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File: 119 KB, 735x1102, best outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14219209 No.14219209 [Reply] [Original]

The sooner you start dressing like this, the sooner you'll lose your virginity

>> No.14219218
File: 72 KB, 600x791, 638057b70ea9743b03c8050ba71fdde7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but I look like a high schooler.

There is no way I could pull that off.
I guess I'll stay virgin.

>> No.14219220

My legs look like that picture, they are like thick n stuff. I'm insecure about my own legs but he looks fine and other people tell me i look fine (but that means nothing of course) idk man I see that thinspo stuff and I want it baka.

>> No.14219230

Thinspo is gay

I dont understand effay's disdain for anything even remotely sexcore. Sometimes, often, it looks good. Some sexcore is, dare I say it, effay

>> No.14219244

I have skinny legs. Will trade so i can have jeans that dont wrinkle

>> No.14219247

you seriously dont need to dress like that to lose your virginity
i lost my virginity to a club thot and i wore khakis and a baggy blue sweatshirt.

>> No.14219262

I never lose

>> No.14219264


>> No.14219294

why does every fucking photo of a jean jacket have black pants?

>> No.14219298

to avoid the hideous double denim look

>> No.14219303

I lost my virginity to my high school sweetheart when we were both 16. If you are normal this should have happened to you as well.

>> No.14219308

>If you are normal

anon, i ...

>> No.14219312
File: 4 KB, 224x217, 1484525749686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still with my sophomore year high school gf
about to graduate college, feels good man

>> No.14219317

>he skipped out on the easiest pussy youre ever going to get to stay with some thot that is going to leave you eventually anwyay

>> No.14219319
File: 54 KB, 640x524, 1438749505739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love > pussy


>> No.14219321

If you don't lose it before you graduate high school, then no, you are not normal and you did something wrong.

>> No.14219339

The #1 most important part of this look is being /fit/

Hit the gym, fags

>> No.14219344


ROFL............not so much.

The shoes he's wearing are on the list of the three types of shoes that no grown adult male should own:

1.) Flip-flops
2.) Shoes with no laces
3.) Gym shoes of any color other than black

The above three types of shoes are 100% feminine, and you are low on testosterone if you own them and think they are ok to wear.

>> No.14219345


>> No.14219349 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 1076x1070, d3502ea92ee0b95a5bfd31ec49a71861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Focus on improving yourself, not getting the girl

>> No.14219352

>shoes with no laces
I guess no man is allowed to wear loafers then
fucking retard

>> No.14219355

This line of thinking is so sad, I hate seeing guys who let their dicks steer their life. Literally missing the forest for the trees with their pussy worship.

>> No.14219358

genuinely a style only people who aren’t manlets could pull off

>> No.14219361

>I guess no man is allowed to wear loafers

Loafers are are feminine.
If you own loafers, then stock up on maxi pads for yourself.

>> No.14219368


Because when it comes to dressing themselves, men fall into the heard mentality just as much as women.
Most men can't think for themselves when it comes to style and fashion, and they just copy whatever they see on tv or the internet.

>> No.14219378

love doesnt exist

>> No.14219392

i hate this guy so goddamn much

>> No.14219407

imagine being so insecure about your masculinity that you have to have made up rules for footwear so you dont feel feminine

>> No.14219413

ah yes, all the feminine guys like harrison ford and paul newman who dailied loafers

>> No.14219440

because he mogs you

>> No.14219441

is there anything more feminine than wearing a type of shoe that only men wear?? /s

>> No.14219447
File: 58 KB, 480x480, 51724552_288445011850217_5481201969730319588_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this guy who went to the gym almost all the time. His diet was PERFECT. His workout routines were PERFECT. His clothing was PERFECT. His six pack... no, EIGHT pack was PERFECT. He MODELED. He got involved in ACTING. He looked like a GREEK GOD. When he walked about, all the ladies noticed him. He used his flesh like a masculine dress. Aside from those that used and discarded him as a boy toy, the ladies always broke up with him. How could they break up with this ADONIS? “He is so BORING” they all said in chorus. After all, he spent most of his time in the gym or being consistent with his perfect diet. If this guy spent less time being perfect and more time being human, he would be much more successful with the ladies and much happier.

