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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 49 KB, 409x516, 877DCDA3-6111-4DB7-8860-D50D0622D60F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14314029 No.14314029 [Reply] [Original]

Nike SFB 8” or danner tachyon???

>> No.14314030

I mean which one should I buy that is I know these are nikes

>> No.14314053
File: 223 KB, 854x1222, Shia 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What colour do you want em in? I'm assuming grey but gotta make sure

>> No.14314061
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I'd probs get the Danner boots but idk

>> No.14314098

Black and then maybe olive if I like them

>> No.14314355
File: 85 KB, 564x781, SHIA LABEUF IS FIT NO HOMO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14314482

Why is this jew actor dressing like he just got done changing the oil in his dodge?

>> No.14314502

For black, goretex tachyons.

>> No.14314505

because he most likely has
just because he’s an actor it doesn’t mean he doesn’t walk his talk

>> No.14314547
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>> No.14314551

This makes buzzcut a viable option

>> No.14314552

danner much better made

>> No.14314566


>> No.14314574

I don't get why this homo eroticus doesn't just sign up for the military if he wants to wear pieces of a uniform as fashion

it's like wearing a tie belonging to an ivy league school but never going to the school

not comparing military service to ivy league schools btw

>> No.14314595

Your comparison is retarded. Tactical Boots can serve a purpose outside of a military setting but a college tie usually tells people you went to that school or are going to that school. Wearing a pair of name brand boots is fine. Wearing a tie of a school you’ve never gone to is also fine unless you lie and say you are going there or did go there when you hadn’t.

>> No.14315218

>he doesnt see the usmc on the sweatshirt

>> No.14315277
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rofl look at this cuck. ONE PIECE OF MILSURP SHIA ONE PIECE. At this rate he mind as well throw on the blouse, a few random unit patches and go wander around a food court trying to tell people about the time he won his fifth silver star in Afghanistan. lol

>> No.14315431

Those are actually the ones I was looking at, the only issue I have is that the Nike toebox looks to be constructed a bit better looking from the top down

Speaking of the sfb 8” gtx, not the field version

>> No.14315437

There’s “pieces of uniform” and then a fucking standard issue soffe USMC sweatshirt

My marine friend gave me his because I liked it and he didn’t want it anymore, literally none of my active duty friends give a shit when they see civvies in this sort of thing or non-current BDU jackets and the like - only when people start wearing patches and bars and shit they didn’t earn is where the problems begin

>> No.14316231

you're underplaying it with vicarious info received from your friends, and ignoring the fact he's basically wearing an entire lower set of ACUs with the matching army nike boot colors. Like wtf is he playing airsoft? lmao
>t. former E-4 mafia

>> No.14316254

And that doesn’t invalidate what I just said because I said wearing something with someone else’s logo on it is fine as long as you don’t claim to be that when questioned. Just say you support them.

>> No.14316287

I don’t give a about MUH SERVICE you fucking GED faggot, people can wear whatever they want to wear and you can bitch and moan all you want but at the end of the day all you were was a fucking kike pawn and half of your faggot friends will kill themselves due to PTSD (because a bomb landed a mile away from them as they were shelling schools) and a lack of VA funding and hopefully you will too

There was nothing honorable about your service, you protected nobody, there is nothing sacred about the military, shoot yourself with your GLAWK faggot

>> No.14316298
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>shelling schools
don't forget shelling mad faggots online, too

>> No.14316317

>loloool trolled
Don’t care enlisted faggot with no future or skills lmao, enjoy working mall security for the rest of your life until you end up shooting yourself in your trailer

>> No.14316331
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sometimes if the showers didn't work or if I was in the field, I would clean my dick with the nearest Afghani child within arm's reach.

Or my battle's doorag

>> No.14317035

embarassing larp

>> No.14318139
File: 103 KB, 634x940, Shia 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His shoes look a lil too dirty here for me, but otherwise he fine

>> No.14318626

w2c pants like this?

>> No.14318844

noserve civvie here, even trolling the former serviceman, you are coming off as a massive faggot.

Also, civvies who wear any military shit, even if its just logos, come off as massive try hard faggots. Only exception being maybe 1 article of clothing, such as milsurp boots. Join the fucking militaty if you want to wear military shit, you have to earn that, you hipster douche bag zoomer commie faggot.

>> No.14318852


id on pants?

>> No.14318853

he's such a tryhard lol

>> No.14318862

>you have to earn that
You have to earn the right to wear Nike boots and soffe sweatshirts? Says who?

