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File: 172 KB, 1280x720, from virgin to SEXgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14331320 No.14331320 [Reply] [Original]


Sounds familiar?

>> No.14331324

Most people are virgin at 21

>> No.14331326

>THIS is what 4channers believe

>> No.14331334

It depends on the country, but I certainly don't plan to be

>> No.14331338

i'm a friendless autist and i lost it at 17, that seems really late

>> No.14331340
File: 288 KB, 839x952, 1557588162187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope because im a 21y virgin.

>> No.14331341

Average for guys is 16. Nice try cuck.

>> No.14331342

Nothing wrong with being a virgin anon, focus on meanigful and romantic relationships instead and sex will follow with it.

>> No.14331345
File: 38 KB, 498x383, IMG_20190312_161820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went out drinking and friend told everyone im a virgin.

Later on bi guys started asking be if im gay, a tranny and a furry.

>> No.14331350

Speaks more about what kind of friend he/she is than you being a virgin does. Be more confident and kind anon, baby steps!

>> No.14331365

I'm 21 too, I don't even try to hide being a virgin anymore.

>> No.14331366

did he get sex tho

>> No.14331370
File: 10 KB, 208x351, 4ee416941b3f9a2e5351a1b184f51a27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just smile when someone calls me a virgin.

I just don't know how to react.

>> No.14331379

most 21 year old virigins can't afford to drop $3500 at all saints

he looks better because that shit looks expensive.

the suit supply shit doesn't work because you can tell it's inexpensive

>> No.14331382

you are now aware that allsaints is a budget brand and their leather jackets retail at $300 during sales

>> No.14331383


>> No.14331387

Sex is overrated

>> No.14331388

it's budget compared to the balmain shit they're knoicking off, but it's pretty unaffordable to 21 year olds kids just out of college and no job no gf and no sex

>> No.14331389

dunno, you can get a full outfit with jacket, jeans, tee, boots for around $500. not that unaffordable

and theyre attempting SLP, not balmain

>> No.14331393

jacket is like $595, jeans are over $100,

nothing in his fit was SLP

they cheapskated on the shoes, but in the video he says to get boots, guessing chelsea boots since zoomers lover leather + chelsea and think that makes it slp core (it's not) so thats another $250

when i was 21 i couldn't afford a macbook, a $2000 laptop...

>> No.14331395

all allsaints stuff goes on 40-60% sales, not exaggerating. thats their brands strategy

>> No.14331414
File: 29 KB, 279x304, 1549653040938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14331416
File: 1.37 MB, 756x1334, ehh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it's not for weird reasons, people will still project bad things onto you if you admit that so it's better just to lie and say you're underage or just younger if you can pull it off.

>> No.14331420

most men probably

when, i've never seen it that cheap then again the brand never really attracted me in the 12+ years i was aware of it .

i liked the singer sewing machine wall they used to have in the front window of their san diego store

>> No.14331424


>> No.14331432
File: 9 KB, 300x168, 1557671964862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>14331326 >>14331334 >>14331338 >>14331340 >>14331341 >>14331383 >>14331414 >>14331416 >>14331420 >>14331424

>> No.14331436
File: 72 KB, 600x791, 638057b70ea9743b03c8050ba71fdde7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who hurt you?

>> No.14331443

All of this for a fucking wet hole, the game was rigged from the start

>> No.14331559

I have only been called a virgin by one friend I have but that's because she knows and is a massive thot. I talk to a lot of girls so most people just assume I do. I could lose it if I wanted to but I honestly feel bad even looking at porn nowadays so I just fall back on being Catholic.

>> No.14331660

Good on you anon. Stay strong. I was totally blackpilled for years when I was lapsed from the faith, every girl I dated turned out to be a thot. They aint wrong that all the women are thots, but turns out there are MANY nice virgin Catholic grils who need a bf

>> No.14331679

wearing anything other than a t-shirt looks tryhard unless you are at some fine dining place or graduation of some relative.

>> No.14331699

This is bait

>> No.14331705

sure thing, slob

>> No.14331740

bet her pussy smells like cat food after 3 days of dancing at the club and taking all sorts of drugs

>> No.14331743

Who /23 year old kissless virgin/ here?

>> No.14331820


>> No.14331857

here i am, i dont get it though. im average, go to uni, normal height (6'1"). I shower everyday and im not weird or anything, guess some people are made to be alone

>> No.14331860

Most people fuck in high school or earlu college. Sorry dude.

>> No.14331867
File: 98 KB, 1024x971, 5AAF7724-6B5C-47C8-B536-997A6F7EF131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”We are doing this for a purpose
>to attract female”

>> No.14331880

same, stopped caring tbqh

>> No.14331886

>normal height (6'1")
haha, keep telling that to yourself, king of manlets. average woman is like 6'2 today

>> No.14331913

It's 2019. Most people lose their virginity at around 14

>> No.14331929
File: 1.46 MB, 1440x1656, fuckmyshitup6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people loose their virginity between 15 and 17 anon

>> No.14331957

Question: Do you talk to girls?

