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File: 72 KB, 960x738, it's all gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14350160 No.14350160 [Reply] [Original]

It's over, isn't it? Better to just shave this quickly because everyone can tell you are balding.
27 years here, have been delaying this and seeing the hair slowly going away since 20.

>> No.14350164

I'm sorry anon.

>> No.14350207

Hair transplant. Now.

>> No.14350210

Get a buzz cut.

>> No.14350236

Appears that's just frontal recession and not diffuse thinning all over. Just brush it forward, clean up the sides and back and go for something like a french crop.

>> No.14350252

Yeah and then live every day of your life in fear of a gust of wind

>> No.14350357

buzz and enjoy

>> No.14350363
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Sorry anon. No one deserves this.

>> No.14350388


>> No.14350406
File: 90 KB, 1659x1000, MV5BNDllMDYwMDAtM2M4ZC00MjNlLTkyMWUtYWJlNjA5NGZlM2VjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUwNzk3NDc@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,1659,1000_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow a 'stache and go full sleaze

>> No.14350410

Yup. Buzz it immediately.

>> No.14350413

You can do this with bald temples, also if you're nw2-3 but there's no hope for op. Even if he took tranny pills he should buzz it beforehand.

>> No.14350424

I dont get this style

>> No.14350427

Me neither, I get it’s meant to be the whole “70s bum” thing, but it just ends up being guys with weak facial hair

>> No.14350614

I'm sorry anon. I'm praying for you.

>> No.14350646
File: 779 KB, 3000x2000, roe jogan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my plan now, gonna start saving money and doing research to prevent being scammed.

I did the french crop a few months ago and was shaving more on the sides for a couple of years now. But it's too evident, can't hide it anymore.

Do you guys think the only option is to grow muscles, get big and look like Joe Rogan? I also have a lot of facial hair.

>> No.14351009

Yes. Shave it, get fit and maybe use minox on your scalp. Maybd you'll like it and won't need a surgery.

Also JR looks good

>> No.14351014

lmao goose has such an unaesthetic forehead

>> No.14351018

>That's my plan now, gonna start saving money and doing research to prevent being scammed.
You need to get on fin/dut right away if you're going to commit. Dut is better considering how advanced your hair loss is. You'll need to use it anyway with a transplant.

>> No.14351020

fuck man you should have started on alpha reductuase inhibitors literally years ago. Instead you decided to wait until your hairline was massacred to cry about it on the internet, why? Dutasteride makes it physically impossible to lose hair though and finasteride pretty much impossible but you need a hair transplant now, unless you want to to just embrace your baldness. Seriously though you were well later to the party, this could have been prevented

>> No.14351031
File: 1.40 MB, 3088x2320, 6FEFE54E-0DB1-4F57-B04A-0479ADBDBA9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture for reference, I started going aggressively balding in my early twenties and haven’t lost any hair in nearly six years thanks to dht suppressants (I’m 28)

>> No.14351088

Hairline 'maturing', not aggressive balding

>> No.14351089
File: 55 KB, 831x799, 15543076248110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should have started on alpha reductuase inhibitors literally years ago
I was scared of the side effects from these medicines, specially decreased libido and guys reporting prostate pain later.

A hair transplant would probably cost around $5k and I'm broke, there is no other way for the moment guys.

>> No.14351107

lol the side effect stories are unironically a myth man, just internet dick hysteria. Both finasteride and dutasteride are proven to be well tolerated drugs. If you want to save what you have you should start on one of them now

>> No.14351112

thanks man, but I might just save for surgery, it looks ugly now
just like you said, should've have started taking it years ago

>> No.14351113

nah i was going aggressively bald, i’d Literally be basically bald right now without finasteride

>> No.14351149

Tranny medicine is magic when it comes to fixing and restoring appaling hairline.
>taking durasteride right away
Are you insane, if finasteride is enough to drop DHT levels then there is no need to jump to a pill that literally castrates men.

>> No.14351150

Just shave that shit bro
Low maintenance, save money, you avoid killing your dick with jew drugs.

>> No.14351170

lol, quite the opposite, Jews are literally behind the finasteride side effects myth , Jews hate the thought of men retaining attractiveness as they age and they hate the thought of men not being balding cucks who go to watch capeshit at the cinema

>> No.14351182

What's more scary is finasteride causing ongoing shedding with online threads for this being significantly more numerous than the "dick stopped functioning" ones. Growing tits is also an actual issue.

