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File: 169 KB, 1600x800, slp leather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14257996 No.14257996 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anyone here unironically aspiring for this aesthetic? Lets discuss leather jackets, slim jeans, ankle boots and all that stuff.

>> No.14258020

you dumb nigger we are CELINEmane now

>> No.14258058


>> No.14258074
File: 384 KB, 1400x1400, harrystyles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically my dream aesthetic desu.

>> No.14258081

fat thighs and balding is my inspo too

>> No.14258083

thats healthy

>> No.14258113

Girls just become hostile towards you, because your legs are smaller than theirs. Other men can't handle men who display attitude (and yes, the look itself is feminine, but a heterosexual male conforming to this look is displaying strong masculinity from the mental aspect, by not conforming to the traditional idea of what a man should be. It disturbs other men, because they've built their own self-image on becoming as masculine as possible, but then there's you, someone who is masculine, but has abandoned everything they built their own masculinity on - cognitive dissonance). So get used to other men trying to make fun of you in subtle ways, especially if there's women around.

It's not a look worth going for if you're a normie. Pretty good if you actually do something creative, because people will start approaching you asking what do you do, do you play any instruments etc. If you're just a normie ex-sexcore lurker, they'll just be dissapointed with you because it's simply a look, not a lifestyle. You come off as a poser. Of course don't take it word-for-word, but you'll start recognizing patterns like this

tldr; go for the look, if you're actually active in some creative realm - otherwise, not really worth it

>> No.14258125

how much did you commit to it to get these kind of reactions?

>> No.14258132

I don't wanna go full SLP, but I'd like to wear harness boots. How will normies react?

>> No.14258137


>> No.14258140

The ones that like them will say "Hey nice shoes!"

The ones that don't will not say anything

>> No.14258142

theyll be like "WhY y0u W3aRinG CoWb0Y b0ots???" or they just wont give a fuck

>> No.14258143

Went too larp when I was younger, just the basic pieces - it just stood out too much since everyone's fat and don't care about fashion here. And back then it was just the look, I had nothing of the lifestyle. Still love Hedi (his way of viewing masculinity more than clothing), even if I don't do the hedi looks that much anymore. Actually developed some interests in the creative world (this was sparked by Hedi), started dressing in a different way. Nowadays I probably just look like a creep to normies, but I still notice that the people I want to attract usually show some form of interest towards me, which I like very much.

To me one of clothings major functions is to message about who you are, so if you message that you're this and then you're actually something completely different - it's just not going to play out well for anyone. Sure you might get some looks from cute girls here and there, but who cares when you can't keep the game up - you only seem to have the thing that makes you attractive in their eyes, when you actually don't have it. They're going to find out eventually.

Just start doing something creative and soon you'll start getting inspired by all sorts of things and eventually you'll develop a style that reflects you and your interests. Much more fa than conforming to an image that has been pre-done by someone else and essentially just larping.

Once again, not saying it's the case for all the people going for the slp look, but I've noticed a lot of insecure (like myself) people going for the look as some sort of a magical cure, that's going to change everything.

>> No.14258157

my fear is they'll mistake them to be womens shoes

>> No.14258161
File: 129 KB, 590x886, sexsaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the long answer.

however, what i was actually interested in is relatively unanswered: what parts of your appearance seemed that cosplayish/outlandish in the first place?

the reason i am asking is: the SLP look isn't *that* different from the attractive normie look. wearing slim jeans, leather jackets, chelsea boots - they're all part of the normie canon by now.

think of the guy on the picture. perhaps he is into SLP, but maybe he is just a normie that dressed up for a date or something.

>> No.14258175

I strongly disagree, wearing SLP doesn't make you a sissy homo.

>> No.14258180

achieving the body goals kinda does

and if you have an actually masculine stature, SLP will look laughable on you

>> No.14258203

Sorry. Heels, tall & skinny, skinny denim, biker jackets, jewelry - the basics. The context really was the big thing here, the look just popped in the streets. Literally like 5% of the people you passed in the streets had anything even remotely interesting in the way they dress. I don't mean to sound elitist, but it's just that nobody really did self expression through clothing here. Of course now it has changed very rapidly, I constantly see teenagers that are waaay ahead of where my generation was at their age. Not just superficial things like the way you look or dress, but a lot of them seem to be doing their own thing. I really admire it when people are able to develop their own voice, especially if it's done at an young age.

And small disclaimer, I might live too inside of my own head. Of course I can't tell you this is the exact way people perceive you, but I strongly believe some things you just feel with intuition. The pattern of other men taking discreet shots towards you, when there's women around you happened so often, it can't be just a coincidence.

