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14189749 No.14189749 [Reply] [Original]

How should I dress to enter to Berghain ?
(as a girl)

>> No.14189763

Left is internetgirl (based in toronto) and right is lilith levisis (based in new york)

>> No.14189767


Are you alone? You won't get in.
Are you with friends? You won't get in.
Are you a girl? You won't get in. (on club night)

>> No.14189771

lol in fact i'll be with my boyfriend and.. i'm french. I feel like it's the worst combo.
My boyfriend has quite a style but I am a fucking normie :D

>> No.14189774

I almost went on a date with Lilith's best friend..but then she killed herself

>> No.14189780
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>lilith levisis

I wonder what kind of girl she is in real life ? Nevrotic ?

>> No.14189787

Ohh gimme details anon

>> No.14189804

Matched with her on tinder, she kept asking me for a xanax plug. Saw Nosaj Thing at Good Room in like 2017, and she wanted me to not only UBER her to the club, but also get her IN to a sold-out dj set. I declined. Then she got pissed off at me for trying to "abuse" her psychological disorder for me not having xanny or something. She was straight up crazy..

I'm talking about Blade btw.

Some parts of me regret not trying harder to meet up with her, could have been pretty interesting.

>> No.14189848

Sounds accurate.. V interesting

>> No.14189879

Yeah, I'd go to tresor or some other shit and not waste your time. If you aren't a regular already it's just going to be a waste of time.

>> No.14190082

i usually find this shit hot but these are disgusting

>> No.14190473

You sound annoying as hell

>> No.14190482

Literally just not look like a normie. Most important thing is that you look off the wall, but that you’re not wearing it to get it, but because that’s who you are. Go there sunday morning or something, higher chance of getting it.

>> No.14190516

I got in with a white raven on my shoulder, a fetus of a cow as necklace and wearing only a beige/pink kilt. I also removed all my teeth and replaced them with sugarcubes. had a blast !!

>> No.14191981

It barely has anything to do with your clothes. They judge your vibe on far more than that. If you care too much about how you're dressed and try to make a certain fit you run the risk of looking pretentious, which will definitely not get you in.

>> No.14191985

People on this board are very judgmental when it comes to appearance and clothes. That's the opposite of what Berghain is looking for. Just go simple/minimalistic.

>> No.14192705

"based in" implies some sort of function or operation. these are just instagram hoes, no?

>> No.14192722

its more a psychological thing if anything. act confident. its easy to get in as a girl
if you can wear some latex or something without looking awkward thats like an easy way to get in

>> No.14192731

Is it normal to just not care about clubbing or the club scene?

>> No.14192744

why the fuck does anyone wanna go here again?

>> No.14192859

What's the point of Berghain? Wouldn't it be better for muh real travel to go to a little rave or long-running hole in the wall that does techno nights?

>> No.14192889

>commodified exclusivity
>24-hr raves
>gay sex club beneath ("the lab" I think)
>massive loud as fuck soundsystem
>resident advisor-approved artists
>no-phones policy

to be fair some of these are good reasons to go but the thing about berghain is that it is catered towards a crowd of people who Sven arbitrarily perceives to be "cool" ("people who will be a 'positive contribution' to the party") so you just end up getting a party that exclusively caters to the same kind of person -- european techno-tourist tweaker art school kids. they dance, but there is no "party". nothing in common with you and the next person aside from the inherent pretension and the fact that you both tolerate ben klock and his ilk.

it's not a rave. a rave shouldn't be something that is bought and paid for. shouldn't be commodified. if you want to wear all black, k-hole yourself in the middle of the floor and pay exorbitant money for drinks/experience, go to any "underground" party in LA, it's far cheaper.

tresor and cookies are better anyhow.

>> No.14193029

u going to see Convextion this Friday?

>> No.14193057

no, he's awful.

>> No.14193138

>not rating ERP

>> No.14193230

At least she made the right choice between dating you and killing herself.

>> No.14193290

be white, otherwise don't even try
if you are female, you get in the the easiest. all you have to do is not dress and behave like a normie
if you are male, be ready to just get filtered out with RNG

>> No.14193315
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>> No.14193460

Tresor is awful full of Chinese and British tourists, and cookies closed down years ago. Do you even live in Berlin?

Goldengate, Griessmuehle and Berghain are the only good places IMHO.

>> No.14193470

it's easier to get in for the average male than the average female there

>> No.14193496

>mensch meier
>about blank
>club der visionäre

Its like you dont even like nice venues

>> No.14193509

>Farbfernseher (closing soon)
>Salon zur wilden Renate
>Rummelsburg (during Summer
The List could go on

Clubs to avoid:
Ritter Butzke (unless youre underage)
Suicide circus (on most days)
And several others

>> No.14193710

>ywn be pozzed underground

>> No.14193756

I used to date “Lilith” several years ago

Although, I never knew her by that name

>> No.14193760

Nah it normally means where the person is from

>> No.14193762

Based and trupilled

>> No.14193788

>ywn receive Rick Owen's toxic seed at berghain

>> No.14193816

Why would you avoid ohm? The line-ups are Spectacular and a friend of mine prefers it to berghain (where he has been numerous times)

>> No.14193821

Tf is Berghain

>> No.14193833

gay bathouse in berlin where background music consists of techno

Popular among tourists who would like to be popular

>> No.14193919

First of all sisy, hoppetosse and CDV are shiet in the winter season. About Blank is full of tourist. Can't really say something about Mensch Meier, never been. KitKat is OK once in a blue moon, depends on the club. But I get you.

