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14298197 No.14298197 [Reply] [Original]

Skin care basics:http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment:http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Ridding dark eye circles:http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

>Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
>How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
>Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
>How to improve your skin tone through diet
>Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
>How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

>> No.14298213

lol @ all the neet hobos on this board searching for the perfect designer brand to cure their social anxiety instead of focusing on their bodies first

>> No.14298227

so in the skincare pastebin it says something about masturbation affecting skin, but it doesn't say how
so how does masturbation affect skin?

>> No.14298242

the point is that it largely doesn't.
there's plenty of broscience regarding masturbation.
the myth about it in terms of skincare is that masturbation somehow affects the amount of acne you have. there's no connection.

>> No.14298259
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so is pic related a good moisture lotion ? if not , recommend me something good who cost max 30-40$

>> No.14298296

am i supposed to buy a facial sunscreen or use the same one that is used normally?
Also I'm supposed to put sunscreen in my body too if I'm gonna wear it on my face? I imagine it would make my skin look uneven if not

>> No.14298309

Can you """wash away""" blackheads/whiteheads? Or do I need to manually remove them with a tool or w/e ???

>> No.14298319
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Anyone had any experience with the habo labo UV white gel? Dr Dray recommend it but I'm a bit hesitant because of some irritating/potentially cancerous ingredients.

>> No.14298322

You can use BHAs or AHAs to remove them chemically. Don't use scrubs.

>> No.14298350
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what about this tool? I'm scared it might scar my skin

>> No.14298365

it won't if you use it the way you should. it's not sharp or anything.

>> No.14298406

I just use CeraVe, I like how they have separate ones for day and night.

>> No.14298411

I took the ceravepill and my skin cleared up drastically

>> No.14298425

should I use sunscreen every day of the year, even if it's cloudy or is it just a meme?

>> No.14298427

I used to be daily masturbater until two years ago, now I do it once a month on average. Hasn't affected my skin for the better or worse.

>> No.14298437

It blocks UV rays you dumbass. Not light fotons.

>> No.14298453

You didn't answer my question, do you mean that clouds block UV rays?

some people on "korean beauty" blogs say that you should use sunscreen every time you go outside during the day

>> No.14298503

I still cannot figure it out what type of skin i actually have.My skin look dull and dehydrated but i also am prone to acne and have pore and shit

>> No.14298536

Don't. For blackheads you really want BHA/salicylic acid. AHA on the other hand will help to exfoliate the top layer of skin to prevent dead skin cells and other rubbish from clogging pores.
You don't need a sunscreen at all during the day if you spend your whole time in a dungeon with no windows and only flourescent lights on or you stay indoors where the windows have UV filters installed or the curtains provide such protection. In any other case you need to use a sunscreen.
I gave some potent advice in the last thread with a few links worth reading to get a better grasp of what this UV shit really is about. >>14256025 >>14276548
Follow this guide:

>> No.14298544

You guys should totally check out r/skincareaddiction and r/AsianBeauty. Those plebbit boards have helped me a lot.
Also, ALWAYS use Cosdna for skincare products youre about to use (or do use), it gives the ingredients in it a rating on comogenacy, irritation, and safety (like for shit like parabens and carcinogens). Honestly it's an amazing site.

Remember to moisturize.
Gels are for oily skin,
Lotions for combo/neutral
Creams for dry.


Good luck skinbros.
Also remember to not use any kind of benzoyl peroxide over 5% unless it's directed by a doctor

>> No.14298546
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Are single blades shavers necessarily better for skin ?
Safety or pic related

>> No.14298593

my face is pretty acne-free except for the fact that I got some mild acne-scarring that's not very pleasant

anyone have any advice?

>> No.14298601

there is nothing wrong with using comedo extractors. they're great tools

>> No.14298608

Any good sunscreen recs? I work in the garden center at a hardware store and I don't think my ultra light 30 spf from cerave is cutting it.

>> No.14298746

What's wrong with BP over 5%? I use 10% cream as spot treatment in combination with red box Stridex and Differin and I haven't experienced any issues outside of mild irritation and sensitivity to other products afterwards

>> No.14298767

regarding the indian healing clay, i used it and it's a fucking miracle worker with acv. word of warning though, use it very very sparingly when starting out cause it will dry your face out like nothing else.

>> No.14298915

19 y/o with apparently good skin genes here but I still want some advice to preserve it.
>plumpy bouncy thick skin
>white/asian, tan easily
>acne mostly during my teens, then cleared up
>have some acne pick scars now
>nowadays only a few pimples/blemishes here and there
>mostly dry flakey skin that comes off like fish scales, but lately has been more oily
>nose looks like a strawberry/goldmine of blackheads, strips don't work (just get overly glued on), not sure what to do
>skincare consists of washing with warm water alone and scrubbing with a towel, vaseline, occasional face masks, and applying miraculous korean sunscreen religiously
So, any suggestions? What else should I be incorporating? Night cream? What kind?

>> No.14299118

i see this everytime i buy deoderant is it good? what kind of face wash can i use when i shower

>> No.14299121
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forgot lol

>> No.14299167
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Anyone use BB cream?
I read some article about Korean men using for a "natural" look.
Seems pretty useful combining sunscreen/moisturizer/concealer all together

>> No.14299186

i use it daily in my morning routine and it works quite well

>> No.14299201


>> No.14299221

okay thanks ill try it soon

>> No.14299333

Maybe a retin-a cream would help. Started using it to help with acne scars and cystic acne. It's been working well but using it often left my skin dry as hell. Not sure if you can get it anywhere without a prescription though

>> No.14299343

You only need slight cardio and a good diet, protecting your skin is vital, as it is the fastest decaying organ.

>> No.14299351

grow a beard or contact a dermatologist and see about getting a dermabrasion or a microdermabrasion.
Don't buy an at-home microderm kit before consulting a dermatologist.