But of course if i.e. you study arts, hang around with all the everyday lunatics - none of this matters, no one cares. In those circles it's a given you're 'different'. It's the context. That's why I used the term normie (even if it sounds a bit dumb), because I think it captures pretty well the everyday joes that you spend most of your days with, unless you're some artsy person with an artsy circle. And amongst these normies your look will pop out, and this changes the way you are perceived and how people react towards you.

>> No.14258207

>the look itself is feminine
I disagree. The look is actually VERY masculine.

On one hand, while the skinny jeans and the boots are very woman-like, the whole outfit is made to make you look taller. The perfecto jacket, which is the archetypal masculine piece, also emphasizes your shoulders.

Then on the other hand the whole look is very associated with the rockstar, the rake, the womanizer. So (if you pull it well of course) people will think you are like that.

>> No.14258210

And about the picture you posted, yes looks like this have gotten a lot more popular - here where I'm located it only started a few years ago though, my SLP phase was in like 14-16, I noticed men starting to really up their clothing game for the first time in 17. This is the early adopters, I think the big wave is hitting only now in 19. Where the average joes are starting to really display interest in fashion, not just buying clothing, but actually doing things like watching fashion youtubers and whatnot. Big cities I think it goes the way you presented. Smaller cities in smaller countries are very late to everything and I live in a city like this, it's the context

>> No.14258215

got what you meant, thx

i think your experience is indeed somewhat unique to your (then) young age and provincial/small town location. where i live, a full SLP look isnt common, but youre kinda used to men dressing up in a similar style

>> No.14258216

Yes, I think your point of view is fair and I can agree to it aswell. While I personally agree with your take, I don't think the average joe is able to see it the same way. To them, the general public, the look is a bit more on the feminine side. It kind of depends on which look you conform to aswell. Some hedilooks look very familiar to the general public, because they're referencing the 'rockstar look'. I agree that this rockstar look can be seen as masculine and also recognized as masculine by the general public.

If you lean more towards fw15'ish look, you'll probably seen more feminine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8uucKY5Pgo

If you go for the fw13/fw16 look then yes, maybe seen as masculine. Or maybe some twisted combination of masculine and feminine, I don't know

Ultimately I think it's this question of what is masculinity that also makes the look interesting. Some see it as feminine, some masculine and that's what makes it interesting and controversial

>> No.14258343
File: 13 KB, 220x330, 220px-Hedi_Slimane_in_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some see it as feminine, some masculine and that's what makes it interesting and controversial
I think this is because the most important thing is the attitude, which can make or break the fit. Hedi himself tends to look pretty awkward in his own clothes, because he's very shy and has weak body language, like OP's pic. In this one he is more relaxed and looks much better.

>Ultimately I think it's this question of what is masculinity that also makes the look interesting
The masculinity question gets a bit tiring imo, because people use it to push their political agendas (from both sides). Masculinity hasn't changed much, androgyny has been a thing for centuries and plays an important role in masculinity. The problem is people misinterpret it and think being androgynous is being full-on feminine.

>> No.14258353

His legs are fat for that look.
He looks much better when he wears trousers

>> No.14258359
File: 79 KB, 768x960, tony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you
SAINT is dead
Now I wear celine with 2x number (n)ine with extra drip and true religon
Pic related, me at the airport going out with my friend Marco Clo.

>> No.14258383

My friend Marco with his camera taking pics of me.
Very good photographer. You can check him out at marcoclo.com/diary

>> No.14258393
File: 236 KB, 1200x1500, best_wyatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget who created the supirior wyatt.

>> No.14258403
File: 2.91 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


need some CELINE berlin boots

>> No.14258411
File: 2.91 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_6560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whoops. just got these jeans from outlet. shoes are from 2016

>> No.14258410
File: 2.18 MB, 912x1636, slp_ss16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best piece from ss16, I love surf sounds.

>> No.14258442
File: 2.26 MB, 1108x1110, diary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14258450

looking clean my nigga

>> No.14258451


>> No.14258462
File: 103 KB, 931x1200, dior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14258473
File: 659 KB, 632x948, dior_2010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14258479
File: 1.28 MB, 718x956, dior_inspo_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14258484
File: 1.13 MB, 708x954, dior_inspo_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14258494
File: 1.17 MB, 716x956, dior_inspo_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Hedi was the goat. He peaked at dior homme.

>> No.14258505
File: 232 KB, 1200x891, hedi-slimane-a-beat-apart-body-image-1414078085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14258652
File: 467 KB, 2560x1920, 1495677547655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw tall
>long legs
>...fat thighs
>shitskin latino

>> No.14258740

too quirky
unwearable tackiness
eh, just no
could be cool with proper sleeves

>> No.14259032

Do you have at least a pretty face?

