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14326999 No.14326999[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I overdosed on Valium last night after having an anxiety attack,
my depression has been getting worse and life is losing it’s meaning for me
how are you, anons?

>> No.14327035
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Did mdma for the first time yesterday.

>don't feel like me
>feel like I died yesterday
Was the best and worst experience.

>> No.14327049
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im just as emotionless as ever

>> No.14327057

>i overdosed on valium last night after having an anxiety attack

lol gay as fuck start believing in god your life has no purpose without him

>> No.14327149

>t. lives in a suburb in a flyover state, is named “chandler”

>> No.14327241
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Really depressed, might go to a professional to get help, I thought I could do it on my own but I just dug myself a bigger hole
Feeling good about my fits and appearance though, I'm an IT student and I really stand out in my class
Too bad I didn't try to make any friends, I bet everyone thinks I'm somewhat autistic

>> No.14327254

Nice blogs queers

>> No.14327294
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I started Zoloft last week. Can I get some good thoughts, I really hope it works for my anxiety. I'm tired of being shaky and nauseous 24/7, it makes me want to kms

>> No.14327305

I used to take Valium until I overdosed, said fuck this shit and got clean. It fucking sucked but I’ve been clean almost a decade. You can too. If you better yourself you can better your life

>> No.14327318

Maybe take better, more meaningful drugs.

>> No.14327322

I dislike every major aspect of my life and feel pretty down most of the time. I barely go out anymore even if I have to go to classes.

>> No.14327338 [DELETED] 
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I have put off getting any sort of dress attire such as a simple shirt, tie, and a fucking suit. Yes. I am a 24 year old man who does not have a fucking suit or anything to wear to something semi formal.

I don’t come here as often anymore and there is just so much shit on the internet about how to style shit, it’s overwhelming.
>no, you need this (expensive garment)
>that cut isn’t good looking look at this trendy shitty looking cut instead
>styleforum is a pretentious shithole I can’t stomach for more than 3 minutes

Top it off with me gaining weight as a skeleton so I keep putting off buying anything knowing it won’t fit well in a couple of months. I bought my first pair of formal shoes and they are flat out uncomfortable. Three hundred dollar leather shoes that make my feet hurt like hell that have zero traction. I picked them since they looked good compared to the garbage clownshoes Allen Edmonds makes along with every other shoe company that isn’t in the $800 price range.

It irritates me how all of this shit while it should be simple, isn’t at least for me.

>> No.14327347
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U all have repressed emotions. Your father/mother causes it.

>> No.14327353

Anti psychotics are the new up and coming

>> No.14327375
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I cry with myself.

>> No.14327383

>Tfw im literally Rick
How do I stop my Mexican genes from JUSTing me?

>> No.14327425


I live solely the benefit of those around me at the moment. I'm only still around because I feel bad for the heartbreak I'd cause them if I killed myself. Each day feels like a dice roll on whether I'll be overcome with suicidal feelings or not. I went to a GP when I was 16 who told me my low mood and suicidal ideation was puberty and that I was likely to grow out of it. I'm 24 now and I think I'll be dead by 25.
I can only see the negative in the world now, I flip from finding it hilarious how terrible it is to live to being completely suicidal about it. I've slowly severed previous friendships and only have 1 or 2 relationships with anyone else now as I see fundamental human nature as selfish and evil. I believe people are out to get me and that slowly, people are being indoctrinated by governments and journalists to become what are effectively secret police. lol

>> No.14327470

just drink water and do 500 push ups a day

>> No.14327471

i offically cant feel anything anymore

>> No.14327549
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Lol idk that is complicated I have no solution or prognosis for u

>> No.14327564

nothing's pleasant anymore. food, fashion, music. i just don't care anymore.

>> No.14327573

to be honest its better than being really sad like i was some months ago but now im just so bored and yet dont have the motivation to do anything

>> No.14327574
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been smoking weed and reflecting hard

>need to eat healthy
> i got the vision just need the money to start
>all my past relationships failed because i only wanted validation that somebody liked me
>my mom and dad are legit idiots
>im lazy and probably not that smart
>i have no personality i just steal ideas from other ppl and combine them

feeling good tbqh

>> No.14327585

>i have no personality i just steal ideas from other ppl and combine them

literally the basis for most people's personalities and not a negative

>> No.14327708

I'm waiting for blood test results to find out if a bump on my thyroid is cancer... Its exactly what killed my mom 2 years ago. I'm pretty sure its going to kill me and have already started making arrangements to get all my money and assets readily available so theres less headache for my family to get at them once i'm gone.

