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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 449 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190409-210303_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14248979 No.14248979 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone understand this? Plz explain.

>> No.14248980


hope this helps

>> No.14249006

Wearing toddler shoes is a gay fad that started a year or two ago. I think it fizzled out a while ago.

>> No.14249012

Amazing shoe with unique, cutting edge design (even though it borrowed from 90s Nike) . Interesting colorways. Great build quality and attention to detail.

>> No.14249014

Lol you know nothing nigga. Post your fit I bet you look gay as hell. Shit like Rafs been out since the 00s

>> No.14249019

bitch pls.

it's the price. whoever charges that much for that should be arrested. I'll be wearing my 30 bucks sneakers while watching.

>> No.14249021

Wow great response! Absolutely scintillating. You faggot ass retard go back to wherever you came from , you're on the fashion board not the poverty labor career wal mart center

>> No.14249023
File: 466 KB, 460x591, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these. Posted myself in a WAYW thread about 2 weeks ago and got about 1 reply lel.

>> No.14249028
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>> No.14249030

Overexposed and gaudy of a meme. If I see the, irl I still get kinda jelly, even if they are fakes. Don't ask

>> No.14249031

That's cause you look goofy af. Your stance is atrocious and your posture is garbage. The soi cap and glasses don't help your case

>> No.14249033

or maybe ir's just mad

>> No.14249036

Hit the gym dude you got toothpicks for ankles

Sick kicks though

>> No.14249037

No they are supposed to be clownish

>> No.14249042

take off the edge, you brain-damaged ape.
this money could be spent on something worthwhile instead of something that will completely fall apart in 1-2 years.

>> No.14249050


Agree. That fit would be good *if* you were very fit with a gym body. Not a steroid body or anything but clearly fit with a very good posture.

TL:DR: only wear really expensive clothes if you have a 9/10 body as bad foundations lead to bad fits.

>> No.14249054

It's honestly laughable that people think they can wear multi thousand dollar fits and be /fa/ when they got unfit bodies. That's not how attraction works. It's like being 400 pounds and thinking wearing a gucci t-shirt will make you irresistible to the ladies..... *tips fedora*

>> No.14249065


I don't want to be muscular as I am transitioning to female but remaining non-binary gender fluid. She's/Thurs/Xere pronouns.

>> No.14249066


to finalise: wearing expensive clothes and good fits COMPLEMENTS being attractive. You cannot be ugly or unfit and expect expensive clothes to make you a pimp. It should be the cherry on the top of being very fit, and very suave. Clothes cant make you attractive, they should complement attractiveness. I laugh when I see unfit people wearing clothes worth hundreds of dollars, even more so when its thousands.. it shows their desperateness to fit in when they dont understand anything, naive private schooled kids at their finest.. Please daddy let me buy my 1000 dollar geobaskets or balenciagas it will make me... irresistible ;) ;) to the.... voluptuous fashion ladies.. ;) ;) :P :P !!!!!

>> No.14249078

fair enough, ill probably get arrested soon since im from the UK for hate speech, RIP :|(

>> No.14249098

lol this dude thinks shoes are meant to be worn

>> No.14249099
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>> No.14249102

Yeah if you're poor and gay like yourself, you'll find yourself worrying about $800. Kys slave

>> No.14249109

When dad shoes took off Balenciaga decided to take it to the extreme. This has been around for a while how new are you

>> No.14249134

Wear fat sneakers to make up for skinny dick

>> No.14249149

Gamer words like gaudy colors and have no sense of coordination

>> No.14249231

No amount of gym work is going to grow your ankles mate. There's basically no muscle right down there.

>> No.14249389

Lmao they look like moldy loaves of bread

>> No.14249409
File: 791 KB, 720x784, Näyttökuva 2019-4-10 kello 7.42.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14249417
File: 603 KB, 1000x838, Screen Shot 2019-01-02 at 11.56.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better or worse?

>> No.14249439
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>> No.14249452

>zoomer incarnate
I thought you were all poor as shit?

>> No.14249464

Like 5% are extremely rich and everyone else is extremely poor.

>> No.14249479

Also most items you can buy people only want them because they cost money.

Like a new Iphone. OMG I HAVE TO AHVE IT. It's like the same shit as last year. OMG these 1300 dollar Rick Owens shoes that look like converse are AMAZZZZING!!!

People are fucking stupid.

>> No.14249536

Stop standing like that dude. It makes me want to kick the shit out of the back of your knees

>> No.14249549

why are you on a fashion board if you don't understand fashion as ~art~ or that popularity/designers drive up prices? all art or collectors items are like this. next you'll be saying Jackson pollocks can be done by a 5 year old. value of the materials or your personal taste has nothing to do with the prices of sought after pieces

>> No.14249560
File: 19 KB, 267x373, Farrah_Fawcett_iconic_pinup_1976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>toddler shoes
its funny because its true

>> No.14249563

>Posted myself in a WAYW thread about 2 weeks ago and got about 1 reply le
because the average waywt poster is a 18 year old with no money and is jealous you actually have designer shit

>> No.14249564

>t. jealous poor fit cross poster

>> No.14249577
File: 52 KB, 640x385, homer-simpson-assassins-sneakers-real[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are living in a parody world.