>> No.14299361

What do you guys use for acne. I’ve tried a bunch but want some points of reference

>> No.14299493


>> No.14299503

If you're looking for an asian gel-type sunscreen then basically everyone swears by Biore watery essence and Skin Aqua moisture gel. I prefer the second because it's got modern filters like tinosorb

>> No.14299625

Anyone know how to get rid of rosy cheeks?

Ive been prescribed Mirvaso but it looks like hell from the things ive read online.

>> No.14299924

water doesn't block uv, glass does.

>> No.14300225
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What the fuck do I do about my back acne?? I’ve managed to keep my fave acne in check using tret and other things but my back acne continues to get worse and now I basically have marks all over my back

>> No.14300238

have you tried benzoyl peroxide?

>> No.14300247

Sun protection guru, should I use moisturizer and sunscreen separately or buy a 2 in 1?

>> No.14300311

Has anyone tried semen retention? I've heard it makes your skin 100x better.

>> No.14300350
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>get told by dermatologist that diamond peel works wonders into rejuvenating skin and perfectly safe
>go through with it
>end up looking more ragged and more wrinkles on my face

holy fuck this is awful it looks like I aged 5 years overnight. diamonds peels are either shit or a complete scam.

>> No.14300364

Yes. I evens out some darker spots making me look fresh(er) and more friendly. I also use concealer because I don't get enough sleep ever.

>> No.14300573
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Is dermarolling legit boyos

>> No.14300645

Yeah, gradually if used right. There are a lot of variations in needle length and amount and whatever syrums or whatever you use afterwards.

>> No.14300668

For blackheads exfoliate with BHA/salicylic acid. For skin flakiness start using a moisturizer.

>> No.14300672

How fast as we talking? If instantaneous then makeup.

>> No.14300733

If you're ready to put on a thicker layer of cream than you normally would then you can go for a 2 in 1. The thicker layer is needed because if applied normally the amount of sunscreen in a moisturizer would be less than if both were layered separately and not provide adequate protection. It's primarily because of this that I personally lean more towards separate application because the amount moisturizer doesn't need to be regulated in relation to sunscreen. No matter what you choose, you need to make sure the sunscreen components contain physical blockers, specifically either titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, as they don't degrade as fast as chemical ones. Some chemical blockers can also cause skin specific irritation while physical ones shouldn't. Often you can find a mixture of both.

>> No.14300760
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Anon, recommend me facial scrub you are currently using.

>> No.14300799

If you masturbate and don't shower afterwards you have sweat on your face that's about it

>> No.14301097

They work better for my skin, went from cartridge razor to safety razor and never looked back. Also alot cheaper. Don't worry about brushes and soap unless you think you'd enjoy it.

>> No.14301108
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>On accutane for 3 months
>acne all cleared up, just hyperpigmentation left
>now notice how bad my scarring is from all the popping.
Fuck why didn't I hop on accutane sooner.

>> No.14301150

Should I dermaroll or just do retin-a?

>> No.14301172

100% of skincare is snake oil meme shit. Stop wasting your money

>> No.14301197

popping things generally do not worsen scarring if done correctly. it helps so called "acne lesions" heal faster and with less inflammation. are you using sunscreen btw?

>> No.14301287

>popping things generally do not worsen scarring if done correctly.
I definitively did not do it the right way.
>are you using sunscreen
There isn't much sun where I live at the moment thankfully, will start using it when it gets warmer though!

>> No.14301462

Rather than basing when to wear a sunscreen on the outside temperature, which can largely depend on the air masses, it would be best to observe the UV index at your location and follow the indication of that. For example, where I'm at the indication is at 4 and it's suggested to wear protection. Only when it's down to 1-2 is protection not needed. However if there's lots of reflectant material around, as with snow (up to 80% reflectance), the UV exposure may be near two times higher.

>> No.14301527

I dunno, you gotta research that yourself.

>> No.14301534

Makes sense. It's around 1-2 where I live right now so I should be good. Will definitively keep that in mind. Thanks!

>> No.14301579
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I use this for an exfoliator, should I use different? If so what?

>> No.14301899
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Should i cop?

>> No.14301902

>skin care for men
>face scrub

Get Cerave SA cleanser

>> No.14301922

I already have a cleanser. I want an exfoliator

>> No.14301933

im no expert but here's what I understand from what I read:

- masturbating increases T levels
- abstaining from masturbation reduces T levels
- testosterone (androgen) is one of the primary causes of acne (it's presence causes increased secretion of sebum)


>> No.14301936

What do you guys use for body wash?

>> No.14301939

Dr Bronner's tea tree soap. I only wash my arm pits, privates, and feet

>> No.14302153

hey guys, need some help with picking a moisturizer for dry/flaky skin. started using tretinoin, and my chin area is flaking up. will a Loreal moisturizer be sufficient like Loreal Paris Men Expert Hydra Energetic Anti-Fatigue Daily Moisturiser or Loreal Paris Men Expert Hydra Power Refreshing Daily Moisturiser ?

>> No.14302211

what are some of the best scrubs for getting rid of blackheads?

>> No.14302213

where my cetaphil nibbas at?

>> No.14302333

Can you recommend a product?
Also, will the bb cream work for no-sleep eyes or will only concealer make me look human?

t. also no sleep

>> No.14303300


>> No.14303512


>> No.14303534

Imagine using anything other than dove unscented soap on your face. Stop falling for meme products

>> No.14303535

>using soap on your face

>> No.14304093

1irst post in skin friends.

I highly recommend anyone that has skin that is oily and also easy to dry out/delicate use Burts Bees.

Camomile face rub>Lotion (buyers choice)>Willowtree toning liquid>Face wipes

I've done this for the past two days and I saw results immediately. Best done after a hot shower.

>> No.14304514
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But anon I have greasy med skin plus acne scars with dark circles and also unusual redness. I use unscented dove but there must be more to life. Somebody help

>> No.14304750

Has anyone tried using that banana peel thing where you use the peel, rub it on your face, and apparently it helps with acne, acne scars and all that sort of stuff?

