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File: 474 KB, 750x745, 7AB57DC7-411F-4232-A1A1-5B5AC48A9CEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14235798 No.14235798 [Reply] [Original]

She cute edition

[spoiler]only fatties will disagree[spoiler]

>post thinspo
>stay hydrated
>read the FAQ

Old thread


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Fasting Resources:

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

>> No.14235897

holy shit that pic is so ugly lmao
next time please use a neutral pic that just says 'thinspo' in the OP like WAYWT does, so i dont get jumped by a fucking living zombie in my screen

>> No.14235928
File: 656 KB, 1920x2560, PSX_20190402_195549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I lose more weight?

>> No.14235930
File: 264 KB, 600x452, 63332A7F-D639-4D6F-A09B-2BD89A47C461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fattie fattie put down the patty

>> No.14235936

no, your face is too round in terms of proportions

>> No.14236165


>> No.14236337

that cat pic is so funny omg i laugh everytime

>> No.14236365

Wtf are you doing in a thinspo thread? And no, absolutely not. Losing weight is either for mentally ill people or little teenage twink boys.

I would do the opposite, add some muscle, you have more of a manly face and look, some extra muscle and you'll shoot up a point.

>> No.14236414
File: 7 KB, 251x241, 865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bf makes me weigh myself on the scale every morning

why live

>> No.14236419
File: 51 KB, 400x323, 47D4A9E3-7039-474D-B87C-D0EEC50889F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wear ankle weights or weighted undies
drink water, ingest sodium

>> No.14236423
File: 93 KB, 541x960, 56161311_1216966488472219_556619918951317504_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

water and salt, good idea
weights wont work though, he makes me get on >naked

>> No.14236439

he's a good caring bf

>> No.14236443
File: 2.50 MB, 1471x980, Screen Shot 2019-03-09 at 9.58.50 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is, i dont deserve him

>> No.14236447

don't be so harsh to yourself anon :c

>> No.14236448

just gain weiggt you faggot jesus christ

>> No.14236468

Does IF really work? I used to do it but people kept saying that without breakfast I'll lose weight slower.

>> No.14236521

And you will lose him soon, people soon grow sick and tired of people with anorexia. You already resent him too that you are bitching about him.

It's one thing wanting to lose some weight if you are carrying excess weight but people like you are ill. You will kill yourself doing what you are doing but still you will not listed. It's pointless.

>> No.14236528

Naturally skinny is fine. Making an effort to be so is unattractive. There is a noticeable difference.

>> No.14236531

If you don't deserve him then you're just taking advantage of him. Time to start growing up.

>> No.14236559

Yeah, I understand. However, I don't resent him nor do I hold it against him. I lament over the fact that my sickness is coming back and I love him but I also love being sick. We've been together for 3 years now, I kept things under wraps for awhile but it has crept back. If losing him is what it takes to get me to stop, then I think I'll have to learn it the hard way.
I'm not taking advantage of him. I love him and I feel sick going behind his back and thinking of ways to avoid him noticing further weight loss. I eat for him now. If he wasn't here, I guarantee I'd be in the hospital again.

Blogposting over. I'm just shouting into the void.

>> No.14236706

I lost 3 stone in under a year, never stepped foot into a gym and still snack like a cunt.

But I've dropped trouser size rapidly and had to rebuy trousers. Skelly mode and thinspo is a conspiracy by capitalist to make you spend more. Don't do it.

>> No.14236775

and what did you do? IF? or just puberty?

>> No.14236793
File: 1.13 MB, 988x1797, 7871A2D2-5651-4C5D-A3FA-97D1EC0C7164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you fucking moron. Why not just eat a healthy diet at a 500cal deficit and exercise to lose weight instead of starving yourself like a desperate fat piece of shit?

That girl looks like a saggy dying grandma, who’s either going to die or get fat again because clearly she doesn’t have enough discipline to be skinny the normal way. What a moron.

>> No.14236822

A bit too thin for my tastes. Wish she was flat, visible ribs are sexy but the concave stomach isn't.

>> No.14236827

Actually not too thin, just the concave stomach.

>> No.14236833

She has a flabby stomach like most ana-chand that she’s sucking in to look thinner.

>> No.14236840

my b

>> No.14236873
File: 58 KB, 750x562, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know that, is it lose skin? This pic is perfect for me.

>> No.14236927

That's probably what OP would look like not sucking in and 5lbs heavier

>> No.14237177

You're a cunt. Stop feeding into these girls' dangerously unhealthy body image for your own sexual gratification. Seriously, you're pathetic. Please go read Marcus Aurelius or something now.

>> No.14237240

as soon as i feel hunger i just watch a slobby mukbang by some fat disgusting retard and i'm good for like 3-4 more hours

anyone else?

>> No.14237254

nice, i'll try this

beautiful, wow

>> No.14237304

Wonder how rotten her teeth are

>> No.14237310

>starving yourself like a desperate fat piece of shit
It’s IMPOSSIBLE to starve yourself when you’re fat. You’re body starts feeding on its fat when FASTING. Keto, high carb, etc on a high eating frequency + caloric deficit is very catabolic. Now if you try fasting for a very long time while lean then that’s a different story. Lurk more and get your head out of your ass.

>> No.14237312

>tfw eat like shit for two weeks and gain no weight
Feels good mane

>> No.14237339
File: 185 KB, 1242x1223, 32A88FAB-7852-4F5A-A228-1BF810EA472D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to do this. I actually started to get hungry after watching them so i stopped. Hot ones is still fun to watch

>> No.14237349

How to do this shit while going to my job every day and then the gym?

>> No.14237444


>> No.14237446

annoying af retard faggot cat posters

>> No.14237670

>Down 20ish Lbs
Just need to stop drinking for that last 15 to lose the chest and belly fat

>> No.14237673

I'm 6' 130lb male but my ex gf became far less attractive as she lost weight. Her ass faded away into nothing. She wasn't chubby beforehand at all, just had a little meat.

>> No.14237740

>130 lbs.