I'm also getting super depressed for not coming out as gay, and missing the opportunity of having a bf. But i also kinda think its good since if i did find a guy i fell in love with, it would make everything a lot harder to deal with. As it stands now, i'm not attached to anything(not even a pet dog. He died a few months ago)

>> No.14327751
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I've been on lamictal for 5 months, took away 80-90% of the depression and I don't have hypomanic phases anymore. While my mood is good, my emotions kind of melt into each other now. I know when I'm happy and when I'm unhappy yet I can't pinpoint the exact emotion. Also people and the world around me seem very 2-D, but not scary or intimating. Everyday it's like I'm roleplaying a character or acting on a film set. I know it's not good, especially in the long run, but I don't feel concerned or distressed about it.

>> No.14327786

Most of the time I’m really bored and sad and have no motivation to do anything about it, if I don’t have anything to do I just go on really long drives with music. I was seeing this girl but last Sunday she told me that we should take some time off seeing each other and it’s been the only thing I can really think about. I flunked out of uni and I feel like if I don’t do something fast to change my life I’ll just be stuck with a horrible existence but at the same time i have no motivation to do anything about it. I’m getting a therapist soon so hopefully that gets me on the right track.

>> No.14327791
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Fuck dude
Not everyone acts this responsible and caring while going through their personal hell
I genuinely hope the results are negative, stay strong

>> No.14327853

You are a brave person, my darling

>> No.14327857

Delete social media.
Quit or severely restrict porn use.
Exercise regularly.
Clean up your diet.
The next time you feel like watching TV, read a book or practice a hobby first.
Remember that in-person social interaction is as important as eating and sleeping.

If you're taking prescribed anti-anxiety/anti-depressants without making positive life changes, you're just patching a leaky ship. If your doctor isn't taking a holistic approach to your mental health and is just prescribing you pills, they're a quack.

>> No.14327901

Did a line of speed after going a year without any drugs.

>> No.14327912

Doing pretty well. Sorry if I don't fit the theme of "depressing" but I genuinely care for all my bros in this thread going through hard times.

>just starting to see results from exercising
>finally fleshed out my wardrobe to a point that I'm not desperately looking to buy more stuff
>about to graduate and start my PhD at a top program in the world
>leaving a big city for an equally cool big city with better weather

life is pretty good right now. Just wish I had more hobbies to kill time. Thinking about building some small scale water features.

>> No.14327921

Killing it, bro.

>> No.14327993

Thanks, friend. It wasn't always this way. Sometimes shit goes away, but I was probably pretty lucky.

>> No.14328087

I haven't felt depressed in a long time, but my girlfriend recently encouraged me to go to therapy for "trust issues" i had talked to her about. my therapist thinks I'm undergoing a drug induced psychosis, which can be difficult to wrap my head around. usually the times i think I'm improving the most are when I'm relapsing the hardest. i don't experience hallucinations, but it's difficult to separate delusion from truth.

if you are an adolescent, please be careful smoking weed. if you get high and get paranoid, just fucking stop getting high. i was addicted and continued to smoke every other day and now even months after getting clean my brain is scrambled.

i hope all you anons continue to live your lives. there are good things out there.

>> No.14328093

This . Discover your spirituality and your ass will follow.

>> No.14328139
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i dumped a chick i liked who turned out to be a sociopathic manipulator with hangups, and an obsession about having no attachments rearing its head

we're still doing a hot-cold text message loop because neither side wants to let go but neither will compromise

i'm being an indecisive cunt because we have good common ground and the pussy was also good so i can't be bothered starting a vibe up all over again with someone else
i seem to literally be a magnet for people like this wtf

i also bought some fucking sick clothes this week

>> No.14328145

rolling is amazing

>> No.14328156

Drop the relationship.
I'm in your exact situation currently and can't leave because of shared living, but you know in your heart you should end it with her. I know, but I'm too much of a pussy to risk my living situation. However, I hate being manipulated into doing whatever it is she wants to do and basically bending to her every will in the house.

Going through the work to start with someone else is infinitely better than staying with someone you're not satisfied to be with.

