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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 61 KB, 636x382, 2A6DA32E00000578-0-image-a-35_1436566440153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14363738 No.14363738[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will incels finally accept that someone can't score sex or girls with outfit, fragrance or hairstyle, it all cums down to your social skills. We all know that's actually the thing that most uf us suck at, there's no way around to improve it, even when interacting with normies is boring and suck.

In reallife fat, average normies score the most women, while women are usually afraid to interact with "chad". Remember, women like to be in a hive mind, everything that's against the norm is cringe to them.

>> No.14363743
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>> No.14363759

kinda woke post but not really lol

>> No.14363770
File: 85 KB, 926x926, 6SIpU1g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>women like to be in a hive mind

Yeah right and guys don't, they are all little individual free thinkers, as this and other chans show

>> No.14363776 [DELETED] 
File: 276 KB, 584x562, 1558952583862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait

I am a 3/10 the only female i am going to get is the one from Yemen. 5'9 tall only.


>> No.14363778

Isn't this a board for homosexuals?

>> No.14363783

>someone can't score sex or girls with outfit, fragrance or hairstyle
true, they help but they don't turn a donkey into a sex god
>it all cums down to your social skills
bluepilled as fuck

>> No.14363802

Why don’t you go on looksmax.me?

>> No.14363806

>>it all cums down to your social skills
>bluepilled as fuck


>> No.14363841

In regards to being shallow, women really are no different from men. And women have an overabundance of thirsty betas inflating their ego. Unless you live in a 2nd/3rd world country, "game" is PUA bullshit only good to sell books and courses to desperate incels.

Take the fucking black pill already. Chad doesn't need to try to get girls, he just enters the room and has his pick.

>> No.14363845

aw but the guy is kinda cute, he has nice features and looks like he takes care of himself

>> No.14363866 [DELETED] 
File: 241 KB, 680x722, eed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know... i am lazy i guess, so there is no point. I need to get drunk.
Black pill is retarded, whats the point? To lose hope and be incel forever? Not all girls are the same. You just need to talk to girls.

>> No.14363989
File: 125 KB, 499x754, falling man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all girls are the same but most of them are like that, even just subconsciously.
Personality is a meme. Game is a meme. The system is flawed and broken. Pretending everything is fine is counterproductive. Giving up won't exempt you from losing, it will only make you lose faster.

The true answer is: you need to try and exploit the broken systerm as much as you can, i.e. go looksmax. Either that or you can opt out of women altogether (hello inceldom, hello mgtows) OR keep hoping for that unicorn and basically try and be lucky. See how that treats you.

>> No.14364752


Are you saying that from experience or have you just not tried to ask a woman out on a date, and just accepted that because no one instantly jumps onto your lap that you are doomed.

The blackpill is nothing but a phony excuse for betas and incels who want a logistical reason why girls don't like them, when they don't even fucking try. Stop being autistic, gain confidence, learn how to speak like a normal human, get off this website and actually go outside and talk to a woman. I guarantee you if you actually do this, your chances will sky-rocket infinitely.

Yes, being attractive helps, but chads actually talk to girls. Also lower your standards and try to ask out a 5/10, then you might actually get a girlfriend and have sex.

>> No.14364762

>it all cums down to your social skills
and your natural character. if you're a shithead who's not agreeable, good luck

>> No.14364776

You are misunderstanding me, I'm not saying it's impossible for guys who aren't 7+/10 to get a girlfriend, I'm saying the whole "looks don't matter, it's all about confidence" is complete and utter bullshit, spread by scamming PUAs to make money and by redpill communities to make themselves feel good and circlejerk.

You want to go and tell a 5'3 guy that all he has to do is act like a confident chad and his height won't matter? You want to go tell the 2/10 deformed guy that he just needs to be extroverted and he will score hot girls? Go ahead. But don't come and tell me it's "all about social skills", because it's not. Personality matters, but 99% of the "spark" is looks. And looks can still get you a thousand one-night stands without even trying.

>> No.14364781
File: 206 KB, 989x1422, putin good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks don't matter, it's all about confidence
Not him, but this is very correct. It all comes down to your character (also, optionally, money).

>> No.14364784
File: 2.62 MB, 3500x2619, 471805780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh aesthetics

>> No.14364791

You will suffer from this more than you imagine, but I cannot show you the way to the black pill, you have to take it yourself. Or keep living in your happy fake fantasy world I guess

>> No.14364797

This guy is 100% correct and people who have not experienced being ugly will not understand it. Looks matter way more than people realise and if you dont think they do the you most likely fall into attractive category.

>> No.14364829
File: 69 KB, 540x747, 25d32ad2a61dbc856aad7241e8057fef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blackpill will always be a contradiction to me. People take it because they lack confidence in themselves, therefore making them unattractive to women, then use this as evidence for the blackpill being true.

