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/fa/ - Fashion

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14232845 No.14232845 [Reply] [Original]

>April 14th, 6pm, QVB next to the queen's statue.

Let's show these yanks what Sydney chads look like

>> No.14232872
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make it a daytime event and ill come

>> No.14232877

sydney's a boomer shithole

enjoy gladysland you cunts

>> No.14232993

Do it I beg you Sydney anons

>> No.14233000

lets do 11am
I dont wanna get raped in the dark

>> No.14234553

Im in. Any other Syd femanons coming?

>> No.14234557

I feel like this is just fit pretending as fa

>> No.14235350

>other Syd femanons
Not sure but now i know a female will be there im sure an army of anons will come


Im good for 11 am

>> No.14235359

That won’t stop me

>> No.14235365

Shopper here. Take good pics.

>> No.14235366
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I’ve seen the high octane amounts of pure autism on this site, guaranteed everyone just stands around with earbuds in before eating in silence then leaving.

And it sounds perfect

>> No.14235393
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Most likely yes, but I just want to be an /fa legend for a day

>> No.14235396

Melbourne basedboy detected

>> No.14236380

When's Perth?

>> No.14237947

now im more eager to go knowing I won't be the only female
let's confirm for 11am! ill bake brownies or something and bring other fun stuff
ok ill also bring pepper spray

>> No.14237989

I'll be attending, but full disclosure, any females that show up, even as +1s etc, are getting verbally harassed and called out by me. I know this sounds cringe but I'm at that point.

>> No.14238002

perth is not effay

>> No.14238188

Lets get a count, how many people are thinking about showing up at 11am?

>> No.14238210

id show if its 11

>> No.14238235

oi goosey you here m8?

>> No.14238365

Please don't be creepy :) Im sure the boys will keep me safe, but theres no need to harrass me just because im a girl. Id rather 11am too, the trains are a bit safer for me.

Lets call it 11am Sunday the 14th, outside the QVB. See you guys there :)

>> No.14238403

effay people live in perth but are scattered and isolated amongst the huge amount of retarded normies

>> No.14238449

excited to meet you all!

>> No.14238866

I'm not going to be physically abusive, just going to call you out on your shitty fits and degenerate lifestyles. Im bringing two male friends in full Rick, so if anyone starts shit I'm down. Sick of girls trying to get involved with fashion meetups.

>> No.14238970

the fuck? are you retarded?

>> No.14238978

You're an incel. Don't come. This meetup is for Syndey CHADS only.

>> No.14238994

down to see how you chads act when I start calling the roasties out. I'll be there at 11am, likely in full Kiko. If you're a girl I'd cancel now.

>> No.14239489

jesus christ would you rather have the genders separated for this meetup or something?
its ok though I think it would be rather amusing getting roasted by a stranger and having them assume everything about my personal life based on my gender
looking forward to your attempts of verbal abuse! xoxo

>> No.14239498

I'm going to make sure you regret coming.

>> No.14239650

Lmao faggot.
If you say one bad thing to her I will break your nose.

>> No.14239949

Sydney is a yuppie infested shithole, I can't wait to see how this goes.

>> No.14239957

australia has some of the most brainlet sluts imaginable but i hardly doubt any oestrogen riddled "man" at that meetup would actually call any of them out on their bad and uninspired fits

>> No.14239999


>> No.14240011
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>The cringey incels in this thread
Good luck Sydney, you have the opportunity to fuck /fa/ up like Brisbane or turn Australian meetups into a trend, good luck

>> No.14240032
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Yeah i plan on just having a nice day out talking about fashion and meeting some /syd/ anons, if these fucking incels pull up there gon get fucked cunt

i know theyre are just trolls and wont come since they probably dont live in sydney anyway but its annoying since theyre probably gonna scare people off from coming

>> No.14240034
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Top this cunts

>> No.14240040
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i cant wait to be humiliated by all of 4chan for years to come

>> No.14240067

Yeah I'll come but we have to go to a pub for a few beers because I know you cunts will be soo socially awkward.

>> No.14240076 [DELETED] 

What side of the QVB?

>> No.14240090

I was thinking the town hall side so its easier to find eachother ! With this guy in the thread now making threats im not sure if I will go yet - hopefully he is joking :( . He's probably kidding but its a bit confronting. He might try to follow me home or something. If we go to town hall there are some nice veggie restaurants around to get lunch and maybe some cocktails at ?

>> No.14240094

Yeah, Town Hall side, also OP says near the statue which is Town hall side. You'll be fine, there's to many people to get away with randomly threatening people.

>> No.14240098

Theres usually crowds around buskers as well.