>> No.14328157

how do I stop spending my free time alone drinking and playing video games? I have the option to do other things but I always turn them down

>> No.14328176

Oh I turned thirty and life is absolutely pointless right now. All I look forward to is traveling and even that sucks sometimes. Thank God I working shit job fora friend who let's me take unlimited time off to travel. If I only had two weeks 9-5 type job I would probably kill myself desu with you senpai.

>> No.14328185

Fine, I feel great. You guys fucking suck.

>> No.14328192
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>> No.14328195

start reading
vibe out at your local library
do art
expand taste in music
work out
go to gigs
take acid and go for walks or do nature shit

>> No.14328197

Get the fuck off this board. Fashion has nothing to do with this and your junkie ass behaviour will never be close to fashionable as well. What the fuck are you crying about anon? You took those pills yourself. It's like playing the knife game and cry because you lost a finger. Get a sense of responsibility and stop looking for validation on a fashion board. This isn't an easthetic or something, simply self pity and trashy behaviour.

>> No.14328200
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I took too much MDMA and passed out yesterday, then woke up and jerked off. Felt really nice, I really should stop though, I've been rolling once every 2 months for over a year now. The fact that I'm really depressed doesn't help either, I wanted to get help but I have no health insurance to go to a psychiatrist, and they're too expensive to pay out of pocket. I want to have a better life but it's not possible, I've started going to the gym in hopes I'll lose weight too, not really fat but I want to be skinnier. I know I'll eventually kill myself, there's no way around it, but I want to enjoy life as much as possible while I'm still alive, I'm thinking about signing up to scuba diving, I've also taken photography, I got a bunch of hobbies, but nothing helps the depression.

>> No.14328227

>Uses mdma

For real? As long as you do that shit this is all your own fault. Xtc literally depletes your serotonin. How fucking retarded would it be to complain about depression?

>No health insurance

Get health insurance? Like, nigga how are these things not connecting?

Genuinely great that you're picking up on hobbies. That's only one of the countless things necessary to fight depression, though. Get a healthy diet, work out, put on a nice fragrance, stop pity-ing yourself and start behaving like an adult.

>> No.14328235

>you know in your heart you should end it with her
Those 4am thoughts in bed with each others backs turned and that sinking feeling in your soul, shit's killer..

I'm vindictive and want to dish her medicine back to her, but with this type of personality the only way to win is not to play

>> No.14328241

lol taking pingers every few weekends doesn't do that much aslong as you're safe and eat right in between, probably drank too much and ate bath salts lol

>> No.14328262
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Real melancholic

Graduating soon. Gotta figure out everything for grad school which is stressing me out. This girl is really confusing but one of the only people who really understands me (at least I think). Trying to get pussy from other chicks but she makes the other hoes look terrible. My friend group is dissolving. Lifes just taking us all in different directions. I truly am alone again, and I really hate being alone with myself.

>> No.14328271

As long as you keep typing I realize we're in the exact same position.

Do NOT be vindictive. It's extremely immature. Just realize you're not where you want/need to be and that you are the only one who can change that. Don't suffer abuse because of some half-assed idea that you'll be able to dish it back in the future.

>> No.14328283

I know. It just annoys me, we both aligned well together which is the reason I don't want to let go is because it's hard to find people outside of the usual circles that share similiarities.
Makes my head hurt because I cant understand why some people have to be so difficult and fucked in the head, why throw away a good thing and refuse to grow..

We had an admirable split but next minute I get hit up, then I hit back and the cycle continues. I don't know what I want but I think I'm reluctant to let go because my last relationship went awol too

>> No.14328285

Just let it end as it naturally does and then fight the urge to regroup. There's nothing tangible forcing you there.

Everyone thinks they're aligned well but trust me, you'll find better for you. If you aren't happy now you won't be happy in 15 years with the same person acting the same way.

>> No.14328293

>fight the urge to regroup
For real, thats exactly what it is and I feel robbed because I started to emotionally invest in what was essentially a one sided deal.
My fault though because when you're cold, a fire is a fire. Hoes & trix tho..