Are you ever scared when walking alone late at night? Like someone might rape you?

>> No.14238003

>Wtf are you doing in a thinspo thread?
I could ask you the same thing.

>> No.14238010

and the point of your post is...?

>> No.14238089
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>> No.14238233
File: 64 KB, 480x480, 114094BD-6C8A-4E30-AC99-23DC4CC3F27C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

annoying af retard faggot anti-cat posters

>> No.14238445

Anyone else frequent MPA?

>> No.14238454

I just kept a calorie deficit and walked when I can. About 1500kcal a day with a good lengthy walk is you need a day to drop Lbs

>> No.14238463

Based. Thanks for defending fasting. When I had a bmi of 26 people and like I was crazy to fast for to weeks to get the ball rolling. Like I'm already fat, it would take months for me to waste away to nothing

>> No.14238467
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>> No.14238472
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 7AE176DF-66FF-4AD5-979B-72DD5AC92EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I lost 8 lbs in one week doing IF (20/4) from 2pm to 6pm eating less than 500cal per day and right now it is 8am and woke up feeling like I am dying. Not in the sense that I’m hungry but I definitely feel like something is very wrong with my body.

God I feel like an idiot.

>> No.14238859


>> No.14238882

whoever that is is fat and bloated

>> No.14238886

stop insisting it takes more discipline to lose weight by eating than by not eating it's so delu

>> No.14238906

>God I feel like an idiot.

>> No.14238968

i prefer eatingdisordercentral though. the community there is way friendlier

>> No.14239039

If you’re in this thread, you must be too

>> No.14239052

What did you do to yourself anon?

My stepmom forced me to eat a little breakfast and I think I feel somewhat better, I just hope I don’t gain everything back like she says I will.

>> No.14239082

Does anyone here know anything about cortisol? I'm worried I'm raising mine too much by drinking caffeine + 40mg of adderall and apparently, high cortisol in linked to weight gain.

>> No.14239349

is there anyone with bulimia here? i experience a pain in my head that i feel like i have to get rid of with food and react to it by binging. i thought it was "mental hunger" due to restricting/purging but i get it even when i am definitely not hungry so now i think it's just an emotional problem but i don't know if this is common to bulimia

>> No.14239384

need help thinspo, dont know what to do
i love food to much and am not mentally strong willed enough to stop indulging
went from 75 to 64kg using 4000kj a day restrictions, yet eventually started breaking this slowly and steadily. to refocus, i moved on to complete fasting on sun/tues/thurs, that worked well for a week or two but now in the other 4 days i eat 2 days worth of food, it doesnt feel like im losing weight anymore or maybe even gaining and that stresses me out. the food tastes good to a degree, but i eat to the point where its mildy uncomfortable, overbloated. shit food in huge quantities. i dont know what to do, sub 60 has been my goal for months but the last 5 kg wont lose themselves

>> No.14239493

This is the most cancerous general I've every come across.

Not cancerous in the "Oh wow look at these autists, cringe!" cancer, but cancerous in the fact that you all idolize and extremely toxic and debilitating disease.

If you are coming to thinspo in a genuine effort to lose weight you're only setting yourself up for failure. Lurk /fit/ instead, I know the majority of you would think that's counter productive but /fit/ actually has legitimate and well tested diet tips that won't fuck up the equilibrium of your body.

And on a final note please talk to someone, there are people that care about you and may be too scared to share their concerns. Even if its a friend or a professional you need to get someone who is on your side and has your best interest in mind.

>> No.14239537


>> No.14239698

Try intermittent fasting, it’s a lot easier for food addicts to get into that than what you’re doing. You start off with short fasts and work your way up to longer ones as you get used to the routine. r/intermittent fasting is a good place to find information (I know, it’s leddit, boo me).

>> No.14239927

Fuck that thigh gap NNNGGHH

>> No.14239944

Peak af

>> No.14239948

/fit/ is literally just the male version of anorexic forums, at least 90% of the given threads are about people complaining about being short, weak and ugly and the rest of the threads are not even fitness related, but the same type of complaining.
/fit/ is basically just incel redditors, /pol/ and newfag /r9k/, there is nothing to be gained there

>> No.14239962
File: 49 KB, 400x625, 2724_db90_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit normie go back to redd.it, to your fat acceptance "le fuck yeah i love thicc" bullshit

fucking soccer moms coming to 4chan to moralise

fuck off fattie

>> No.14239963

Except that they actually understand training and nutrition Vs thinspo whose biggest advice is to just not eat

>> No.14239978

I've shown you nothing but compassion and the fact you've reacted so hostile is a reflection that you know what you're doing is harmful. There's no shame in admitting you have a problem.

>> No.14239980
File: 675 KB, 1891x1035, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude there are so many fitness related threads on there outside of /fat/ and /fraud/ like uuhh
fuck off retard there is zero actual lifting related discussion on the board

>> No.14239988

>can't handle /fit/ banter

Never gonna make it

>> No.14240007

its hilarious how you are trying to hide behind the word banter when people are 24/7 spamming the board about how if you arent a 6'6 athletic guy you might just kill yourself because you never gonna be happy. every single day there are like 20 new threads where people complain about their height. you realize there arent enough unique and new visitors for that? its the exact same people telling you to give up and kill yourself every single day, there is no banter there and i have absolutely no idea why would anyone willingly expose himself to that shit.
and its not even just height, its hairline thread, jaw thread, muscle insertion thread, plastic surgery thread, eye thread, tinder thread, literally nothing to do with health and fitness just people telling you to kill yourself in various ways and somehow you convince yourself this is actual banter and there is value in it.
compare /r9k/ and /fit/ and r9k is genuinely more positive with less autistic people.