I'm not saying that looks don't matter. Of course that someone who looks hot is going to get more girls, just like some girl who's hot is going to get more guys. But if you actually had some charisma, were socially capable, confident, and fun to be around then you'd easily be able to pick up at least some chicks no matter what you look like. People love fun people and having a good time.

Reject the blackpill facade and take the whitepilled truth, anon.

>> No.14364853

I pick up chicks very easily but I was extremely unattractive during my HS years. Skinny, lots of acne, baby face.

I worked out like an autist, cleared up my acne and by total luck grew into a more handsome face and I have a lot of success with women now. I still remember my HS days though, and my personality hasn't changed one bit from then.

That's why I still stick to the black pill. There really isn't any way to confute it. Wherever you look, you'll only find more proof it's real. Humans are obsessed by beauty. Confidence is a meme. Reject the nice lies and embrace the cold truth.

>able to pick up at least some chicks no matter what you look like
There will always be desperate girls. That doesn't disprove the black pill.

>People love fun people and having a good time.
Sure they do, they also like fucking attractive people.

>> No.14364871

ah, yes oofy doofy theory. More research is required but I believe you're onto something faggot.

>> No.14364885
File: 516 KB, 799x1050, 6BBB7194-428C-4C85-B2FD-49538466E252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14364888
File: 24 KB, 670x549, puking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Incelfaggots desperately blaming bitches for finding attractive guys attractive while dreaming of getting a 10/10 after years of websurfing infused desolation, cheeto dust clogged dickholes, Petabyte of Cartoon Pornography and other counterproductive faggotry leading to betaism and selfvictimization.

>> No.14364889

I'm married for 6 years and you're all bluepilled af.

>> No.14364896

>uses words like "blackpill"
>Surfs 4chan
>Surfs /fa/

Yeah. Nice bait, Dennis.

>> No.14364899

I'm 26 years old my dude and an original 4chan boomer. Not everyone is zoomer trash on here.

>> No.14364903

speak english

>> No.14364904

See, I no problem with social interaction, I just don't like people close to me. It's weird, I have friends, and I've had girls come on to me and flat out reject not cause I'm a fag or insecure, it's just that I don't want shit to do with people in the longterm. I don't hate people, they just need to stay the fuck off my side. We're cool to chill and talk or whatever in the meantime but I don't want your problems. I'm happy with my solitude. Is that so wrong?

>> No.14364907

Bisexual here. The notion that gays have good taste in aesthetics frustrates me to no end, most homos dress like shit and have piss taste in aesthetics, sure gays are a bit more represented among people who get it but are much fewer in number than you'd think. The VAST majority of fashionable people are straight even if most straights are unremarkable to bad

>> No.14365034

are you really trying to argue that the two genders are the same? women are community based.

>> No.14365049

I dress well, am fit, look above average yet I'm still an incel. I don't even have male friends, never did really. Just hit 30 and nothing has changed.

Why do I even bother?

>> No.14365051

post pics and prove it

>> No.14365081

imagine rejecting anything deviating from the norm for the sake of getting women

what an incredibly tragic bland fucking existance

>> No.14365085

Chad can wear whatever the fuck he wants. It's all FACE HEIGHT FRAME and everything else is cope

>> No.14365271

Just take my word for it.

>> No.14365454

ITT: needs to be "pilled" to get female attention.
The only pill you need is a roofie or two.
That'll get the job done, just like all the chads in the frat house.
Otherwise, you will need a mix of personality, communication skills, average attractiveness, and minimal attention to clothing.
Unless you're in the southeastern u.s., then you have female cuzzins for that, a few beers, some crystal meth and yer good to go.

>> No.14365464

You can tell by the second Pic that this guy is hilarious

>> No.14365491

That picture is weird to me.

One Drake is built more like the first pic

Second Drake ain't gay

>> No.14365611

exactly except that its not just physical cause women perceive how men carry themselves vastly more than men perceive how women carry themselves

>> No.14365627

>Drake ain't gay
there's literally a picture of him sucking a dick with his face covered in cum my guy

>> No.14365663

fat dudes just end up maxing out charisma stat desu.

>> No.14365680

Fucking duh. This is a normie board though, and many of us actually have social lives and girlfriends. When living on the coast fashion might have helped me meet "artsy" bitches, many who knew more about fashion than me. I live in a flyover now, and I would say when I get laid it's despite being into fashion, not because of it.

Most women would rather have an average looking guy, with a good job, who let's her dress him, than have someone who actively follows fashion.

Is this really dry humor?

>> No.14365939

He looks like a reincarnated Chris Farley

>> No.14367206

Daniel Craig next to him doesn't seem that amused though.

>> No.14367286
File: 60 KB, 800x450, drake-bell-nickelodeon-people-mag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever someone mentions "Drake",
I think of Drake Bell