>> No.14304770

It's a bit more complex than that. Masturbation causes a spike in T levels when you do it, and it also causes your baseline T to be lower if you masturbate all the time. Fluctuating hormones can really fuck with skin. Also, ejaculating causes a substantial loss of zinc, which is a mineral that helps keep the skin healthy.

When you initially start nofap, you'll get a test boost in the first week which can cause skin problems, but after a few weeks of nofap or very moderated masturbation, T levels will return to a normal baseline and it should clear up.

>> No.14304772

No because that sounds like bullshit

>> No.14304797

It does sound like bullshit but from what i've gathered a lot of people say it works.

>> No.14304837

no, this is all wrong. you need to use ORGANIC coffee grounds.
either that or leave-on egg peel.

>> No.14304890
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>get sick
>have to lie in bed and dont move
>literaly burn through 12 animes and I dont even like them
>no sun at all
>fuckall food and water
>skin is crystal clear

>> No.14304990

Maybe detoxing from your diet cleared up your skin, which would be an indicator that your diet is poor and bad for your skin in some way. Either that or your skin just reacts to the Sun badly

>> No.14305048 [DELETED] 


>> No.14305090

My skin feels really rough and I have lots of bumps on my legs that are in grown hairs. I think it's because a lot of dead skin cells. Can you effectively exfoliate hairy legs? Any suggestions on what to use?

>> No.14305281
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does anyone has expierence with acne scars? i want to fade mine, they arent really deep or anything but would like to know if anyone got any succes with microblading, a cream or peeling?

>> No.14305311

It feels good being white so I can still consume dairy

>> No.14305336
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>tfw oily AND ashy skin that is sensitive to shaving and sun

i really want to kill myself

>> No.14305490

That's only half of the picture. What are you using currently? For sun protection use a sunscreen. For ashy skin pick up a moisturizer, hyaluronic acid serum and an occlusive. Moisturizers with urea should be even better for hydration. Get a light physical exfoliant or better yet, an AHA chemical exfoliant to gradually remove the dead layer of the skin.
As for shaving, if you're experiencing hyperpigmentation then pick a melanin inhibitor (hydroquinone, niacinamide, arbutin, etc.) and a vitamin C serum for brightening and an AHA for faster skin cell turnover. The progress with these can take a few months. If however the sensitivity only manifests during the shaving routine then maybe pick a preshave and an aftershave for sensitive skin, beware of anything that stings or contains alcohol. If you use cartridge razors, then pick those with minimal amount of blades to minimize hair pulling. I can't really talk about safety razors, but they should eliminate any pulling and usually not require shaving against the grain which should reduce irritation.

>> No.14305567
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That is a lot of info anon. Thanks.
I use warm water morning/evening and I exfoliate with a natural, sugar based scrub every 2-3 day. My moisturizer is a Ducray Anti-Blemish Soothing Creme, sunscreen is a DermaSol SPF 20; both given by my dermatologist some years ago. I will look into hyaluronic acid serums and maybe into a occlusive compounds. I also need to drink more water imo. For shaving the biggest issue is that I'm blonde with a hard black beard. I work in a luxury environment, so thats means shaving daily.

>> No.14305578

Don't forget to link to reddit skin-care advice!

>> No.14305593

i know it's retarded question, but does apple cider vinegar help fade pih? i have moderate acne but the bastards leave behind hyperpigmentation. if not, what will?

>> No.14305619

Been using a vitamin C sleeping mask on face scarring (not from acne, from angular chelitis, but should work the same way) for about a month and I see some results. If you use it, make sure to combine with daily sunscreen because it causes UV sensitivity. I've seen people get great results with rosehip oil but it didn't work that well for me.

>> No.14305629

Bro how do you even get acne scars. I’m trying to prevent this from happening to me if I can

>> No.14305634

They occur naturally after years of bad acne and get even worse if you pop them.

>> No.14305662
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I look permanently sick because my skin looks like this. Tried hiding those 'dots' (don't know how they are called) under a beard but I can't grow one. My diet is excellent and I sleep at least 6 hours a day. I tried some CeraVe products as advised in the tuxbell but they did nothing. I had severe acne and I took Isotretinoin (advised by my dermatologist). What can I do to fix my face?

>> No.14305667

Also I train 6 days/week at the gym doing a strength and hypertrophy program.

>> No.14305670

very blurry image m8

>> No.14305676
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Hope this one is better

>> No.14305702

Okay, i been watching alot of videos on acne, korean cosmetics, ingridients etc.. and one of the videos was about fungal acne, that gives bumps but not exactly like "average" acne.. I have this to some degree, i do not look like i need medical help or something, but how do i check for sure if my acne is fundal or not?

Can i do it by myself or i need to see a doctor?

>> No.14305706
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does this line really help acne/redness problems? Have any one tried it?

>> No.14305711

Me again: maybe local anons can help me with that: no matter what i use, no matter the care routine, no matter the sleep time, amount of water, etc. i always get very oily after 1-2 hours of washing my face. Literally does not matter what i do. I use COSRX good morning cleanser and ceravee face lotion or ceravee face cream with SPF as moisutizers right now.

My pores on nose and cheecks are enlarged and those areas get black heads every 2 days. I use BHA and clay masks on them.

Is there anything i can do, apart from removing oil with wipes and stuff?

>> No.14305721

Wash your face neckbeard, then use a toner

>> No.14305761

Its so shitty.Just one use of any moisturizers give me acne nest day. Same with dust or touch,

>> No.14305768

How can I get rid of my strawberr legs? Or just my ingrown hairs on my legs? Any experiences?

>> No.14305775

Which moisturizers are you using? Are you washing your face first?

>> No.14305988
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Is it worth the money?

