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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 48 KB, 639x840, DU-gDGjV4AA-JhT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14194766 No.14194766[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

imagine not being white

>> No.14194778

Nonwhite here
It's even worse than you imagine

>> No.14194788
File: 121 KB, 399x388, sadness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not being rich

>> No.14194792
File: 668 KB, 200x200, me sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not having any friends and being old and bald and utterly socially isolated

>> No.14194793

I can't. Although I would become black just to fuck white chicks though lmao

>> No.14194795

Igor I'm coming to Montreal next month. Wanna hang out? I have a reservation for two at Joe beef. Even though it's just me going lmao.

>> No.14194796
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I want a gf

>> No.14194797
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Tbqh I shiver at the thought of what it would have been like to be born a piss/shitskin. White people are infinitely better in every way and it’s among the things I am most thankful for.

Being proud of being a non-white race is just cope.

>> No.14194805

its great actually
cucked countless ones
mixed race is the wave my caucasian brother

>> No.14194808
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I love being white!

>> No.14194809
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If you had the choice of being a poor unattractive Caucasian vs a rich attractive brown person
what would you choose?

>> No.14194811

> fake, bottle-dyed blonde
> "white"

>> No.14194814

I choose to be rich but healthy and also live long and prosper

>> No.14194819

Spotted the bitter shitskin

Look closer, her natural roots are a dark ash blonde to very light brown.

>> No.14194830
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Blonde hair is a feminine trait. MED BVLL MASTERRACE

>> No.14194840

Being a shitskin is a sign of inferior intelligence and overall being disgusting. There’s nothing wrong with femininity, however.

>> No.14194842

Sounds good

>> No.14194844


>> No.14194848
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>> No.14194849

Cute. Want a banana?

>> No.14194850


>> No.14194851

Neither, you homo

>> No.14194857

>internet memelord has a shitskin gf

Color me surprised

>> No.14194860

>calling marzia a shitskin

>> No.14194864

>shitskins created the western world while northern euros lived as barbarians and serfs

>> No.14194865
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what did u mean by this. the average white who posts here always looks inbred or something

>> No.14194873

yeahhhh, but you guys age like dogshit.

>> No.14194903

>le "poc age better" meme
nice cope

even if this was true, being the pinnacle of attractiveness for 25 years then slowly fading is better than being an ugly shitskin from birth until death, like you

>> No.14194916

but it is true. I’ve never seen a white who didn’t hit the wall by 28

>> No.14194919

I’ve never seen a shitskin who didn’t hit the wall at conception

>> No.14194923
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>> No.14194927
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lol good luck avoiding extinction by 2050

>> No.14194930

itt seething shitskins

>> No.14194935

Without white people niggers will have no money or resources because there will be no taxes to leech off of, and their minimum wage jobs will disappear because the educated people (white) won’t be there to run the businesses that supply them.

Tbh I prefer us dying out so that only niggers can rot on this shitty rock until they overpopulate and drown in trash.

>> No.14194940

not black

>> No.14194943

You’re all the same, doesn’t matter what cute label you have for yourself

>> No.14194944
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am black n proud

>> No.14194951

coping nig

>> No.14194953
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it's pure torture

>> No.14194954

Youre going extinct caus your sisters fucking a tyrone u moron

>> No.14194958

>the only "attractive" black women ever posted have european features


>> No.14194960

Okay show me a white gal w those same facial features; ill wait

>> No.14194967

>empathizing with coloreds

>> No.14194992


u wot? next you're going to say white skin is a feminine trait.

>> No.14195012

>calling Mediterraneans shitskins
I mean, the blob that is white includes a fair number of shades. Germans and Slavs are darker than Scandinavians and Celts,and Mediterraneans are darker than Germans and Slavs, all still lighter than actual shitskins.

White people have always been a minority in the world. What makes you think we're disappearing? Is it cuz we slowed down breeding cuz we're worried about the environment and decided to be nice and to pay for the kids the lesser races have when they have no means to support those kids? Don't worry, when we collectively realize what a waste both of those things are, it will pick back up :)

>> No.14195022

ok faggot good luck

>> No.14195033

it is. so are blue eyes. notice all girls want a tall DARK handsome MED BVLL

>> No.14195038

I unironically believe that white women who breed with black men have some sort of brain parasite that makes them insane. I mean it's one thing to fuck black guys, but when I see white women walking around with those beige half-breed kids that have afros and look nothing like them, it just defies belief.