>> No.14328299

just make a point in yourself to not get into this shit again and actually do it. It's just like starting to workout, once you start you're in. But you have to start.

t. someone who hopes you actually do it and don't end up like me

>> No.14328307

Older u get the harder it gets to connect its fuckeddd, niggas out here doing the same old dumb shit
best, senpai
stay safe

>> No.14328328

>be me
> Dreams of owning indie film production company. It's hard to find work and little pay.
>depressing but won't let it stop me from achieving my goals.
> create YT channel.
>bust ass creating content and building following
>omg i can't believe it working???
>become YouTuber and instagram model w a dark/meta/meme niche cult following
>selling merch, making $, hustling
> feeling confident life might workout and one day get dreams
>everyone online wants to marry me, extremely lonely IRL
>want boyfriend IRL
>meet adorable nerdy guy who has never had a gf\
>"omg you're so out of my league, I can't believe you like me back, nobody has ever liked me back!"
> lots of fun dates together, lots of cute hangs together.
> him: "I like you for you. I like how weird you are.I like your cult, I wish I had a cult."
>meet his friends, they love me
>he asks me to be his gf
> meet his parents, they love me
> buy him bday present, nice tiffany wallet.
> he loves it.
>"this is the best sex I've ever had, you make me so happy. I like you so much."
> his parents " you make our son so happy, he likes you so much."
> his thesis project starts falling apart.
> he is super stressed " I can only see you 1x a week until I graduate, I'm sorry I have to finish my thesis."
> Week passes. I miss him.
> Call him.
> " I can't talk right now, I'm watching GOT"
> okay, that's fine. *hang up*
> he calls back afterwards
>"hey, you're not just saying you can't hang out because you don't want to see me, right?"
>"No! I like you, I'm sorry , I feel guilty that I have to study so much " Can I just come over?"
>Comes over, expecting us to say we miss each other
> He breaks up with me
>"you have no dreams or aspirations and all you care about is fame, your youtube channel is weird, I never saw a future with you, i dont know why I asked you to be my gf, we have nothing in common, I'm not your soulmate."
>depressed as fk. begin impulsively deleting all social media. am i a joke

>> No.14328337

>killing your career for a fuckboy

oh hohohoho ishygddt

there's plenty of people exactly like this (and
most likely better) don't kill yourself over a single one of them

>> No.14328338

dust yourself off femanon

shits fucked but if it ended it wasnt meant to be and its for the better.
>keep looking
Advice I wouldnt have believed or taken myself. you got this, keep on that YT and film grind. I wouldnt mind checking out your channel

>> No.14328358

>Delete social media
Why is this everyones response? You can have a good time on social media.

>> No.14328362

ur schizo

>> No.14328363

God is for the weak.

>> No.14328377
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started sertraline a couple days ago so hopefully my shitty way of thinking takes a turn for the better and maybe i'll stop cutting.
i dropped out of my course (law) a couple months ago when my mental health started getting really bad, but i'm repeating it as a first year. i'm not sure that I really want to do law because its for the most part derivative and boring but it's not like i have any better ideas. i also fucking hate the town i'm studying in (dundee), kicking myself every day for not working harder so i could live in a better city.
can't believe people eat up that bullshit about uni being "the best years of your life" when all that does is give you false expectations for what it's really like or condemn your adult life to being a downward slope after you're finished.

>> No.14328378

>waking up and questioning society and human drive
>lol ur schizo
Fuck you. People like you are why we’re headed straight to the meat grinder.

>> No.14328387

if you go too much on social media you start to think everybodys life is perfect and awesome and yours is different and shitty

>> No.14328391

>uni being "the best years of your life"
it is if you live the flat lifestyle and spend every weekend sending it on cheap alcohol shitty drugs and shagging sloppy thots

>> No.14328427

Fuck that, Diphenhydramine and Deliriant Pyschadelics are the new wave

>> No.14328431
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starve myself for fashion, take xanax and drink jameson on weekends, sleep with random men and women. I wanted my life to be like RDJ in less then zero, but didn't know how empty this was

>> No.14328458

>Delete social media
Why is this everyones response? You can have a good time on social media