>> No.14351188

>finasteride side effects myth
already been proven real bro but doesn't affect everyone

>> No.14351193
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Might as well ask in this thread.

How bad is this? What should I do?

>> No.14351202

OP here, mine started like that, a little hole in the top of the head. I remember when my friend started joking about that and we ended up fighting because I couldn't accept he was right.
Fast forward 8 years later, it's way worse now. Like I don't wanna scare you but might as well look into that and maybe start taking those meds.

>> No.14351223

every drug has potential side effects. Including paracetamol or calpol. The media marriage of finasteride with ‘side effects’ is literally a myth as it’s as well tolerated and safe as any other drug out there

>> No.14351240


>> No.14351251

minox mono therapy doesn’t do shit.
You need fin or dut

>> No.14351254

Stop recommending durasteride.

>> No.14351259

dut safety profile is as good as fin. In fact actually better in studies I’ve seen

>> No.14351260

No guard buzzcut. It will hide your thinning and your hairline is still good enough to frame your face.

>> No.14351272

The problem with this suggestion is that its actually MORE noticeable when its buzzed that low, because theres a very clear contrast line along the crown and the sides, where the sides have about 3-5x as much hair as the crown. The best advice is a french crop until it looks too ridiculous(because of the receding line along the temple) and then taking it down to the skin.

Wanna know something even worse? Most reputable hair clinics will atleast request(if not demand) you go or propecia/finasteride for a year before they seriously consider doing any consultation,(for your own benefit, since why start moving hairs around if the area they're filling in is about to drop all the 'domestic' hair?)

Id say jump on finasteride as soon as possible if you're serious about trying to hold onto your hair... without doing that, you might aswell just try to COPE until you accept it and go down to the skin when shaving.

/a guy whos dealing with this shit too, but i jumped on fin about 5 years ago and have not lost any hair since... But i started too late so i really am at the point where it looks silly... Not quite as bad as yours, but maybe what you looked like 2 years ago.(where its evident)

>> No.14351281

Didn't read thread, grow it out and go crazy weird chemist dude core

>> No.14351287

>/a guy whos dealing with this shit too, but i jumped on fin about 5 years ago and have not lost any hair since... But i started too late so i really am at the point where it looks silly... Not quite as bad as yours, but maybe what you looked like 2 years ago.(where its evident)
This is me. I'm going to order dutasteride and take it one day a week and continue to take finasteride for the rest of the week for about a year or so and try to get some regrowth.

>> No.14351313

Also, my hairline is relatively unjusted (NW 1-1.5) and have diffuse thinning. I'm hoping dut will improve the density.

>> No.14351314
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>> No.14351344
File: 791 KB, 1529x1170, 20190521_214519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it over for me? It's only visible ehen i part it

>> No.14351361

Bet this fag can’t even bowl leg spin anymore.

>> No.14351379

I'm not talking about general side effects I'm talking about severe unexpected effects from the drug that are in some cases seemingly permanent, generally called 'post finasteride syndrome'

don't take this shit ever - same for dutasteride

>> No.14351385
File: 21 KB, 324x379, eggface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so I just bought fin and minox
also shaved it so i can see the difference

>> No.14351388

The safety isn't the issue. Dutasteride is way more potent, no one should do it if finasteride does the job.

>> No.14351500
File: 39 KB, 968x681, prison-break.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind finasteride doesnt really show ANY positive effects till you're like 9 months in... And will actually show negative effects as it re-sets all the hair follicles that were currently in the state of dying.

See, this is what i meant when i said buzzing looks worse. People have this idea that you'll look like this
But when its thinning out that much, it just makes the top of your head even more evidently bald.

And good luck, OP. I get my meds online and it costs me about $200 a year(kirkland minox 5% bought through ebay for $80, finasteride bought from an e-pharmacy based in India for $120.) which is worth it to me. If i was buying it retail in my area it would be WAY too expensive and id probably given up and offed myself(I have *very* little going for me beyond being fit)

>> No.14351514

I've been on finasteride for about 5 years now. It stopped my hair loss but I didn't get any regrowth. I'm only now considering throwing dutasteride in the mix.

>> No.14351535

neither finasteride or dutasteride makes your hair regrow, it simply stops the hair loss.

>> No.14351540

Finasteride is proven to regrow hair in like 40% of guys...