>> No.14259108

gotta say hedi at celine is pure shit

>> No.14259111

this. if it wasnt "hedi celine", this shit wouldnt sell

>> No.14259120
File: 13 KB, 251x242, 1549824165859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up and suck my big fucking dick you fat roast

>> No.14259122

post a good piece from the new celine collection thats worth its money. one.

>> No.14259143

Eddie is a hack

>> No.14259171


>> No.14259217
File: 710 KB, 198x240, DifficultFickleBarbet-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14259238

Berlin boots are pretty hetero.
I got a lot of girls by wearing them.

>> No.14259240
File: 181 KB, 400x370, 1552481488204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14259243

photo pls

>> No.14259245

Any alternatives for the teddy jacket?

>> No.14259247

>le shoopn beed me XDD
kys retard cont

>> No.14259279

its just a particular vasity jacket design, look for varsity jackets

>> No.14259744

What do you guys wear with harness boots or jodphurs without going with the slp biker jacket look

>> No.14259774

>because people will start approaching you asking what do you do, do you play any instruments etc.
lmao this is so true. More times than I can count when I've been at a show/venue dressed in the SLP style (sadly can't afford the brand) I've had people just assume I'm in a band. It's crazy actually the consistent effect the look has.

>> No.14259777

>(his way of viewing masculinity more than clothing)
Could you link any related material? Would love to read.

>> No.14259781

anyone who wears this shit I automatically assume they have HIV

>> No.14259786

Look up Hedi interviews on Business Of Fashion

>> No.14259881

I guess, girls approached me a lot of times

>> No.14259893
File: 206 KB, 1333x1846, 2V059959C.19BR_1_SUM19_190049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing someone that works at celine in 2019
kys retard. you might be able to wear these and the jacno boots if you weren't a pig

>> No.14259900

any cheap alternatives?

>> No.14259943
File: 122 KB, 720x549, 1521318801465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14259962

Don't loose hope boi

>> No.14260184

What can a buy as babbies’ first harness boots? Don’t wanna spend $1000 right away.

>> No.14260757

what material is that even made of?

>> No.14260805

>those thighs

>> No.14260808

Looks like wool

>> No.14260823

79/21 wool poly blend

>> No.14260919

Just lost weight

>> No.14261018

wool gabardine/poly

>> No.14261046

Looks like a vintage I don't know if it australian or something like that military jacket.
Search on eBay vintage military wool jacket, you will find the exact same jacket but in military green, for like 30-50 bucks.

>> No.14261059
File: 34 KB, 620x348, 1516826824774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All seasons are ss16
>created the iconic bandana wyatt
>Only knows Guns and Roses, never heard alternative hipster rock
When will effay embrace the God Mike Amiri

>> No.14261089

Story et Fall/From the First

>> No.14261103

I hope SeF fix their website, it's awful

>> No.14261114

they wont, because they dont need to. literally drowning in orders

>> No.14261136
File: 3.34 MB, 3558x2411, celine_ss21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14261141

is it darker Scout Regiment jacket?

>> No.14261145

>mistake them to be woman's shoes
it's like mistaking a fly for a fly

>> No.14261147

It’s based on vintage Eisenhower jackets, google that and you’ll find plenty of alternatives :3

>> No.14261148
File: 552 KB, 1536x1604, celine_aw20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14261168


>> No.14261204

yes. i'm a photographer so quite creative and I wear everything around the aesthetic daily. get a lot of looks from people when they hear my boots from a mile away. feels great and like I am 10 feet taller than anyone (196cm) and far superior than everybody else.

>> No.14261231

oh no no no
go back to your shithole >>>/p/

>> No.14261261
File: 367 KB, 1200x1600, celine_navigate_boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14261323
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>> No.14261329


>> No.14261541

Unironically check out reddit, they have some guides on what shoes is which and how to order them

>> No.14261655
File: 52 KB, 933x700, DB9BF30CCF2B482786949A392E8F0BCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite

>> No.14261660

I'll agree with you on the thighs and I'll add that he has weirdly broad hips, like he has no v taper, but saying he's balding is pushing it

>> No.14261663

these are beautiful

>> No.14261665

his thighs arent fat at all
its whats called "normal" outside the slp microcosm , even on the slimmer end of normal

>> No.14261677

I think it's the shirt tucked into low rise jeans that makes his legs look stumpy as fuck

>> No.14262171
File: 615 KB, 500x700, styles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the GOAT

>> No.14262175
File: 103 KB, 790x1053, 1552491739941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat piece of shit

>> No.14262211
File: 114 KB, 720x960, 214114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wearing rock n roll clothing and singing pop songs make me want to puke
what a fucking fat sub-human desu

>> No.14262224

dog hair magnet

>> No.14262899

I do fashion, don't care about shitty landscapes and whatever they circle jerk about there. I don't belong there.

