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File: 173 KB, 634x929, usarmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14274197 No.14274197 [Reply] [Original]

>Military uniforms used to inspire male fashion. Wtf happened
Even the formal uniforms look like shit.

>> No.14274211
File: 317 KB, 1340x1005, 1622411_630129997024018_579158032_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uuuuh, not the Marine Corps, sweety. Pic related I am left.

Even the Army Ranger on my right is looking good. Rare for Army, but the ranger boots are tight. As fuck.

>> No.14274216

the regulation for the new air force unforms says you cant even tailor them - completely awful

>> No.14274221

Ya well the Air Force is heinous as shit.

>> No.14274229
File: 1.83 MB, 2968x1944, usnavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US navy uniform is the only one with soul anymore

>> No.14274231

Nobody is going to rip your genitals you fucking ape.

>> No.14274247

I get my nuts ripped all day

>> No.14274286
File: 107 KB, 1024x732, culver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your highschool had better uniforms than the US military

>> No.14274296

No way that pussy JROTC shit is overblown

>> No.14274308
File: 1.37 MB, 1803x941, oldculver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol im not saying that JROTC is cool. Our uniforms unironically looked better. Its like how West Point has better uniforms than the army.

>> No.14274324
File: 96 KB, 602x338, main-qimg-98aeaef417849f74a540f04ee180d671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian Military Cadets have a really effay uni imo

>> No.14274331
File: 108 KB, 1280x821, ruusian_army_scholl_301018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14274355
File: 252 KB, 1200x764, westpoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14274358

I feel you. I'm just saying just because it has more shit, doesn't make it look effay. The contrast with the sash and uniform is cool. Other than that, meh.

>> No.14274375
File: 308 KB, 1024x1280, 1555088320115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After WW1, traditional "let's meet and fuck each other up" type warfare was gone. People realized that war was headed in a new direction - adjustments needed to be made. No longer was the uniform just a uniform, it needed to have a function in battle. Hence, why most uniforms are simply camo and boots. They serve a purpose in battle - to not stand out, to match your comrades, and to last. It's not a fashion show, like before, where everyone had colorful uniforms with meaning to each piece. Now we, rightfully, focus on keeping our troops alive.

Can you imagine how poorly any modern war would have gone if everyone still wore those flamboyant uniforms that weighed a ton?

>> No.14274419

This has nothing to do with the question.
Uniforms have always been function first, form second. And then they always entered fashion.
Tee shirts, chinos, suits and coats were all military uniform that now became so ingrained as staples because of their utilitarian value.
Post WW1 you have Doc Marteens, M65 jacket, Aviator sunglasses amongst dozens of other styles entering widespread civilian usage.

>> No.14274449
File: 66 KB, 640x422, desertstorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not about wanting 19th century uniforms again, its just that current uniforms look like shit even compared to moderately recent ones, they either look like janitors in beige or retards in digi.

>> No.14274521

literally the only change i would make to marin cammies would be a slightly longer blouse with vented shoulders and a velcro or clasping belt built into the waist to give that sweet v taper. i think some air force cammies have this? nobody wanted to or wants to wear dress blues around all the time anymore. complete strawman

>> No.14274920
File: 103 KB, 564x704, 6be9792325ac18d6c8ff42cdcf013645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all wars were never "let's meet and fuck each other up"
Secondly, just because the uniform is camouflage, doesn't mean it has be look like a sack of potatoes

>> No.14274932

Tab rangers arent real rangers.

>> No.14275017

what does this mean, actually curious

>> No.14275023

but desert storm was the last time the army looked good, 6 color chip camo and desert night camo are the best camos the American military ever did

>> No.14275175

>when anons think dress uniform and combat uniform are the same
>when anons would rather die looking effayyy then survive to look effay the rest of their lives
How can one individual be so disconnected from reality?

>> No.14275184
File: 113 KB, 796x1000, 49489E40-5DE1-4DE2-9EF5-9710AD8BD04E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Marine Corps is the most /fa/ branch of the military, from our dress blues to our cammies to our historical uniforms. Even WWII dungarees were comfy af, rugged and scrappy looking

>> No.14275363

WWII US uniforms were fa as fuck, so were the Germans. What are you on about?

>> No.14275373

Just get them tailored anyways. No one can call you on it because how would they even know?

>> No.14275377


>> No.14275547

Probably there is some safety reason regarding the stitching etc.

>> No.14275872

dios mio...el atrocidad...

>> No.14275880
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>> No.14275966


>> No.14276162
File: 371 KB, 2404x3000, hitlerjugend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh? Are you calling me or Miervaldis Adamsons an Amerimutt? At any rate that's pretty rude and inaccurate. I chose a picture of the "dot44" camo as it was one of the earliest issued uniforms in camouflage (as opposed to camo smocks etc.), and it looks leagues better than the undefined, ill-tailored and ill-fitting sacks the fat mutts in OP's picture are wearing.