Where are you getting the dutasteride? Any links to info on it?(Yeah yeah, "google it", but with hair loss stuff, and TON of shit on the net is either FUD or exaggerated)

>> No.14351555

5 years means the lost hair most likely can't be restored anymore. Otherwise gramps could have 10/10 hair after getting bald 20 years ago. Go rather for min and dermarolling then.


>> No.14351556

>have hair
>have smaller loads
>have softer erections
Who would think this is a good deal?

>> No.14351569

I'm a bottom... I dont really give af about my loads or erections.

(i'm not even trolling with this post, I legit am a gay guy whod prefer hair. Iv been on the meds for a few years now and am way happier on than off)

>> No.14351573

It shrinks your prostate. You’ll get less out of prostrate stimulation most likely.

Generally speaking though, big yikes.

>> No.14351585


And the prostate thing isnt bad... I mean its a narrow tunnel... I dont need a fucking grapefruit sized prostate to get off.

>> No.14351592

>being this salty about being called gross
Imagine getting this mad on the internet boys

>> No.14351690

>It's over, isn't it?
nigga its been over

>> No.14351694

i have the same at age 28 and most people compliment me on my hair. just doint get too greasy and dont part it

>> No.14351748
File: 858 KB, 1365x2048, 1558304588339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just rock it brah

>> No.14351753

It's just hair bro. It doesn't really matter.

>> No.14351778

I'm just joshin' you broski, I actually love the poon. We're both 2 young virile dudes who love crushing puss and talking about our thinning hair. Let's maybe swap phone #s and keep this chat going.

>> No.14351819

Any Irish anons know how to get fimasteride here? Apparently they don't give a prescription unless it's for the prostate here

>> No.14351822
File: 1.86 MB, 300x164, 1498618595572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol the side effect stories are unironically a myth man, just internet dick hysteria

I can tell you from experience that they are not. You will see the damage once you approach your 30s. The death of your dick is sudden and usually cannot be reversed after years on that shit. I know 2 other people ruined by it too.

Pure poison. You have been warned.

>> No.14351921

Same guy

Or anyone from a country where you can't get the 1mg version? From what I'm hearing you're up gives you the 5mg version off-license and the you have to cut it. Anyone got experience with this?

>> No.14352002

>death of your dick
like no more erections?

>> No.14352006

>See, this is what i meant when i said buzzing looks worse
Maybe the way is shaving it completely with a razor, that way it's gonna look even. But my head shape doesn't help much, hair used to compensate this average face.

>> No.14352023

You hit the male wall. It's over now and there nothing you can do about it. My sympathies.

>> No.14352070
File: 94 KB, 645x529, korea numba one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread again. You have 3 main options (and a bunch of laughable memes but I'll just leave those out):
>shave that shit
Hit the gym and razor or half guard that shit. Every day. This works best if you have some muscle mass/good jaw and neck. You will look like a gay alien if you don't.
These will work, but do all sorts of fucky shit to your body over time like make your dick stop working.
Peppermint essential oil is an old world remedy for hair loss. Korean scientists recently ran a well constructed study on it with minoxidil for comparison. It worked better than minoxidil. Pic related.
>I'm too stupid to read the study what do I do anon?
Buy a few oz of PEO. Buy a few oz of tea tree oil. Buy a few oz of a carrier oil like jojoba or argon. Per oz of carrier oil put 30 vertical drops of PEO and 10 vertical drops of TTO. After your shower and dry your hair, but while it is still damp, massage this into your scalp/hair (around 10 drops does it for me with 2 inch hair. In your shampoo add 5 drops/oz. Make sure there isn't any weird shit in your shampoo too.

>What does this do anon?
This gives you about 3% PEO just like the study and 1% TTO. PEO helps regrow hair, and even thickens the follicles. PEO and TTO are also good for scalp health being antifungal/antibacterial. They also smell great, and this inadvertently cured my dandruff. The carrier oil is needed to dilute and you should be putting that in your hair anyway to replace the oil you shampoo out. It will also make your hair thick/shiny as FUCK.

>> No.14352074

There are so many things can lead to ED but just because they're on finasteride they assume it must be the sole cause. Maybe they have low T levels, maybe they're depressed, maybe they're porn addicts, maybe they're deficient in some micronutrients and so on and so on.

>> No.14352084

>There are so many things can lead to death but just because they're riddled with bullet holes they assume it must be the sole cause. Maybe they hung themselves, maybe they had cancer, they could of had an aneurysm then someone shot up the body, and so on and so on.

