaching communists and trannies how to shoot guns.

>> No.14400852

Nope thats the engineers and CS students. Unsurprisingly bugs look like shit.

>> No.14400997

Neither of those are effay

>> No.14401012

art and craftwork is the best living in any century you can die a poor unknown pleb and be content in leaving traces of yourself in the objects you create

>> No.14401119


>> No.14401269
File: 733 KB, 2048x1409, a26qiegjj2o01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards. Mathematics and physics are the most astounding academic fields to work in.

>> No.14401404

jesus fucking CHRIST everything has gone to shit

>> No.14401450
File: 122 KB, 576x423, n9iasr-54.ln.fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are firemen fa

>> No.14401503

I wouldnt necessarily say they are effay, but they are an honorable breed of chad and thus dont need to be.

>> No.14401616

tell that to my army of qt grills (male)

>> No.14401619

That doesn't make you any more fashionable desu

>> No.14401623

low iq

>> No.14402370

what a pathetic larp... you are either a very stupid freshman who will definitely fail at some point or a schizo idiot who never did actual research in academic settings.

>> No.14402376

Actual architect here. This >>14399552 is true.

But people around usually dress nice so there's that.

>> No.14402389

Advertising agency.

>> No.14402547
File: 13 KB, 500x116, 2019-06-12-080534_500x116_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh..

>> No.14403591

thanks for wood

>> No.14404571

in 1940s maybe

>> No.14405247


Chairman & CEO of atleast a $500M company.

>> No.14405260
File: 11 KB, 480x260, giova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14405653

>having this fucking colorway on 4channel
l M A O at THESE NIGGAS!@!!!

>> No.14405781

most /fa/ career = being a pimp

>> No.14405802

economist / banker

>> No.14405868

I go to school there, shit building but I guess it makes you learn architectural spatiality.

>> No.14405879
File: 1.84 MB, 202x360, 1490062822557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14405947

laundering drug money you made as a teenager

>> No.14406028 [DELETED] 

desu, its not that hard if you got some feels for it. I work fulltime at a production company and done so for 2 years. I manage to get the job after doing some intership for 3 months - and worked my ass for those days. however, i been taking pictures all my life. If you wanna make it, its just practice & patience.

i made this at work

>> No.14406115

>not knowing trans fat world

>> No.14406316


Tax accountant here, can confirm, stay away from audit tho, absolute normie magnet

>> No.14406721

not a career 99.9% of the time

>> No.14406737
File: 2.34 MB, 1440x960, 55145246fa699a350cfd7520_ss10-mad-men-fashion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in advertising.

>> No.14406738

>being this new
You should know

>> No.14407336

deadbeat dad

>> No.14407831

It's never "that face when". It's "that feel when". You are probably thinking of yfw which means "your face when"

>> No.14407934

came here to post this

>> No.14408138

mediocre brooklyn stand up comic with a podcast

>> No.14408205
File: 7 KB, 223x226, asfdafawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting... who you are refering to...

>> No.14409188


>> No.14409190
File: 104 KB, 1080x1080, 1559469651682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he cute

>> No.14409205

Being a courrier for underground societies where your job is to deliver letters on your bike draped in CCP at night in the streets of Paris.

>> No.14409316

>page 1

>> No.14409350

dont bully him hes trying his best

>> No.14409351

I don't think there's such thing as most /fa/ career. Being handsome as fuck in a police uniform or a hi vis as some maintenance worker could make your job look /fa/ though.

>> No.14409479


-Fashion designer
-Textile designer

>> No.14409659

is being chef at vegetarian place /fa/ ?

>> No.14409744

The reason I posted this particular picture is because it the new architecture school in my home town and it's a damn abomination that is visible when you cross any of the bridges

>> No.14409751

Yes because we should strive to do what is most difficult, especially when we teach people how to shape our shared environment

>> No.14410222


>> No.14410231

How flat are the tits

>> No.14410321

yes what?

>> No.14410367


>> No.14410437

then what's the real deal? the underrated real shit.

>> No.14410438

Ever heard of Enya?

>> No.14410444

nope, just started listening to American Holly. which is comparable to car seat headrest.

>> No.14410632

I stuided an MSc in mathematics at Oxford. Now i work in insurance..... its not that /fa

although mathematics is the most austere beauty and deepest endeavor of mankind.

>> No.14410884

Architecture takes number one imo, followed closely behind by design and conceptual art related jobs. Musical jobs are next in line, followed by skilled manual labor (Welding, restoration, etc). Mechanics.

And then way down at the bottom, beneath all of the shitty service jobs and escorts and farm hands.. There begins a crescendo that ends at the engineering related jobs. Both software and hardware. STEM-engineering may pay well and be a very good job choice but there has never been a job field so full to the brim with people who can't figure out even the basics of how a human should dress themselves, how often they should shower, how to not eat 5x their daily caloric intake or 80% less than needed. I've never met a cool engineer. Plenty of nice ones, a couple of good friends of mine are. But they still dress like retards, have the personalities of a potato with aspergers, and will most likely only marry someone attractive because of their salary.

It's true. Just like it's true when people shit on art majors. They might be broke bitches but at least they're cool most of the time. Engineers end up upper class but do shit like wear cargo shorts and ironic teeshirts with crocks. I know this post is going to piss someone off, so let me just say.. If you're an engineer and got offended, use this as a chance to grow. Realize your stylistic faults and grow as a person.

>> No.14411019

Weird, I just heard of this bitch yesterday

>> No.14411088

Imagine being the tall chad, second from the right at the back row. Tall as fuck and super intelligent. I bet he fucked the chick in the first row, just because he could

>> No.14411461

woodworker here, if you consider carhart pants and pocket shirts fashionable, cool

>> No.14411551

>posting old pics where everyone objectively dressed nicer

Math fags are autistic

>> No.14411553

I'm thinking maybe art dealer or gallery manager or whatever. You're kind of expected to be pretty fashionable in that field, you host and attend gallery openings where everybody's /fa/ as fuck, etc.

Successful photogs are almost never /fa/, they're usually older fat guys who wear whatever's comfortable and practical.

>> No.14411558

I've worked at a gallery before. It's mostly a money thing. The artists are only in it for the money, the gallery is only in it for the money, and the customers just want to improve their status. They all dress like moms and dads, listen to classic rock, and drink beer. Normal people. The only time fashionable people are there are during the weekends when drinks are being served and they have time off from studying or working their own jobs to fuck off downtown. I remember before I started that job fantasizing about there being lines of blow in the back, turtlenecks, bossa nova, and house music. It's not that cool. It's all a facade.

>> No.14412150

pick one