>> No.14240021
File: 3.09 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20190404_082326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

triying to build some muscle but stay thin
62 kg

>> No.14240044
File: 1.19 MB, 1861x931, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, every board has their shit tier threads. /fit/ is a board focused around self betterment with long time general theads such as /cbt/, /fat/, and /sig/. /fit/ is honestly one of the boards with a higher proportion of actually helpful and positive posts. The fact that you can't easily sift through the bullshit and see the worth /fit/ has to offer you obviously reflects your defeatist attitude. The threads that have over 75 replies to them are usually threads centered around fitness advice, sharing achievements, and memes surrounding the culture of the board.

Just look at pic, arguable 19 +/- threads out of 29 sorted by reply number are centered around actual positive topics or self-betterment. Nice board would rate 7/10

>> No.14240057

then leave and stay there this isn't fitspo

>> No.14240068
File: 1.15 MB, 4743x3162, 7D657885-B9B9-4FFA-B755-C0B25033D8D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Young Elsa was peak.

>> No.14240087

>actually helpful and positive posts.
yeah like people crying about how their life is over because they are literally average height or dont have a thick wrist? on your pic you literally have multiple lookism threads like the balding thread, the jaw thread, the "how fucked are you bros?" thread with hundreds of replies.
even the generals like self-improvement is just /pol/shit where some anon posts a post of jesus or hitler and receives 50 based replies. mire threads, sexual health threads are just mixture of /pol/ and /r9k/ shit too, tattoo thread is just people whining how tattoos are degenerate, then you have cults around the most autistic youtubers like that attention whoring cunt who eats raw meat or that welfare living retard.
its a shit board with no value, literally 90% of the userbase is from the incel subreddit

>> No.14240220
File: 94 KB, 1024x818, 1552924497983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ran a chat on kik for ana for almost a year, always thought skinny girls with ana were really attractive, but wanted to help them achieve skinniness.
I went through the regular ana drama,
>don't commit suicide
>don't jump in front of a train
>your a pudgy 13 yo, im not going to call you attractive. Yes you were raped but I cant do anything about that.
>Yeah, you can call me daddy I guess
>Im not ignoring you, just busy.
>dont self harm yourself tf why??
>oh, someone called me a pervert again.
>You had nightmares of me forcing you to tell the truth?
>hahah the fatty left our chat and went and joined some femanist chat and is now trying to get us banned
I tried getting them to do keto, but most of them were too fucking retarded or bratty to even try it for a month, and instead would go vegan or all fruit diets. That, or they couldn't control what they eat cause they still live with their parents.
I realized that if I am not there to physically force them to do something, that there was almost no way to get them to do anything.

Anyway, how many of you skeletor chicks actually have tried keto, where its just fat and meat?
How did it go?

>> No.14240269

Fat fuck here. and that shit is hot as FUCK, I don't see why anyone would hate on these fine women. Im into video games and shit so aesthetic women is something I can appreciate.

don't intend to lose weight myself, I like burger and mountain dew, and if being fat is the consequence I don't have much shits to give.

>> No.14240278
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>> No.14240283
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>> No.14240287

>only bitches
where the dudes at, no homo

>> No.14240297

>>>/lgbt/ faggot.

>> No.14240306
File: 94 KB, 941x472, 1554482470428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not wrong, this is why you need to take the redditpill, you won't find such self-defeatist attitudes there

>> No.14240318

Pic related is not pretty, anon, why u'r showing us this?

>> No.14240368
File: 262 KB, 988x1780, av.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if she was this intead.

>> No.14240417
File: 272 KB, 1080x1349, 16464204_1198975233485321_8671070780534030336_n copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14240471

serious question: as a guy, why should i bother getting thin when society doesn't give a shit as long as you have a good personality?

>> No.14240478
File: 448 KB, 1000x1000, 1515338803008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why should I bother getting thin?
>I have a good personality
choose one.

>> No.14240487

sounds like the only thing that's thin is your argument

>> No.14240488

looks like i girl i know and really liked

now i am thinking about her and how much of a pussy i am for canceling the date and not texing her anymore

>> No.14240501
File: 262 KB, 675x1000, jonah-hill-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i meant that fat men can be successful and loved by most of society regardless of their weight as long as they have some other redeeming factor like being funny or talented.
i'm not trying to start shit or argue here, i'm legitimately wondering how to motivate myself to lose weight

>> No.14240511
File: 124 KB, 1065x1600, 1546630430022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just keto
you dont even have to exercise, and you get to eat all the fatty cuts of meat you want.

Literally the easiest way to get healthy.

>> No.14240521
File: 700 KB, 1080x1349, 0831407_2153545021633938_9155496796070346752_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14240545
File: 395 KB, 1080x880, 26184537_1750217345002905_4498769464199741440_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14240550

my body is thin but my face is fat. what should i do?

>> No.14240566
File: 43 KB, 534x757, 1546697649722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw with the foods you eat. Your body generates fat as a filter against things it finds naturally toxic.
Your fat face could be doing exactly that.

Cutting out dairy cleared my brother's acne up. Caveman dieting made my friends skin more vibrant. Cutting out vegetables reduced my father's anxiety.

>> No.14240581
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>> No.14240586
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>> No.14240593
File: 714 KB, 1080x1080, 22793694_370277750091818_7293170092869681152_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14240597

yes keep posting fap material thanks

>> No.14240649

this lmao
these threads are never more than anything but fetish generals

>> No.14240821

I ended my 14 day fast eating protein and fat with like 10 Takis.

Planning on not eating tomorrow, eating Monday some carbs and then fasting for a week at least.

I'm going to lose 40lbs more by mid June so help me God.

>> No.14240847

how does it feel to fugg a skele gf? must be different

>> No.14240904


>> No.14240909


>> No.14240912


>> No.14240938

Looking good, but learn to take pictures

>> No.14240951

can anyone give me some advice on what type of clothes do i wear to feel less insecure about the fact that
i am so skinny?
i'm a male 19 y/o 110lbs 6'1

i've always had trouble feeling good about my looks whenever i expose my legs or arms which is especially a big problem for me in summer
when i am forced to wear short sleeved shirts and shorts

>> No.14241069


>> No.14241072

fix the problem, dont mask it. you dont like the fact that you are skinny so go to the gym

>> No.14241193

this is the malnutrition general?


