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14217830 No.14217830 [Reply] [Original]

trying to quit but I keep having the feeling of looking cool while doing it

>> No.14217831 [DELETED] 

When I was smoking I felt guilty like some pariah, a leper. The culture has sure shifted back.

>> No.14217835
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When I was still a smoker just a few years ago I felt guilty like some pariah, a leper. The culture has sure shifted back.

>> No.14217848

If you actually became addicted to nicotine, I guess you can get a pass, but if its to just look cool, you are absolutely retarded, if you need cigs to look cool, no amount of cigarettes will make you cool to anyone besides 15 year olds

>> No.14217850

I dont need em to look cool, I just feel cool smoking em

>> No.14217853
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Its not even funny to talk shit to you, you honestly saddened me with your lack off self awareness and how you packed so much cope in so little text

>> No.14217856

Obviously you’re too retarded to understand what I’m saying. I don’t go to the store to fucking by cigs to look cool, I got a genuine addiction but it’s a perk to fucking look like James dean you fag

>> No.14217858

i wish i was you, i cant quit no matter what i try. patches, vape, gum

>> No.14217873
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smoking never was effay. It's only an appetite suppresant, was linked to weight loss, and came into the fashion world by proxy, not as a statement of fashion itself.
There's some effay aspects in some tobacco products, but they're very specific; eg. the contrast of the poverty and cheapness of a hand rolled cigarette while wearing a very costly jacket, shirt, and shoes.
Packs of cigarettes are never effay, because only a lunatic goes around peacocking actual cigarette packaging. filtered cigarettes are never effay.
Pipes are the purest form of effay tobacco, and can ease one into quiting cogarettes.

>> No.14217888
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>> No.14217900

The problem is that you think it looks cool you twat, i said it gets a pass as an acceptable thing to do, even then I don't agree fully with that statement
You haven't posted a pic of yourself and i recognized you as soon as you said pipe, what a fucking larper piece of faggot scum, you where right for the first paragraph then you had to fuck it up

>> No.14217987

No. Smoking makes you smell and look like shit, and looking like an addict is pathetic.

>> No.14218026

I'll admit smoking does feel cool and gives me something to do in social environments and makes conversations flow.

But never have I seen someone and think they're cool for smoking.

>> No.14218058

Is it effay to roll around in hot garbage? You smell like shit. There's no avoiding it. You think you don't but you're noseblind to it. 30 years from now you're going to have emphysema or lung cancer and you, your clothes, your dingy house and your beat- up car are going to smell even worse than you do now, but at least you can tell your hospice nurse how cool you felt when you were a teenager as she's holding her breath and helping you up the three stairs you can't climb yourself. Smoking was never effay.

>> No.14218085

I started because of a shit stressful retail job where almost everybody smoked, managed to quit through vaping. I wish vaping didn't have such a garbage "enthusiast" crowd because (to me at least) it feels a lot better and I regained my cardio abilities. If it were embraced as more of a sci-fi thing, as in it's just a more enjoyable and effective nicotine delivery method it could be cool but the cotton candy blowing fags ruin it for everybody. I don't really think it counts as quitting either if you're still a nic slave but the phlegm's gone and I can do 8 flights of stairs without losing my breath so I guess it's something.

>> No.14218110

I know everyone has strong opinions on smoking but I personally think it will never not be cool to smoke, there's too many iconic movies where the main characters smoke and make it look too cool and besides that it's got such a rich history in western countries, it's hard to see it fading out of popularity.

>> No.14218139

if u are cool, it's cool but fat ass neckbeard smoking just looks sad.

>> No.14218155

>if you need cigs to look cool, no amount of cigarettes will make you coo

>> No.14218165
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The old movies are cool only to modern eyes. During their time the smoking was like drinking water, it was hyper normal. Some german experessionist movies made cool use of the smoke, but no one really thought about it at the time.
Eventually the smoke will go away. Like men's hats, stick shifts, and postcards. Consumer tastes will change.