Why are Americans so fucking autistic about their military? It’s a job you fucking cocksucking bootlicking retard, they aren’t warrior angels they’re retards who barely passed high school and aren’t helping society in any way

>> No.14318865

spewing some literal bullshit out of your mouth to defend a c list celebrity

>> No.14318867

absolutely based

>> No.14318872

why the anger brah? /fa/ is a board of peace

>> No.14318873 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14318875

>You have to earn the right to wear Nike boots and soffe sweatshirts? Says who?

Dafuq you talking about? I'm not talking about faggot Nikes, I specifically said it's cringe to wear military clothing if you never served.

Why? Let me explain to your autistic ass: clothing has meaning. If you wear actual military shit tosuch a degree that you look like you are or were in the military, but in fact never served, you are a posing faggot. You have not earned the right to wear those clothes.

It's not just military. If you wear a letterman jacket, but never earned a letter, you are a poser faggot. If you wear Carhart, but never working in construction, you are a poser faggot. Why? Because you are essentially fetishizing something that other people earned are is naturally part of their role, while posers are making it part of their identity. They're taking cultural capital that doesn't belong to them. Coincidentally, this is why people instinctively hate hipsters. The end result is a meaningless cultural pastiche.

>> No.14318879

Also, comparing wearing military clothing, to wearing Nikes, is moronic. What do you have to do to earn the right to wear Nikes? Go to the fucking mall? Click buy now on your fruit phone? Whereas to rep military gea,r you have to serve and theoretically risk your life for at least 4 years for usually little money or thanks.

>> No.14318880

Ok so,
>no milsurp unless you’ve served
>no workwear (carhartt, cowboy boots etc) unless you’re blue collar
>no varsity jackets unless you were a high school jock
>no streetwear/skate brands unless you deal or skate
>no all black unless you’re a goth
>no bizcaz unless it’s for your job
>no techwear unless you’re some sort of courier who needs all the pockets and rain protection
Shit where does that leave us? Did I miss anything? What can we wear? Please tell us

>> No.14318882

The boots in this thread are nikes, and nothing US servicemen do deserves thanks, it deserves a death sentence

Also, don’t wear nikes unless you run or play basketball as a hobby otherwise you’re appropriating a culture and turning it all into a meaningless pastiche.

>> No.14318885

Ummm, this is going to sound really weird, but, yeah, your fucked, you can't legitimately wear those things unless you are those people...

unless you want to be a poser faggot, which you and 99% of this board probably do

If your wearing so much milsurp that you look like you just came from Parris Island, you're overdoing it. If you have a pair of milsurp boots, then that's not a big deal (unless there is a Marines logo on it, then it's cringe unless you are/were a Marine).

>> No.14318887

No, you can wear fucking Nikes if you don't play basketball. If you look like you play basketball but actually don't, that's when you cross the line.

>> No.14318889

>you can't legitimately wear those things unless you are those people...
Says who?

>> No.14318890

>No, you can wear fucking Nikes if you don't play basketball.
Says who?

>> No.14318933

What this would be exactly?

>> No.14318954

How does he so effortlessly pull off tucking his pants into his socks? Is it simply that his jeans are skinny and fit well? I've tried this look with skinny jeans and similar boots and it just looks clunky

>> No.14318955

>no varsity jackets unless you were a hs jock
absolutely I hate faggots who wear varsity jackets
>no milsurp
non current issue or unless you're wearing it while actively doing tacticool shit like practicing at a range or in a militia
>no workwear
yeah it's very odd seeing people wearing a carhart while also trudging around in af1s
>no streetware
absolutely fuck thrasher thots and supreme faggots
>no all black unless youre goth
they don't lay claim to that in fact nothing really does or can so you're safe here
>no bizcaz
says social parameters you autistic forum-dweller
>"I'll wear a rosary because it looks cool and not because I'm catholic"

>> No.14318979

>social parameters
Who enforces these?

>> No.14319031

>social parameters
do I have to spoon feed you the etymology behind that word? you played yourself sub 80 IQ brainlet

>> No.14319066

You’re implying people care when people wear milsurp or USMC sweatshirts but literally nobody does, and even if they did, who cares? Who enforces it? Or are you just saying people might find it silly? Is that your entire argument? People who think troops are sacred might find it silly? So what?

I live in the fucking south and don’t care when city kids dress in work wear or cowboy boots, stop typing, everything you’ve said is retarded bullshit

>> No.14319083
File: 8 KB, 233x172, 21371039_10154651069037237_4028675471991367332_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally nobody does
>ignores the several posters on this board
>ignores the stolen valor hype
>gives anecdote about being from the south therefore making his argument 100% valid and concrete
wow BTFOd me

>> No.14319086

This 100%.

If you’re a pogue dressing like you’ve served up to the blues, you are actual scum of the Earth.