>> No.14241225

>110lbs 6'1
My god you are tiny.

The only suggestion I have for you is to eat more (obviously), especially food that's higher in calories. Slather butter and oil on shit when you can. Drink some high-calorie protein shakes between meals too.

And also make sure you hit the gym so it doesn't all turn into fat.

>> No.14241226

>serious question: as a guy, why should i bother getting thin when society doesn't give a shit as long as you have a good personality?
Lmfao dude as a good looking thin guy I can confirm that no one gives a flying fuck if I have a nice personality. I used to be super nice but then I decided, why bother? Now I do what I want and still have friends and dates

>> No.14241236

"The Whore of Babylon", or as RYSS says, "THE HYBRID WHORE".

>> No.14241241

This is probably a bad place to ask my spoopy friend, people here are just going to tell you you're perfect as-is.

>> No.14241472

/fit/cels have body dysmorphia and make themselves throw up so fuck off with your ignorant attitude and accept that there are people out there who don't consider your type of mental illness aesthetically pleasing

>> No.14241661
File: 743 KB, 699x697, v9oppojx57l11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gain some weight, folks

>> No.14241667

the left is more attractive

>> No.14241697

Left is better

>> No.14241727

> You will never grab those hips and bury your thumbs into her stomach while slurping her oddly disproportionate clit

Why even live

>> No.14241729


>> No.14241873

>by capitalist
a single capitalist? just one?

>> No.14241912
File: 113 KB, 1051x1321, IMG_20190406_115400-picsay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right looks better desu.

>> No.14241914

>thinking that it's all about weight loss
it's a disorder susan

>> No.14241919
File: 1002 KB, 2190x1080, Screenshot_20190406-153108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14242335

i know it's bait but why do you assume ANY woman needs you

>> No.14242493

This looks like a fucking child.

>> No.14242499
File: 85 KB, 736x988, B2425465-7BE2-4F68-B2B4-24373A8C4D21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cringed, i oofed, and i yiked

how many times are you going to post yourself tranny

>> No.14242513


>> No.14242521

it's disgusting. if you're attracted to that you're a pedo.
first fit tards, then fatties, now pedos? this general is getting worse by the day

>> No.14242527

You're disgusting. How much do you weigh? There's other pics of her posted lmao.

>> No.14242534

>you're disgusting because you don't like pedophilia
>inb4 it's not pedophilia hurr durr
well she certainly looks like a child in that one pic you posted

>> No.14242539

How much do you weigh fatty

>> No.14242565
File: 539 KB, 1080x1080, cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14242621

how do you get rid of fat from your waist

>> No.14242636
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>> No.14242668
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>> No.14242692
File: 99 KB, 749x810, D281B664-FC19-4EC7-9D7E-C49E323B7298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump his ass. Sounds like a narcissistic personality disorder.

>> No.14242697

Based bf.

>> No.14242746

You're telling me this >>14240545 isn't hot?

>> No.14242805
File: 46 KB, 389x565, A64BA130-9D1F-492B-A5EA-0020ADDC9E70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hot

>> No.14242818

dump him

>> No.14242822

wait nvm if you have an ed dont dump him

>> No.14242890

gonna start my first 4 day fast! i've been doing IF in preparation, i'm really hoping i don't relapse and binge like the fatfuck i am. wish me luck <3

>> No.14242936

I just hit day 7, you can do it anon pls stay hydrated

>> No.14242967

Answer me. >>14242746

>> No.14242991

Literally no
She is flatter than a middle schooler pedoshit

>> No.14243052
File: 181 KB, 1080x1080, 21372293_150269452226091_1083416976568614912_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what is exactly wrong about flat chests?

>> No.14243053

ffffffffffffuuuckk thats hot

>> No.14243091

The lack of any gendered fat or any other bodily signs of sexual maturity are offputting to non-pedos silly

>> No.14243121

Care to remind me what thread is this again?

>> No.14243236

>only off topic discussion when you're losing

>> No.14243364

>The lack of gendered fat
This is a thinspo thread of course we hate fat and fatties.

>> No.14243624

you just need a thicker neck

>> No.14243639
File: 190 KB, 800x1280, illust_46755918_20190407_201453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until you post yours.

I want to see.

>> No.14243679

based brosnan

>> No.14243931 [DELETED] 
File: 290 KB, 738x718, B8FB4E41-19E8-4880-BADA-2AA2DD993ECD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14244238

/fit/ is giving me a fucking headache. the only thing that matters when losing weight is CICO, am i right? I just have a few kg's to lose and they're making it out like calories are not a thing and that insulin and shit is the only deciding factor

>> No.14244289

>the only thing that matters when losing weight is CICO, am i right?
Yes, but that doesn’t mean you should eat nothing but garbage just because you’re staying in your calorie range.

>> No.14244360

it rotated:(

>> No.14244367
File: 773 KB, 498x716, 1553271379905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last week mom says I'm getting fat
>Laundry day yesterday, walking around shirtless
>"wow, Anon, you're getting skinny!"

>> No.14244590
File: 97 KB, 1267x785, 1553150062527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurker here, but I need to ask about my gf.
she said she's struggled with eating before. she's about 5'7" and maybe 115 lbs. I just want her to be healthy. I don't want to force her to do anything, but I just want her to be happy. what can I do for her?

>> No.14244617

Try, carefully, to get her to see a professional

>> No.14244619

Your mom sounds like a bitch.

>> No.14244669

I will try. I don't want her to get the impression that I am forcing her to change. I really love her, I just want her to be healthy

>> No.14244675

Ever heard of psychological abuse?

Leave him before you become his humanoid fuck-dog.

