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File: 64 KB, 474x464, 1556636650299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14300781 No.14300781 [Reply] [Original]

>balding heavily
are beanies my only options now bros? I am 6'3" I could have been a chad...

>> No.14300794
File: 12 KB, 215x290, 591233.jpg-c_215_290_x-f_jpg-q_x-xxyxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's you, you have a Chad face made for a bald head, it's completely fine.

>> No.14300805

Own it, don't hide it. Beanies are for losers. Just shave it off if you're good looking it will be all right. Some women find it sexy, most girls don't mind it half as much as you do, and the ones who do didn't deserve your attention in the first place. It sucks to lose your hair young but on the flip side, you'll stop being self conscious about it in your twenties while men who start losing their hair in their 30-40 will start acting pathetically insecure. Nobody wants to see a grown man act that way.
You'll be just fine.

>> No.14300808
File: 38 KB, 664x814, 1533987212607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's you you're retarded. Nobody would bat an eye at a norwood 1-3 vertex trying to hide his receded hairline but you can't tell me you're running around like that 24/7. That's disgusting. Even if you've found something to cure your balding go fucking bald first and buzz that shit no guard, hit the gym and shit. Wtf are you fags thinking when you're running around like gramps. "Heh, maybd shit will magically come back so i leave the sides so they'll be longer than me top". And no chad calls himself or anybody else chad. This whole 4chan vocabulary is an utter incel and virgin-dictionary.

>> No.14300813

Basically this

>> No.14300818
File: 46 KB, 564x565, jo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what you can do

>> No.14300821
File: 102 KB, 960x720, marc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shave it off.

>> No.14300828

just go to turkey and have a transplant, 3k €

>> No.14300832
File: 1.10 MB, 1905x2165, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non shitpost here, should i just neck myself?

>> No.14300843
File: 1.24 MB, 4032x3024, 2B7C2BCB-C777-475C-A639-8E28A1F311D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumbasses can’t even spot an obvious shop

>> No.14300848

I'm 28 and balding pretty bad. Diffuse thinning, the absolute worst form of balding.

>> No.14300859

Who u callin pinhead

>> No.14300871

I know that feel bro. I thought I'd at least get a few years of a steep widows peak when I went bald, instead I look like I just started chemotherapy.

>> No.14300944

Keep your head up, king. Your gamer headset is falling off.

>> No.14300951

Im 21 and balding. Hair is super thick, but hairline is absolutly fucked beyond being able to "looksmax" with bangs. Kms.

>> No.14300967

Oh cmon. Just wait until you’re out of college and more and more people have fucked hairlines. You’ll realize it’s fine

>> No.14300970

Shave your head, grow a beard. Problem solved

>> No.14300987


>> No.14301003

How do I get this mode? Also his belly button looks like :o

>> No.14301011
File: 64 KB, 1591x1642, chad embrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more than ten posts without the true solution being posted

>> No.14301014

beanies are total faggot core. some dudes literally wear wool beanies all year round to hide their bald its so sad

>> No.14301022


3k is the price for filling up bald temples by a shitty doctor. He'd need 10k and the result would be literally "fancy" cuz they don't know thd difference between single- and multi hair grafts and depending on OP's donor area it might not br enough to fill everything up.

Nevermind: there's an order of options for op sorted from "only right decision" to "total cope"

>Accepting it and getting ur hair buzzed/other haircut depending on ur status (usually norwood 1-3, see ryan goslin)
>Minoxidil, Peppermint oil and dermarolling
>Hair transplant by craft cloning
>Usual hair transplant
>Wearing Caps 24/7
>Toupe...eh..."""Hair Systems"""
>Ridiculous combovers beyond Norwood 3
>Things that might make your sex drive and dick dead, make you suicidal, cause bitch tits, painful orgasms, develop plaque in ur dick and many more things lnly to keep your hair (finasteride)
>Shitty hair transplants by some turkroach

>> No.14301031

Buzz it, use minox, dermaroll, use peppermint oil, drop smoking and drinking if you haven't, hit the gym and avoid creatine, get a tan.

>> No.14301060

Everythong but the abs could be done with pushups
You need good genes and a few days dehydration for the abs

>> No.14301104

What about noguard buzz with the chad embrace thicc mustache?

>> No.14301258

Jesus thats rough.. >>14300808 is right though, you're well past the point of 'styling' it to look good. Your only option at this point is to shave it to the skin with a razor. Cover that with a beanie if you want, but dont keep a fucking horseshoe hair patten cause it seriously looks pathetic.