>> No.14219449
File: 149 KB, 899x898, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically anything slp that isn't a full hedi larp outfit is going to become sexcore thanks to this guy

though it is hilarious to see a non-chink wearing a teddy

>> No.14219451

because he looks like shit and his shitty low quality pinterest photos are all that come up when you google a look

>> No.14219454

is this a facebook post?

>> No.14219474
File: 87 KB, 563x608, 72afee76b0c63534c40a507d8cac607d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no my dear incel

>> No.14219494

I know people here probably don't care for non troll responses but sexcore isn't a myth. I wore a dark blue shirt with slim fitting gray jeans and a leather jacket and white jordans 1 and people complimented me all day. Also I work out and that helps, but if you look halfway decent, sexcore is right for you.

>> No.14219504

Embrace the asos red pill anons, its all true. Forget about end or ssense, thats all faggotry. Asos is where the most elevated style of male fashion its at. If you think logically, the majority of animals use their bodies to attract the other sex. Dressing “for yourself”, because you like the “history” or the “culture” of fucking pieces of rags its brutally irrational and indirectly very homosexual. Think logically about it anons.

>> No.14219509
File: 101 KB, 1486x833, 1553576341552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boook of pook. very classic

>> No.14219510

but women hate asos-core

>> No.14219523

I'm sorry, but the proportions look ridiculous
>mile long torso
>short stubby legs

>> No.14219537

When I lost my virginity I wore slim jeans, black skateboard shoes, and hoodies every day.
How you dress has nothing to do with losing your virginity.

>> No.14219540

Lanklets look terrible

>> No.14219544

i hate using this word, but cope

>> No.14219667 [DELETED] 
File: 676 KB, 680x1216, 1553792798981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-L Lawliet

>> No.14219700

>has to wear 40mm heels to get his legs to look normal

>> No.14220460

So never then

Don’t wanna dress like an NPC

>> No.14220478

what if i am a faggot

also end is pretty much rich normie tier at this point anyway

>> No.14220484

>haha man this handsome muscular model looks so silly because he is wearing boots! What a loser!

>> No.14220779

Holy shit, it just now occurred to me why this board is so shit. You guys are a bunch of virgins trying to help each other get laid. No wonder every piece of advice I see on here is the opposite of what you should do.

>> No.14220822

i have 5 jeans jacket, and any of them fit me well, some are too small, it fit me, but dont close( i have a belly but im not fat) other is too big and made me look like a kid wering his dad clohtes, the other one is fit me but is like a oldie style cuz the sleeve are big, pretty much like 90s style... and the other 2 kinda fit me okey, but here were i live is too damn hot to wear it.... fuck my life

>> No.14220825


This this this. I lost my virginity after performing a poetry slam when I was 18 wearing an old navy sweater and anchor blue jeans.

>> No.14220832

please kill yourself
t. bitter incel

>> No.14220904

Honestly being cute and naive was enough to get me laid since I was 15, moslty by older chicks, been milking it for over a decade.m. I can't approach girls I'm interested for shit though, I have zero confidence despite being 6'2 and good looking and fairly talkative in groups.

>> No.14220914

i just want to buy off the rack pants

>> No.14221072

nice pasta

>> No.14221101

>Gym shoes of any color other than black

>> No.14221128
File: 139 KB, 1080x1812, IMG_20190124_170820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should we tell him?

>> No.14221156
File: 299 KB, 766x766, 1492089578677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go on, tell him

>> No.14221284

I’m glad someone said it. Dude looks like a fucking wiener dog on its hind legs.