>> No.14244696
File: 13 KB, 500x332, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she is. Literally every time I enter her line of site I get yelled at for some trivial bullshit. No hyperbole. I deliberately stay in my room/leave the house just to avoid her line of site. Not even joking, she's like a Pokemon trainer battle every time she locks eyes on me. Every time I go to the kitchen to get an orange or something she stares me down, like I did something wrong. "Anon, you're eating too much you're gonna get fat"

>"Anooooon, you go out to much"
>"Anooooon, you don't go out enough"
>"Anooooon, your father is a scumbag - you are just like your father!"
He's not even a bad guy, she just didn't like that he got fed up with her shit and left
>"Anooooon, you don't pay rent, which means you don't have the right to be depressed"
>"Anooooon, the only reason you disrespect me is because the DEVIL has taken your heart!"

note: disrespect in her eyes is opposing her in any way shape and form, including correcting her when she is objectively wrong on a subject.

I'll just be minding my own business, doing NOTHING WRONG, and she'll enter my room JUST to insult me.

(I am a clean, tidy person - I share a room with my filthy brother)

>Enters room
>"Anon, your room STINKS"




>> No.14244770

O_o bruh

>> No.14244817

Sorry, sometimes I gotta type shit out to not, you know, freak out in my cubicle.

>> No.14244824

that was quite a trip

>> No.14244825


>> No.14244831

Small chichi make my pee pee soft >:(

>> No.14244915

Not based

>> No.14244933

I too know what it’s like to have toxic parents. I know it’s meme advice but all you can really do is save up as much money as you possibly can and get the fuck out of there as soon as graduation rolls around. Having a dipshit mom sucks beyond reason but so long as you make sure to gtfo of her house at your first opportunity, you can actually enjoy adulthood. I still somewhat keep in contact with my mother but based on her antics I can’t share with her where I work, my home address, who I’m dating, or just about any personal information. I fell victim to too many years in adulthood to have to come to that conclusion because I stuck around, so don’t be like me.

>> No.14244983

I'm feeling you.
Don't be ashamed. Everyone has to vent somehow.

>> No.14244989

drink more water

>> No.14245028

chemistry (hormones, that very insuli etc) > physics (calories) when it comes to weightloss.


>> No.14245247

Struggling how? There are many ways one can struggle with food.

>> No.14245405

gross if you want to look like this you're mentally ill

>> No.14245624

Post weight fatty.

>> No.14245625
File: 6 KB, 165x306, images-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF nigga? Cute? That's almost disgusting. How can you not appreciate the thick and curvy sex appeal from laydies? It doesn't look good if you either can see the ribs or abs on a girl, it just doesn't.

That type of a girl from the jpg. would probably ride on yo dick so hard you probably couldn't pee for 10 hours after

>> No.14245643

not him but I agree I'm 6'2 160 lowest was ~145 but now I'm bigger and just as lean feelsgood. every serious poster here is a fatty larping or has deep mental issues and this is their coping device.

>> No.14245717

I don't eat meat, bread, pasta or sugar nor do I drink
I mainly eat rice/grains and fish
So why the fuck is my face so bloated even though I drink a ton of water?

>> No.14245728

Rice is carbs.

>> No.14245734

if I cut rice out of my diet i'll probably die
also japs and other asians dont have facial bloating despite the large amount of rice they consume

>> No.14245739

Glad to see someone else isnt totally braindead on this thread.

>> No.14245769

Real shit

>> No.14245778

Just don't come into the thread then you stupid fucking namefagging retard?

>> No.14245787

Grains are bad for bloating and inflammation
Eat more nuts and seeds and start eating meat if you can

>> No.14245822

/fit/ are very good at taking a strong basic idea and brosciencing the fuck out of it, like in /fast/

>you won't lose weight by eating literally nothing unless you listen to our favorite edgy youtube man and shill his website

Yes electrolytes are important but there are many different ways to get them other than that guy's plan, and a negligible insulin spike won't throw off your weight loss if you're on a big deficit. Just be sensible, all of your calories shouldn't be coming from garbage. Healthier food is more economical for cravings too.

>> No.14245841

Try cauliflower rice or something

>> No.14246199

Did a 14 day fast, got out of it. Haven't eaten in two days and gonna go until Saturday.

Seems like I'm gonna be eating once a week.

234 went down to 208 gained back 7lbs to 215 goal this week is 205.

>> No.14246216

Any issues when you started eating again? I'm 9 days in, aiming for 14 also but I'm starting to get apprehensive

>> No.14246226

Nuts and seeds are toxic . Eating bread at least a few times a week is essential to a good Western diet for advanced civilization like White Anglo saxophonist

>> No.14246229

And by bread I mean proper bread made from yeast and water and salt, not some “ethnic” crap like a Mexican roll or some shit, or a falafel

>> No.14246254

Dropping some knowledge:
I am 6'0 and 150. Highest weight, about 165, maybe even 170. Lowest, maybe 140.
Excercise can be good to lose weight, but it's not intuitive. I was on a keto diet, eating a fuck ton of meat and so many calories, but exercising strength and some cardio 3x a week. I was skin and bones.
Hard drugs will also make you skinny #heroinchic.
Drugs are the way to go tho desu. I was taking garcinia, turmeric and creatine, plus Wellbutrin +naltrexone, plus hella nicotine and caffeine... very skinny.
I don't really care to be ripped, but I like looking decently skinny. Sometimes I have a lil belly and its aight though.

>> No.14246287

wow. this is vapid and ridiculous. please shut up

>> No.14246709

haha half of you posters here have mommy issues what a surprise

>> No.14246914

I dreamed of food alot and would go in video binges until 3 am sometimes. Otherwise I was fine.

Drink water at warm and room temperature, look up snake juice it may help. It made me feel weird so I didn't drink it more than once a week in already.

Also I don't know how much you weigh or your age/activity level. So it depends you might not need to go that long.