>> No.14250368

I actually like these shoes but most people cant wear it properly. I just saw a girl yesterday in latex pants or PVC or whatever something like that, point is extremely tight pants and these shoes. Looked like straight out of Kingdom Hearts or something. If youre a big guy and wear less right stuff I think these shoes can look good. If youre a lanklet and wear skinny pants these shoes look retarded. I have no idea why so many people try to wear it with skinny when Balenciaga's own like isnt about skinny

>> No.14250388

>if you're a big guy

for you...

>> No.14250449

Chinese people

>> No.14250467


>> No.14250500
File: 217 KB, 600x759, 958426450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is /fa/ the only board on this site that larps as being rich? for a bunch of badly dressed commie wannabes you seem to place serious weight on $$$ as your value as a person, or you just attempt to pass cash off as a personality? i can't tell

>> No.14250514

thanks for the tip, whats your ankle workout?

>> No.14250691

epic trolling my good sir :D

>> No.14250707

homosexuals have plenty of disposable income

>> No.14250720

>spending money like a retard
why am I not impressed?

>> No.14250722


>> No.14250733

relax dude, I'm just here to laugh at you
and see you get all angry and mad
lmao at your gay life

>> No.14250739

Trend is over. If you wear these today you'll look like you missed the last bus to fashion town.
See >>14249023

>> No.14250743


>> No.14251046

>doesn't understand the person he's replying to is obviously right
>acts smug about it
you are quite the intellectual, you humble us with your presence.

>> No.14251053


>> No.14251104


>> No.14251113

They're cool but they'll have to evolve to stay relevant.

>> No.14251165

>They're cool
how are you serious?

>> No.14253006

the fuck is this shit xD

>> No.14253185

at least try to go on with the flow of Balenciaga and wear something less generic - oversize shit, a costume idk but something else jesus

>> No.14253247

>1 person is everyone
Gtfo newfag go back to r3ddit
Different strokes. Post your fit

>> No.14253305

y'aint nothin' but a nig foooooooool
y'aint nothin' but a nig foooooooool

>> No.14253308 [DELETED] 

The type of shoe for black people

>> No.14253344

is it okay if i buy the reps of this?

>> No.14253364
File: 221 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190411-125841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do you one better

>> No.14253367


>> No.14253372

I think everything vetment is a scam.

>> No.14253895

It's funny

>> No.14253944

The irony is that this looks cool. Tell us the footwear you like

>> No.14254094

actually been in style on /fa/ since like 2011

>> No.14254163

Yes, they're sick af

>> No.14254164

It's literally a sneaker you can get at Costco for $30 jacked up to retard prices. This is pyrex all over again.

>> No.14254336

no, it's a 30$ cosco sneaker transformed into a version that actually looks good

>> No.14254344

Wrong. Show me any $30 shoe that look remotely as aesthetic and I'll PayPal you $300

>> No.14254369

It looks the same, it just has an orange accent to it
>remotely as aesthetic
They're not aesthetically pleasing, they look and are made of the same materials as cheap ass ugly mesh running shoes, they're for fashion victims. I bet you think dad shoes look good. Also prepare to pay up, I have the pic of the costco shoe at home on my pc.

>> No.14254403
File: 21 KB, 480x640, 13445514_15524502_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a pair of shoes by a popular brand. A brand long established in the luxury sector and popular enough to demand high prices. Should a line of items fail, you'll eventually find them at a quarter of the original price or even less at sale websites or eBay, where smaller boutiques will try to just get these things sold already.


They look great. Just be sure to either wear baggier pants or longer pants that don't show off your ankles. That said they look really ridiculous on women, and considering my tiny feet I've been considering their track sneakers instead, pic related.

>> No.14254463
File: 239 KB, 395x549, 8523647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried on a pair recently, felt like pic related

>> No.14254504

Sheeeeit I want to get these but my size is 12 US.
Probably gonna cop and go full clowncore.

>> No.14254625

It's not. /k/ does it too but way worse.

>> No.14256197
File: 1.04 MB, 1314x1378, ec5d0ace8b8f536b38fbc4b3342630d5c95b0dc87f71dee707f6357fe39064b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ was ahead of the curve

>> No.14256209

You have to be a pretentious gayboi to wear these

>> No.14256517

i remember when i was 16

>> No.14256694

nigga go lift some weight

>> No.14256708

Americans are broke but constantly expensive shit with credit

>> No.14256896
File: 32 KB, 720x736, 1527683860726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people in general put money into their hobbies and interests
>4channel is made up of many boards each focusing on a hobby or interest
>>>get confused when someone puts money into their hobby or interest

>> No.14256946

who are you quoting? none of this autism had anything to do with my post

>> No.14257520

bro look at this dood