>> No.14262919

I thought they had their site purposely be shit to try and filter out people ordering

>> No.14263414

>try and filter out people ordering
what kind of business strategy is that

>> No.14263419

fuck i wanna be a slimane model fuuuuk

>> No.14263434

Imagine thinking every man that looks at you has to question masculinity instead of just coming to the conclusion that you're a huge faggot instead.

>> No.14263437
File: 49 KB, 450x600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rango looking ass

>> No.14263452

He's selling knock offs.
He has to be careful.

>> No.14263455

>He's selling knock offs.
but so does zara

>> No.14263469

Post legs

>> No.14263491

No, zara is the OG. Everybody copies zara.

>> No.14263506

Zara fucking sucks, they try to have this high-end image but most products suck, are shittly made and age badly.

>> No.14263518

Are you retarded? This entire thread is shitposting.

>> No.14263655

thx senpai
had a good kek desu

>> No.14263660

should i get black leather or brown suede harness boots?

black leather is much more practical, but brown suede conjures the cowboy imagery more

>> No.14263720

Personally I prefer the black leather, but you're right, the brown suede is the best for the cowboy cosplay.
Btw there are different shades of brown.

>> No.14263728
File: 34 KB, 1200x630, saint-laurent-black-Black-Leather-Wyatt-Harness-Boots[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What SLP style boots are the most versatile? Doesn't need to be made by them either.

At one point I wanted to get the black leather wyatt harness', but I soon realized it would be way too loud and attention grabbing, especially for where I live. And I don't like getting too much attention, with my anxiety and all. Don't know what I was thinking.

I'm thinking of jodphurs maybe. Don't know what color or material yet.

>> No.14263774

Story et fall does detachable harnesses if you ask for it maybe that is something to look into

>> No.14263827

One thing that's always puzzled me about SLP is the boots

They're not truly amazing quality (though quite good) and fit very slim and high - unless you want them for the 'brand' factor or because of a particular unique design, you can get better made boots for cheaper if you know other good footwear brands

For instance, if you don't want something that screams 'fashion' like the harness boots do, then just cop good quality black chelseas from an English maker - these are literally only £250:

More subtle, imo, whilst still being very much a part of that look. All this is just my opinion, but for the look as a whole, the more statement pieces make far more sense as cops than the boots do

>> No.14263847
File: 35 KB, 858x486, fromthefirst-luca-vs-slp-wyatt-1-858x486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have experience with From the First? Their silhouette looks great to me and I'm thinking of buying their deerskin boots instead of black slp wyatts (no harness) to save a bit

>> No.14263851

selling "knock off" clothes is generally legal if you don't rip logos. Things such as red bottoms and the adidas 3 stripes are exceptions, but everyone makes wyatts and chelsea boots (harness boots were around for a while before hedi)

>> No.14263857

>selling "knock off" clothes is generally legal if you don't rip logos
then i wonder why so few manufacturers offer budget wyatts

>> No.14263862
File: 37 KB, 1000x1000, t2_1024x1024@2x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This think is so chunky and square toed. The SLP silhouette is hard to find at a cheaper price point.

>> No.14263868

Those chelsea boots are nice as chelsea boots but won't work in the SLP look; without the extremely tight silhouette you end up looking super chunky and sloppy.

The shaft is too wide and doesn't taper early or aggressively enough, the toes are far too boxy, and without enough of a heel you lose the sleekness of the bottom of the boot + the touch of femininity

>> No.14263877

They're pretty common, I live in Canada so we're behind fashion wise and i still see harness boots at aldo in random ontario towns lol

Noone offers budget wyatts in a desirable shape though because if a company like aldo were to mass produce super skinny tight-shafted shoes, they wouldn't be able to sell them to most north americans because they're either too fat or think it looks gay

>> No.14263880
File: 45 KB, 800x558, aldo harness boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic related

>> No.14264073
File: 1.47 MB, 1238x1466, IMG_6251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im dropping weight, went from 182 lbs to 167 lbs in 1.5 months. I start weight training next week to keep up my muscles. Can't wait to dress SLP.