>> No.14240099

You really want to day drink on a sunday?
no one will do anything, the city's pretty safe during the day plus will be in a public area

>> No.14240430

I'm not going to physically hurt anyone, and I could care less where you live, I'm just going to call out your shitty fits and virtue signalling in person. White knights are acting tough in this thread, but if anyone tries anything I have two friends with me. I'm totally down to confront anyone that tries to stop us though.

Jet Bar Cafe is near QVB, and has really good coffee, and a huge marble thing we can all sit at. Except the two(?) roasties

>> No.14240441

lol retard no one wants to go near you or your rape cafe. try actual shit and well just call the police lmao no one wants to put up with your bs or your gay mates

organise a /pol/ or /r9k/ meetup if you wanna act autistic in public

>> No.14240525

How am i virtue signalling just by being there ? I just want to have a nice time and meet some new friends. We are all on this board for a reason so we at least have something in common.

It's pretty sad people come in here and threaten people for no reason. Probably some blow-in from another board.

>> No.14240573
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>> No.14240763

wow I am SO scared
you really think a 'brainlet slut' comes to /fa/ yet alone go on the internet beyond the use of whoring on social media
lets not go to a pub, if you need to drink to function in social situations then feel free
but I prefer to be sober
you really seem like a superficial prick

>> No.14240778

I feel the same way
I just wanna meet you all and have a good time
I have happened to meet some really cool anons in the past that have developed into further friendships/relationships
plus I think it would be interesting to see the demographics of Sydney /fa/ggots

>> No.14240838

Should post a picture of yourself, so any femoids that dare to even try showing up can see your their and turn 360 degrees and walk away before ruining your're day.

>> No.14240997

No one is fooled by your obvious baitposts

>> No.14241024

who hurt you?

>> No.14241136

Good post

>> No.14241238

i believe in you dude, please actually show up and call out the whores to their faces.

>> No.14242432

I'm not doing this for glory, just doing what's right. Vapid women have no place in the fashion discourse, and whiteknights have no right to defend them. We'll be there at both times, and I'll be in a tailored JPG suit. I have nothing to be afraid of, and if someone starts shit we'll end it <3

>> No.14242434
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Roasties gonna be toasty. You sluts better just not show up altogether for your sakes.

>> No.14243230

>A suit to a casual meetup on a Sunday morning

>> No.14243455

If >>14242432 isnt a troll i will piss myself laughing

>> No.14243525

I hope you come and start something cuck

>> No.14243739

make it may 3-6th and ill be there

>> No.14243827

nah im good

>> No.14243849

yikes insufferable cunt, who gave you permission to command the entire meet up

>> No.14243886

are you on holidays or something?
lets see how this meetup goes and we could potentially hold another one

>> No.14244045

Holy fuck go back to /v/ you stupid American

>> No.14244183
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I was at the Brisbane meet and have since moved to Sydney, so naturally I have to show up and ruin it with another shitty fit

>> No.14244204


>> No.14244207

This thread is way too friendly and nowhere near as toxic as it should be
t. literally OP

>> No.14244211

how can one man be so based

>> No.14244250

bimbos don’t get to have a say in absolutely anything

>> No.14245720

roasties btfo

>> No.14245956

I want your autograph, which kid were you?

>> No.14245963

I'll have you fuckers know that my shooters will all be dressed in RICk and iff i see a single fucking roastie wee will open fire and slaughter you

and i will be bringing my katrana so if any white nights want to fight we can haev a duel k?/

anyway i also know a really nice restaurant off george st, we can head there afterwards (mum said i cant have any beer but fuck her lmao, so one of you will have to buy me it okay)

see yu there

>> No.14245966

I will also show up in full SLP and give any woman a stern conversation

>> No.14246027

I'll bring a hacky sack.

>> No.14246043

based /fit poster

>> No.14246751

Hi all,

The way this thread turned out is really, really sad and incredibly problematic. Any of the ladies in this thread who turn up are incredibly brave - and know that I have your back and will protect you. You are special and not all men (presumably the ones making threats are cis gendered hetero-normative males and surprise surprise - not a poc either)

Its sad to think this far into the year TWENTY NINETEEN that there are still toxic blokes who get off to making fun of womyn in online communities. Its piss weak, and I guarantee I would NEVER let that fly in real life. I have more xx corresponding friends than you will ever have and they know its my duty to protect them - i've even told me that and they like me more for it and tell me i'm like a brother to them.

DONT EVEN THINK about coming Saturday if you are going to harass women. I will hurt you. I do NOT care about the ramifications.


I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of you guys Sunday morning. I have a mustard coloured hawaiian-ish shirt that I will most likely wear if its warm and will get there a little earlier so you can find me so you don't have to stand around alone- I don't bite.

>> No.14246827

is this bait?