I also forgot to add in Fiese Remise, that place is the bomb.

>> No.14193932

I got in wearing motocross pants and a really plain beige jacket but this was in like 2011

>> No.14193956


i thought the whole point was that sven chose well to AVOID le tourist art school social climbing people, and got people who were actually open minded/socially contributory

>> No.14193983
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Like this

>> No.14194042

What gives you the impression he chooses well? How do you choose well when the entire line is composed of such people? Berghain’s gotta make € somehow.

Astute, I don’t. Was there a few years back, so my frame of reference is skewed.

I really hope never to live there. The city has been culturally eroded beyond the point of no return. I also don’t speak German, like many of its current residents.

>> No.14194082
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Jesus fuck the club is loaded on every club night, just look like you fit in and dont look retarded
if you are a guy, just wear black skinny jeans, black t shirt and a bomber jacket and trendy haircut such as frend crop or a rolled up beanie and there is 90% chance you will get in
Its kind of a gay club, so girls have a harder time getting in, but if you look like a model on heroin you should get in no problem.
Never went to the club, but I met on vacation a dude that worked in berghain for 10 years 2008-2018,he maybe lied, but showed a lot of pictures where he and sven were together and he basically told me that their door policy is no different than any other techno club in berlin, if not even more relaxed
This, nothing more than a tourist trap, go to kitkat, about:blank ,tresor, Griessmuehle
gets it

Anyyway Its super easy to get in, but you wont because the majority of this board is retarded and/or underage
Now stop making this gay ass thread every two weeks

>> No.14194153


Berghain is racist. They let in pasty-faced white art school drop -outs, but they will not allow admission to any POC, despite the music they play being rooted in the black cultures of Detroit and Chicago.

>> No.14194156


because people said it was a great place to be

usually that's bc they manage to keep out posers, that's the history of every scene surely

>> No.14194164

wtf i love berghain now

>> No.14194195

Holy shit finally a club for a white man

>> No.14194203

We need to infiltrate beg Jason

>> No.14194230

First of all not even one percent here would get in to KitKat because they have no idea what is going on inside. Second Tresor is shit and same goes for about Blank.

It's easy to get in as long as you go by yourself and don't act like a tourist turd. Just make sure you know what "Wie viel sind sie" or "bist du hier allein" means. It's not rocket science.

>> No.14194235

9 white dudes and one nigger: *make X*
Omg X is totally made by black people how dare white people like it/hate it
Just fuck off,almost everything made in the last 50 years is global and made by different races and people

>> No.14194246
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dont you dare saying something about tresor

>> No.14194413
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Tresor sucks, just a huge hanger without a soul
Best club I visited in Berlin was Wilde Renatte and I heard unfortunately it closed?
It's like a private home party in those huge houses you see in American Pie. There were DJ's in all rooms of the house, and beds too.
I went to sleep in a bed and woke up with girls next to me, we did mdma and 2 days later we left. I literally was in that club for days.
Good times

Also, clubs are fucking gay. The best Techno parties are happening in Raves, old school style.
Where I live we have extremely well put techno raves in amazing places like abandoned hotel,bank or church. The vibe is more of 70's hippie movement but with modern techno. It can't be ever compared to a club because everyone is free, unlike in a faggot private establishment with retarded faggot doormen and security fags.

>> No.14194484

> every single person i know who goes to berlin
> 'wow all the clubs were amazing, i had so much fun, x was my FAVOURITE but it was all great!

> this thread
> hur no this place sucks ass stay at home
> berlin sucks
> this place is pretentious this one is homo this one is pretentiously pretentious not like me

>> No.14194497


my gf (female) went to kitkat club a lot when we were dating long distance

it's a sex club but thats only for gay men right?

>> No.14194510

sorry bro...

>> No.14194544

I am a girl and I entered to berghain wearing black transparent top with basic sleeveless tshirt under. +skirt and tights and old converse
minimum makeup
on the entrance answer "music" when they ask you what did i you come for.

>> No.14194555 [DELETED] 

are you surprised? people here are fucking sad and hate everything, dont let other people, especially losers on 4chan, affect you and your decisions.

>> No.14194562

are you surprised? people here are fucking sad and hate everything. dont let other people, especially losers on 4chan affect you and your decisions.