Pic may be unrelated

>> No.14264078

I find slp can look more feminine on younger and less confident individuals. It's all about carrying the energy

>> No.14264335
File: 140 KB, 1100x1467, duckie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got mine

>> No.14264361

i saw a guy in full SLP all black fucking sick ass outfit but he paired it with a brown belt and i had to throw up

>> No.14264366

I will never undestand brown belts

>> No.14264491 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 960x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of coping, real cheap

>> No.14264570


You're paying for the silhouette. It's amazing how hard it is to reproduce it the same way Hedi did. Look at SEF, FTF. It's 95% same thing, but still lacks that proper feel and shape. Call me a fanboy, but imo the whole wyatt line will go down as one of the nicest shoe silhouettes in a while. Something that will be referenced after years, no wonder it has been kept on the sl product list in various iterations

>> No.14264607

Fw13 Wyatt's the best shoe ever made

>> No.14264619

The minor attention to details in the proportioning and tappering are incredibly well thought over and haven't been nearly replicated. The Hedi SLP boots are the one SLP item that are definitely worth the price.

>> No.14264854

you're a famous portuguese singer. big if true

>> No.14265553

twink core general

>> No.14265564

Buy Mike Amiri.
If you dont, you'll burn in hell.

>> No.14265573 [DELETED] 

based and exclusive-pilled. Some houses do this, to limit exposure and retain the exclusivity of the designs and brand. Websites that don't make ordering easy, never self-promote, don't include share links for any social media, only include abstract dysfunctional linked images on their homepage. The higher up you go, the more exclusive and higher paying the clientelle are and the website is basically just their to protect the brand name. Because at a certain point, the clientelle is that rich, they pay for only made to order items which are not even on the sites.

>> No.14265575 [DELETED] 

There is a lot more to boots than how they look. How do they sound, and how do they smell, does the leather make that "squish" sound that only high quality leather does. Do the soles feel slippery, allowing you to full on slide across a marble floor or stage. I have a pair of boots, the soles sound like a blacksmiths hammer hitting an anvil ever time a step, like a "clink!" sound, it's amazing to walk in. Also, including any hanging metal on the straps etc, this creates a "jangle" every time you step just right. This is not just about looks. These addistional features are things which you have to be a highly skilled shoe maker to make work.

>> No.14265577

overpriced tacky garbage

>> No.14265579

Amiri is shit compared to Slimane

>> No.14265906


best thing about amiri are those prices, absolute steals

>> No.14266074

Steals? Amiri costs more than SLP

>> No.14266707
File: 808 KB, 2000x3000, jTBoveA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think is the better option of Hedi boots;
Tight around the thigh then straight around the shin with a crop or skinny jeans, where the jeans hug around the ankle and stack?
Most SLP models do the former but i don't think it's even possible to pill off on a non-anorexic frame

>> No.14266724

My jeans are basically skin tight down to just below my calf, with a tiny bit of room around the ankle
this lets them stack nice and close to the shaft of the boot without clinging too tight like harry styles' jeans do

for reference i'm 6' 140lbs, so just wavering on the healthy edge of skinny lol

>> No.14266746
File: 967 KB, 569x853, chrome_O7XmjovZdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I do, but i find the leg opening is too wide and ends up covering a lot of the harness. I think you just have to be skinny enough for it to stop above the harness but not make your calf look fat like Harry's

>> No.14266808

You have to taper more under the calf, I got fed up with tailors underestimating how tight i want my pants and had to learn to sew to do it myself

>lets them stack nice and close to the shaft of the boot without clinging too tight
by this i meant they still hug the shaft of the boots a little, but they get tiny stacks that look more natural than the straight up spandex-cling look

my leg openings are about 5.5" or slightly less, the half inch difference between that and standard 6" is actually crazy when i try my wyatts w/ different jeans

>> No.14266861

But that looks shit. Low rise and fat thighs...

>> No.14266881

I’m 5’10, 135lbs. Should I buy Wyatt’s or should I buy Wyatt’s?

>> No.14266891

I'm what people call "skinnyfat"

>> No.14267071
File: 6 KB, 173x250, 1508248088330s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking stop scrolling. I want everyone scrolling through this thread to stop and read what I'm about to say. You can't pull off this look. Harry Styles can't, models can't, no one except a fucking anime character could. The harness boots are tacky and have a shit silhouette, the tight jeans look cheap and belonging to someone of ill health no matter who wears them, and the leather jacket looks so fucking AIDS ridden and overdone that there's no redeeming quality. You're all hopeless. Celine is no better. You look like a pathetic LARPing asshole in this hot garbage

>> No.14267076

>t. fat short ugly guy

>> No.14267080

Oh and its all brutally overpriced, can't forget that. Also, no I will not post a pic of a fit, fuck off and die