>> No.14306108

I use the green tea seed emulsion from that line as a morning moisturizer but I don't really have redness (more just flaky dryness) so I can't say. It is a nice line though. I find that clay-based face masks tend to reduce redness pretty well in the short term. The volcanic cluster clay mask from Innisfree and the Cupcake mask from Lush are my favorites.

>> No.14306111

Had keratosis since I was a kid but it's reduced a lot since I graduated high school, so if you're a teen you might be able to just wait it out. Daily moisturizer helped reduce it but didn't fix it completely.

>> No.14306149

are you referring to the raised dark spots in the middle of the image? blackheads. won't just go away by cleaning the skin once formed.

>> No.14306150

I have a cystic zit by my mouth that's so deep, I can feel the bump inside my mouth with my tongue. It was very painful the other day and is slowly going down, but the deepness is concerning to me.

Should I go to a doctor to get a cortisone shot for it today, or would it be better to wait until tomorrow morning for an actual dermatologist?

>> No.14306152

it's rather uncommon. you probably just have ordinary acne.

>> No.14306157

do you live in a hospital? if you can see a derm tomorrow then I guess it can wait?

>> No.14306178

The lotion might be too moisturizing, or the cleanser might be too drying which can cause oil overproduction. Or maybe you're applying too much of either.

How often do you use BHA and clay masks? I used to use BHA daily, but then I experimented with using it only once a week or less and it turned out I got less black heads and oiliness. If you don't use toner, definitely incorporate this in your routine as well. I like Thayer's paired with Pyunkang Yul.

>> No.14306237

Can I have a recommendation for BHA? I currently use ;
Cerave foaming facial cleanser
Simple calming toner
Cerave cream in a tub

The toner made a noticeable difference when I introduced it.

>> No.14306254

it can destroy the moisture barrier on you skin and dry it out over time

>> No.14306261
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>> No.14306263

Redpill me on dermarolling. I want that glass skin that was going around last year.

>> No.14306269

For the past 6 years I've had a nervous habit of picking at the acne on my face. The pores on my nose are huge, I have indentations in my face where pimples once were, and dark marks where black heads weren't properly removed fully. Is there even any purpose trying to restore my skin now. I never got the proper advice not to pick my skin as a kid and now I think I've ruined it.

>> No.14306286

The skin under my mustache and beard gets really flaky and leaves skin flakes in my hair. It looks like I have food in my facial hair. Can I just put some CeraVe moisturizer on my facial hear and kinda scrub it in to reach the skin, or is there a better way?

>> No.14306287

Okay boys, I think I'm going to try retinol.

Haven't had acne since ~21. My face is just rough and red. I think it's related to an inflammation condition I have.

Is retinol the ticket? Can I go Korean mode?

>> No.14306290

I've used retinol for around a year. I did not help me much and actually made my redness worse. I am no expert so maybe I wasn't using it correctly. I don't think it's anything special though.

>> No.14306291

What dose were you at?

>> No.14306292

I can't remember. I remember I started pretty low to the point where I could put a fair amount of it on without having much dryness. When I increase potency it didn't help much.

>> No.14306302

Any luck with the redness using other products?

>> No.14306315

I'm the anon here >>14306269
I have bad skin in general. I think honestly using less products and getting more sunlight, exercise, and sleep has done more for me than anything else. I also have had decent luck with no longer using wash clothes and only using my hands to gently wash my face.

>> No.14306316

In my experience retinol just makes my face mor red

>> No.14306372

I always hear not to pull on your skin but also to rub cleanser/moisturizer/whatever in gentle circles. Isn't that going to push and pull?

>> No.14306413

If you have to pull you should do so in downward motions. Pushing upward/from the sides promotes wrinkle formation.

>> No.14306423

Your face skin is much more elastic downwards to accommodate for stretching every time you open your jaw.

>> No.14307119

Its really many things.Now nothing, but use many Holika,Saem,La Roche,Vishy,Mizon,Missha,samplers and many mass market from Ukraine/Russia.Even toner make imy skin bad.Today order Cetaphill cleanser and tyhinking about some toner.But
i don't really have a lot of acne now.

>> No.14307121

Does secret key tea tree toner good for really sensetive and problem skin?

>> No.14307129

Forgot.Of course washing.

>> No.14307136

dermarolling is legit, however I'd really recommend getting it done professionally.

Combined with Vitamin C serum(l-absorbic acid), it really prevents collagen breakdown.

The risks of badly done dermarolling outweigh the benefits however, from infections to incorrectly rolling are high. Pay to get it done professionally.

>> No.14307409

I recently turned 18.
I hope so

>> No.14307821
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tfw absolutely JUSTed skin genes and nothing helps

>> No.14307824

How bad is it, anon? List your issues. Rosacea, eczema, what else?

>> No.14307838

so if you masturbate all the time it shouldn't be a problem?

>> No.14307842
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acne and seborrhoeic eczema (also in scalp). oily t-zone, uneven skin tone from literally 4-5 year old acne scars and hyperpigmentation..

>> No.14307967

What are some good products to my skin more smooth while less oily, and my skin lighter if I have olive skin?

>> No.14308301

Thanks anon. A particular moisturizer broke me out, will try to find the culprit ingredient by comparing to other stuff I have used before.

>> No.14308345

don't use facial scrubs to exfoliate - either get a konjac sponge or some microfiber cloths for physical exfoliation. Or do what I've started doing recently and use Stridex in the red box every few days to chemically exfoliate

>> No.14308357

care to explain why?

>> No.14308393

it's not that simple.
there are too many variables.
what matters isn't merely if the ingredient is in something, but mainly the amount of it ... and what is is combined with. you can't know how much of each ingredient is in a product ...

>> No.14308403

scrubs with beads cause microtears on your skin that eventually age you(also they're REALLY bad for the environment if that's your thing)

Use BHA/AHA chemical exfoliants to avoid this

>> No.14308414

I have read that the higher the ingredient is in the ingedrient list the higher the percentage of it is contained in the product. Is that not true?
Nevertheless, obviously non-comodogenic ingredients shouldn't suddenly become comodogenic just because a few other non-comodogenic items are in the formula, so it should still boil down to searching for unsafe materials or their combinations.