>> No.14352096

>missing the point
There are so many variable to account for that you can't really know if finasteride is killing your boners or something else. The studies don't really support the "finasteride = dick death" hypothesis.

>> No.14352102

>missing the point
There are so many variable to account for that you can't really know if bullets is killing the people riddled with bullet holes or something else. The police reports don't really support the "getting shot 37 times = death" hypothesis.

>> No.14352109

>seething hairlet who didn't address his balding in time

>> No.14352118

post timestamped hairline you projecting doublenigger

>> No.14352139

>Peppermint essential
Well I never heard of this, you google "hair loss" and it's the same fin/minox combination posted on different sites.

>> No.14352150

>leaving out RU-58841 to shill gay peppermint shit
Tsk tsk.

>> No.14352164

>Because there are no longitudinal studies that measured the side effects of RU58441, they are relatively unknown
well, I'm a gambling man after all

>> No.14352189

will fin affect beard growth? on minox+derma and thinking about fin but dont wanna lose my beard lol, just ask because i know dht causes body hair growth (except for on your head ffs...)

>> No.14352292
File: 104 KB, 800x798, 1540773474427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baldlet cope

The most sour tasting one

>> No.14352294

>anime reaction poster
gb2/gaia, faglord

>> No.14352296

>27 years here, have been delaying this and seeing the hair slowly going away since 20
I'm pretty much in the same boat except I gave up even earlier than you since my hairline was lopsided as fuck.

just off it anon. its really only bad for like a week or two as people see you with a shaved/buzzed head for the first time.

>> No.14352298

>complaining about anime on an anime website

seething baldlet lmao

>> No.14352299

Why didn't you people start with minoxidil when you first started seeing hairloss? The generic shit is cheap.

>> No.14352308
File: 394 KB, 1800x1389, rs-19588-20140423-hunter-x1800-1398278908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be sad about this OP. Your hairline looks like Hunter's. You can still be /fa/ during this chapter of your life.

>> No.14352357
File: 835 KB, 1064x1032, 1558486022889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it from another JUST, buzz head to a max of like a #3 and I bet it'll look great. You don't look obese from what you gave us to go off of and you seem to be only really diffuse thinning in the front, exactly the same as me. Buzz it now man, no need to go full razor yet

>> No.14352382

>most popular boards have nothing to do with anime
>anime website
Go to bed gramps. You're day dreaming it's the past again.

>> No.14352430

Take other anons' advice and get on some meds for that. In the meantime, you can easily cover that with some hair fibers.

>> No.14352651

Hasn't done anything to mine... Still need to shave once a week(tho if I were in a professional setting, it'd be daily. By the end of the week I'd have about 3mm long whiskers)

More troubling, it didn't effect my body hair growth either. Part of the reason I jumped on was cause it supposedly slowed down that shit, but I still need to shave the back and shoulders every week. Tbh that area probably grows faster than my face. FBM :(

Hair loss on head did stop with minimal regrowth.

>> No.14352653

Y-you didn't research how that story ends, did you?

>> No.14352655

Buzz it to a #1. Go short or go home.

>> No.14352661

surely it should be hairlet. A baldlet would be someone who isnt balding.

>> No.14352822

Doesn't Bosley actually work? Or is it a scam?

>> No.14352867


>> No.14352914

small man
small dick
small brain
small... bald??

>> No.14353112
File: 12 KB, 240x174, zuse_z3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comment has been posted from a device originally designed for calculus.

>> No.14353157
File: 143 KB, 868x775, 143C1915-7B9E-4FF8-8A1C-32CE453479B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok does this too look bad? i always had a big forehead but i think the crescents are becoming bigger

>> No.14353276

It literally regrew my hair twice.

>> No.14353280

Gel it back on your head.

>> No.14353311

you still have plenty of hair find something else to be insecure about you little baby back bitch

>> No.14353313

Take the sleaze pill and embrace the balding

>> No.14353474


You can pull a Jason Staham maybe

>> No.14353483
File: 1.97 MB, 2829x4243, gettyimages-1027528408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14353491

It only works if you actually have a sleazy lifestyle. An autist who spends his time in his suburban home playing videogames and works a regular office job isnt gonna pull this off, but these idiots don't realize that

>> No.14353493

What's not sleazy about living with no job, waking up at 3 pm, getting drunk, not shaving, not having any friends, beating it to naked girls often, listening to disco music, and sometimes getting out of the house? I want to do it with class but I ain't like the rest of those schmucks. So let some steam off, let me have my pizzazz, man.