If i were you id grow it out and get a undercut... You have evenly distributed hair, its just thin... So if you keep the top long it'll probably look half decent. Give it a try. If its too think even when its a few inches long... then yeah, probably time to cut your losses and shave it smooth. If you're a fatty, then you might continue down the path towards necking yourself... But a fit bald guy isnt irredeemable.

>> No.14301291
File: 24 KB, 400x310, jc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go clean
once you hit mid 30's bring back the horseshoe

>> No.14302154

Just shave it retard

>> No.14302158
File: 724 KB, 433x910, Ws3jef4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14302170

Beanies are cool but using them to hide your baldness is retarded. Own up to it, shave it all and be the chad you were destined to be.

>> No.14303411


>> No.14303414

>You’ll realize it’s fine

>> No.14303436

nigger beanies are cope
everytime I see some basedboy hangout indoors wearing a beanie I can just smell the bald head and insecurity underneath it

>> No.14303441

Both of the "good" solutions look like someone who can't let go of the fact their hair looks like shit
move on instead of being a hasbeen

>> No.14303566


Obviously you have to be low bodyfat. You also need to work out, not just "do pushups". Go to /fit/ and do clean bulks. After you've stopped being a DYEL basedboy, dehydration and good lighting will get you that extra definition.

>> No.14303605
File: 785 KB, 928x523, the_fifth_element_-_h_-_1997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shave it, buzz it or keep it short. Trying to hide it will only make you look ridiculous in front of the other people who will surely speak behind your back. And being attractive in a pretty boy way is for highschoolers.

>> No.14303613

holy fuck are you actually 19? how are you balding that much

>> No.14303637

lol huwitoid genetics. bald and erectile dysfunction by 20

>> No.14303642
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 662ad5ab419d6f34e0ac075fa2f3c57e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's a shop, moron.


>> No.14303654

This looks shopped
How can you be -that- bald at only 19?
Are you sure you don’t have alopecia or undergoing chemotherapy or some shit?

>> No.14303655

^but yeah this, my mom literally loves bald men especially paired with facial hair and convinced her bf to shave his head lol

>> No.14303667

Could have? Hair has nothing to do with it retard. Also hairstyles are a cope for people with ugly faces. Just shave it all off pussy. You will be fine

>> No.14303702

>Hurr incel and virgin

>> No.14303721
File: 39 KB, 350x350, dionG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pretty much forced wearing a beanie when its cold or a hat when it's sunny.
Also nobody cares about your bald head except you and maybe your girlfriend.

>> No.14303836

>19 in 6 months
>Diffuse thinning since I was 16
>Had super thick hair to begin with
The hair loss is increasing and I'm at a cross roads here. My hair has gotten so bad that if I don't act right now it will be too far gone. Have my prescription for fin and I just need to get it this weekend. When entering my details I pulled a brainlet and entered the wring year, saying that I am 19 now. God I hope they don't ask me to prove my age or some shit I need this NOW. Good luck anon, I'm going to buzz my hair at the start of summer just for a taste of what it could be like (ugly as shit) and hopefully within 6 months I'll be on some regrowth. If I can just maintain this until my 20s when theres a cure I'll be more than glad. All you non hairlets, appreciate what you have and please act when you first notice hair loss if you wish to stay sane.

>> No.14303839

No bald dudes that constantly wear hats are worse imo, just be bald. Grow a beard to break up your face a bit if you can. Dress extra nice so it's clear you haven't given up on your appearance.

>> No.14303842

full shave on top and just wear a hat when its sunny so you dont get skin cancer on your dome

>> No.14303893

no way you're 19 years old

>> No.14303992

I have a full head of hair and shaved my head completely just for the fuck of it. Honestly I kinda liked it except for the sweat.

>> No.14304051

Rogaine, my friend.

>> No.14304583

idiot niggers like you need to fuck off back to facebook

>> No.14304591

Kys cope posters. Post pics of yourselves if you feel superior.

>> No.14304789

I'm balding but have a masculine face where people actually prefer me bald :(

I wish I had hair though

>> No.14304867
File: 2.58 MB, 640x640, 1528056707632.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balding is a cosmetic issue. It requires a cosmetic solution.

>> No.14305192


>> No.14305407
File: 284 KB, 882x1099, Screenshot_20190426-102254__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally glueing fake hair to your head.

Just shave it and get on with your life FFS.

t. Balding since 17.

>> No.14305433

how does it feel like on your head?

