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14281798 No.14281798[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you all genuinely think being skinny is attractive to any sane woman? I’m convinced anyone that thinks this is an 18-21 year old child without any actual experience with attractive women

>> No.14281812

Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.14281819

Yeah except in this case it’s like 99.99% of women who prefer tall, dark and muscular even your precious art hoes

>> No.14281826


>> No.14281835

I find you can be skinny, but it needs to be more than bones or skinnyfat when you take your clothes off. Ottermode is top tier if you want to keep the skinny look. From there volume really depends on your style. If you're rocking slp then getting bigger is retarded, if you're going for say a neo80s look with lots of athletic wear and denim and essentially emulating the heros of movies and shows of that era then you would need to fill out. Tom Selleck, Mel Gibson, Burt Reynolds, The Hoff were on the athletic side, you're not pulling off the look if you're a skeleton.

>> No.14281859

If all you have to work with is how you look then yes, work your ass out because hoes aren't going to waste their time on you with a garbage personality. Sure there's people with very strict physical preferences who won't go for you depending on how you look but that's really not most people. Just look good enough(5/10), be interesting and fun and you'll get some fuck as long as you're not desperate, needy or take rejection like an absolute bitch.

>> No.14281873
File: 865 KB, 3024x4032, 27C7C480-90D7-4AA7-B4A0-28C90D532735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great personality on a muscular guy vs a great personality on a skinny guy, muscular guy will mog you 100% of the time

In fact mediocre personality on muscular guy vs great personality on skinny guy the muscular guy is still gonna mog you

Average face but muscular dude in a tee and jeans vs this guy, who do you think will get the girl? Girls like masculine traits in men, it’s essentially hard wired into them to NOT like scrawny men

Ottermode is only really attractive if you’ve got very wide shoulders and even then you’re mostly making yourself attractive to asian girls, everyone else will still prefer muscular

>> No.14281881


> Average face but muscular dude in a tee and jeans vs this guy, who do you think will get the girl?
So: muscular + average face vs scrawny f-ck + ugly face ?

You're missing so much just to push your argument, there's attitude, stance, facial expression, confidence, etc.
Why do I bother yo.

>> No.14281885

Yeah tell me how you know what 99.99% of women prefer.
I've heard women talk about how Chris Hemsworth isn't that attractive or how David Gandy looks kinda off. The world isn't black and white, my friend

>> No.14281887

>In fact mediocre personality on muscular guy vs great personality on skinny guy the muscular guy is still gonna mog you
Lol, I've scored at parties with girls who were also being pursued by bigger and better looking dudes and I've fucked girls with much bigger boyfriends than me. I'm 6'2 , 165 and I'm kinda gross naked, skinny fat and all. Yeah you have your advantage, you can just stand there and be done with it but you're really not as hard to out do as you think, especially if I'm smarter than you.

>> No.14281888

post face and body, fag

>> No.14281933

Why can’t these insecurity bait threads stop already?
Like I’ve been on this site for 8 years, and I see the same old shit day in and day out

Sure bruh, skinny is not the classic male ideal. But I can guarantee you I, as a skeleton man, have had way more success with women than 99% of dirty gym rats. Most girls actually don’t even want gym rats, or skinny fucks, they want bulky ottermode dudes like Jared Leto or something.
David Bowie is considered by many to be the hottest man to ever live. He weighed like 90 pounds.
One of the dudes I know that has the most success with women is like a 6 foot 5 noodle, he’s skinny fat to the extreme, and looks like a total numale dork. He has literally no jawline. It’s weird actually. The pint is no one gives a fuck what you look like.

To the young impressionable minds out there, stop listening to every post that’s made just to make you feel bad about yourself. Rock what you want. I can guarantee you’ll be happier than the shills and incels that make these posts

>> No.14281936

>implying young thug wouldn’t fuck your girl


>> No.14282207

Nobody is buying this cope you skeleton pushover faggot lmao, who on earth thinks David Bowie was the “most attractive man to ever live” literally ask most women who they think is the most attractive celebrity and they’ll tell you shit like hemsworth or momoa or jon hamm if they like daddies
What the fuck is this post

>> No.14282218

0/10, weak. Trolls really have gone down in quality these years.

>> No.14283488

Sounds like you're the one without any experience with women.
Some do specifically go for skinny dudes.

>> No.14283497

Get a life

>> No.14283502

Well of course women will always be more attracted to muscular men over skinny lanklets. But we're all lanklets here, bub.

>> No.14283626

But you can change that

>> No.14283631
File: 1.57 MB, 474x354, BB298B87-16FB-4A99-89CF-9AC00D6498D7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, I mentioned wanting to put on weight to a female friend because I’m very lanky. She said she likes lanky.

I said I'm too lanky is the issue and she said “Well... I like guys that are lanky.”

Her boyfriend is pretty stocky though so I think it’s bs

>> No.14283640

>But we're all lanklets here, bub.

I'm more of a Tyler1 desu.

>> No.14283645

This. At least try to be funny w this shit but this is just lame

>> No.14283652

Face >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Height >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Body

>> No.14283658

face doesn't matter when you can't even hold an eye contact

>> No.14283670

that is cope

>> No.14283721

Eh not necessarily. I love fat asses but my last gf was pretty skinny. Believe it or not it's not all about how you look.

>> No.14283792

its this thread again

>> No.14283821

You missed the cue