>> No.14308427

>higher the percentage
yea. ... that doesn't tell you what percentage it does have. is it 0.25%, 3.6%, or 17%?

>so it should still boil down to ...
not avoiding products simply based on the list of ingredients

>> No.14308434

i cant believe you dorks have to put all of this shit on your skin for it to be clear
what are your diets like? embarrassing

>> No.14308442

looks don't last forever anon, a lot of skincare is making sure the collagen in your skin doesn't break down so you can stay looking young for longer

>> No.14308792

Is it it safe to apply a kaolin clay face mask after exfoliating my face? Or should I spread it out a few days?

>> No.14308856

I have moderate adult acne, anyone try the Paula’s Choice CLEAR cleanser and moisturizer? Better than Cetaphil?

>> No.14308866

I typically cover myself in coconut oil before bed.
Should I get a moisturizer for bed instead or is this sufficient?

>> No.14308933

Reapplying sunblock is after direct sunlight right? Or is any uncovered window at all bad?

>> No.14308952
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Ok anons, post your skin type and daily skin routine RIGHT NOW

>> No.14308962

Glass is pretty good at blocking UV rays.

>> No.14308984

I have some serious acne on my shoulders and back, whats best way to deal with it? I've been using stridex and that orange body clear body wash, but shit will not go away.

>> No.14308990

Is there any way to minimize long-term damage while tanning? I lost my bronze hard this winter, and I desperately need it back. I look like gollum.

>> No.14308999

Is it better to cetaphil's gentle or oily skin cleanser? My skin gets a little oily but not that much, mainly around the chin & nose area
When I bought some from the pharmacist he said oily was probably better fort me (I have mild acne) so I followed his advice but I'd like to double check if possible

>> No.14309000
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Skin type
>Slightly oily
>Shiseido Ibuki Gentle Cleanser
>Boscia Luminizing Black Charcoal Mask once a week
>Fresh Rose Face Mask twice a week
>Tarte Knockout Tingling Skin Treatment for toner
>Shiseido Ibuki Eye Correcting Cream
>Shiseido Ibuki Smart Filtering Smoother which is a serum
>Shiseido Ibuki Refining Moisturizer Enriched
>Shiseido Ibuki Quick Fix Mist
Out of everything that I've tried out of mid-ish range brands shiseido has really worked well for me and I've had hardly any acne in three years.

>> No.14309005

My skin get oily only at night, is that considered oily skin or should I go for combined.

>> No.14309056

Is Cetaphill gentle cleanser still good?SLS isnt good, i think.

>> No.14309142

how do i fix spaghetti mouth?

>> No.14309162
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>> No.14309206

While glass does block UV-B it still lets UV-A rays through nearly completely. UV-A penetrates deeper into the skin than UV-B.
The general recommended figure is 2 hours of direct sun exposure but this figure can be even lower depending on the insensity of the sun or how fast the sunscreen components degrade due to it. If you spend most of your time indoors and the sun isn't blasting directly at you then you can extend reapplication period. Generally I only apply in the morning.
>Is there any way to minimize long-term damage while tanning
Any UV exposure is damage. If you still want it, I'd probably focus on protecting the face and upper neck and let the body be as bronze as you want.
Combined skin is that which has different properties at different parts of the face. Most commonly oily forehead and cheeks while the rest of the face has normal skin.

>> No.14309245

The amount you're getting is literally printed on the front. If you're too retarded to read it you should probably just kill yourself.

>> No.14309247

so does that mean any natural light getting in to a room through untreated windows = UV? You need to go full dankest dungeon mode?

>> No.14309268

Amazing. It's almost like it's false advertising anyway.

>> No.14309288

Is darkness under and around the eyes due to sleep deprivation reversible? How about the bags themselves? The former has more priority.

>> No.14309344

Yep or get UV filters for windows or UV blocking curtains installed.

>> No.14309436
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my cheeks gets really red when i'm drinking or when it's really cold or hot. what can i do to fix it?

>> No.14309573

see a doc for rosacea

>> No.14309605

If you're prepared to spend a shit ton on eye creams until you find one that works

>> No.14309690

You may want to post a picture. Usually it's the bags that are attributed to lack of sleep. Any other issue is due to visible capillaries, hyperpigmentation due to overproduction of melanin or due to concavity of the area, essentially lack of material to come flush with the cheek.

>> No.14309695

Are you asian or native american? Literally every one of them I know gets red as fuck while drinking.

>> No.14309715

i don't want to see a doctor for it, gonna look for creams that i can get on my own.

swedish boy

>> No.14309716
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Who else /skin allergies/ here?

Can't use the Neutrogena age shield sunscreen because I'm allergic to fragrances, which will make my skin turn lobster red and peel off. So I'm looking for some fragrance free SPF 100 or more, any recs? Anyone? ):

>> No.14309719

Okay. My crotch always feels dirty even though I shower everyday. Sometimes it gets itchy and I scratch off damp/wet dirt around my crotch area. What do I do?

>> No.14309721

forgot to add that i'm not even sure if it even is rosacea

>> No.14309724

Why do you need 100? Anything starting from 30 SPF and up should be enough and have way more options.

>> No.14309733

What should I do if my skin just peels? Just parts of my arms, legs, and face have patches of skin that just randomly peels. The largest peel spots are on my legs but the thickest are on my feet and part of my face. It's not sunburn because I don't go outside.

>> No.14309739

What are you washing yourself with. How often do you wash yourself.

>> No.14309750

Rosacea and blackpilled. Any holygrail recs?

>> No.14309756

I still tan with SPF 30 which is what I have now, but maybe I could try SPF 60 or something and see if that works. Though SPF 110 sounds great because I'm trying to keep myself as ghost white as possible.