>> No.14305435

>when theres a cure
lmao desu senpai

>> No.14305443
File: 188 KB, 1000x667, 1535008643384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14305447

When do you take it off?

>> No.14305459

>turbo balding
>gay alien skull

>> No.14305480

>>turbo balding


>> No.14305654


>> No.14305664
File: 107 KB, 964x465, 3312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he balded?
>regrow it
t. bogdanoff
left is August 2017, right March this year

>> No.14305678

whats wrong with creatine

>> No.14305683

Balding is a genetic issue

>> No.14305686

she’s an adulterer?
have fun in hell with your whore of a mother

>> No.14305695
File: 18 KB, 200x300, D343B57C-42CD-433E-BCD2-8E17C90F58ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kimbo slice is a prime example of this


>> No.14305760


okay tranny

>> No.14305766

>I look disgusting b-but a-a-atleast I'm a r-real man h-heh
keep coping disgusting baldfag

>> No.14305852

Not everyone’s parents are together anon there’s a thing called divorce

>> No.14305891

I didn't use any tranny shit but keep coping buddy BOYO

>> No.14305999

what did you use then?

>> No.14306087

I was going to say to get a toupee, no one gives a shit if you wear fake hair

>> No.14306288

>hiding under a beanie
Who are you? Tim Pool?

>> No.14306317
File: 94 KB, 645x529, korea numba one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a study that some people think was flawed in many ways that concluded that creatine raised DHT, which causes hair loss in people genetically predisposed to baldness. Lots of "ifs" in there that I looked into pretty heavily at one point. They were also dosing obscene amounts, 20g/day for an extended period. Jury is out on if creatine causes hair loss. That being said I stopped taking creatine for that reason, and it makes me feel bloated as fuck 24/7.

I'd avoid minox and fin and shit since they fuck with your hormones in all kinds of ways. They do work though if you are desperate. The jury is still out on dermarolling. Peppermint oil is no joke though, pic related. Here's the study (that you won't read) that backs up the very old use of peppermint essential oil (PEO) for hair loss/resto:

Don't worry anon, because I read this shit and made your a handy tl;dr guide for what to do:
>buy argon oil (or jojoba), peppermint essential oil, and tea tree oil
>buy a shampoo that doesn't suck and have a bunch of bullshit in it like sulphates, silicon, and paraben
>put 5 drops of PEO per oz of shampoo and shake that shit up. use the shampoo as you normally would but take some extra time massaging it into your scalp
>put 10 drops of tea tree oil and 20 drops of PEO per ounce of argon or jojoba oil to dilute. After your take a shower and dry your hair rub 10 drops of the loaded carrier oils into your scalp/hair/beard for a few minutes.


>> No.14306334
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2/2 cont.

If you give a shit here's a quick rundown. PEO helps restore and maintain hair growth and we have known this for a while as an old world remedy. A well conducted study confirmed this, and in the study it actually outperformed minox. You have to dilute essential oils to use them topically though, so 3% dilution is about right. This would be 36 vertical drops per ounce if you do the math for 3%. I do 20 of PEO and 10 of tea tree since I refill the same container before it is completely empty. This gives me about 2% PEO and 1% tea tree, plus a bit of PEO from the shampoo.

You can use lots of different oils for the carrier. Jojoba is a popular one, used in lots of beard oils as well. My girl doesn't like the smell, so I use argon which has basically no scent. I put tee tree oil in because it helps with scalp health. PEO and TTO are both antifungal and antibacterial, which helps lots of scalp issues. PEO and TTO also smell great. Even if you aren't worried about hair loss/scalp health you should be putting oil in your hair/beard. It unfucks your hair and makes it shiny/thick as fuck. You can throw product on right over it if that's your thing.

There are some other essential oils that people say help, but I don't think the research was well conducted or the claims are just unsupported so I don't use them. PEO and TTO have both been the most cited as effective for hair loss and scalp health respectively anyway.

>> No.14306527

Probably pretty weird at first. But I imagine you'd get used to it pretty quickly since it's on all day, every day.

From what I've heard, you do a hairline touch-up once a week (not necessary if you have a fringe), and full removal every few weeks to clean it and shave any hair that regrows under it. You need a new system every few months.