>> No.14246928

muh high waist. once she takes that off her gut falls out lmao

>> No.14246948

every person has a different diet that suits them, there isn’t a uniform diet everyone should follow. just as nuts are toxic in large quantities and produce a loose stool, so is grain in excessive quantities which produces leaky gut and other types of inflammation. moderation is key. also trial and error to see what the body reacts to positively

>> No.14247216

Is this shopped? The chest area and the waves where the chest should be looks seriously weird. Like the boobs were removed from the pic

>> No.14247506

What's the most weight you've lost in a week, and how did you do it? Starter weight also please

>> No.14247553

you're all retarded, stop starving yourselves and getting sick, just eat whatever you want but keep it under 2k cal a day, it'll take more time but you won't be feeling completely fucked up, you don't need to become a skeleton in a week.

>> No.14247573

See my post here >>14238472

It’s been a few days and I’ve kept the weight off, and even lost another pound since. The reason I haven’t lost more is because I cheated the day I made that post and ended up consuming 1500 calories that day and gained a pound of water weight. If you do what I did, I recommend getting mostly fat/protein in you instead of carbs and like the other anon said, drinking more water probably would have helped me too.

At the beginning of the week I weighed 150.2 and now I’m 141, as for my SW I was 187. :/ A bonafide fatass.

>> No.14247590

This is not the most helpful advise. Unless you exercise ( quite a bit in that case ) you will lose so little weight, at so slow a time as to make a mistake almost unimaginably more damaging to progress. If you ate 1500 calories of whatever you wanted it would probably be better because most people dieting want to eat SHIT! So no, you should be aiming for at least 1 pound loss per week. That, and eating mostly plant based diet, with some meat thrown in.

>> No.14247594

How long did it take to lose the weight?

>> No.14247599

It's already been posted, what do you gain by telling that post to shut up? It's a post.

>> No.14247611

Shut up!

>> No.14247639

You mean the first 37 pounds? Too long. I started attending AA meetings back in early December and once I stopped drinking about 15 lbs melted off of me in a month without trying. But then I started craving sugar big time, which is apparently something that happens to recovering alcoholics, you crave sugar in other foods to make up for the lack of sugar you once got from alcohol. So my weight fluctuated a little, I’d lose 5 lbs and gain it back over and over for all of January due to stuffing my face with chocolate milkshakes and skittles. I finally snapped out of that habit around probably early February, decided to seriously cut calories for rapid weight loss to 500-600 per day. My weight then was 168 and I dropped to 155 in 3 weeks, then I maintained for 5 weeks after starting another cooking class (seriously, culinary school is the worst degree to get if you want to lose weight). Stopped the class, went back to eating 1400-1500 for a little bit until I discovered IF and whoops! There goes 9 lbs.

The dates might be a little inaccurate because my phone got smashed to pieces and I lost all my HappyScale data, but that should give you a vague idea. Also sorry for /tl;dr

>> No.14247647

Forgot to mention I did 16/8 for about a week and a half to go from 155 to 150, eating anywhere from 500-1200 calories.

>> No.14247650


>> No.14247680
File: 420 KB, 1920x1069, henry rollins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worse piece of advice I had ever received was to follow /thinspo/ to be a man and not actualise the true potential of his strength is nothing more than the deepest shame and waste of potential. I hope you guys are at least lifting and aspiring to at least look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club (1999) or Ryan Gosling in The Place Beyond The Pines (2012). There is nothing more sickening than an insecure skinnyfat twink, unable to perform the most basic of tasks, weak and pudgy skinnyfat fags truly disgust me.

>> No.14247693
File: 27 KB, 407x361, wrinkle sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22 years old, 6'4, 270lbs
>because I'm tall, I don't "look" fat
>used to be 190 when I was 18
How do I go back. I promise I'll stop eating Panda Express if I can just eat there one last time.

>> No.14247698

This is even more retarded than what /fit/fucks say

>> No.14247725

Dude imagine if you were <5'9. Chill, just cut the carbs and you'll be fine.

>> No.14247747

I didn't last a day on keto, I have no self control.

>> No.14247783

>How do I go back.

Like every other person in the history of the human race, cutting calories.

>> No.14247817
File: 78 KB, 695x720, 1554237319333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One last time
That's what you say every time.

>> No.14247823
File: 87 KB, 805x708, 783daad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>concerned look in everyone's eyes at work
>mfw I learned the difference between "you've lost weight" and "you're looking skinny"

>> No.14247854
File: 16 KB, 613x587, 1527223811406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's honestly too hard.

I said that a few days ago too. I still want Panda Express.

>> No.14247879

Some orange chicken does sound good right about now

>> No.14247896

It's ok if I get panda because I'd have to walk there and back to get it, right?

>> No.14247899

You are disgusting. Go to /fit/ you piece of shit

>> No.14247901

I'm sorry. I'm just so hungry all the time.

>> No.14247913

start doing omad or IF. the hunger will go away after a while

>> No.14247917

My BMI just reached 18. Should I just kill myself?

>> No.14247940


>> No.14247998

I don't know what those are, but I'll Google it. Thanks anon.

>> No.14248072

Take me with you

>> No.14248332


>> No.14248352

Same girl here: >>14240593, >>14240581, >>14240283, >>14240278

>> No.14248486

sounds like you're living with a narcissist

>> No.14248507

You fucking idiots, i'm skinny as fuck and had severe problems with builimia and you all glorify this shit, fucking retards.

>> No.14248532

>>"Anooooon, the only reason you disrespect me is because the DEVIL has taken your heart!"
your mother literally keeps you alive FOR FREE and wants you to be a good person but you despise her regardless
fucking faggot, kill yourself

>> No.14248652
File: 182 KB, 1155x650, spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dad came over and left me two tubes of pringles
>afraid to pop in case I cannot stop

>> No.14248763
File: 311 KB, 464x356, 1524753742181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please call me a fatty so I stop eating for the rest of the day.

>> No.14248768


>> No.14248781

height weight gender?

>> No.14248784

See >>14247693
I'm a dude.

>> No.14248789

Looking in the mirror, I feel like I'm skinny enough, but when I look down I feel like I've still got a bunch of fat I could lose. Anyone else experience this?

>> No.14248828

>does not eating make you lose weight?