>> No.14276176
File: 182 KB, 1024x683, AC45B7C2-655E-4191-B71B-49E5B8A4F03F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14276281

Actually rangers are members of the 75th Ranger Regiment. They're the ones that wear the tan beret. They're a special operations force. On their uniform they wear a patch of a scroll saying 75th Ranger Regiment as their unit patch.

Tabbed rangers means they went to Ranger school, which is a leadership course. It's a pretty intense course but anyone in the army can go to it if their unit sends them. A truck driver can go to Ranger school, though it's usually officers and infantry personnel. They get a tab patch they wear on their uniform that says Ranger.

Going to Ranger school=\=being an actual Ranger. Only being a member of the elite 75th Ranger Regiment means you're a ranger.

Also, the army guy in the pic doesn't have a ranger tab, he's just a member of the 82nd Airborne Division, that's an airborne tab on his uniform, not a ranger tab.

>> No.14276636

Better to leave an attractive corpse

>> No.14276675

They lost the war, to expensive to make

>> No.14276721

This is so gay

>> No.14276777

youre probably gay

>> No.14276797


would buy this if printed on a shirt/10

>> No.14276869

They’d look significantly better with their shirts tucked, sleeves rolled and their pants bloused properly. Field caps look like shit most of the time, berets look better provided they don’t droop too much.

>> No.14276962

This. British MTP > all

>> No.14276977
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 130E5418-2380-4A21-82EB-458C0269498B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it effay to fuck military guy's girlfriends while they're deployed? Currently railing this guy's cute slut while he's deployed with a bunch of goat fuckers.

>> No.14276984

Military uniforms look cool when being in the military actually means something

ROTC is the club for losers, freaks, and minorities these days

>> No.14276986

ya it's effay but straight up be careful a dude from my unit tortured a dude for a day and then killed him when he found out he was being jody'd. He then shot his gf but she lived.

>> No.14277091

Same brother. Fucked this crayon eater's wife.

>> No.14277101

It is good for them, make sure they know their girl was a piece of human trash. They're dodging more bullets than the literal ones that way.

>> No.14277217

>wars were never "let's meet and fuck each other up"
This is basically how warfare in feudal Europe worked.

>> No.14277300

I'm sorry, but that's just silly, I think your insight into medieval warfare must come from popular culture. This isn't the right venue for a detailed discussion of this topic, but still.
There were never any formal or informal agreements for forces to meet at the battlefield, most battles during the middle ages were sieges, since if either side saw that a battle was to their disadvantage, they'd retreat, preferably into a fortified position. Pitched battles thus occurred if both sides thought they had the upper hand, or more usually when one side had maneuvered itself into a favorable position where a battle was inevitable.
An example of this would be the battle of Agincourt, where a smaller English army was desperately trying to get away from a larger French one, but the French managed to outmaneuver the English and attack them.
Or the battle of Hastings, where the Normans had landed in Sussex, and needed to go from there to London to secure the kingdom, but the English set up a defensive line on a hill on the road to London thereby blocking their path, and thus forcing the Normans to either give up and turn back to France, or engage the English in a defensive position that was to their advantage.

>> No.14277440

The only time in history that happened was in the trenches, every other time people tried to pick terrain good for them and baited or forced the other side's hand.

And this isn't even going into ambushes, which are by definition only picked by one side.

>> No.14277479

it's like they intentionally made the current uniforms as ugly as possible, I mean atleast it's not ACUs but they fucking said they would go back to older blues cause it was too nazi like, bunch of faggots

>> No.14277492
File: 116 KB, 401x500, S91014250-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a kinda related note,what dafaq do I wear with this
t.got 3 of them for 10$

>> No.14277506
File: 743 KB, 2833x1877, vining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14277568


>> No.14277579

thank you for your service to israel

>> No.14277589

That pic to me looks like it inspired joggers

>> No.14277855

ACU is hideous

They’re only for function today and a lot of soldiers wear baggy uniforms because it helps with the heat in the desert.

The dress uniforms being shit is inexcusable. The marine uniform is nice, the new army uniform isn’t bad, but the last one was shit. The one before that was my favorite but it was made out of polyester so most soldiers hated wearing them.

>> No.14277876

Uniforms often were functional.
German uniforms from WW1 to WW2 are a good example.

They were functional, the field grey colour was attractive but still blended in.

Their jackboots were sturdy, protective and long lasting yet compliment the figure, look masculine and attractive.

Helmets were distinct, and after the introduction of the Stahlhelm in 1916, were well suited to stopping shrapnel and bullets.

The uniform fit was good too, the pants were loose but not too bad looking, and the jacket was form fitting.

Uniforms are cut hideously today and are just made from thin fabric, likely to save cost and time in production.

>> No.14277879
File: 23 KB, 220x350, F66C2114-09E3-44A9-942D-73D75253384F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.14277881

And this was posted because?

>> No.14277882

Angry cuckold

>> No.14277884

She’s probably fat anyway so you’re showing him to not make bad choices

>> No.14277887

Tbh killing people who fuck your partner shouldn’t be a crime

>> No.14278081

>sturdy and protective
Lol no. Until the low boots got rolled out, better boots were one of many items Germans scavenged off of dead bodies.