>> No.14309760
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In that case I'd go with First Aid Beauty's Anti-Redness Serum. Haven't used it personally, but it worked pretty well for my friend.

>> No.14309761

Water with TJ's Refresh Citrus and maybe once every two weeks.
I'm usually stuck in bed because of chest pains and seizures. Not trying to be /fa/ but the peeling skin is really bothersome.

>> No.14309849


>> No.14309864

See a dermatologist, because your skin should not be doing that. Even if you posted a photo, we would be unable to help you because many cutaneous conditions look almost identical and can only be properly diagnosed with a biopsy, genetic test, soft tissue swab culture, etc.

>> No.14310087

What can I do for acne scars? I have a scar on my face that'd be pretty cool but I don't want it. Also is gold bond for old people or should I continue using it?

>> No.14310278

Keep them protected from the sun, either by using sunscreen or clothing. Consider dermarolling/microneedling (at home or in-clinic). Consider contacting a cosmetic dermatologist. Laser treatment is generally favored over chemical peels due to the reduced risk of harmful side-effects. Anything you can buy and apply with a prescription will most likely not reduce your scarring to the desired extent.

>> No.14310289

>tfw it becomes so dry it peels off

>> No.14310309


> Derma rolling stimulates collagen production

Can anyone share their experience with derma rolling?

>> No.14310314

When does puberty acne finally go away?

>> No.14310321

So, do you like it? What is your situation with skin? Does this help?

>> No.14310327

cool I'll try some of this

>> No.14310394

"alcohol flush reaction" är ovanligt i den svenska etniciteten, medan alkohol och temperaturväxlingar är båda kända triggers för rosacea. även stark mat...

>> No.14310398

sounds like a fungal infection

>> No.14310413

kan vara så att alkoholen gör mig varmare. vilken medicin på apoteket bör man köpa?

>> No.14310562

om det är rosacea så borde du kolla det med läkare. finns inget som hjälper direkt förutom laserbehandling och så. smink tills dess

>> No.14310630
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I finally got rid of my flaking skin and big pimples. But fuck man I keep breaking out in tiny pimples everywhere. Wat do?

>> No.14310694

What are you using specifically? Something in the products you use could be an irritant.

>> No.14310719 [DELETED] 

I’m trying to remember my ex’s shampoo but I can’t, I know I’ll recognise the bottle though. Can any of you Swedes take photos of ICA’s hair products section? Please?

>> No.14310777

>big pimples
>flaking skin
Where? How did you get rid of it?

>tiny pimples everywhere
how everywhere are we talking?

>> No.14310799

I started taking dermoscribe a year ago because I had a random bout of SEBORRHEIC DERMATITIS.

It also cleared up my skin and reduced my acne down to like nothing which was pretty extraordinary I thought I was finally old enough and my acne was over at 27...

I stopped taking it and my skin starting breaking the fuck out around my cheeks to ear area. I started using stridex daily for a month and it did fuck all.

I'm back on dermoscribe everyday and my acne has gone down again. What the fuck is in dermoscribe that my skin is apparently missing in other products?

>> No.14310830

>THREE (3) PREMIUM ACTIVE INGREDIENTS INCLUDE Sulfur 3.0%, Salicylic Acid 3.0% and Hydrocortisone 1.0%

It's the added sulfur and cortisone

>> No.14310857

What happens if you don't wear sunscreen? I've been a pale nerd for a very long time and just now I'm finally starting to do things outdoors to get my tan on. However I don't really wear sunscreen if I'm just walking around outside, only when I'm half naked at the pool or something. So far I'm looking better because I'm less pale but I'm wondering what will happen if I continue to spend time outdoors unprotected.

>> No.14310895

You get burn and put yourself at risk for skin cancer, you'll also age your skin faster.

Sunscreen is non-negotiable if you're going to be outside long enough to actually get tan. Your needlessly risking your health.

>> No.14310903

Anon if you don't want to turn to leather by your 40th birthday I'd wear sunscreen. You'll still tan to an extent, it'll just take longer. Rapid tanning is much worse for your skin anyways. You can also rotate your clothes more so you have less obvious lines

>> No.14310912

Very good stuff, I recommend.

>> No.14311055

Is it necessary to exfoliate if I shave twice a week? I'm guessing yes but I've also heard shaving exfoliates your skin and I don't want to do it too much

>> No.14311132

aquaphor stuff any good?

>> No.14311223

does anyone have any tips for getting rid of black heads on your back?
i've been washing it with cetaphil gentle cleansing bar which has helped quite a bit but i still get em time to time

>> No.14311231
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Get a buddy to paint a peel off mask on your back?

>> No.14311259

only if done by professionals. otherwise, no. wasting time and money. microneedling is where it's at, boyos

>> No.14311263

daily microfoliant by dermalogica. it's a physical and chemical (enzyme) exfoliant. gentle enough for daily use and has salicylic acid for acne and phytic acid to brighten the skin. can't fuck up with this

>> No.14311271

cerave ain't gonna help shit, ya'll... that is only recommended by derms, because it won't interfere with their topical medication. fucking cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize (spf in day time) and you'll be fine. use a vitamin c serum to brightening the face or if you can handle it lactic acid.

>> No.14311274

would not recommend for acne/redness

>> No.14311278

abso-fucking-lutely. holy grail. it lasts like 5+ months if you dont use it like an asshole

>> No.14311280

not all scrubs use beads or cause microtears though.. avoid pharmacy scrubs for this reason.

>> No.14311281

diet isn't everything, anon. you need a good regime to use daily to treat your skin. embarrassing

>> No.14311283

coconut oil?? are you dumb? stop that shit and get an actual moisturizer. i bet your pores are clogged as fuck. gross!

>> No.14311286

perfectly fine, just moisturize afterwards.

>> No.14311290

i have not tried paula's choice, but i would recommend that over cetaphil to treat acne. cetaphil isn't going to treat acne.