>> No.14195050

>imagine having to dye your hair
Anglos make me sick

>> No.14195057
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>> No.14195060

Muhammad Ali believed the same thing about black women with half breed kids

>> No.14195074

I wheezed for like 3 minutes straight. holy god damn Oblivion called.

>> No.14195093

Imagine being a nasty shit who dyes their hair

>> No.14195102

Never once have I ever thought what if I was a white guy. Majority including op is pic os pretty ugly. Japanese or koreans are the pinnacle of physical fashion tho

>> No.14195103

should I know what that is?
Tall, sure. If by handsome you mean facial symmetry and a relation to a mask for the culture, sure. You're objectively wrong about dark though. Go anywhere in the world with majority non-whites. I have. I'm a 6/10. They treated me like a 9. You know why? I'm white. It's a rarity and thus = status to them. Same as blue eyes. They probably also assumed that since I had the money or time to travel, I had some status, which is what women really want.

And, the reason tan men are more in women's eyes now is because it is a status thing. 100 years ago, being pale and kind of flabby meant you were moneyed and didn't have to work, while muscularity and a tan were seen as pedestrian and lower class since you tanned from working outside and got the muscles working hard. Now being pale and flabby means you work, since more jobs are indoor desk jobs now which don't require physical exertion to build muscle. So now, the upper class look is more tan and muscular, since having a tan usually means you have the time to tan, and having muscles means you have the leisure of gym membership. Still, they are chasing status and wealth.

If you really think all women are after the "tall dark and handsome" you're a mong

>> No.14195107

You literally sound insane to me. I'm glad I have reached this point with /pol/ rhetoric. When I was young and impressionable I might have thought you had a point for a second. Now I just think about what the person behind the keyboard is like and think of the average white person I encounter daily and can't help but laugh. You sound pathetic with no accomplishments to be proud of other than something you had no control over.

>> No.14195122
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>med bvll masterrace

>> No.14195125

White is no longer and accomplishment anymore. Look at any other place on the internet or in real life. It’s condemned and made fun of. Most people who express their love of being white get shitted on so they do so anonymously...like here...

>> No.14195128
File: 615 KB, 1366x768, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh romans
Too bad every med country has a dogshit economy . Notice the countries with the best GDP are mostly North Euro?

>> No.14195186

damn id kill to be white aryan master race just to USE A NICE FUCKING SS SUIT FOR FUCK SAKE THAT SHIT IS TOP AESTHETHICS

>> No.14195193

This is the power of northern euro autism. No wonder your women prefer outgoing, MED BVLLS

>> No.14195203

white pride is the ultimate cope bro

>> No.14195204

must suck tb h

>> No.14195213

kike or nigger? either way lmaoing hard @ this cope

>> No.14195218
File: 69 KB, 456x486, A3F0909C-5568-428D-9F29-019D3B75334A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. pic related

>> No.14195238


>> No.14195245


>> No.14195248
File: 10 KB, 178x172, wwaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these coping pathetic whitoids seething

>> No.14195249

I'm Germanic/slavic, faggot. I'm not even northern european. What are you even doing?

>> No.14195252
File: 166 KB, 1273x793, Nigger3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14195272

i don't hate you, i just pity you
t. 6'5 white chad

>> No.14195278

Yeah I don’t think so lanknon

>> No.14195280

eh being black is alright
im happy

>> No.14195283
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>> No.14195284

good for you ;)

>> No.14195298

This isn't 1950 anymore, the scale has moved 3 inches.
6'3 is manlet cutoff, 6'8 is giraffe cutoff.

>> No.14195451

I don't have to

>> No.14195485

based, all the poltard meetups are 95% shitskins

>> No.14195488
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>> No.14195519

The people that obsess about this shit are usually ugly. Wonder why.

>> No.14195537

>shit eyes

>> No.14195561

rofl I'm white and I hate people that think we are the master race. People of other countries know we are one of the most racist shits and it's not something to be proud about. This is why white women race mix more, because the men of our race can't act mature due to their spoiled asses.

>> No.14195608

This. Dark skin can be attractive, but dyed hair is just disgusting.