Because the whole reason he broke up with me is because he couldn't take me seriously/ "see a future with me" based on my social media image, which I use as a tool to get a following so I can get more jobs as an actress/ promote shorts and sketches I've made.
My social media isn't like the average beautiful influencer's social page of accomplishments and vacations - It's got an edge. Even as a professional model, I was edgy looking and my photos are all stylized and art directed to reflect that "cult leader" character I play.
My online persona is a funny trash person who is like a meta social media influencer joke...
The guy that broke up with me was a serious grad student who was doing cancer research. I think he panicked about his future when his thesis fell apart and then projected his fears about how his very "standard" career path to success wasn't working onto me and my "alternative" career path which is working.
He kept saying " I had doubts from the beginning."
He didn't have social media, so he didn't get the meta sarcasm joke of it all.
I just really want to have love and happiness one day, I play a savage cult leader online but IRL I am gentle and love to paint and read and like big families and gardening and wholesome shit. Idk, I just feel like maybe if he was this wholesome adorable guy with a great family and future and he couldn't love me bc of what I am doing online, then maybe I shouldn't be doing what I'm doing.
Maybe the normie non-fuckboy guy with a good head on his shoulders will never take an instagram model with a youtube cult following seriously. Maybe nobody will. Maybe I am fucking myself for future jobs to be taken seriously as an actress. I feel so lost.

>> No.14328471

Hey bro first time x can be a ride, I remember the day after I too felt reborn man, such a huge connection with the trees, years later now and im a natsoc.

>> No.14328474

You might have a mild psychosis, seek help

>> No.14328479

I was depressed for 2years after learning the truth about ww2

>> No.14328489

>connection to trees
>on md

it'll definetly cure social anxiety but i think thats tabs u took

>> No.14328620

I'm doing a similar path to his, minus the life falling apart thing.

It's him projecting his own insecurities, and has nothing to do with your career choice.

Keep it up and do what you want. He seems like he had underlying confidence issues that you couldn't control. Just shows a lack of maturity on his part, so you dodged a bullet.

>> No.14328634

Havent felt good in a long time . sad life but just bought some grails. So thatll keep me happy for a while

>> No.14328699

you should hit the dude up and talk it out coz if it was the real deal nobody in their right mind would be tossing it away lightly

i would be skeptical about someone big on social media too
shits whack yo
but obv the dude had projections and shit you needa clarify everything, people freak and get weird impressions circulating in their head and over react with bad decisions

>> No.14328702

How do you get your doctor to give you anti depressants? I've plainly told mine multiple times that I'm depressed and suicidal but they don't seem to believe me. Do I actually have to go in there hysteric and crying or what?

>> No.14328735

antidepressants aren't worth it

>> No.14328747

Fuck off we did you the favor of making a containment thread this time

>> No.14328754

well I would prefer to not want to kill myself so

>> No.14328766

how the fuck do you overdose on valium, did u take them with a shovel?

>> No.14328774

board's horrendously dead anyway. Not like anything of value is being lost

>> No.14328829

>I can only see the negative in the world now
wrong. thats what you're focusing on.
lmao just focus on the positives nigga (unironically)

>> No.14328836
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I'm gonna do it.

I'll be a missing person for years. I'll be doing it in a little-known abandoned mine. It'll look like an accident because I'm known to be transient and risk-taking anyways.

I lost the love of my life because of my mental health issues and I'm usually too manic to remember to take my anti-psychotic meds. I hate taking them because they make me a zombie anyways.

Thanks for raping me, Dad.

>> No.14328843

don't chase on after him, someone who would say something like that is an entitled selfish prick and isn't someone you want to spend intimate time with
there's plenty of people who don't say I love what you do and I love you and afterwards say I hate what you do and I hate you
People that extremely limit their time with other people because they need to do school work 24/7 are mostly not very good people in my experience, although that's lesser of an issue, the first and foremost thing is that he said hates everything about someone he loved until recently out of the blue
great you found out earlier than before
you sound like an interesting people with fun dreams and already do something interesting, keep your head up

>inb4 I get called by these little teen incel twinks I'm white knighting or onions or some other buzzword

>> No.14328868

he hates himself to the point of being loved disgusts him, avoid and move on femanon this won't kill you.

>> No.14328880
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Don't do it Anon.

>> No.14328894


Don't do it anon. There have been people with issues like yours; psychology has experience with this and there are other options for you. At least try.

>> No.14328896

i honestly feel the same exact way as you and i feel that life has no meaning and i no longer enjoy any of the hobbies that once made me remotely happy. i dont want to commit suicide but i dont want to continue living. honestly i just wish something would just kill me instead

>> No.14328972

I don't have the wherewithal to try any more, desu. I'll be at the mine in 24-36 hours. There's no internal struggle, this time. I've made up my mind. No note, none of that bullshit. I'll finally have peace.