>> No.14267083

Post a pic of someone who looks healthy and somewhat decent in SLP or Celine. Hint, you can't

>> No.14267091

He >>14258074 looks perfect. people calling him fat are retards

>> No.14267103

I agree, calling him fat is pretty indicative of being mentally ill. That being said, he still doesn't look good

>> No.14267144

lose weight

>> No.14267150
File: 825 KB, 1936x3508, JCyDfMMQWwAMihfpiv2XUNTQ627qZ7uJeMZ90ll4zeM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14267154
File: 115 KB, 1020x1530, karl-heidi-vogue-5april17-rex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're overthinking it. Hedi-era Dior, YSL, and Celine is meant solely for thin and tall Europeans, preferably with a paler complexion. Those are the requirements to pull it off. Hedi's models are capable of pulling these looks off. They aren't from agencies, most are handpicked off Parisian and Los Angeles streets, some are personal friends and muses of Hedi. Hedi said so himself. If you don't fit that bar, then don't even bother with the brand. If your waist begins with 30 and above, fuck off. Hedi's work is widely criticized because it doesn't appeal to the masses, most of whom are out of shape or short and stubby.

This isn't difficult to pull off. You'd be surprised how easy it is to pull off, considering the aforementioned requirements are met. You just have this notion that it's disgustingly goofy from fucking borderline obese Chinese manlets or buff swarthy "tough guys" donning Hedi's work.

All you have to do is lose weight fat ass. You have no excuse. Karl Lagerfeld went from obese to as-thin-as-possible just to fit into Hedi's work; and as he said, Hedi Slimane's work is the best for the moment as it's right for the moment.

>> No.14267321
File: 311 KB, 1366x2048, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think that looks good, i think there's another, more accepting website thats more your speed
Those maybe the requirements needed to pull it off, but sadly even those that meet the requirements don't pull it off. Having knees and ankles being thicker than the entirety of your leg isn't just unhealthy, its atrocious looking. And that isn't the exception, it's the rule. Ruins the entire lower half. If you're under a 30 waist as a man, you should probably give up. Don't even get me started on his fucking hackwork that is the rest of his garments. Furthermore, Hedi isn't an artist, he doesn't have "work".
I also love the implication that anyone who doesn't agree with your underweight, coked up aesthetic must be fat and ugly. Good lord the projection on you Hedi/SLP fags

>> No.14267356

>I also love the implication that anyone who doesn't agree with your underweight, coked up aesthetic must be fat
>If you're under a 30 waist as a man, you should probably give up
I wonder where that assumption came from

>> No.14267373
File: 27 KB, 325x502, reeves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vast majority of athletes I've ever known, myself included, are over a 28. Some very committed long distance runners may fall under. If you don't have an attractive body, you won't look attractive in clothing. If you're under a 28 or 30 waist, good chance you don't have an attractive body. Sorry retard

>> No.14267405

jesus those legs

>> No.14267431

You could not be more far from having self-awareness. I don't know what kind of "artists" you are referring to, even in fashion, the most famous and known photographers are almost all ugly, short or just weird looking overall. This applies to designers too but look at the make-up artists, hairdressers, stylists. Everyone actually doing any sort of creative work in fashion is rather weird or ugly looking, like most people.
You seem like a type of person who creates this fake persona for Instagram or I don't even know what kind of mindset it takes to think putting on certain clothes is a lifestyle. it's just piece of fabric anyone with enough money can buy.

Seriously, consider developing a personality instead of falsely tricking yourself into thinking consumerism or playing an instrument is a "lifestyle". Buying clothes, any clothing won't make you a different person. It makes you look like a different person at most. Which is a definition of a poser.

>> No.14267457
File: 453 KB, 1500x1960, PartyNextDoor-Flaunt-Magazine-Dior-Homme-jacket-Saint-Laurent-tee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree with his first paragraph (i wear slp almost all the time, ppl don't get randomly hostile like that lmao) but his second is accurate

To say almost all artists are ugly is retarded, the majority of famous musicians for example are far more attractive than the average person

Wearing saint laurent clothes isn't a lifestyle, but people will often assume you lead a lifestyle similar to those that inspired the foundations of Hedi's work, or at least an interesting life of some kind. If you're still an awkward chan sperg irl then obviously people will see right through you, but if you have good social skills and interesting hobbies it opens the door for a lot of conversations

>> No.14267911

is the new saint laurent collection worth a damn now that hedi's gone?

>> No.14267915

This entire board is just a big shitpost.

