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14277686 No.14277686 [Reply] [Original]

which is most effay
which will get me a gf

>> No.14277693

From most to least attractive -
muscular > not muscular > chubby > skeleton > obese

>> No.14277710

>which is most effay
>which will get me a gf
>which will get me a bf/gym thot

>> No.14277712
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>> No.14277782

>most effay
>will get gf
athletic/ottermode/roman statue mode

>> No.14277860

I used to a be a goth skelly and I got a ton of pussy. I was near anorexic due to Crohn's, my worst was 49kg (I'm 1.78m tall, about 5'10"). Picture Christian Bale in The Machinist. Many a girls called me "Jack" as in Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas.
I also received lots of attention from gay guys because I looked very ephebic or whatever that word is. Like a scrawny young boy. Kinda made me a little disgusted with gays.

>> No.14278115

I would prefer skelly but have wide hip bones and a barrel chest so I gotta go muscular and forget about ever looking effay

>> No.14278116

A personality

>> No.14278118
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I'm 5'10 skelly and fat chick and gay guys always got their eye on me.
Trying to get fit.

>> No.14278128

Whatever you feel most confident in.

>> No.14278156

Depends, you want to athletic a fit

>> No.14278162


>> No.14278183
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>> No.14278298

twunk > twink > Otter > gymbro > skinny > skinny-fat > average(In the medical sense, BMI of 23 not the average american who is now edging on obese) >>>>>> fat > obese*

*dont kid yourselves fatties, you're not that much better than obese. You become irredeemable once you're fat. Obese is like adding a cold to someone with cancer. Its not good, but the cancer is still made them a lost cause.

>> No.14278300

I'm pretty fit, got great pecs, it works on girls

>> No.14278342

Drawing is biased and both look like shit anyway.

>> No.14278356

how is twink the best aesthetic? its the most attainable and least desireable (by women)

>> No.14278440
File: 48 KB, 500x700, e0270f1032ea2e0b15dbe1417fa42cc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most attainable
Then why aren't you in shape?
>least desirable
hello virgin

>> No.14278446

i am a twink. BMI 18

>> No.14278449

BMI means literally nothing, you could be skinnyfat at that BMI

>> No.14278457

well, no. i have zero visible fat deposits anywhere and people remark how thin i am often

>> No.14278481

then you're skele

>> No.14278527

nice cope gymcel

>> No.14278553

just level the master stat, CHA

>> No.14278869


>> No.14278916

Effay skinny. Gf muscle

>> No.14278927

being effay and getting a gf are two different subjects that don't intertwine.

>> No.14278954

>tfw 48 kg and 5'11''

I can relate with the gay guy thing, I keep getting hit on by em online, etc.. Been wearing super loose clothes recently to hide my frame haha

>> No.14279131

>and least desireable (by women)

...Who the fuck cares what they want?

>> No.14279139

>48 kg and 5'11''
holy fuck

how can you even function

>> No.14279201


>> No.14279465
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daily reminder if you dont look like this just give up and stop buying expensive clothes

>> No.14279711
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same height and bmi 17. Never got looks from anybody. also like Buggy D. Clown.

>> No.14279722
File: 38 KB, 500x510, d62772f9b4b36adfa384250d2a24b9be--alex-turner-cute-guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Alex Turner poster

>> No.14279760
File: 433 KB, 414x576, vinceurbank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is the best male physique and if you disagree then fucking fight him over it

>> No.14279771

I'm 6'2" 215 lbs

What mode is that?

>> No.14280129

big guy mode

>> No.14280150

goddamn arm dominant physiques look great

>> No.14280532

1-80. a personality
81. being generally healthy and not overweight.

Do any kind of sport you like 2-3 times a week means that your generally healthy. After that it really doesn't matter, it's up to your personality. Smile. Talk to all kinds of people. Ask your baker how he is feeling today etc. At some point chicks will start coming to you. Unfortunately it's usually the chicks that you're not 100% into, but if your goal is to get laid that will happen for sure.

>> No.14280669

What should I wear instead, a barrel?

>> No.14280678

Literally anything because you look bad no matter what you do.

>> No.14280912

What did he mean by this

>> No.14281489

Effay is Skelly.

Girls like based chubby boys. I don't make the rules I just enforce em.

>> No.14281573

Same, I'm 53kg 174 and I get hit on by faggots everytime i go clubbing, I'm sure my style doesn't help but it seriously made me hate them

>> No.14282325

muscle bf pls

>> No.14282377
File: 85 KB, 960x923, sadness-is-closer-than-it-appears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu
I want a based chubby bf more than a muscle bf

>> No.14282920

So much better right?
They're never concerned with shallow shit and they love getting belly rubs.
Always smiley like buddahs and generally have the air of like, prosperity gods.

Borrowing their clothes makes you feel like a pretty waif and their arms are big and cozy.

Based chub all the way!

>> No.14283610

Sometimes I like big teddy bear dudes, usually I like dudes with a layer of fat over muscle, sometimes I like lean dudes. I don't like all bones or all muscle, most girls don't imo. Intimidating. Mostly I just want to feel smaller than a guy, so if I find someone who is shorter than me attractive, I usually like that they are wider/built. Overall I just like men that look healthy, are working with what they got and look like they can give a good hug lol. Don't starve yourself anon, secretly girls are super insecure and just want an average looking dude so that they don't have to worry about their own flaws. I recently stopped chatting so much to a dude cause it became flirty and he was too hot lol. I am prob almost on his level but I would rather be with someone more average looking, nice and down to earth.

