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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 112 KB, 720x720, 2D780C6E-243C-4C5B-A61B-A9311C4FDAD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14215987 No.14215987 [Reply] [Original]

Ok so I posted this pic on R9k awhile ago. Its a pic of me last winter when I was 19 and I got called justed. Can someone explain whats up with my face thats so bad Im getting fucking insulted by literal neet incels? I get Im pale but I think I have fairly decent facial structure. Also can someone reccomned a anti just cure other than tanning dice that’s out of the picture.

>> No.14215990

stop doing meth

>> No.14215992

You look 50

>> No.14216003

Im completely sober aside from drinking maybe once a week

>> No.14216006


>> No.14216008

Alien head core

>> No.14216009

grooming my friend. and also ditch the hat.


>> No.14216018

Stfu and post a pic you fucking fag I bet you’re soi as hell I’d rather look rugged and mature than some baby faced sad boy fuck

>> No.14216111

10/10 eyebrows

>> No.14216137 [DELETED] 

gaunt as fuck, you've got an old-ass keeper of the crypt saggy wizard face

>> No.14216151
File: 31 KB, 720x720, cryptkeeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14216200

you have the face of a homeless crack addict lmao

>> No.14216207

Post a normal picture of your face please. No grimaces, no hats or hoods, just looking straight into the camera, another one at an angle. Then we might be able to help.

>> No.14216212

>so bad Im getting fucking insulted by literal neet incels
nigga you are incel yourself

>> No.14216213

You look like you have a serious meth/crack addiction

>> No.14216218

He can't do that because he's just reposting an image for (You)s

>> No.14216300


>> No.14216302

Ouch sounds like a hit a nerve, you okay bud?

>> No.14216311

>by literal neet incels?
Are we on Reddit?

>> No.14216316

try not starving

>> No.14216387
File: 1.38 MB, 1440x2301, Screenshot_20190329-115053_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14216422


Lay off the smack

>> No.14216522

You look like a homeless, 45 year old Peter Cushing

>> No.14216529

gonna epically roast this guy and get featured on rebbit xD

>> No.14216536

Saw you in a rate thread on soc lolll
I think it’s just the awful facial expression you’re making, and the fact that the camera is all up in your shit (tends to distort features)

>> No.14216548
File: 37 KB, 720x405, darkelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look like a dark elf

>> No.14216558

you look like a horse faced jordan peterson

>> No.14216759
File: 836 KB, 536x575, leprosy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you post another picture from another angle? I think you have a very hardcore face structure, like you've been left out in the rain a few too many times. You could definitely turn into it and adopt a fashion style that really builds on your natural aesthetic.

>> No.14216774

why is he so fragile and insecure?

>> No.14216792

gain weight and you'd look cooler

>> No.14216988


>> No.14217285

I love Brandon Rogers

>> No.14217286

More like 11/10

>> No.14217298

You look like leafy had a kid with Benedict cumberbatch and it had a meth dependence

>> No.14217308

that's too much. Wonder why those 22 year old girls look in their 30s? clubbing every weekend.

>> No.14217881

for starters you look like a 50 year old meth addicted aids patient. post picture from another angle because i'm sure the angle and lens distortion are making it worse.
if you really are that ugly try to adopt some weird fashion sense because at least your face is interesting/remarkable

>> No.14218273

First day here?

>> No.14219009

Ugly and angry what a great combination

>> No.14219027

plese fix ur unibrow ugh
so gross

>> No.14219152

Good lord
This faggot needs to get a goddamn grip and clean himself up
Inside and out

>> No.14220475

>Mfw the aids drugs make it so meth can't get me high anymore.

>> No.14220482

Bro you gotta post a current pic to convince us it’s you. Until then you’re nothing but an anon who is using this ugly sob for (You)s

>> No.14220552

Is this a troll? How the hell could someone possibly look like that at 19?

>> No.14220593

Rugged and mature ....lol
Frail and old, more like it
You look positively ancient
Like a mummy
I'm almost fifty and have the face of a thirty year old.
Milfs all over me like I'm their fucking pool boy
Nosferatu looking motherfucker

>> No.14220603

Underrated. Kek'd

>> No.14220614
File: 947 KB, 827x1169, __julianne_stingray_va_11_hall_a_drawn_by_fuyuzuki_art__c67db60a4f588f582b9b96271eb4c361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this homeless ET core?