>> No.14248890

Could someone please give me a good male thinspo pic to set as my wallpaper for my phone? I think it'll help me achieve what I want.
(tummy/torso pics, please)
there weren't any real good ones in the last thread.

>> No.14248893

I am currently feeling the same way. I *look* pretty skinny but I feel like I still have a lot of tummy fat. It's really annoying.

>> No.14248907

yeah that's because you have no fucking muscle and you're skinny fat.
maybe if you actually put some effort into visiting, oh i dont know...A GOD DAMN GYM, you wouldn't feel that way. mentally ill fucks in this thread i swear

>> No.14248937

This girl looks like a damn asparagus.

>> No.14249084

Then leave bitch

>> No.14249153

Ok fatty

>> No.14249471

Who here looking for a fasting fren ? Did multiple dry and water fasts for 48h, trying two weeks starting in a few hours

>> No.14249490
File: 151 KB, 577x1024, 919C37D7-97B9-499B-9CBE-841327300BA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best crew.

>> No.14249902

Do u know her name? I tried Google image search but can't find sauce anywhere

>> No.14250070

I'm glad im thin again but I miss my ass. How will i ever have doggy style sex as a skelly? fuck, being thinspo was a mistake.

>> No.14250073

i feel better eating in the morning, snacking light during the day and eating nothing at night.

>> No.14250078
File: 93 KB, 538x810, 984C9534-FCFB-4C99-B342-5DEFD9C575F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this tummy, just wish the denim jacket wasn’t in the way so you could see his chest/ribs better.

I’m female but I have a few guys in my folder, I’ll try to dump as many as I can.

>> No.14250091
File: 216 KB, 960x1280, 91A382DB-5E87-4054-9092-B103718B48CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one’s good too although a bit thick around the stomach to really be /thinspo/. I followed his (now deleted) Tumblr and it was a progress pic.

>> No.14250095
File: 75 KB, 736x976, 98D6D212-952B-4D2D-8536-8BA71933081C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erin Mommsen.

>> No.14250098
File: 65 KB, 1024x1024, thinspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14250369

>tfw skinny with gyno
Should I kms? Wearing a compression tank is gonna suck when it gets hot out.

>> No.14250432


>> No.14250443

Usually refers to guys having boobs.

>> No.14250679

I've been stuck hovering between 144 and 150lbs for a while now, and I'd love to get down to about 135. You guys have any tips for me or should I really just not eat?

>> No.14250695

Are you doing any exercise?

>> No.14250706

Not as much as I should be, honestly. What would work best? Cardio?

>> No.14250708

This is dangerously unhealthy

>> No.14250715

based, skinny chicks are gross it's all about the thiccness

>> No.14250724

I lost 2 kg since last time I weighed myself. Well actually I weighed 66.4 kg last time I did but it was after having a binge/purge session, before that it was 64.3
I'm 62.1 kg, my lowest weight ever
Being sad is great for weight loss

>> No.14250737

Yeah, cardio. If running isn't your speed, take a nice long walk.

>> No.14250748

I used to love running, I'll try to get back into it. Thanks, anon.

>> No.14250827

>1 x porridge with honey
>1 x egg sandwich
>1 x salmon with vegetable broth
>water, coffee
how many calories is this

>> No.14250847

That depends entirely on the quantities, cooking method, and ingredients used. We can't tell from such a vague description.

>> No.14251153

5237.98 calories exactly

>> No.14251379

I've been eating <300 cal For the past three days and I'm not even losing weight...

>> No.14251448

Eat more and move. Your body thinks it needs its fat stores, show him the opposite.

>> No.14251459

These threads aren't helping my repressed twinklust.

>> No.14251464

It’s water weight, you don’t sweat that shit out drink a gallon of water, and a couple cups of broth for salt.

>> No.14251474

Most people in these threads say not to puke up all your food, much less eat the the point that you had to.

>> No.14251508


>> No.14251515

yeah i'm doubting you actually have an ED

>> No.14251915
File: 30 KB, 400x400, blushing wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started eating better
>had to shit today
>stool was nice and firm
>only needed a few wipes
>usually wiping my anus is like wiping the inside of a jar of peanut butter and takes forever to clean

I'm gonna make it bros. Down 20 lbs, 20 to go.

>> No.14251933

I'm 5'9 and weight 135. I look skinny with a shirt, but without one i'm all flab.
I don't know if i should keep cutting or start eating more while weight lifting

>> No.14252114

how tf can u be full flab if I'm 5'9 and somewhat flabby at 170? Is most of your weight in your upper body? I got them dummy thicc thighs

>> No.14252161

Keep up the good work! I'm proud of you and also jealous of your healthy poops.

>> No.14252253

I hold all my fat on my stomach and chest and have twig arms and legs. It sucks

>> No.14252435


>> No.14252438


>> No.14252439
File: 3.97 MB, 332x332, 1518899975498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine listening to this shit and actually thinking it sounds good lmao

>> No.14252465

Fuck no. I choose not to be reminded of my mortality the moment clothes come off.

>> No.14252469

Anon, I'm going to tell you here and now that being attracted to adults does not make you a pedophile. Least of all the breast size of a clearly grown woman.

>> No.14252482

Eating disorders are one of the biggest "I'm crazy, stupid, and infertile" red flags out there.

I've been underweight my whole life, for other reasons, and I'm finally gaining. Enjoying the clear skin, hips, cup size increase, great ass. Have fun being sad and neurotic though.

>> No.14252487

I'm 54.5kg and I'm aiming for 50kg, chill

>> No.14252501

I'm not talking directly to you, chill. Some posters here clearly have issues, don't take it personally.

>> No.14252516

that girl has such an odd body she is skinnyfat yet also slightly toned but only in parts like her butt and it's literally still saggy her entire physique is just an uneven bulimic mess

>> No.14252520

highly doubt it sir... searching out this thread to post this is sad and neurotic itself

>> No.14252539
File: 245 KB, 640x480, scaq01x8xzsz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ana meme time

>> No.14252540

It's in the catalog with an eye-catching, sickly image. I didn't search anything out. Don't usually browse /fa/ for good reason, knew it was full of faggots but this level of faggotry surprised me.