Wearing milsurp is fine, but wearing a USMC Boot sweater, combat boots, a camp backpack, shaving your head, wearing range glasses, etc., honestly doesn’t just make you look bad, it makes the military look bad.

>t. Pogue who dresses bizcaz because I literally have to for work, knows my place

@ (You)

Dress for the job you have, not the job you want. Don’t be a fucking poser.

If you dress like a teenager well into your 30s, you aren’t doing yourself any favours, either.

If you want to wear a BDU so bad, cover your scars with a tattoo and go to the recruiter.

>> No.14319099

>stolen valor
Who the fuck is talking about wearing medals?
Nobody is talking about BDUs, this thread is about boots that also happen to be used by law enforcement and the military
Become a statistic and kill yourself

>> No.14319100

The military isn’t sacred, your job isn’t sacred, your job isn’t special

>> No.14319182

he owns a house in the north woods of ny

>> No.14319429

he looks better than you though

>> No.14319491

You aren't supposed to wear rosaries, retard.

>> No.14319515

did he get those boots from a corpse

>> No.14320228
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That's what I'm implying, retard holy fuck you're not doing yourself any favors

>> No.14320233

he's a manlet jew so no he doesn't

>> No.14320240

>faggots who want to dress like they've been in the army
I hate this trend. Either enlist or stop wearing camo, etc.

>> No.14320259

yeah or we can do whatever the fuck we want. u mad bitchboi?

>> No.14320397

never seen Tachyons mentioned here before. I have an 8" pair that have held up great for 1.5 years under rough wear 5 days/week. I also have a GTX pair that I have been wearing for 5 months or so, although less frequently and they are also excellent. The GTX model is slightly less flexible and thus less form-fitting but I prefer it overall.

>> No.14320420
File: 118 KB, 725x1024, Shia 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're genuinely pissed about Shia wearing army pieces in his fits you're an actual virgin

>> No.14320454


>> No.14320469


>> No.14320494


>> No.14320500

Shut the fuck up and die for Israel faggot

>> No.14320507

Muh stolen valor butthurt is a nice bonus to dressing like this.

>> No.14320529

Idk sorry boss. He probs thrifted them desu

>> No.14320532
File: 93 KB, 465x594, Hench Shia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit that was an accident, I meant an ID on the trousers duh. Ima noob

>> No.14320553

Shia looks like a massive try hard faggot trying to look like a laid back carefree every man

>> No.14320559
File: 103 KB, 634x1024, Shia 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*insert gif of Tyler the Creator saying ok*

>> No.14320689

the dumbest possible ideology

>> No.14320870
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>> No.14320889

>hurr durr military bad

Dropped, go back to chapotraphouse

>> No.14320893

they are though mostly

>> No.14320895


that's some comfy walking

>> No.14320934
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>> No.14321373


>> No.14321387

>death grips in 2019

>> No.14321394

>cringe in 2019


>> No.14321421

He actually put his own name tape on there?
Posers are such trashy insecure people

>> No.14321428

And one day a dude told himself "i'm going to create aneat website with a neat logo for these pictures"

>> No.14321443

They literally are, they’re all useless retards whose best purpose in life was to be bullet fodder for Israel. They’re born, die in pointless wars for rich men, and then are forgotten. The end

>> No.14321639

D list more like, but carry om my wayward son

>> No.14322955


>> No.14323076

k den

>> No.14323129
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I'm unironically (I Mean it!) leaving for bootcamp in a couple weeks (San diego, infantry). Any advice?

>> No.14323505

>His oneitis is a milfag bicycle: The Post

>> No.14323543

Go to college instead of making this decision which you will really regret

>> No.14323561

>he can get free private college while you're slaving off your debt for decades

really makes you think >:^)

>> No.14323567

I went through university and got a biomed degree for free

Have fun being a kike meat puppet and being shot at and sleeping in dirt for your business degree faggot ahahahaha

>> No.14323610
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t. faggot with either no taste, no ability to form opinions, or both

>> No.14324370
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>> No.14324794
File: 180 KB, 682x1024, Shia 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't wear boots in this pic but it goes hard af

>> No.14325018

I already have my AA (got it most free)
I just don't like school rn. I think I'll value it more in about 4 years.

>> No.14325460

Shia is a massive faggot, dresses like he worked an honest day in his life, like those boots got so worn out and dirty from picking up coffee from Starbucks. Jesus Christ just be who you are, why does he wear clothes from the salvation army to give himself a blue collar, good ol boy look?

>> No.14325465

Confirmed cucked by his girlfriend with a military guy. Don't forget to study for your political gender studies exam.

>> No.14325468

how is this suposed to help his case you doublenigger

>> No.14325592

Get Garmont T8 boots instead.

>> No.14325974

these r just pictures of shilo buff???