>> No.14195614
File: 210 KB, 1280x990, muja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao some eastern are way white than mutts
also fuck you if think that skin color=beauty

>> No.14195622

Is that black-skin?

>> No.14195623

>green eyes
Literally millions of white people
>wide nose
nig trait
>plump lips
nig trait
> fake hair
nig trait

>> No.14195624

this is actually true. the more whites whine and pout about poc and the more they show that they're threatened, the sooner they're women leave because they're essentially going after the forbidden. it's too irresistible for them. how do you stupid fucks not see that? act like a fucking man for once and reclaim your women. show your fucking spirit you idiots.

>> No.14195635

>hello fellow white people

>> No.14195671
File: 3 KB, 356x480, 1518506382224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shalom fellow white person

>> No.14195676

who's behind that post?

>> No.14195692
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it must be nice to do whatever you want

>> No.14195759

I can tell by this post you are an ugly manlet who's only saving grace is being HWHITE

>> No.14195787
File: 1.65 MB, 1080x1920, 1553019278979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm a healthy mix of black and white tbqh. I still look mainly white.

>> No.14195791

It's... It's YOU! ... the hero of Kvatch!

>> No.14195794

lol racist

>> No.14195796

black and white mixed to look kinda latino, amazing

>> No.14195843
File: 27 KB, 800x450, 1552695789697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw german and dutch herritage

>> No.14195852

You're fuckingg ugly

t. someone who prefers ethic guys

>> No.14195860

Must be bliss

>> No.14196019
File: 25 KB, 112x112, alkXD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still look mainly white.

>> No.14196050

Nothig worse man. It is really hard to find some style that corrects my shitskin. Atleast I am not black so my facial features are caucasian. I am so unlucky. I am arab and my brother is perfectly white while I got the shit genes. If I was white I would be pretty sexy. I have an athletic build and a nice face. Being a nigger ruins me though. I bought some typical /fa/ shit and it just makes me look dangerous instead of suave.

SHITSKINS OF /fa/ where can I find style guide for our condition?

>> No.14196055

just wear gold :^) SANGIEVMODE

>> No.14196065

knew a mixed black white girl, first time i met her, thought she was asian. truly a dice roll of features

>> No.14196104
File: 114 KB, 640x300, 8D6035FE-DBF9-42F5-8EB0-DBBC668B5F61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbqh shitskins are really bad at defending themselves, just throwing ad hominems into a void as if they were monkeys flinging feces.

>> No.14196134

lol he makes the classic mistake of wearing white core while being a shitskin. The dark colour palette is clashing with his skin. Shitskin people need to wear bright coloured shit but I dont want to buy random trash. Still looking for a guide. Asians cant pull of white core either. But they have k-pop style which is just perfectly /fa/. What is the k-pop equivalent for shitskins?

>> No.14196135


I don't think the dude is gay or looking for some assholes' validation dudes

I see some Hispanic admixture in there, desu. You don't resemble swarthy greeks or Italians imho.

>> No.14196144

Honestly, that guy's nothing special in the west or most of Europe, white supremashits need to calm tf down.

>> No.14196173

You're fucking nuts. You don't understand how Europeans became who they are at all, the earlier occupants of western Europe, Celts (who were mostly replaced by the saxons iirc) were predominantly dark haired and not light skinned. England has a med element in it's population resulting from Roman occupation as well. Mediterraneans (Italians specifically) absorbed hundreds of thousands, if not millions of African slaves in their population long ago. Northern Europeans are also quite admixed, many have up to 10% East Asian admixture, for example.

Genetic purity is only a tool used by those in power to exert control. It's not real. Neither are the /pol/ exiles spouting some insane, nonsensical bullshit about white genocide even close to grasping the root of the problems Europe faces today.

>> No.14196214

Lol that goofy ass lazy eye

>> No.14196224
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lazy eye is usually from opiates

>> No.14196255
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>> No.14196379

I'm non-white and 6 foot 1, taller than most white people. not cope lol

>> No.14196384

Blonde women prefer swarthy men in average :)

>> No.14196434

nice cope, shorty. 7'2 is the REAL manlet cutoff now

>> No.14196442

Not northern European
A minuscule population and land soaked in oil
Corporations HQs


>> No.14196469

>I still look mainly white
lmao you look like a fucking arab dude

>> No.14196470

they’re blue though

>> No.14196481

This thread reminds me why I'm glad to not be white. You people are batshit insane and kind of delusional.