>> No.14194584
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Be attractive
Don't be unattractive
Women can get into any nightclub they want as long as they're not uggo brah

>> No.14194598

Racist. It's racist. Racist this. Racist that.
Stop for fuck sake you're playing a part in fueling racial divides. Stop, idiot

>> No.14194757

Truth bomb
Berghain is for tourists and trust fund kids, the magic must've died long, long ago.

>> No.14194762

it's 2019

>> No.14194769


>> No.14194775

post feet in pantyhose

>> No.14194776


>> No.14194899

Scenes are self-selecting. If you need a 50 year old ex-biker to tell you who’s cool and who isn’t, it’s not a scene. Anything but.

>> No.14194949

>Wilde Renatte
Where DO you live?

>> No.14194959

Congratulations on having a cisgf with hiv. It takes a lot of work for a girl to get that but those pansexual men were happy to help!

>> No.14194990

not him but I’m seeing AshTrejenkins instead wanna go see ERP though heard decent things about ITW

>> No.14195014

>g*rmans talking about their faggot sex clubs

lmao gay

>> No.14195550

this shit is cringe as fuck

>> No.14195588

hmm yea the Directory crowds are v friendly, but a lil young. lemme know if you end up changing your mind

>> No.14195589
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meant 2 reply

>> No.14196129


you are joking right

the club is nearly all gays afaik and i doubt she'd want to get fucked in public

>> No.14196149

oh no no no

post body

half truth, ever since sven did a GQ interview

>> No.14196584

friends are going so I’m sorta locked in =\

down for a pint or something though, svp

>> No.14196650

rule 1

>> No.14196692

Thats just 4chan for you, everybody is overly cynical and negative to compensate and feel superior or smart.

But I still think there is some value in the discussion here. Berghain is nice, Berlin clubs are nice. But I can't help and feel like they lost their underground roots. Watch any documentary footage from famous clubs and producers, the people at the events were absolutely normal looking regular people. I know the early 2000s dubstep scene in England was like a bunch of weird and even nerdy looking dorks. Nowdays search for Berghain on Instagram. its all these artsy model looking types. For girls its just fucked up girls all around overall beyond repair.
Lot of people just made their entire identity around this techno thing in the past few years. When I first found techno as a nerd I was happy, even though it was already extremely popular back then I did not feel any pressure. Nowdays I go into a club and I feel like I don't even belong when everyone is in Fila shoes and windbreakers and these weird fetish chains and all that. And most of them are barely over 18

maybe I just dont belong anywhere

>> No.14196741

Kitty is about 75% straight, depending on the club that night. But yeah a majority of the people are straight at any given time. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.14197074
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fair, the half moon show is half the price as well. If i end up going I'll make sure to pay my respects

>> No.14197091

Why go fancy berlin techno bunker when you could just go town get smashed at Revs and pull slags?

>> No.14197288

Is the DJ selection in Berlin really so fucking bad that you have to resort to trying to getting into this pretentious fucken place?
In LA, if you're going to a club it's probably because you have no taste in actual musicians.
If you want to listen to music, at least try to enjoy listening to music

>> No.14198071

>tfw no massive techno venues in the US

>> No.14198109

would b gross really. I'm fine with how things are here in socal.

>> No.14199428

>would b gross really


>> No.14199464
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cheers man, have a good night shinichiraver

>> No.14199578

big venues often attract a clueless crowd, even if they are healthy for the scene. i guess the appeal of proper clubs is the ability to spend time crafting a proper sound system and environment.
I've heard proper clubs sort of exist in NYC, but never been.

>> No.14199736

im actually coming from berlin to nyc and have no idea where to go for a show, I heard of some place up in gowanus but thats about it

>> No.14199745

The RA listings for the city look to be pretty detailed. Proper club events typically end around 4-5, and any warehouse joints will be marked with "TBA".

>> No.14199838

Didnt even think to check there because of how word of mouth everything is in europe, thanks man

>> No.14199845

to add, is there anywhere that is like a berlin dig; should I just stick to brooklyn?

>> No.14199994
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most events seem to be in Brooklyn yea. The Mister Saturday Nite ppl have a permanent location now at Nowadays, which is in Queens tho, and they seem to get decent bookings.

>> No.14200653

>be white, otherwise don't even try
this goes for any techno party desu. pls stay home.

>> No.14200654

absolute normie OUT

>> No.14200656

eliza? originalalal

>> No.14200657

einsatzgruppen uniform and a MG42.

>> No.14201051

Well i often go in tecno queer parties in Paris so I already know this social environment.. but there is
so much myths around the Berghain that it's sound like super hard to enter in.. :/

As a girl even more. Anyway I'll try I'll see

>> No.14201108

it's because they are basically international hoes who get flown all over to suck dick

>> No.14201126

Let us in

>> No.14201276

Stick to bushwick/crown heights if you are in nyc,
Williamsburg is a hellhole full of mindless rich kids, even Bushwick is mostly overrun by them

>> No.14201279

kys tranny

>> No.14201930
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>with germans

>> No.14203283