>> No.14306670

No one over 6ft is chad OP
Sorry to break it to you

>> No.14306684


Time to visit Gandy

>> No.14306724

kek, grow up sonny

>> No.14307154

Thanks for the rundown, anon. I recently took the peppermintpill and diluted it with liquid coconut oil, feels pretty good once applied. I still get very nervous whenever I run it through my hair and find like 5-10 lost hairs on my hand when I'm done. I'd look terrible bald so I'm prolonging that day at all costs

>> No.14307227
File: 345 KB, 1296x1486, Mahbody2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just leave this here

>> No.14307246

you look so opposite to me, for some reason I always imagine everyone on 4chan look exactly like me. Like I'm talking to myself. Like I am 4chan in its entirety.

>> No.14307266

he was cuter before tbqh

>> No.14307268

balding is actually a socioeconomic and political issue

>> No.14307310

just grow another scalp lul

>> No.14307776

4chan is just you and me samefagging.

>> No.14307781

do u even minox bro

>> No.14307963
File: 28 KB, 495x480, 1533028576130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baldlets and manlets posting on /fa/

lol just neck urselfs

>> No.14307966

Can this skinny faggot please stop posting his disgusting malnourished body? Makes me ill.

>> No.14307986

Ok weeb

>> No.14307999

If I was that guy I'd either go bald or "just" do a hair transplant

>> No.14308116

>woman gets fake hair
>slaaaayyy queeen
>man gets fake hair
>haha look at this loser COPE lol COPE

I'm sure this man will care a lot about what you're thinking about his fake hair that you won't even be able to tell is fake, all the while being more attractive and thus socially successful. You're all just fucking yourself over or coping hardcore over your own baldness

>> No.14308235
File: 40 KB, 632x334, 11409760-6849243-Ready_for_his_close_up_Mike_Gunner_got_his_hair_tattoo_just_WEEK-m-1_1553549408305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no hair tattoo option

Do you even cope?

>> No.14308425

have good genetics and insertions, bulk for a year and then do a hardcore cut with dehydration to get to like 8% bodyfat. once you are there take a picture under harsh light and you should get similar results.
the problem is that at this point you will slowly lose muscle mass for being suck low bf

>> No.14308623
File: 300 KB, 1024x652, left_zpsysk6vy6t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, when it gets bad enough I'm just gonna get a clean smp, hit the gym, and grow out some facial hair. Best cope for balding men at the moment. Helps if you're already handsome and have a good skull shape. If there ever is a cure in the future I can wait it out with this until then

>> No.14308662

Go Turkey

>> No.14308772

Don't you still end up with a shiny head doing this? Since the ink is under the skin and oils and whatnot. Sounds like it would look more unnatural to have "buzzed hair" that shines like that.

>> No.14308790

not with those big ass lips you faget

>> No.14308819

how is this achieved

>> No.14308865


this guy got micro pigmentation

>> No.14308911

What do you think smp means anon

>> No.14309053

Potion seller!

>> No.14309059

Based dyslexiaposter

>> No.14309081

You still see a good amount of shine on a shaved head, but I get what you mean

>> No.14309154

Are there any premade mixes to save time fucking around with mixing stuff?
It's okay if they're slightly (but only slightly) overpriced.
I'm already using topical min and it's the same price as making it yourself, but much less hassle with drugstores.

>> No.14309156

> topical min
I meant to say fin.
But it's a solution of both anyway.

>> No.14309256
File: 1.10 MB, 3000x2000, elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not over yet

>> No.14309530
File: 765 KB, 1600x582, bye hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left: now
>right: november 2018
Am I fucked?

>> No.14309795

women usually only get extentions or a wig when they are sick, a healthy man wearing a wig is simply pathetic

>> No.14309825

bruh we're not elon, our resources are limited

>> No.14309850

I don't know of any premades that will have those exact amounts and no bullshit. It takes 5 minutes once every few months to mix a new bottle. I even did the math for you anon >>14306317. Costs $20-$30 for several years supply.

>> No.14310211

Bald by 2020

>> No.14310301

get out you dumb cunt

>> No.14310315
File: 1.70 MB, 2448x3264, fe34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minoxidil, RU-58841, Alpicort E
now I also started dermarolling and Nizoral shampoo but to be honest I'm already content with my hairline, I hope i'll regain some density as I have some thinning patches at the top

>> No.14310317
File: 222 KB, 1280x960, A12E8E33-35F5-4610-B7E8-82A0685A6BB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots dont know shit about balding. Me this morning, 25 years old. At least I got an 8inch cock.

>> No.14310320

How does it feel?

>> No.14310323

I've been on minox for past 12 months, with great results in the initial 6, then it all went to shit. desu I stopped giving a fuck anymore, buzzing it on monday.