>> No.14221296

That's a lot of sex in one picture

>> No.14221352

SEXSAINT is the best style

>> No.14221379

Congrats anon. You’re making the right choice, as long as you get married with a prenup. Which goes against the idea of romance but 50% of everything is a dealbreaker. I’m just a cynic. Everything in your situation says “lifelong marriage,” but life happens, and there’s no sense going through any unnecessary pain.

>> No.14222001


Shorter jacket lengths great, pants still too slim.

>> No.14222007

could you reformulate that in english

>> No.14222017

shorter jacket lenghts = great
jeggings = Bogustown

>> No.14222037

wearing anything other than skinny fit pants/jeans with wyatts is a cardinal sin

>> No.14222118
File: 21 KB, 425x341, u wyatt m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior wyatt fits comin thru

>> No.14222126

Amen. If you can't pull off skinny pants, you can't pull off wyatts.

>> No.14222148

this is the standard played out slp fit but with a denim trucker instead of the moto jacket
it is just onions hipster nubeard up top and slp wannabe on the bottom
it doesn't make any sense

is he carrying his phone and wallet? why is all the lower half black and the upper half pale?

i'm going into convulsions over this

>> No.14222149
File: 98 KB, 615x907, 066d4f4bffbd1faf52484061f8c14941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And btw even Justin Bieber's swaggy preacher can pull the SLP look off, almost all you have to do is not be fat or ugly as sin

>> No.14222160
File: 90 KB, 640x960, 1543621516083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am required by my religious law to stay pure out of respect for the surreal mother of reality. I will NOT dress like that, as I am a pious servant to my goddess matriarch, and do not wish to inspire the divine wrath of omnipotence. Please delete this thread, it is heresy.

>> No.14222304

>feeling good about myself today
>read this and feel like shit again
Here I was thinking I was starting to acquire some confidence

>> No.14222342

Sorry, bro. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.14222345

cringe as fuck

>> No.14222353

Are we though? I can't turn back time.

>> No.14222359

you'll be fine, mate.

>> No.14222364

Thanks man. I hope you're right.

>> No.14222365
File: 3.18 MB, 1578x2335, 1549590385840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14222552

So Never then

>> No.14222892

he is fat though, his thighs and calves are too big for the jeans.harry styles had the same issue

>> No.14224150

so should i just shop exclusively at ASOS?

>> No.14225165

why should i dress in a way i don't like to appease others

>> No.14225188

Anyone know w2c that kind of sweater? preferably a darker grey tone

>> No.14225211

>this guy
>harry styles

are you absolutely fucking braindead my dude?????

>> No.14225274

Huähähähä ja moin

>> No.14225285

salvation army

>> No.14225588

damn I didnt know that guy had such short little legs

>> No.14225970


>> No.14225993

I lost it well after highschool and to be honest it doesn't change much. If you were a bitter jaded person before sex then that isn't going to change. Sex is only a big deal to those who haven't had it. Its the ultimate in joke because none of it really matters.

>> No.14226011

Slpcore is so fucking cringe I can’t believe people feel for this. Maybe %15 percent of people look good in this and that’s young skinny men. SLP past your 20’s is cringe af

>> No.14226020

so you're relegated to wearing jesus sandals and the amish special all black new balances?

>> No.14226051

Wallet chains are critical to virginity loss. LMFAO

>> No.14226389

in the context of slp fits they're very fat

>> No.14226411

Actually is fat though .<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F308;</div>

>> No.14226414

dont forget

>> No.14226671

its just his low rise pants

>> No.14227205
File: 101 KB, 1280x1440, D0cg8TJUwAA0JNO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14227227

>lost virginity
>still feel empty
oh well

>> No.14227248


>> No.14227274

Does it count if it was against your will.

>> No.14227304
File: 54 KB, 666x636, 1528055265429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It'll make no difference to me now. I'm too far past a 'normal' age for it and the psychological and social implications are too ingrained.

>> No.14227364

it counts more

>> No.14227533

fat in this sense is more talking about the shape of their skeletons and muscles. The guys might have a low fat percentage but the shape of their legs still ruins the look