>> No.14311298

hi, esthetician here. first time on this thread and i've had a great time talking shit in the hopes it helps y'all out.
>my skin type is oily/acniec. i used accutane in the past (6 years ago in high school for 6 months)
>morning-clarityrx cleanse daily (vitamin c to brighten)
>dermalogica redness relief essence or clarityrx take it easy calming serum to reduce redness and inflammation
>dermalogica solar defense spf 50 and active moist oil free moisturizer
>night time- dermal clay cleanser
>dermalogica daily microfoliant
>dermalogica multiactive toner
>dermalogica stress positive eye lift
>dermalogica biolumin c serum
>clarityrx sleep it off mask

>> No.14311323

SPF is meaningless, it does not account for UVA. Get something with pa+++. Try the Japanese biore sunblock, it's fps 50 but pa++++, you won't tan.

>> No.14311365

Have you tried the Shiseido sunscreen? I've been using it an I like it a lot.

>> No.14311405

Non, sounds expensive

>> No.14311469

what are the stridex pads for?
also what can i do about body acne that leaves marks? these fuckers last longer than acne on my face wtf?? (the scars)
ive become self consious about taking my clothes off now

>> No.14311795

It's a repairative occlusive so if your moisture barrier is fucked it's good to apply after moisturizer or even on dry skin. It can also be used to treat burns. The consistency is pretty thick and hardly absorbs so best to apply for the night. It can be mixed with a little bit of water to make it more easy to spread, once the water dries aquaphor just sits on the skin. Another anon suggested to apply to treat dry lips so I'm trying that at the moment as well as increasing forehead moisturization.

>> No.14311863
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I've been trying Three Little Wonders because of the AHA in the night serum to help my acne. It's not working.

>> No.14312022

Just learned that there are tinted physical sunscreens but a large bunch of them cost at least two times as much as normal physical creams.

>> No.14312170

which cleanser is /fa/ approved?

>> No.14312305
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Pic related smells like shit and is a little drying but it's the only cleanser I've found that rinses clean with cool water from the sink.

Anything else that rinses off easily?

>> No.14312367

I went from using a oil removing moisturiser with a oil removing cleanser with benzoyl peroxide gel every night. I'm currently using a gentle foaming cleanser and a daily facial cleanser. Still using the gel, but I'm applying it to the pimples instead of just using one thin layer on my whole face.

>> No.14312370

I've only ever tried two cleansers, Nivea's daily essentials facial wash gel which while washes off easily dries out the skin too much and Bioderma's sensibio gel moussant which isn't drying whatsoever but does take some work to wash away, especially if it gets into the eyebrows. I'm only using the latter now and will probably continue to, there's no reason to dry out the skin.

>> No.14312381

It does seem like an either/or.

Still feeling like there's a layer of shit on your face after washing it just sucks.

>> No.14312494

>tfw just exfoliated my dry skin for the first time


>> No.14312512

Protip: use perfectly ordinary table salt to exfoliate. Of course rinse thoroughly and moisturize afterwards.

>> No.14312541

Never got that feeling with any of the two. Maybe it feels like pulling as a result of dryness or something?
Are you sure it's not a skin condition? What do they look like?

>> No.14312970

My skin is grossly pale. Is eating a bag of baby carrots a day a good way to get a better tone? Should I use carotenoid supplements?

>> No.14313131

>Melanin inhibitor
Das racis
Anyway the best melanin inhibitor is glutathione. Drink that supplements of that regularly and use skincare products with that on your routine

>> No.14313190

Cannabidiol is effective against acnea. It's also good for yoyr skin in general.

>> No.14313200

>foaming cleanser

lather is a meme, dermatologists suggest soaps that don't foam...same with shampoos.

>> No.14313209

what do my boys think of biore charcoal scrub

>> No.14313232


>> No.14313240


>> No.14313266

muh microtears

>> No.14313565
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mysterious yet impressive uptick in thread activity & post quality

>> No.14313615

Does Vitamin E & C help fade pih (hyperpigmentation)?

I'm sorting out ny acne rn, but i have a lot of dark spots from popping them incorrectly.

>> No.14313619


>> No.14313847

Get some Asian skincare that says "brightening" and contains vitamin C. The Asians are especially good at brightening, cause being light skinned is a desirable trait. The European stuff just doesn't hold up in terms of concentration.

>> No.14314142
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My skin is shiny, but dry. It's not because of over exfoliating, I already tested that. Do you know how to make it less shiny?

>> No.14314149

Help me out /fa/. Having scoured the pastebin and plebbit's skincare sub I'm still unsure as to how to go about developing a skincare routine for myself which goes beyond washing my face with a flannel twice a day. Generally speaking I get plenty of positive comments about my skin (largely due to very clean diet, lots of water, exercise etc.) but I feel like it could be better. My nose and upper cheeks in particular always seem to be full of crap, despite my best efforts due to having oily skin. Is it as simple as buying some CeraVe and following the basic bitch routine in the pastebin, or is there a better route to go down?

>> No.14314171

>nose and upper cheeks crap
what kind?

>> No.14314173

Large pores on my nose and upper cheeks (upper T section) which tend to get filled with what look like blackheads but aren't. I think it's just filled sebaceous filaments, I just don't have a method of removing it/them, or preventing them from being so prevalent.

>> No.14314243
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Any alternatives for this?

>> No.14314327


>> No.14314452

Papules around the sideburns and cheeks. Those are usually the dry spots

>> No.14315306


>> No.14315315

What's a good non-greasy sunscreen with high SPF for oily, acne prone skin?

>> No.14315320

Tinted or not tinted?

>> No.14315332

Non-tinted, preferably one that doesn't show or leaves a cast

>> No.14315341

Shiseido Urban Environment is spf 42 and oil-free. It's a little pricey at 35 USD for 30 mL but it's good shit.