>> No.14328984

>woke up and jerked off
>Felt really nice

>> No.14328992

Take your meds pls. I take mine and i feel better. I know it's a shit world and i hate most of it but killing yourself is not the answer.

>> No.14329004

keep doing that and you will blow out your brain pretty soon

how much of a dumb cunt are you?? if you have to roll so much, at least do it once every fourth month or something and that is still too much

look up what that drug actually do to your brain if you do it too much

>> No.14329007

I threw them out a few days ago. I sometimes recognize that I might be thinking this way because I'm off my meds - but it's too fleeting for me to go and get some more. I'm not in my home state so it'll be difficult anyways.

>> No.14329038

Have you tried going to a psychologist? Have you tried a different diet?
Antidepressants can do wonders but they're not magic and can fuck you up pretty badly
If you tried already other therapies be more clear with your doctor about your state of mind, wish you the best

>> No.14329046
File: 376 KB, 984x1263, SmartSelect_20190511-180548_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>joined military at 19 with 6 year contract
>began reading philosophy/modern history to improve myself along with working out
>make lots of friends that are in their late 20s and early 30s because they think im more mature than most other teens in the barracks
>have solid income and dad isnt having to pay for college
>as i read i start to question what im actually doing and how its effecting the world
>ignore it
>fastforward a year and half later and i finish my first deployment
>feel guilty for so much of whats wrong in the world and admit to higher ups id hesitate if we had to go to some place like venezuela
>get pushed to file as a conscientious objector
>the package includes a psych evaluation
>talk about my life and outlook to psychiatrist
>get sent to a ward
>trapped there for a week
>get told im schizotypal and am being seperated with honorable
>feel guilty for not finishing out contract and have no idea what to do when i get back home
>feel like alot of my own thoughts are invalidated because i have a disorder and i wont be taken seriously if i voice them
>at least friends and family are supportive

Itll probably be ok

>> No.14329067

There must be something that brings you joy? even a little?

>> No.14329073

Not sure what that diagnosis means friend but if you can type coherent thoughts in this dump then you're all there imo. If you're worried ask your closest friend, no bullshit. Family lie.

>> No.14329079

I've found a woman who I'm certain I want to spend the rest of my life with, and have been with her for over a year, but we haven't had regular sex in around 7 months. It's a medical problem that might go away and i just don't know what to do if it doesn't.

>> No.14329116

Life lost meaning a long time ago

>> No.14329160

it will be ok anon. Questioning authority and thinking of your effect on the world is not a bad thing

>> No.14329173

Sounds like they kicked you out due to fear of you being a traitor or something. Don't forget you can get sweet VA bucks if you apply make a case for your medical conditions. Do you qualify for the GI bill?

>> No.14329185

Yea things will be okay dandy ive got gi and all that its just an embarrassing thing to have to tell kids or new people that i was kicked out because of psych issues. Afraid itll push people away.

>> No.14329200

i got really fucking drunk in town last night, lost my favourite scarf and a backpack full of cat toys

>> No.14329205

Do you have a cat or were they for you

>> No.14329209

i do have a cat. just stopped at the pub to have a drink and read my book while waiting for the next bus. then some dudes sat down at my table because there were no spaces elsewhere, i got chatting to them, decided to stay, and the rest is history.

>> No.14329216

Sounds fun. Sorry your cat wont have toys though ):

>> No.14329223

I'm in a loveless relationship with the mother of my child, pretty depressing. We're all smiles around the kid, but deepdown we kind of hate each other

>> No.14329225

Thanks. Like I said, mom went through this before, so I'm primed on what should be done. She went fast after diagnosis (4 months) and I remember how frustrating it was for my dad since apparently she had thousands of dollars in different little accounts for stuff like membership cards and air miles type crap that she had been scrounging up for decades that was all lost. I'm now cashing all of that kinda shit in now, and just unlocked my guaranteed investment certificate accounts (had set one up 3 weeks ago) so everything in my accounts is liquid.

I spoke with the dr. And it is cancer, btw. Not the same one that killed my mom(hers had a survivability rate <1%. Mine is >30%) but I'm still not optimistic at all.