>> No.14353510

There's literally no difference.

>> No.14354551

Why hasn't anyone found a cure for balding yet? If men really did rule the world wouldn't we have one by now? What's the holdup?

>> No.14354696

cutting your balls off usually works

>> No.14354729

this study is a bit misleading
first its rats and second they shaved the rats
so i fail to see the link between shaven rats and balding humans

>> No.14354732
File: 1.43 MB, 2320x3088, 1546063159979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop coping you onions faggots

>> No.14355133

go back to /pol/ fag

>> No.14355527

Most based and alphapilled mand in this thread. The trannies are SEETHING

>> No.14355548

Imagine being this person

>> No.14356490


>> No.14356675

Put me in the epic screencap too, reddit!

>> No.14357233

Ugh ,this faggot again(and his bootlicker basedboy orbiters).

>> No.14357556

What's the best way to get finasteride? How much is it going to cost me?

>> No.14357935
File: 145 KB, 960x858, B421ADD7-4E26-4573-8B4C-83D0C442A77C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine isn’t thinning in the middle but my temples are growing larger and larger

>> No.14357937

indian epharmacy

>> No.14358187

>grey hair
How old are you, gramps?

>> No.14358324

Just shave it off.
You'll be happier being shaved and not thinking about it than being being stressed out 24/7 about how you're losing your hair

>> No.14358549

28 m8

>> No.14358592

Get the morrissey cut

>> No.14358603

You ever notice people whining about post finasteride syndrome are strange feminine men? Or like super skinny, i mean, they kinda all are freaks. I'm sure their t-levels were fucked before they went on finasteride...

>> No.14358610
File: 218 KB, 640x300, 828D6DB3-9C65-42B0-A875-4090AAC2424C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 21 senior at college
>get really severe psoriasis on my scalp
>live with it for ~8 months because no time to go to the doc
>scalp is scabby and bleeding constantly
>hair start falling out rapidly
>graduate and go home for the summer before grad school
>shave head immediately
>start growing mustache
I will be the mechanic from Raiders of the Lost Arc by the end of the summer. I’m also /fit/ which helps.

>> No.14358615

A friend and I both started receding in our early 20s. 5 years ago he started on fin and minox whereas I only used minox and ketaconazole. We're both 26 now. He looks a total chad with a full head of hair while I have a creepy norwood 3. I finally started on fin earlier this year and my only regret was that I didn't do it sooner because of the fud from all the depressed fearmongering histrionics and alternative medicine quacks online. Don't overthink this shit and save your hair while you still have some.

>> No.14358616

You're a Nazi?

>> No.14358619

22 and balding since 17, bad genetics and anxiety/stress. I can grow a mountainman beard so when it gets unbearable I will just buzz it and embrace the bald beard life.

>> No.14358630

Don't you find it weird that you can grow hair on your face but not on your head? What evolutionary advantage does that have?

>> No.14358632

Forhims.com, fren.
$28.50 for a months worth but you can stretch it out to two months by taking it every other day.

Alternatively you could just ask your doctor for proscar which will run you only a couple dollaroos a month. Its the same shit but for enlarged prostate. Cut up the 5mg proscars into quarters and you're golden.

>> No.14358634

Not yet, silly

>> No.14358645


make beard hair then

>> No.14358702

I got kind of lucky in that my male pattern baldness didn't lead to much receding. I lost about maybe an eighth to a quarter of an inch of hair from my overall hairline.
PROTIP: if you're going to have hair and you don't want to lose it, take immaculate care of it. Male pattern baldness WILL win in the end but you can delay the inevitable with products and being EXTREMELY gentle during the combing/brushing phase.

Also ain't you niggas ever heard of Bosley?

>> No.14358715

you're the same as a transcuck

>> No.14358738

Damn charles.. hey when’s the next counterstrike stream?

>> No.14359244

you and your friend are women biologically and mentally

>> No.14359925

t. tranny

>> No.14360879


>> No.14360886

is this his real hairline >?

>> No.14361223

it was for a film, blue valentine i think

>> No.14361907
File: 15 KB, 300x230, romantic goose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The Goose uses a hair system, for that movie he didn't wear it and had his natural hair.