>> No.14331967

I have been a virgin till late 22. Then my to-be-wife approached me out of nowhere. If there was hope for me, there is hope for you. Back then, I was hopeless in the looks and clothes department. Now, I am one of those shitters who bump the suit threads.

>> No.14331969

I would sit next to a random girl from class on a 9h bus trip and not speak a word with her. THERE IS HOPE FOR YOU ALL! AMEN.

>> No.14331979
File: 102 KB, 287x229, ffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im hopeless socially not physically.

You don't need to be attractive to get a gf. Except on tinder.

>> No.14331986

I would stutter when meeting girls. Even tried to build up courage, in order to talk to those I wanted to meet. To no avail. If a girl wants you, she will like you regardless of your social behaviour.

>> No.14332037
File: 54 KB, 250x250, 1557708253646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im a dudette

>> No.14332043

And you know what. I have a gf and this post along with your picture instantly reminded me of here / made you interesting.

>> No.14332047


It's 2019. Most people are pornosexual. Pornography is creating a generation of awkward pervert who can't even look a girl in the eye unless there's two screens between them.

>> No.14332050


>> No.14332070

keep telling yourself that, incel

>> No.14332120


>> No.14332281


>> No.14332297

Am I the only one that finds the video fake?
He's clearly fit, you can see it manly in the part that he tries on the sweater.
I can't believe that a guy that is fit, so cares about his appearance, wears a suit shirt that a twelve years old atheist would wear with a fedora and a pair of dcs.
I think that they just grabbed a guy with A LOT OF SEX, he stoped cutting his hair for a month and then they filmed this thing.
Now the youtuber looks like a god and a bunch of dorks will buy everything that he recommends.

>> No.14332303

Also reminds me of those old gq videos of Tom Ford doing a makeover o guys that are 9 or even 10's.

>> No.14332328

Incels are funny

>> No.14332408

If you're celibate by choice, that's cool. If you're a femcel, that's kinda sad.

>> No.14332421

I lost mine at 21 so idk what that makes me

Virgin through high school fucked a good amount a bit through university

>> No.14332449

you mean that time tom ford made bullshit videos so he could have an excuse to hit on and eventually bang guys that he liked?

>> No.14332521

Exactly, this video gives the same vibe.

>> No.14333420

hurts to watch

>> No.14333479

Pussy doesn't taste good

>> No.14333499


>> No.14333523

>not considering women as people
Based and redpilled

>> No.14333720

I lost mine at 19 thank fuck and even that was late.

>> No.14333795

22 in like 15 days and I'm still Virgin lol

But hey, I live in a conservative Asian country

But still have crippling anxiety

>> No.14333810

Yeah, most men are.

>> No.14333817

It make you a family man.

>> No.14333836

That only applies to incels though

>> No.14333841

I fought off girls in high school and university trying to take my virginity.
Didn't lose it until years after undergrad.
Attractive volcel masterrace.

>> No.14333889

Ugly detected

>> No.14333916

>Replying to a namefag
> even once

>> No.14333969

Im 24
Dont know how to feel anymore

>> No.14334026
File: 13 KB, 240x240, 1542033700091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even, just a bit of a mentalcel

feel pride

>> No.14334053

>hang out with a couple of friends
>they meet up with some of their friends who i dont know personally
>gets kind of crowded
>a little tipsy and sex jokes start getting dropped
>somebody asks if im a virgin
>i say yes
>they slowly tip toe around it and eventually ask again
>"are you serious"
>say yes again

why is it such a big deal to everyone but me

>> No.14334059

virgins are beautiful beings

>> No.14334066

I managed to go on two dates without realizing they were supposed to be more than hanging out. I guess some people just lack the usual romance/breeding drive.

>> No.14334080

They probably assume that you want sex, and the fact that you haven't been able to have it by 27 is an indictment on your character.

>> No.14334082

Imagine thinking it’s that important.
Hahaha he no dick into pussy bro haha

>> No.14334087

why would they assume that?
>and the fact that you haven't been able to have it by 27 is an indictment on your character
that would only apply if i had been trying to get any in the first place

>> No.14334102

It’s not a bad thing lol.
My female friends all know and one of them even said she much prefers guys who are virgins.
I’ve had the opportunity but I don’t really have an interest in casual sex and think it’s immoral anyway.

>> No.14334104

I feel like the people who brag about their sex lives and think it’s a huge deal that you’re a virgin are either virgins themselves, thots, or have very unfulfilling sex lives.

>> No.14334106

just play the christian card you idiots, works like a charm
ill be a wizard soon

>> No.14334377

the average age of lost virginity ranges between 17.8 and 18.4 i think

>> No.14334402

i dont. seems weird to just talk up girls, dont you think ?

>> No.14334423

Great, he looks homosexual now.