>> No.14329248

Fuck, I'm really sorry to ear that
You should treat your mental health as much as you can while fighting cancer, depression can really change how well you could respond to the medications
You're mind is an integral part of your body, hope you can find happiness in these hard times

>> No.14329249

what led to the failure in the relationship?

>> No.14329433

Here dude I dropped out of economics at Dundee like two months ago, honestly I feel exactly the same, like if I’d actually applied myself and gone to Glasgow or something it would’ve better.

Hope you’re doing okay anon

>> No.14329436


>> No.14329516

Same with xanny for me.
Eccies are great, but IMO quality over quantity. The perfect environment makes a good roll even better and a nice afterglow. Find your perfect vibe if you haven't found it already and the fun exponentially increases.

As for myself, I'm in an accounting degree I hate at a prestigious uni, barely passing, and with no future. I have friends with similar interests and ways of thinking but I feel so alone while being so connected. I can't keep a girl because they smell my severe instability from the first date. I can't enjoy normal things like watching TV. Working out is only for my narcissism and even then I never bulk because I don't eat or sleep right so I'm still a tall lanklet. My mood swings don't help things either. Neither does getting drunk as fuck. Cocaine is shit here and isn't worth 300 a g for what's like 5% coke. Ecstasy is good though.

The funny thing is, I just wanna fucking matter in this world. No big dreams or aspirations. I just want to fucking matter in this meaningless world we live in. I don't want to be another cog in the business machine.

I'm heading to a fashion show soon. I hope that's a sign everything will look up soon.

>> No.14329553


well I would prefer to not want to kill myself so

this . I took antidepressants for 8 months at a really low point. Lexapro 10mg (the lowest dose). It numbed my entire body. I couldn't get off during sex- BUT it did help get me through the bad time alive. My dad has been on lexapro for 30 years and was like don't get off it, and my doctor was like dont stop taking it. But I did anyways, cold turkey. Things started getting better. I started going outside more, riding bikes more, talking to friends more, taking classes.

take it for a bit, but its a bandaid- not a cure

>> No.14329571

good sitcom

>> No.14329872




>> No.14330115


>> No.14330121


>> No.14330132

Been feeling pretty shitty for years but it got worse recently. Can't eat anything no matter how starved I am without getting a stomach ache and when I leave the house in the morning my throat completely dries up. Probably just some kind of stress I need to work out, but in the meantime, I guess I'll just miss more and more classes.

>> No.14330162
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Mental illness isn't a trend you fucking faggots. Unironically kill yourselves, all of you, you larping, drug addicted, underage loser fucks.

>> No.14330166
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I feel like my life is going by while I can't do shit.

I'm a 24 years old virgin, it's atrocious.

>> No.14330223

>Delete social media.
did this years ago
>Quit or severely restrict porn use.
use it exactly once a week
>Exercise regularly.
i do it every day
>Clean up your diet.
i eat only things i can make myself. lots of veggies and whole grain.
>The next time you feel like watching TV, read a book or practice a hobby first.
dont watch tv. i read a lot. two or three books a month
>Remember that in-person social interaction is as important as eating and sleeping.
i do remember that. i live with my bf for 6 years now.

and im too depressed to care about anything. i feel like killing myself all the fucking time. your golden advice doesnt work here mane. dont be so cocky.

>> No.14330240

Friend, I'm not being cocky. You probably have legit depression and need professional help. There are a lot of people that have shitty lifestyles and seek medication before doing any heavy lifting in their own life. Depression is very serious, real, and can't be treated wirhout help. There's just a lot of people out there who think they're depressed but treat their mind and body like shit. When bad behavior or tragic events make you feel low, it's called being sad. Depression is when you have no reason to feel unhappy but you do anyway.

>> No.14330251

quite smoking a while back but i just ended up juuling
quit that
now i’m an even bigger anxious mess and i want to get back on nicotine
too ashamed to see a professional and i can’t afford it on my own so i don’t want it to pop up on the parents insurance(great plan)

girlfriend is the only thing that keeps me from blowing my brains out

really wanna start riding a motorcycle so i can “accidentally” die in a wreck

>> No.14330272
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I'm chilling
House flooded last night, cleaned it up today. Another storm is coming in tongiht, should be prepared.

Gonna go to a crawfish boil and drink some beers with the GF although she probably won't drink. Have work tomorrow and an interview after.