>> No.14246834

fuck off back to Tumblr, you sjw cunt

>> No.14246853

Respect the effort but if chicks are thick skinned enough to suffer this cesspool i'm sure they're perfectly capable of realizing that the majority of hate is baseless and are low quality trolls.

It's forecast to rain and we're looking at ~20 degree weather on Sunday. Bring your brollys.

>> No.14246860

No. Everyone is thinking it - someone had to say it. You will be safe there and have my word for it. I can accompany you home if you require it.

Ha ha. Say that to me saturday and you will wish you had never learned how to use a computer to even come on here and post. Get lost dweeb. You don't scare me or your little mates. For anyone wondering I can bench 115kg for reps and have been lifting weights for over a year so I could break you and your nerdy little mates in half. Let me know what you are wearing and ill keep an eye out for YOU buddy.

>> No.14246862

Its me from above. I understand what you mean but offering some real protection is slightly more chivalrous and foresighted.

>> No.14246889

I'm extremely confident that the people who are inclined to meetup are socially adjusted and are not going to create a problem. I can't even imagine how someone would show up and try to abuse someone and get away with it in public, like we're in Sydney, random strangers would step in and help. It's just some virgin Americans posting bullshit to deter actually kind people who want to meet up and talk about fashion. If anything, this will be a success and encourage those that chose not to come out of fear to come next time. I have faith in the average /fa/ aussie to not be a fuckwit.

>> No.14246892

Sunday is getting closer and closer lads. Im getting excited.

>> No.14246895

Hate infused celibate or simply a woman hater.

>> No.14246906

Im from the Gong but I'll bite on a meetup, I'll be up in Sydney for the UFC anyway so that works out.

I dont know how hard I want to go with the fit but I reckon itll be an interesting (if extremely awkward) meeting.

>> No.14247320

Dont fall for this, its a trap. I am the real good guy and i’ll protect all the femanons from this wolf in sheeps clothing. Im only 163cm and has a rare condition that makes my bones too brittle to lift weights, but i own the only gun in australia and will gladly use it if it means i can go home with one of you effay ladies

>> No.14247351

>Dont fall for this, its a trap. I am the real good guy and i’ll protect all the femanons from this wolf in sheeps clothing. Im only 163cm and has a rare condition that makes my bones too brittle to lift weights, but i own the only gun in australia and will gladly use it if it means i can go home with one of you effay ladies

implying that's not syd

i feel like this is a normal reaction and how we all should have felt lmao, i love this board

>> No.14247390

No matter if your fit is gonna be shit or not, I will applaud every girl for showing up and having a good time.

>> No.14247574

This thread is gold. Bump for group photo

>> No.14248778

>cringey incels in this thread
you literally cant live in sydney and be celibate (if you're a white guy)

>> No.14248795

based as fuck

>> No.14249621
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If you think either of these people are serious i have some bad news for you...

>> No.14249679

I'm getting eager as well. Polished my horse leather Guidi's, and invited another friend to attend, further allowing me to engage in whatever behaviour I want with any whiteknight or roastie in attendance. I realize I sounded hostile and standoffish in my previous posts, but we are super down to chill as long as there are no females in attendance. Don't bring a plus one, don't bring your girlfriend. Shit will go down, and I really don't want it to come to that. The fact that thrones is the same night is making me even more excited, admittedly.

>> No.14249681

just bring a knife lmao, you could probably win if I fought fair... that's why im not going to.
cringe af i know but if people are fighting people are fighting

>> No.14249689

t. Incel

>> No.14249759

this is /fa we are all incels

>> No.14249919

you need a sidekick because you're too scared to actually criticise me on your own?
how about you actually get to know me and then try to roast me so it actually hurts my feelings, maybe use some eye contact too so you get your point across more effectively but I doubt a keyboard warrior is capable of that

To be honest, I am usually a conflict avoidant person but I will be at the meetup whether you like it or not

much appreciate

I am expecting the worst
but still keen as a beannnn!

>> No.14249940

Getting closer, i'm unironically hoping to make some friends

>> No.14249994
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has it occurred to anyone that a girl who even knows what 4chan is beyond it being "the meme hacker place" is probably mentally ill/all kinds of wacko?

>> No.14250128

see you there /fa/ggots

>> No.14250138


>> No.14250157

>but still keen as a beannnn!
this type of speak is really what femoids think sounds appealing

>> No.14250160

?????????? dude what

>> No.14251101

I think that due to nature of anonymous messageboards anyone that uses them are likely to be social outcasts/ autists/ depressed / depraved individuals irrespective of gender
I am not mentally ill however spending my time on this cesspool probably contributes to the decline of my mental health
it comes down to what boards you browse I guess but they all have a certain degree of toxic culture

>> No.14251576

do people that sweetie post know that its not effective on people?

>> No.14251639