>> No.14278095

Jackboots are better than low boots. The boots they scavenged were valenki which aren't even the same type of boot. It's like saying you ditched your highest quality alden boots for rainboots because it was rainy.

dumb shit nigger

>> No.14278990

>German soldiers preferred jackboots in almost every case

>> No.14278997
File: 18 KB, 403x403, 1544993519312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14279000

I dont know whose more fucked in the heas you or the girl but shes probably some dumb hillbilly so i hope the dude finds out about you

>> No.14279070

>implying low boots weren’t issued because of leather shortages

If they were so shit why were they used by German armies every time the opportunity presented itself??

>> No.14279073

el goblino esclavos del jew

>> No.14279151
File: 688 KB, 1200x1200, efc81fa2576359d82ed1bc2474a3c42d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"One VA disability check, please"

>> No.14279164
File: 145 KB, 793x1200, DnuzsYTXsAYAA4T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who are tired of society and just want to have fun.

>> No.14279166

>post WW1
>Doc Marteens [sic]

>> No.14279291

Explain how both German armies ran with jackboots postwar, not unlike the Soviets.

>> No.14279553

The trenches didn't form by any kinds of consensus tho, they basically formed because Germany on the one hand said "well, they've stopped our advance, but if we did in here they'll me forced to expend themselves trying to attack us", and the allies saying "we're not giving up any more land", and pushes were usually accompanied by some measure to draw the enemy forces away form the sector of the push, or incapacitate or overwhelm the troops in the sector.

There is absolutely no photographic or anecdotal evidence to show that, to the contrary photographs show troops wearing jackboots long after they'd stopped being issued and replaced by lowboots, and garrison forces used their jackboots up until the end of the war. In fact the troops lamented having to switch over to the lowboots, Karl-Heinz Zimmerman who was a recruit in 1943 recalled:
"When my brother came home on leave he clomped around the house in those nice boots. I would polish them for him. Those boots were one of those things which separated a soldier from a civilian; they were the trademark of a Deutscher Soldat. When I went into the Army, they gave me a pair of lace-up boots like workman's shoes and a pair of gaiters. We all sat around with these things, looking at them like they were some sort of ladies' wear. We were disappointed. They made us look like a bunch of Tommies."

>> No.14279619

this guy smiles like a rapist

>> No.14279634

There is no uniform uglier than the NWU type III. Why can't we go back to blue, the coast guard looks nice why the fuck do sailors wear green

>> No.14279645
File: 453 KB, 750x942, 1555794908920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well atleast the army brought back the Pinks and Greens. Doesn't look that bad desu.

>> No.14279668

Can't wait for the /pol/tards to show up

>> No.14279952

warfare in feudal Europe was overwhelmingly one side sitting in a castle and the other side camping around it until one side runs out of food or disease killed enough to make any possible victory pyrrhic.

On the rare occasion that armies met in the field it was almost always because 1 was pursuing the other. It's usually fairly obvious which side will win, although sometimes there are legendary upsets (Agincourt of course).

It's very rare for 2 sides to both think they have the upper hand and willingly engage with each other, and especially rare to fight solely to destroy the enemy army (ie, in the field instead of 1 side defending a town or city).

For all of history including modern history, the vast majority of the time 1 side is defending a town, and they aren't fighting because they want to.

>> No.14280018

the shoes are really nice though

>> No.14280027

These look terrible though

>> No.14280031

>military wife or girlfriend
>not fat
Confirmed for lying. Dependas are always whales.

>> No.14280033

This dude's jacket doesn't fit him though and looks really bad.

>> No.14280044

Hope he comes back and caves your skull in...
While I don't particularly agree with what they're fighting for, I still respect them a lot.

>> No.14280254
File: 474 KB, 1536x2048, 9A7B00A7-D409-4674-A4C2-AD284A022DD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for the respecting the troops meme

>> No.14280268

>there he is

>> No.14280305

>taking pride in this
If not you it would be someone else faggot, these dependas are big ho's so I would get checked if I were you

>> No.14280315

Although its an interesting upgrade to the current blues, I can't help but think how bland this looks. It has a sepia toned mass produced feel to it like inmate robes. It has no soul

>> No.14280342

As a civilian, I think these just make everyone look like they’re cosplaying

>> No.14280437

>respecting the US troops

>> No.14280658

She’s a fat cow. It’s almost guaranteed.

Fucking them should be a punishment

>> No.14280663

>not caring about your military

>> No.14281303

it's called fashion, John Smith

>> No.14281349
File: 86 KB, 620x779, b841996f-d6e1-492e-871d-e1f02acb9853_w620_fpx49.97_fpy39.8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the last iteration WAS pretty aesthetic.

>> No.14281895

Thank you for your service to Israel

>> No.14281901

looking good!

>> No.14281913
File: 438 KB, 1608x2048, 27williamsobit-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well memed, friend

>> No.14282702

why? they don't protect me

>> No.14282714

Ollie was a marine though, they've always looked better