>> No.14310324

holy fuck
run blood tests for cancer markers lol

>> No.14310330

o fuck
baldspots are ruthless

>> No.14310344

true, don't think minox or some oils are going to fix it at this point, so I'm just giving up

>> No.14310348

I buzzed myself over a year ago and let it all grow again, only to see that my widow's peak escalated. Genetics can be so cruel.

>> No.14310354

buzz and try fin?
dunno, hope you manage it somehow

>> No.14310378
File: 300 KB, 1920x1184, 5AD40E32-5EEF-4EBE-85F0-6F3DC597A012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fin has got a bad rep, I’d rather go to Turkey and get transplants for half the price, but it’s still around 8k $, don’t feel like going Max Payne at my age.

>> No.14310443

>At least I got an 8inch cock.
I'm sure you will get to used it, grandpa

>> No.14310479


>> No.14310544
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 060418CA-43FC-4EBD-9DA9-FA036721FEFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure I will

>> No.14310575

bald and beard combo is tried and true

>> No.14310666

Shut the fuck up larper. This isnt you and this pic is shooped to high hell to make you feel better about yourself you big bald bitch

>> No.14310735

>tfw actually on my way to becoming the embrace all along.

>> No.14310843

Satanic trips never lie

>> No.14310922

this is redpilled

>> No.14310928

women get extensions all the time for the simple reason that their hair sucks/is not the way they like it lmao

>> No.14310930

it looks the same you paranoid gook

>> No.14310940

you don't need to be a millionaire to get a good hair transplant, just be wise in choosing the surgeon

>> No.14310944

>a healthy man wearing a wig is simply pathetic
Tell that to Jude Law, Alec Baldwin, Ben Affleck, Bruce Willis, Sean Connery, etc. etc. etc

>> No.14310945

Its an option I never see people recommend, but if that is you in the OP, I would seriously consider an expensive wig or hair transplant. Fully shaven heads don't look good without stubble.

>> No.14310946
File: 133 KB, 900x1200, C8qKAZ1V0AAPn6s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first, if you're get a hair transplant you're gonna get prescribed finasteride, no matter what.

second, as I said >>14310940 you need to choose well, so forget about turkey. a bad hair transplant looks worse than a severly balding head, not even joking.

pic related, a very good example of an atrocious ht

>> No.14311004 [DELETED] 

imagine meeting a qt pie that falls in love with you and loves how you look. After weeks of dating finally she sleeps at your place and sees you taking that dead rat off our head to wash it...

LMAO how fuckng pathetic, "muh Aryan genetics muh master race" ROFLOLMAO

>> No.14311005
File: 850 KB, 2576x1932, 27848346-F171-4D72-8124-C6E1397955C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My head

>> No.14311015
File: 32 KB, 480x600, neil-large-saffron-FACE-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder a bald head only ever looks good when you're monk core. All fatties and copers are eternally BTFO

>> No.14311050

Do dudes with nice hair piss you off?

>> No.14311065

put also clean shaven version next to it

>> No.14311078

Chad is a mindset not something superficial like hair.

>> No.14311268

>minox, dermaroll, use peppermint oil
why are you telling him to engage in all that faggotry if he shaved it retard

>> No.14311277

My sides, imagine paying for this shit

>> No.14311294

I have my share of shitty genes, but I'm so glad I'm not a hairlet.

>> No.14311307

>8 inch cock

the lord giveth and taketh away

>> No.14311315

It looks like nitpicking, I've seen people doing this and looking decent

>> No.14311324
File: 65 KB, 500x700, Matt_Smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw thinning hair and massive fucking ears
I've only seen bald/buzz with ears like mine pulled off a couple times. Matt Smith and Obama.

>> No.14311337

At least you westerners have chadfaces to offset your balding and accentuate on your masculinity, us asians have it the hardest

>be me, pushing to 30s
>asian pretty boy
>used to be headturner
>balding hard on top

>> No.14311400


>> No.14311406

video not showing him get KO'd by a can in 13 seconds

>> No.14311410

yea and everyone can tell you're an insecure loser with fake hair

>> No.14311423
File: 47 KB, 450x600, 1540233538866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace your destiny, anon.

>> No.14311782

Big ears are a masculine anon. Best luck to you

>> No.14311785

This will be me in 3 years. Fuck life

>> No.14311809

>a bald head only looks good when it's not actually bald but just shaved (while still full of hair)
baldies eternally btfo

>> No.14311823

>shows a norwood 0 perfect hairline

>> No.14311840

ur moms a mudshark pitmommy u faget

>> No.14311951

start dermarolling