I'm happy I made it through all the hard times and got off drugs. I'm my own worst enemy with that stuff. I still drink a lot damn near everynight but wtf else is there to do?

>> No.14330278
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Don't do that shit bro. It's one thing to abuse drugs for fun. Zoloft ain't that.

Do you work out?

>> No.14330279

got a stupid crush on a girl friend who doesnt care about me at all
help bros this sucks

>> No.14330280

My boyfriend, who moved in with me in February, has been getting progressively lazier and shittier while I continue to work full time, pay for literally everything, do all of the cooking/cleaning. Now he won't shut up about how much he misses picking up clubsluts.

>> No.14330284

i dunno what happened, it just sucks super hard, this never happened before

>> No.14330287

Join AIM

>> No.14330288

Related to my previous post: Boyfriend spent two years rolling on at least a 4-point each day (three days) every weekend and stopped cold turkey when we started dating. No wonder he's a depressed, lazy sack of shit.

>> No.14330290

Ask her out real quick. If she says no, close the book. If she say yes, hell yeah bro. It's that simple

>> No.14330292

Have you talked to him about how you’re feeling? If you haven’t, you should. If you have and he said he was going to change but hasn’t, you’re wasting your time and should move on.

>> No.14330296

already asked her out and told her and everything, i just cant close that book because i keep seeing her and thinking about her

>> No.14330299
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Well you obviously need to dump him lol. I'm the same way towards my GF and it took me forever to get it into my head that I'm better off with just one loving girl than trying to cheat and get with women on the side.
Before I learned that lesson I was constantly cheating on her. Your BF talks about other girls because he wants you to know he still thinks about them and it gave him a lot of self value to be able to get with them. He misses that aspect of his life. That's also why he's a lazy POS. He's leeched off women for a long time and doesn't really know a life outside of that. You'll stick with him and hope he changed but he prob won't.

>> No.14330303

That's an L

>> No.14330309

im a loser? yeah i know

>> No.14330312
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Well what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.14330319

i dont wanna see her anymore but i also really wish i could

>> No.14330354
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See you space /fa/ggot...

Hope you are sure about this

>> No.14330367
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I'm in the same boat anon. I know I lost but I still want to see her. You gotta ditch that shit. Cut it off, if you can't just focus really hard on any and all aspects of her that you don't like

>> No.14330461

i remember the day after my first roll, i couldnt stop dancing while mopping the floors

>> No.14330465

for me I always thought my repressed feeling were towards my alcoholic and abusing father while under the influence, but now I lean towards the fact that my mother has no maternal feelings and I have no recollection of her actually ever trying

>> No.14330473


>> No.14330475

>27 years old
>lost friends in high school which ruined my entire life in a snowball effect:

>developed no social skills, had no friends/dates/gf/sex in hs
>continues through college and now post college because no social skills
>misery makes personality even worse which keeps people away from me
>did mediocrely in college due to the isolation and misery
>didnt even study something where you can just get a degree then get a decent job and only work experience matters after that.... studied a degree where you have to go to grad school to have success, can't get in so working pathetic shit job since graduating nearly 5 years ago that i hate and im humiliated about and feel like a complete moron at but have no idea what im gonna do next

>angry and miserable every waking moment
>literally never been close to even asking a girl on a date in my life or even really having a conversation with one let alone have sex
>now just always annoyed by people, don't even try to meet people in general anymore over humiliation about my life and no motivation to change, just complete hopelessness every waking moment

anyone know this feel

>> No.14330479

Drop him. Doesn't sound like he'd be worth keeping even if he had a job and pulled his weight. You shouldn't have to explain to someone that reminiscing about hooking up with sloots is disrespectful.

>> No.14330861

We are all thieves in someones kitchen garden bby

>> No.14330881

i had a visa issue and had to live the country i had been living in for 7 years. i ended up having to go back to a country that i haven't lived in for more than 10 years.

i'm sitting here wondering how in the span of a month i lost my apartment, my job, my friends, my life and the city i had grown to love.

>> No.14331431
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>finally moving into a new apartment
>exciting job interview tomorrow
>been seeing cute girl
>lifting has been going great
Life is good

>> No.14331455
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>manic upswing
>buy some clothes
like clockwork

>> No.14331460

make sure you yoink those government bux
get that bag homie