>> No.14267946

>6' 140lbs

lose 15 pounds fattie. u aint skinny

>> No.14267948

based karl laggerfeld

>Trendy is the last stage before tacky

>> No.14268086

>To say almost all artists are ugly is retarded, the majority of famous musicians for example are far more attractive than the average person
Yeah because major labels and sponsors select the people who sell and attractive people gonna sell more. When it comes to famous people it's not about their talent but the overall imagine they can sell to people. Musicians also have all the help available to make themselves more appealing, only professional photographers who can make them look the best take pictures of them etc. Even when it comes to actually attractive people, you can often find pictures of them before they were discovered looking like a different person.

I don't know any really famous musicians personally but I know photographers who shot for magazines like Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, etc. and shot for high fashion brands and I wouldn't say they are any more attractive than the general population. In my experience there is zero correlation between the two. You sound like a zoomer who fell for the 21th century Hollywood lie aka Instagram. People will portray themselves they way they want and especially big companies will do the same to convince people by consuming more products, they can totally be like their favourite artist, get closer to them, live their lifestyle or whatever. its all bullshit and lies

>> No.14268593

I'm certainly not an emaciated skeleton anymore, but I still have a 6 pack and a 29 inch waist lol. I'm basically somewhere between SLP and ottermode

I've been 15 pounds lighter several times in my life, feels like absolute death

>I know photographers who shot for magazines like Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, etc. and shot for high fashion brands and I wouldn't say they are any more attractive than the general population. In my experience there is zero correlation between the two
>the most famous and known photographers are almost all ugly, short or just weird looking overall. This applies to designers too

Ah, so you are retarded.

>> No.14268603
File: 98 KB, 700x437, hedi-slimane-saint-laurent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but most designers ive ever seen are weird/ugly looking. Take a look at the aforementioned Hedi, or Lagerfeld

>> No.14268619

Hedi just has a permanent 1000 yards stare lmao

>> No.14268635

Im 6ft (181cm) and weight 154 (70kg) my bodyfat is 13%.
My waist for most of my denim is 28/29. Dont listen to >>14267946 this retarded fuck coming out of his contaminated thinspo thread.
With your bodystats your fine.
You could pull of the SLP line just fine and look healthy at the same time.

>> No.14268638
File: 21 KB, 480x329, tom_ford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with that; i think a lot of designers in particular are weird looking and it drives them to create their ideal clothes somehow

although there's also people like Tom Ford who makes me swoon when he talks

All I was really challenging initially is this "almost noone creative is good looking!" attitude which is just false. And if you have a combination of creativity and good looks, that's one of the most powerful things in the goddamn world.

For an example, here's a cute r&b singer in her self-built bedroom studio 6 years ago. She broke Billboard top 10 with her debut album a year later, with the lead single being a platinum hit.


>> No.14268651

Thank you! I swear this board is just mentally unhealthy half the time. I browse thinspo as well infrequently, but get sad for people when they take it as dogma. Slim is good, emaciated is unhealthy, slim and strong is ideal to me

accurate lmao

>> No.14268678
File: 64 KB, 1000x450, tom-ford-quotes-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom is the perfect archetype representative of this board:
>had an existential crisis as a teen when he started balding
>has a Patrick Bateman style daily routine
>sells overpriced clothing that screams "I'm better than you"
>everything he does, from the way he speaks to his posture is consciously calculated to look effay
>tries to be edgy, but cares too much about his social appearance
>is gay

>> No.14268708

In my experience creative people who are successful are usually too much invested in whatever they are doing to worry about their appearance
Cherry picking good looking creative people is pointless

>> No.14268745

You could make that argument about literally anyone who does any activity; bakers, students, stock traders, oil workers, etc

Having a cocky outgoing attitude, fanatical attention to detail and being gay are all positives if you want to be a good designer. It's like how Michael Jordan is a borderline psychotic asshole, but he's also Michael Jordan

>> No.14268838

>You could make that argument about literally anyone who does any activity;
Well it's honestly true most of the times, yes.

>> No.14268899

Ok buddy retard

>> No.14268920

>Fucking stop
Stopped reading right there

>> No.14268927

my guess is sexual abuse

>> No.14268987


Their simpler boots I love. This is fucking terrible

>> No.14269003

Genes. Hedi is Italian-Tunisian. I live in Prato and I see people with similar eyes, down to the stare, and bags, on a daily basis - I have them as well. Some Italian historical figures have it too.

>> No.14269004

Looks like WW2 British uniform jackets

>> No.14269020

I only really want two pairs. These, and their jodhpur boots with the lower heel. Both in black.

>> No.14269042

Dunno about sexual abuse, but he was bullied as a child for being a twink

>> No.14269056

Yeah, I can believe that. I was a twink growing up and received lots of physical abuse. Is it the same in America? Do skinnier children go through that? It's hell on earth. No wonder Hedi's reclusive and lurks in clubs.