>> No.14315348

Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.14315376

Good luck anon

>> No.14315579

cetaphil smells like straight up laundry detergent. don't put that shit on you skin

>> No.14315600

stopping by to plug accutane
shit fixed me
was totally worth it

>> No.14315619

How do I solve my redness? I don't even have acne anymore.

>> No.14315634

This is what I rec'd earlier

>> No.14315705

how do I keep my hands from being dry at work, I am a wage slave at the golden arches.

>> No.14315715

Hand cream is a necessity if you're washing your hands all day. L'Occitane makes really good shit.

>> No.14315743

>100 bucks
I'll use it sparingly

>> No.14315750

You don't need to use a ton, just like on your lunch break and right after work.

>> No.14315763

if I have to wash my hands hourly like they said I should expect to use it very few times. But the gf and I like my soft skin so keeping it is priceless.

>> No.14315777

Yeah I work in an industrial kitchen and like, hand cream is a godsend. It's not really worth it to use during the day, just cause if you wash your hands frequently it won't soak in too well. L'Occitane works so well that just using it a few times a day will help.

>> No.14315789

You don't need to spend that kind of money. Just get CeraVe.

>> No.14315794

You can't ;___;

>tfw have some nasty cutting scars that haven't gone away after years

>> No.14315827

paulas choice cleared my skin of colourless pus filled bumps and made it baby soft and im lazy af and only wash my face when i shower every few days.

>> No.14315837

Stop eating grains

>> No.14315850
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How do I find sunscreen that won't stain my clothes? I'm always paranoid my shirt collars are going to get fucked up

>> No.14315855

Try anything oil-free. It comes out in the wash better.

>> No.14316008
File: 53 KB, 823x530, Sauna-vs-Steam-Room-Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What help or harm are steam and sauna?

>> No.14316035

Vitamin A and vitamin D supps, head and shoulders clean and balanced left on for 3ish minutes followed by warm water wash followed by cold as you can handle

>> No.14316069

Its the opposite
Also; masturbation is bad on an esoteric level. Men who are abstinent are more productive and energized. Sex is ok, just dont cum unless you are looking to procreate.

>> No.14316107

>don't masturbate or have sex outside of procreation
these are the kind of ""people"" who post on 4chan in the post-2016 era

>> No.14316282
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This sunscreen is based

>> No.14316305


>> No.14316496

Anyone got tips for clearing up bacne? I get it all across my upper back

>> No.14316524

Bumping this

>> No.14316576

try the oily one. if it's too harsh (unlikely) then just use less

>> No.14317956

Thanks, I already bought something by COSRX and some other Korean brand (onebymi ?). Paula is weirdly expensive, is there really a benefit? It's twice as expensive as the Korean stuff on Amazon.

It sounds like good ol'payed shilling to me...

>> No.14318272

Retard here, how to know if cleanser is too harsh?

>> No.14318276

they last forever so paying a bit extra doesnt really bother me

>> No.14318407

your skin feels dry, tight, stingy
it looks red and possibly flaky

>> No.14318411

Reminder that if you have real acne, nothing over the counter or topical is going to help you. Sucks to suck. Stop wasting money and go see a professional

>> No.14318497

Reminder that's incorrect

>> No.14318533

Why doesn't everyone have acne then retard

>> No.14318661


could the based redhead-lover please make a new thread?


>> No.14318816

Because they have lucky genes, retard. I meet people who never wash their face, and eat nothing but junk food with clear, beautiful skin. Then I meet health freaks who spend hundreds on dermatologists and skincare and see no changes to their acne.

>> No.14320317

bumping this

>> No.14321554

They need to start eating naturally (Raw meat, no vegetables/grains)

>> No.14321571
File: 118 KB, 340x435, 88832-NM-PROTECTIVE-MOISTURISER-TUBE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my whole skincare routine is literally just eat clean and use this shit once a day after shower. i'm 27 and people regularly ask me if i'm like 19 or 20.

>> No.14321588

this isnt true actually, its just the only organ you see the rapid decay of if you're treating your body like trash

>> No.14321607

i have roughly exactly the same skin as ethan klein WHAT DO I DO PLEAAASE SAVE ME

>> No.14322006
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How do I get rid of the redness and little zits (?) on my forehead (also on nose)? I drink lots of water, wash my face etc. but they never go away

And it's a lot redder irl

>> No.14322045
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Interesting and very much true! Carotenoids can change skin colour by making it more yellow, red. I guess it may be a good alternative when using a sunscreen on a daily basis and missing out on some of that tan.
>Here, we tested the effect of dietary supplementation of the carotenoid beta-carotene on facial appearance and health in human males. Beta-carotene supplementation altered skin color to increase facial attractiveness and perceived health. However, we found no effect of beta-carotene on measures of actual health, including oxidative stress, innate immune function, and semen quality. We conclude that although carotenoid-based skin color may be sexually selected in human males, it may not be an honest signal of health.
The research had men take beta carotene supplements from Natural Factors, and at the end of the test have women evaluate attractiveness and perceived health of the subjects. Pic related is a composite of all the men who had taken the test, compared to the placebo group the skin colour of the carotenoid group actually changed over the 12 week period. So it's probably best if you go with supplements.

>> No.14322084

What are you using on your face? Skin type?

>> No.14322103

It's a chemical one and meant for sports and hot and humid weather conditions. I'm guessing that it may be quite thick. What's it like for you?
Treat pimples with salicylic acid or benzoil peroxide products. Because both of them dry out the skin, use a moisturizer as well. Lessen pigmentation with vitamin C and arbutin/niacinamide/azelaic acid.

>> No.14322623

I just sometimes use a moisturizer, I have 2 types, one is a "cooling moisturizer" and one is a "night cream" or something. I'm not entirely sure but I think I have an oily skin type.
I don't know what the fuck that shit means
Can I just go to a store and get stuff that says it has that or something

>> No.14322730

Anon you need a good cleanser at least. Preferably also a toner. Get one with an acid like what >>14322103 said.

>> No.14323482

how would you get rid of a nose pimple that's reddened