>> No.14334495

Not replier, but you post that damn pic every time. And you are calling them an incel? Haha, delusional

>> No.14334592

Good, clean pussy is tasteless

>> No.14334693
File: 85 KB, 736x904, 4214a6ec059dac03117aa10d6f2bf0a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I calling him an incel?
You're the delusional one.

Who hurt you is a meme.
Give me 1 piece of evidence I have ever insulted someone.

>> No.14334744

don't meme me bro

>> No.14334762

he looks like an absolute twat on both pictures

>> No.14334765

most people can't afford clothes that good tho

>> No.14334887

>17.8 and 18.4
shit we pulling out the decimals now

>> No.14334996
File: 131 KB, 525x809, 1537824702144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14335088


>> No.14335477

I lost my virginity at the age of 23. Got my first girlfriend at the age of 24. 26 now and it's been a year since I have had sex but it doesn't bother me as much ad it did when I was a virgin. You still have time. If it bothers you, I suggest seeing an escort/prostitute. Just book a flight to Las Vegas and drive to the Chicken Ranch

>> No.14335512

I lost my virginity at age 29

>> No.14335550

even that fucking Queer Eye show is less obnoxious and more genuine than this shit.

>> No.14336426

right but i think anon is trying to say that it wouldn't cross their minds that you might not be looking to have sex. they would make the assumption that you can't, even though you must want it.

>> No.14336719

You need serious help. Worse than the guy who used to larp as that girl all the time

>> No.14336723
File: 40 KB, 416x647, 99a50d56-3355-4811-a28d-f2d152e2589d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help like what.
Enlighten me.

If you're gonna talk shit then at least provide reasons.
All I said was who hurt you.
I haven't been larping for 2 weeks now. I got tired of it.

>> No.14336761

Dude was already a GOAT

>> No.14336794


>> No.14337227
File: 343 KB, 1080x2280, cfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14337234

I feel i could lose it because there is a girl that like me and im pretty sure i could take advantage of her, but also im not that kind of guy and i dont feel atracted to her, i should stop watching porn and try to fuck everything that moves honestly

>> No.14338211
File: 22 KB, 128x125, 547330920697561088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14338214
File: 751 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2019-05-16-02-17-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shoes is he wearing?

>> No.14338225

they sell them at suit supply

>> No.14338229

Sure, anon

>> No.14338288

the problem is these dudes just look genericly dorky and never matured or were introduced to culture outside of suburbia

thats why they look and act the way they do, you can handpick them on campus etc

pussy tastes and smells fine, if anything at all

>> No.14338409
File: 76 KB, 1024x1024, sad clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, i have bad news ...

>> No.14338979
File: 72 KB, 1024x489, zyzz god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha yeah, my friends are also virgins at 22, im 23 also virgin, it's normal to be a virgin, i'm gonna make up for it when i get older lads, we're alla gonna make it

>> No.14339189

Losing it at 15 is the average

>> No.14339201

nah it isn't, they are just the weird ones, that's why they get noticed.

>> No.14339209

>t. incel

>> No.14339227

have sex

>> No.14339658

They hated him because he told them the truth.

>> No.14339920

2/3 of fashion is about signaling that you're socially superior to your peers, and that goes hand in hand with money
anyone attempting artistic expression through fashion is doing so by subverting or co-opting the visual language of social stratification, and the most natural thing to do is simply to spend (though if someone poor throws money at the problem, they tend to lack the social context necessary to follow the 'rules', which helps people figure out if they belong in that social class or not)
there's a reason the youtube thumbnail iin the op uses a new sports car to help sell the dude's mediocre business-prep fit

>> No.14340436

God I hate fashion YouTubers

>> No.14341151

>20 years
Shit, I better get out there before I become a loser like most people.

>> No.14341395

I lost it at 19 and im a slightly more normal version of the people who typically browse here so i imagine chads regularly lose it around 14 and normies lose it around 15 - 17

>> No.14341752

True, lost my virginity at 21

>> No.14341783

Sex is only a big deal to those who have never had it.

>> No.14342065

lmao yeah this is the worst part.

>> No.14343385

holy fuck I hate this douchebag

>> No.14343413

Is there any hope for me bros ?

>> No.14343422

You sound like a little kid.

>> No.14343429

Wow listen to this meaningless "contribution".

>> No.14343433

It's a little awkward. Don't pressure yourself too much, but take a few small steps once in a while. You'd be surprised at who you'll meet. :)

>> No.14343436

This person thinks they're cool. Holy Cringe, Batman...

>> No.14343469
File: 64 KB, 640x733, 85a50062-4645-40e4-a3aa-5f750e5fd067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he do to you?

>> No.14343981

Part 2!!!


>> No.14344004

Souls vs Soulless

>> No.14344016

Nah bro 22 and 23 is not normal to be a virgin,
I lost mine late as fuck literally last of my friend group at 18.

Y'all are autistic as fuck get on with your lives

>> No.14344032

no fuck off im the normal one, youre the abornmal horndogs

>> No.14344036
File: 45 KB, 600x400, 1373880812109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sucks to be you lad

>> No.14344084

Then stop having it