>> No.14252543

Nice reddit url, fren.

>> No.14252548
File: 76 KB, 455x810, tumblr_owac4i52v61wwrbrgo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was posted in myproana, idrc where the image was hosted originally

>> No.14252554
File: 52 KB, 600x426, 99f32e9a44d45f786829eb9e5874b0a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14252569
File: 65 KB, 800x756, 117faa8a78d2255f9ab0be455a453627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14252721

>Halo Top
Guilty as charged...

>> No.14252729 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 500x283, 60064099-BC35-4EB9-A9C5-96072327F5FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up

Your body doesn’t “hold on to fat” when you restrict calories. Body fat is stored energy that’s meant to be used at any level of calorie reduction. If your body “held on to fat” when you starve, you’d continue to starve, you goof

>> No.14252734
File: 178 KB, 500x283, EEE87047-9945-4004-9756-49EB7355012A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up

Your body doesn’t “hold on to fat” when you restrict calories. Body fat is stored energy that’s meant to be used with a lack of enough food. Potential starvation is exactly why our bodies store fat in the first place. If your body “held on to fat” when you starve, you’d continue to starve, you goof

>> No.14252773

3 days ain't shit. It takes a few weeks to lose weight. If you lose anything in your first week of dieting it's almost all just water. Keep with being under 500cal for a couple weeks and you will see a change.

Only exception to this is fasting. You are legit losing fat and water weight at the same time during a fast's early days. Only problem is that there's a slippery slope from fasting to becoming a dirty anorexic who starves themself.

>> No.14252783

Something tells me anon just needs to take a really big shit. Restriction to that extent can cause constipation for several days, which adds weight on the scale.

>> No.14252789

I'm 6' 130lbs. I'm trying to lose around ten pounds by calorie deficit. I never have any energy and I always feel like shit. I drink lots of water and take vitamins. Anyone know why this is happening?

>> No.14252792

I'm also 5'9" and when I was 140 I looked skinny as shit. I think you're just seeing things that aren't there anon. Just because you have a target look doesn't mean you will be able to look exactly like that. Your body is different from everyone else's, so you will look different. I had an anorexic girlfriend who was def thinspo but she spent so much time looking at thinspo that she still felt like she needed to lose more. She simply didn't have the same body type as most of the thinspo she was looking at on Tumblr. Sounds like you likely have the same problem.

If u gain weight to get muscle it's a fine line between getting toned and getting fat. Us skinny bros have trouble getting buff. I gained weight up to 170 trying to get muscular and just ended up looking fat.

>> No.14252794

It's Alexis Ren. She has boob and butt implants, so that's a big party of why she looks so freaky

>> No.14252795

to close to home, especially the addy addiction

>> No.14252796

I remember the glory days of pro-Ana kik groups, I really miss that.

Also keto is disgusting mate

>> No.14252797

How many calories are you eating?

Vitamins don’t do shit. You probably feel horrible because you’re already 20 pounds underweight and trying to starve yourself. Welcome to being an ana-chan.

>> No.14252798 [DELETED] 

I'm eating around 1500 a day. I'm 15 years old with no muscle so I'm currently skinny fat. My body fat percentage is probably around 18 percent or so

>> No.14252801

What does exlax do for losing weight?

>> No.14252803

>I'm 15 years old
Delete this unless you want a 3-month ban

>> No.14252805

Pics? I’m 6’3” 150 and though I was thin

>> No.14252806

Don’t lose anymore weight. At your age your body is still developing and you’ll fuck your shit up.

If you don’t want to be skinnyfat, just exercise more.

>> No.14252807


>> No.14252810

The rules state you have to be 18 to post here because of all the porn, newfriend. If the mods see this post you’re gonna get the boot.

>> No.14252812

Sorry mate

>> No.14252813

I can't delete it...

>> No.14252814

Lol you’re fucked then. See you in July.

>> No.14252816

Is it just ip ban?

>> No.14252817

god I hope mods give you a three year ban

>> No.14252819

Sorry for being new...

>> No.14252820

It is, but you don't deserve to be here.

>> No.14252821

They switched it to 3 months now because underageb&s are half the traffic on this site.

>> No.14252823

Why so?

>> No.14252827

Generally people don’t like underage posters because you all tend to be fucking annoying and newfags by default.

>> No.14252830

Well everyone is new at some point. I'll just post without my age from now on

>> No.14252832

look at how annoying you are spamming "i-i'm new, everyone was new sometime, be nice to me guys"
go away

>> No.14252837

It’s part of 4chan “culture” to hate newfags. Don’t be so open about being new unless you want to be shat on.

Also lurk more, which you’ll have plenty of time to do now that you’re getting banned when the janny wakes up.

>> No.14252850

>20 pounds underweight
Just realized he said 6’ instead of 6’3”, fuck me for being awake at 6am.

>> No.14252858 [DELETED] 

Ya I got banned

>> No.14252861

I know someone that's 130lb 6'4 lol

>> No.14252867

I know we’re on page two but I made a new one with normal pictures before the OP who’s been posting malnourished women wakes up and gets the chance to:


This ought to keep out the trolls coming in to call us mentally ill

>> No.14253514
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 25B77511-07B0-4238-9F5E-2038CA0CE4E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you aren’t actually fasting long enough. You are in a calorie restricted state instead and your body and metabolism is adapting to that so you have less energy. I know because I’m dealing with the same. I’m going to eat well today and healthy like a poke bowl or som then I’m gonna do at least 48 hrs. You really should go longer but I’m already like 6’ 120 so I figure 48 is good for me just to help w skin n stuff idk

>> No.14254058

Being a short girl is such a curse. I always look kind of chubby. Seriously, at what BMI do you start looking skinny if you're a femlet?

>> No.14254075

Why was I cursed by being born as a short girl? I always look kind of chubby. How low does my BMI has to go for me to look skinny as a femlet?