>> No.14269065

Reminder that Hedi Slimane will be the creative director of Chrome Hearts ®.
And yes, he will drop gold wyatts with harness and chrome hearts chains on it.

>> No.14269161
File: 486 KB, 1000x1250, Hedi x CH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14269308

I love Hedi and CH but this should never happen

>> No.14269378
File: 44 KB, 371x500, chrome_Karl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14269417

Balding? he has a glorious mane

>> No.14269458

Does anyone has that picture of that fat guy that added red bottoms to his wyatts?
I had that pic from the facebook group but I lost it.
Please give me back that treasure.

>> No.14270106

Slim is for ugly fat redditors

>> No.14270120
File: 1.53 MB, 954x1192, Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at 8.17.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fashion fitness guam haim https://www.instagram.com/guamhaim/

>> No.14270143

Unironically kill yourself

>> No.14270198

Yea too bad the average 6'2 male model for a real Design House like Celine is <130 pounds. But nice try fattass.
>Slim is good, emaciated is unhealthy, slim and strong is ideal to me
>t. Fatty
aka. American word for not being morbidly obese. Gtfo with your fat acceptance bs. Fatty. This is SLP/Celine/Dior territory, not JCrew

>> No.14270335

Preach bröder.

This is where the thin white duke lingers

>> No.14270338

i have yet to see a picture of a regular looking guy looking good (or even passable) in full SLP

>> No.14270525

No one can pull off full slp.
That's why slp is good. Everybody gets fucked

>> No.14270548

if it looks shit on everyone, its shit fashion

>> No.14270561

i have yet to see a picture of a regular looking guy looking good (or even passable) in full rick

>> No.14270620


>> No.14270654

>I am yet to see some flabby fatass look good in clothing tailored for people in shape
Who would have thought?

>> No.14270661

>hungry skelington one wind blow away from falling apart
>in shape

>> No.14270687
File: 334 KB, 1200x1799, style_5c6f99ac2a372-1200x1799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14270696

Is he legal yet?

>> No.14270703

In Canada, yeah

>> No.14270720
File: 152 KB, 700x688, suicidewojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mogged by a 12 year old twink in slp

>> No.14270723

amiri is actually slp done worse in every way

>> No.14270734

>glued soles

>> No.14271272

I have a pair, and a lot of anxiety too, but If you really like them, just get them, wear them, and give 0 fucks. Cheers.

>> No.14271399

This, just walking in them makes you feel like an absolute chad. and it's not just the extra height.

>> No.14271492
File: 865 KB, 3024x4032, 41447368_277672786181029_6257019952948051968_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I look stupid as fuck

>> No.14271498

Amazing cosplay.

>> No.14271500

how so? they're kinda feminine, they would make me feel more vulnerable, if anything

>> No.14271502

how do i avoid looking like this when wearing black leather

>> No.14271503
File: 82 KB, 958x960, 31460993_1927350097296814_3643805508957110272_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know

>> No.14271513

You underestimate how much taller that 40mm extra makes you feel and when you're standing on heels, your posture naturally becomes better because you need to balance it more. This is why everyone should consider having atleast one boot in their footwear rotation for those special days, when you need that extra boost

>> No.14271521

how did others react to you wearing them?

>> No.14271569

Your body language and face ruin it.

Sorry to say so but you look nerdy and awkward. Try learning how to not look so awkward/meek. Also don’t wear glasses, maybe try a different haircut?

>> No.14271572

They only look feminine because of the heel, which isn’t even that feminine itself.
If you aren’t afraid of expressing yourself you shouldn’t have an issue pulling them off.

>> No.14271575

>responding to bait

>> No.14271578

Have you seen the people who post here?

>> No.14271582

yeah, you and i are amongst them

>> No.14271583

Don’t be a dork.

>> No.14271589
File: 44 KB, 800x450, ECA733C7-F44D-4A42-A21A-07BAB13CF95E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this retarded
Epic post

>> No.14271658

not him but the old geezers at my workplace called them the prince boots among the banter. in reality they don't care it's just a good shit talking point since even 30mm heels on regular chelsea boots are already too tall for them

>> No.14271665

it's moreso the slim silhouette and cuban heel shape that makes them look feminine than the heel height. you've got big chunky 'real' cowboy boots etc with big heels that don't look as feminine.

>> No.14273088
File: 35 KB, 634x800, FB_IMG_1555668728025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14274489

imagine trying to be helpful by responding to bait and just giving the most fucking retarded answers