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/fa/ - Fashion

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14354787 No.14354787 [Reply] [Original]

>not taking the skinhead/beard pill

What's your excuse?

>> No.14354789

Im not balding chinlet

>> No.14354799

My hairlines intact and I’ll look fat with a beard

>> No.14354817 [DELETED] 

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>> No.14354823

whenever i see a bald man with a massive beard all i can think is COPE

>> No.14354835

>what's your excuse?
it looks like shit and I don't want that.
Is it enough of an excuse?

>> No.14354873 [DELETED] 
File: 937 KB, 989x4260, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/'s excuse is that they haven't started balding yet and haven't started growing a beard yet as they are still teens and not exacly what you would call high test

>> No.14354876
File: 937 KB, 989x4260, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/'s excuse is that they haven't started balding yet and haven't started growing a beard yet as they are still teens and not exactly what you would call high test

>> No.14354898

I still want to remain attractive to the opposite sex

>> No.14354899

not a redditor nu-male tbqh

>> No.14354921

Good hair genetics

>> No.14354937

well thats pathetic

>> No.14354940

32, no hair loss at all.

>> No.14354942

you're 32 and on an image board where like +95% are younger than you

>> No.14354943

Beards are only if you have a shit jawline, clean shaven is the clear option if its open to you.

Though tbf, letting yourself go and having a skullet or widows peak can be impressive if you have the presence to pull it off, but you sort of need to be Jesse Ventura or a bassist for that.

>> No.14355022

For what? Do people with long hair trigger you too?

>> No.14355027

Why does this look so homo?

>> No.14355029

This infographic answers so much

STHLM is a massive faggot tho

>> No.14355034

they only grow the beard out to compensate from the hair they cant grow on their heads, its sad and pathetic like seeing a paraplegic with juiced af arms or a black person with bottle-blonde hair

>> No.14355038
File: 54 KB, 500x752, Devin+Townsend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


literally who?

>> No.14355648

Whats bad with people wanting to feel better about themselves?
You cant compensate for your shortcomings faggot?
-Not balding, white, 5'11, can walk

>> No.14355650
File: 20 KB, 644x429, GettyImages-1137152157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stubble or chad embrace, anything else is reddit-tier

>> No.14355668

What bald with a short beard/stubble?

>> No.14355673
File: 15 KB, 644x800, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14355677

You forgot to open your mouth in this pic.

>> No.14355795

This only counts if you're not /fit/, make retarded cumshot faces and wear marvel crap.

Only a few people can pull up the completely shaven look but being bald + beard isn't that bad.

>> No.14355801

Not a sodding tic tac

>> No.14355806

I second >>14355027
The mouth is not open, so why does he look so homosexual?

>> No.14355807

This whole board is compensating. I've never seen so many posers at once trying to compensate their lack of pefsonality with meme fashion.

>> No.14355917

You look fine but would look way better with stubbles or a shorter beard. Don't listen to the faggots here.

>> No.14355920
File: 751 KB, 3264x1840, me_2013-08-19_13-40-38_735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the beard is overgroomed. We already learned this.

>> No.14355957

It’s a fucking cope for legit homos. Only in the past 15 years or so have men been such self conscious homosexuals that they dont sport at least some of the hair. For thousands of years. Fucking julius caesar kept some on the sides 2000 years ago. Just know that your ancestors are laughing at you for talking shave pill. /thread Im right nobody can disagree

>> No.14356003
File: 33 KB, 255x216, at last jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14356374

He's attractive so he pulls it off. I'm personally not a fan of the style though.

>> No.14356379

He is not attractive and he doesn't pull it off. unless you're a faggot who finds faggots attractive

>> No.14357014

Post face and fit with timestamp.

>> No.14357025

I like bald guys and wish I was a bald bear type myself but I'm not masculine enough to pull off that look.

>> No.14357039

I seriously like the look, looks 100x better than the Chad embrace nomatter the meme stereotype. If you're not pale do that with a light smp, it's the best bald cope at the moment and I support it. My dad wore a "system" for 15 years I do not recommend guys.
Only stay clean shaven if you have a very nice chisled jaw, but even then, some light stubble looks really good

>> No.14357040

he's pretty average looking desu be honest

>> No.14357049

The beard is just really nice, why the fuck should somebody like that shave it? Just to adhere to 4chan zoomers? Lol no he should keep the beard 100%, memes on this board don't amount to anything irl
You need presence to pull off the Chad embrace, and that comes with social/financial/intellectual status, either or, you need at least one. Otherwise it looks gross

>> No.14357578

The other night I had a nightmare where I woke up and was bald with a beard. I was wondering how high my sideburns should be.

God damn I'm so glad I don't look like that.