>> No.14196490

I know the history from Socrates onward pretty well, but if you say so. I never claimed or brought up racial or genetic purity btw, just that different populations tend to have more of one trait and less of another.

>> No.14196492


>> No.14196516

>imagine not being white
Thank god

>> No.14196523

>pale white skin
>green eyes
>great body proportions
>7 inches a e s t h e t i c penis
>good facial hair
>great hairline
>Asians and South-American bitches are losing their minds over me
Feels good man

>> No.14196599

>be me
>6'4 Anglo, dark hair, blue eyes
>used to be ugly and fat in school
>as such hate Chad and Stacy with a passion
>entering my peak years with my faithful, blonde hair green eyes gf
>we talk about our future and our kids almost every night

I'm living the dream anons, there is a God and he loves me

>> No.14196604

Is being white really that big of a deal in us? Im from Finland so it never really occurred to me since almost everyone here's white

>> No.14196621

If you lived here you’d know why. Must be nice living somewhere without talking, yelling monkeys.

>> No.14196624
File: 12 KB, 258x245, PepeCryLaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, cope, cope, cope. If it were all so easy as you make out, Medshit countries would be there too - but they're not

>> No.14196676

you're mongolian not white

>> No.14196722

If ur a cuck yes

>> No.14196724
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>> No.14196731
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>> No.14197017

Lot of you guys are trashy or awkward though

>> No.14197024

This ..be rich tough smart athletic n look hot....those ppl are a race of their own

>> No.14197034

It is....like redhead girls fair better then ginger boys

>> No.14197040

Chill on the autism they just want ur money.
Plus testosterone darkens ur skin. Every male is 10% darker then his female counterpart in every race

>> No.14197065

I'm from Montreal bruh, and if you wanna get a beer and shit, I'd be down as fuck.

I'm not Igor btw, just a friendly Montrealer.

>> No.14197263

>tfw white but ugly

ethnic & attractive >>> white & ugly

>> No.14197284

objectively incorrect

>> No.14197307

>England has a med element in it's population resulting from Roman occupation as well.

Its mostly from the Irish that are part iberian. The Roman element is pretty minisculein comparison

>> No.14197308

>asymmetrical non harmonic face
>huge head
>short legs long torso
>acne and sebaceous filaments on my face

how do i work with this, im sick of being unattractive / a virgin

only things i have going for me are white skin, decent hair, and greenish blue eyes

>> No.14197313

>I still mainly look white
Yeah maybe in Amerimuttland. In EU you would be immediately deemed black.

>> No.14197316

>live in Suomalia

You must not be from a big city like Helsinki, or Turku.

>> No.14197352

>muh white race doesn't exist theory
LOL fucking bullshit you coping faggot. You label all North Euro "10%" east asian, despite this being total bullshit. The only country in North Euro with any sort of asian DNA is Finland. Period. Pieces of shit like you will be the first to hang after this house of cards comes tumbling down.

>> No.14197376

looks like you hit random on the skyrim character creator

>> No.14197409

good thing i dont have to :^)

>> No.14197414

new thread >>14197412

>> No.14197523
File: 31 KB, 359x481, 2r2np1mrle501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking white and redpilled brother!

>> No.14197533

not a single good looking dude exept far right one

>> No.14197536
File: 55 KB, 300x460, yoshikage-kira-48480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

「KILLER QUEEN」has already touches another man's penis


>> No.14197601

Glad I'm not the only one that instantly thought of a gay Kira when seeing OP.

>> No.14197613


im white but fucking ugly

who is this cutie in pic

>> No.14197615

>Honestly, that guy's nothing special in the west or most of Europe
isn't that an acceptance of white beauty lmao fucking retard

>> No.14197640

me :3

>> No.14197658

>Imagine having culture and not being the laughingstock of the 21st century
It’s pretty fun fucking your sister

>> No.14197665

shit bait

>> No.14197673

You go ahead and keep wishing :3

>> No.14197704

i hope you guys meet this is nice

>> No.14197718
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>Pieces of shit like you will be the first to hang after this house of cards comes tumbling down.

>> No.14197725

It is though The darker your hair and skin the more inherently masculine you appear and much more likely you are to be muscular

>> No.14197811


>> No.14197826

I quite like being a minority with degree and a good job