>> No.14220784

Here are SOME of the things that are wrong:
>bushy eyebrows
>small skull
>huge nose and lips (in proportion to your other features)
>you look malnourished
>you look like a drug abuser

>> No.14220941

huge potential for a scum-core fit or sleeze

>> No.14220974

Mommy didn't breastfeed me core

>> No.14220987


>> No.14220996


>> No.14221000

Start eating, retard

>> No.14221297

>this thread is still alive
OP, this is a bad pic. You have too narrow a face to make it look so gaunt by grimacing. Growing a beard may help, or packing on about 10-15 healthy pounds (60-70% muscle). However, the issue here is that you’re pale, gaunt, and seemingly unkempt, like a broke Dracula. Addressing your weight is the first concern, then your facial posture, then your spergy antics >>14216387

Assuming of course, you aren’t just someone fishing for (You)s

>> No.14221308

Feed on a few plump incels, that virgin blood should freshen you right up

>> No.14221330

You are not allowed to post pics of yourself on r9k. It's in the sticky. No wonder u got roasted.

R9K is a cesspit of toxicity. Asking for ratings on r9k is like, the worst thing you couldve done. Ask on /soc/ instead.

Also you look retarded in that pic. You could've AT LEAST posted a decent pic.

>> No.14221934
File: 476 KB, 1265x1024, 1265px-Egon_Schiele_-_Self-Portrait_with_Physalis_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have the face of a 20th-century expressionist painting

>> No.14222344
File: 47 KB, 564x564, 3055ad3d26dd8d3f89e92699a0ece52c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you actually give a goof picture of your face rather than this jumbled up, uncoordinated piece of shit, then we can appropriately rate you.

>> No.14222705

Fucking kek

>> No.14223433

This picture has made me understand why so many white men like Asian women.

>> No.14223490

it's the fucking filter that ages you. new pic bro.

>> No.14223522

why does he need to explain it's pretty fucking straight forward

>> No.14223552

Oh fuck this drawing sent me a hysterical laughing fit for solid 5 minutes. I'm still laughing as I'm typing this out. 11/10

>> No.14223667

You look like Terry Davis.

>> No.14223808
File: 2.73 MB, 750x1334, 1D1CF4C6-F8E5-4EFC-8435-685DAF0E744B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14223813

it's the joules. (or jowles?)

>> No.14223817

You should draw>>14223808

>> No.14224050

You said it yourself. You do look like a meth using bitch.

>> No.14224200

You look 50

>> No.14224238

you look like a 40 y/o trainspotting reject

>> No.14224244

you already know why he and a lot of people are insecure. if you dont youre a retard

>> No.14224931

how the fuck can somebody look this bad if he doesn't do drugs i know alcoholics and drug addicts that look far better than you

>> No.14225541

yikes<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F641;</div>

>> No.14226332

Are you Jordi el Nino Polla?

>> No.14226533

Don’t ever let anyone know you are 19. Instead say you are in your fifties.
Rock and cultivate the villain look, you look like white Disney Jafar.

>> No.14227293


>> No.14227321
File: 26 KB, 250x250, strelok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14227340

You look OLD nigga

>> No.14227346


>> No.14227631

Even dark elves look better than that creature.

>> No.14228246


Get those fucking moles removed

Get your eyebrows threaded

Get an undercut

Stop wearing the hoodie, carhartt and pink snap back

Start a skin care routine and work out your neck

>> No.14228255

How so? When Asian women have brown hair, white skin and brown eyes they’re attractive to you?

>> No.14228261

Wtf are tanning dice?

>> No.14229365

Gilgun core

>> No.14229549

you look like a crackhead who sucks dick behind a dumpster for $7.35
how do you have wrinkles at 19?
and do something about the unibrow

>> No.14229636

You're fine but you're everything the common American associates with being wrong with the common European.

They don't understand hair and faces that aren't just ken barbies

>> No.14229733


new copypasta

>> No.14229742


>> No.14229759
File: 33 KB, 500x494, 1422395045933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts his pic on /r9k/
>calls other soi

>> No.14229760

These, stalker looking ass

>> No.14230286
File: 100 KB, 720x720, thisisyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14230363

It's a special kind of effay that's rare the days, most people won't understand. I'm slightly disgusted, too but also see high potential. Post more, please. Body, too.

>> No.14232204
File: 22 KB, 317x267, 385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14232210
File: 50 KB, 375x378, 385820065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14232235

jesus christ

>> No.14232356

I was going to ask if people who have faces like this are aware that their face looks like a strange mask, but apparently not