>> No.14218176
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On a side note, my friend used to have a Lincoln back in the 90s. It had fucking ashtrays in the back doors. You used to be able to smoke in hospitals, and schools until like 1994 around here. No one considered it cool as much as it was just something you did once you got old enough - like wearing a belt, a watch, or eating fiber.
The old Virginia Slims ads were a prime example of the current cousin to modern cars ads. They existed to sell a lifestyle they would never have, not a product. People who bought in fantasized about being rich or rugged, not necessarily about being cool/ rebelious/ fashionable.
The whole 'people smoke to look cool' thing arose from anti-smoking ads who oversimiplified and demonized a complex issue.

>> No.14218210

Filtered cigarillos helped me to minimize smoking. I used to smoke cigs during work all the time, but the phlegm, lung damage and heart issues made me ditch them. Now a cigarillo a few times a week has enough of a nicotine hit to make me not want another for at least a day and I reserve the smoking of it for when Im done with all the shit for the day, as some people would have a beer. Dont inhale.

>> No.14218497

How do yall feel about herbal cigarettes? I only have 1 or 2 just when I hang out with friends since it just feels relaxing to smoke, but with out any chemical effects whether it be nicotine or thc.

And yes, even herbal cigarettes are still bad for your lungs.

>> No.14218562

The archetypal "cool guy" characters within those movies will still be cool regardless of the cigarettes.
People aren't gonna look back at cowboys and be like "damn they're lame as fuck now that I don't view smoking favorably!"
Smoking will always be cool. Maybe not as much as today, but it'll never completely go away.

>> No.14218747

this board is pathetic

>> No.14218752
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im fucking laughing so hard rn at these regular is __ effay threads
fucking brain dead teenagers

>> No.14218776

It's not cool to do something anyone can to - it's just cool to be able to and not care.
Just fucking die earlier or smoke a few a day. Why is this complicated?

>> No.14218788
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I've tried these weird brown rolled leaf cigarettes made in India that taste like burnt toast and vanilla. I can't recommend them. I've never tried the all black clove type, but have heard they taste awful. They were popular in the goth scene because you could buy them without an ID, they were weird, they might be less addictive, they had a herbal/witchy vibe to them... and of course they were black.

Because herbals have a lot of unknown qualities, and they're been no/few studies on the effect of long term use, we don't know if they're worse than tobacco.I would stear clear of them.
I would still recommend a pipe. Be it an all-white clay, a clay with a reed stem, or a missouiri hardwood [for 5 bucks], it''s less worrisome than cigarettes and cheaper per smoke.

>> No.14219265

Cigs don't look cool, I associate it with fat old people who buy lotto tickets. I had an ex who would legit just leave me in his dorm alone cuz guests couldn't in-out and he would go outside to smoke. That's not effay.

>> No.14220096

>Eventually the smoke will go away. Like men's hats, stick shifts, and postcards. Consumer tastes will change.
Laughably wrong. People still smoke in the face of overbearing evidence showing how harmful it is. Even if the government made all cigarettes illegal, some people would still smoke. Just like how people smoke weed and do illegal drugs.

>> No.14220553

Just juul or smoke black and milds

>> No.14220940
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>heh you're not even worth my time

>> No.14221703

Smoking itself isn't cool and it doesn't make you look cool, but you should be able to spend lengths of time in a club's smoking area without looking weird. Plus having one or two at work is a nice break (if you think smoking makes you look cool look at a workplace smoking shelter, by the way). Tobacco smells nice, too.

Anything beyond social smoking is just sad, though. It's like any other drug; if you're doing it alone and because of some compulsion to then it's shitty. I've gone all Lent without one and I only miss it when I drink.

>> No.14221796

>tobacco smells nice, too
Have you kissed a woman before? My gf thinks the smell is disgusting, biggest reason I rarely smoke these days

>> No.14221820

>Less people are smoking that ever before
>This means smoking will be around forever

>> No.14221937

Yeah, on breath it's horrible and when you kiss someone after a cig it's vile but the smell itself is nice after a little while. I'm talking about rooms and clothes.

>> No.14221938

it'll never stop being effay

>> No.14223275

Its not that he isn't worth the time to make fun of, its just that he's a lost cause, doing stuff because it makes you feel cool or having to justify an addiction with "i feel cool doing so" its just sad, it just shows a need for attention or approval

>> No.14223351
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Smoking is really ugly to me, Not effay at all.