>> No.14283686

gf says she likes skinny guys (like me, am skeleton) and being thin means you can pretend you're model weight. Muscular isn't effay since you have restrictions on clothes.

>> No.14283691

cause some women are bi and they like effeminate men.

t. is twink mode

>> No.14283692

>since you have restrictions on clothes.
i feel like having more restrictions on clothes by being skinny

i look like shit in plain tees or shorts, for example, because of my stickman arms and legs

>> No.14283705

no you can physically wear most if not all, fit is different. But if your giant gains ripe your shirt you can't wear it, if you're skinny bones make the shirt baggy you can wear it. I don't wear form fitting shirts but I do form fitting pants.

>> No.14283706

also dipshits people dont have universal standards

>> No.14283804

Ottermode > muscular > skinny > skinny fat > overweight > obese

>> No.14283824

no woman wants a boney twink

>> No.14283866

Well except for almost half of the attractive women I know

>> No.14283968

Who are these attractive women?

>> No.14284188

of course women enjoy muscle you dumb fuck
oh god i so much fucking hate those retard twinks who think they will bulk up trice in size after spending few weeks in a gym

>> No.14284396

I'm skelly and have a qt3.14 cheerleader gf, anything is possible. rules 1 and 2

>> No.14284410
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Muscle man here. Reading this i cri evrytiem.

>> No.14284451


>> No.14284609

Once again, who the fuck cares about what women want? I'm gay(bottom) and id totally be more interested in a cute twink framed guy than some muscular or "average sized" guy. Though twunk's are also great(but id prefer twink)

>> No.14285270


>> No.14285276

what are effay approved styles for built fat? I use to be just chubby but over the past month ive been losing weight respectfully with a new diet and also working out my arms and legs, so now i need a good clothing style to go with it

>> No.14285280


Muscular is better imo. Its all up to personal taste.
I personally dont really care cuz i like funny men. I loved chris pratt when he was fat and chubby and i love him even now that he is very muscular. I could care less either way. I just love that hes funny as fuck. I hate anna ferris for divorcing him and making him suffer

>> No.14285455

Holy fucking r*ddit, you own a flatcap don’t you

>> No.14285458

i am skinny and i hate it, because i love wearing leather jackets

>> No.14285628

Can i also be this strong with patience and effort?


>> No.14286522

This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

>> No.14286538

low bodyfat muscle is most effay out of all builds

>> No.14286635

shut up queer

I am skinny and pull it off, you just need to not look like you're wearing it to look tough or some shit. I get compliments often so you can do it anon.

incorrect as I have a gf and im also kinda knowledgeable about fashion.

>> No.14286862
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this is ideal and fuck you if you don't agree

>> No.14286898
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Clint Walker is the ideal male body

2 meters tall(6'6"), massive frame, jet black ultramasculine nw2(norwood 2) hairline, light blue eyes, massive skull, very high class bones structure but still robust as fuck. That chest hair, that forearm hair, that barrel ribcage, that healthy bodyfat, these long limbs, these body proportions. Classic robust corn-fed american chad. Massive frame. Masculine as fuck, very handsome face. Giant frame.

Clint Walker lived to 90, which is rare among men so tall. He had a huge torso, which suggests excellent heart and lungs. My own theory is that the best predictor of longevity is a high ratio of thorax size to body weight. Long-lived people tend to be big-chested without also being fat. Thank fuck men like him don't exist anymore....the mog would be too much. He is pure masculinity. Being in his presence whilst in his prime would probably cause me to have deep depression and possibly even spontaneous suicide.

>> No.14287117
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girls are bigger than that. pic related is more desirable

>> No.14287251

This I I love thicc girls but I only get attention from hamplanets.

>> No.14288009

This is completely dependant on your attitude.
I would even say a skinny guy with a truckload of charisma would beat this guy every other time because he's comfortable with himself.
Most (not all) guys who are tough like this are heavily compensating for not being cool. Chicks don't want men who compensate, they want naturals. Best of both worlds, you're strong and cool. Realistically though, being interesting and good company will pay off a little more, most men go to the gym just to attain that confidence they don't believe they are warranted too without muscles, if you need to do that, fine.
There's a balance, it's not that hard to see that the vast majority of chicks deem well-built men with low body fat. It's the epitome of the "survivor natural", anything above that (above Athletic) is a waste of time frankly.
Sure some girls (usually more fucked in the head) want insanely buff men who could rape them with ease at the drop of a hat, but they are merely a vocal minority and you're almost always going to be deduced to a fucktoy novelty (not sustainable and a frankly empty lifestyle).
Halfway athletic and in formal wear is objectively the GOAT anyway.

>> No.14288146

i agree with most of what you said, but i prefer men who wear something rugged over formal wear. men who wear formal wear in non-office setting are kinda off-putting, as if they couldnt exist outside of a 9 to 17 job and arent interested in anything else.